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: a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change
specifically : such a philosophy calling for lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs (such as retirement income or health-care coverage)

Beachslim 8 Jan 21
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False flag operation. "...lower taxes, limited government regulation of business and investing, a strong national defense, and individual financial responsibility for personal needs... ARE traditional values, not new "abrupt" changes.

The progressive changes are abruptly raising the debt 20 trillion dollars - well beyond the US ability to sustain, institutionalize social programs for generations, so that eventually that demographic is the majority and completely unable to fend for themselves, and build massive, unconstitutional, unaccountable government to achieve it.

Finally the progressives lie just like this post, to keep beating the drum until the country is so far down the pipe that it can not be recovered by conservatism.

I think that description was about the conservative philosophy, not the abrupt change.

@rway No, it was claiming conservatism is against abrupt change, which may be generally true, but then equated traditional values with that abrupt change, and claimed conservatism is against traditional values. That kind of twisted logic is the same convoluted reasoning that tries to associate Republicans with the KKK - a Democrat founded organization, and claim Republicans are for big government and greater restriction of the rights of Americans, something Democrats have been going for since 1937 with the birth of the vast federal bureaucracy under FDR.


"There is nothing more conservative than a liberal institution." - PJ O'Rourke.

Once socialism engineers a society it is impossible to bring change. They become conservative very fast, preferring absolutely no change other than what aggrandizes the State.
We have socialized medicine in Canada. It has various flaws in it but - try and change it? Impossible.
The only acceptable change is to feed it more money or make it bigger. Every ten or twenty years they do a study that costs tens of millions to determine how it can be improved. Conclusion - it needs more resources. More money, more people. Then it will get to a stage where taxes cannot be raised anymore to sustain it so it will start cutting services. Smoke? No service for you. No vaccine? No service for you. The system however, remains "conserved".

A government that maintains the founding principles of a nation and remains within the boundaries of its mandates should be conservative. It allows the people and society to remain liberal. A liberal government means exactly that - its liberal. And will always work to increase the scope of its mandate and centralize its power. It will only appear liberal to the people because it says it will free them from their individual responsibilities to themselves, others and the nation. You can be free from your folly. Unwanted pregnancy? We can make it legal for you to be free from that. Fired from your job? Justly or unjustly, no problem. We can make it almost impossible for anyone to be fired (a fact in Europe). Not making enough? We'll invent a minimum wage. Government will look after you until you can't afford any tax increases and they can't afford to provide the service. Then they will "conserve" the State and crush the individual.


What needs to be added is that conservatives also prefer government intervention into personal freedoms (who you may marry or not, recreational drug use etc.

This is important to understand the difference between conservatives and libertarians.

Hanno Level 8 Jan 21, 2022

“who you may marry or not”. What?

I think the key to this observation is the fact that "conservative" has no meaning until you establish the context.
A Cultural Conservative would favor heterosexual marriage and illegalization of many drugs; depending upon the facets of culture that they wish to "conserve".
But a Constitutional Conservative (and the two are not mutually exclusive) would recognize that enforcing these preferences in the private sector is not a legitimate role of Government; no matter what they, themselves, would prefer.

I think you are correct... in that Constitutional Conservative is probably synonymous with "Libertarian"... which used to just be "Liberal" until Progressives absorbed that label into their Orwellian NewSpeak catalog.

Everybody is "conservative" in one sense or another. The Founders, themselves, were "Progressives" in their own contemporary context... seeking to supplant the status quo with a new vision. Now, the desire to "conserve" what they established, is a conservative position by definition.
And, modern "Progressives" from the 1960's-1970's, want desperately to conserve the "progress" that they've made so far, by protecting the paper-"Right" to kill their offspring, and their racist social-engineering policies that explicitly exclude White people, for example. That makes them "conservatives" in that context.

Unless qualified with context... the terms are pretty much useless, just like the terms "Left" and "Right". Labels are only useful as rhetorical shortcuts, when the receiver knows exactly what you mean when you use it. We all know generally who we are talking about, when we say "Liberals" or "Conservatives" in casual conversation. But "generally" does not suffice when you're trying to seriously get to the bottom of some issues that run all the way down to core, foundational, axiomatic principles.

Vast majority of “conservatives” believes homosexuality is a sin and should be outlawed.
Or anything contrary to whatever belief they adhere to.

If you you are a “conservative” and don’t think that, you are likely a libertarian.

@Hanno or, if you're a conservative who believes homosexuality is a sin, but it's God's job to judge and punish sin, not the government's job... then you are likely a Libertarian.
America is not a Theocracy... pretty sure New Zealand isn't either.
Laws are for protecting people's Rights, not punishing sin.

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