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Welcome to WW THREE, now don't you wish the DONALD was still in the White House????

Serg97 8 Feb 24
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Do tell me, what would Trump do differently? How would he have prevented Putin from invading Ukraine? What "strength" is there that the Right keeps tauting?

If Trump keeps boasting that this wouldn't happen if he was still president, why doesn't he call up his buddy Putin and try to get things resolved? Wouldn't that be the action of a man who truly cares about the world and peace? Wouldn't that be the action of a man who boasts that he is a great deal maker? Why would he instead be whining on Fox News and praising Putin?

You apparently do not realize how WEAK JOE is, Putin does!!!!
Putin knew DONALD would have taken action under these circumstances, and so he waited until DONALD was out of office!!!!
Russia has a good sized military, but without nukes, is no match for the US of A!!!!!!

@Serg97 ok, so what do you think should happen? What actions should be taken? Do you think the USA should declare war on Russia? Send US troops to defend Ukraine? Start bombing Russia? What show of "strength" do you want?

You know Russia has nukes, right?

@JacksonNought WE would not have to make those kind of decisions if the US of A was seen as strong and as a threat!!!!!!
With JOE in the White House, we are seen as nether!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO, at some point we will have to do something or the old Soviet Union will become a reality!!!!!
I don't know if you remember that world, I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 you didn't answer the question. What should be done? What show of strength is needed?

Exactly what strength / threat did Trump have that would have prevented this?

@JacksonNought Try, the ability to make a decision!!!!!
Which the whole world knows, JOE lacks!!!!!!!

@Serg97 what decision has Biden not been able to make?

Also, you still haven't answered. What should be done about Russia?

@JacksonNought Are you screwing around or are you actually that dumb????

@Serg97 you could actually answer the question instead of throwing out insults. Do you not have anything to back up your claims?

@JacksonNought Obviously the answer is "DUMB"!!!!!

@Serg97 so you have nothing. You're talking out of your ass and have no idea what is going on, you're just parroting what you see on Fox News. Got it.

@JacksonNought Like I said "DUMB"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 your just proving my point. Obvious troll.

@JacksonNought You know Jackson, I have educated many people during my three quarters of a century on this earth , but a figured out over that time, "I can't fix stupid", and that is you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have truly attempted it, but my many year of experience has proven that is an impossibility!!!
So Good Luck, you will need it!!!!!!!
And you know what they say about people that argue with Idiots?????

@Serg97 so you got nothing then. Got it. Just another keyboard warrior full of hot air.


Nah, if Trump was still president, Russia would have already taken Ukraine with Trump's glowing endorsement and maybe even alliance. Hell, maybe Trump would promise Ukraine some aid but only if they lied about the Democrats.

Does your particular kind of delusion have a medical name?

@Geofrank []

@Geofrank []

@Geofrank yes it does. He's got 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder'. There's no real treatment or cure. Best thing to do is to is starve them of attention (because that's all they really want, and will say anything just to get a response).

@Tom81 "waaah anyone who has a different opinion than me is a troll".

@JacksonNought you're childish reaction and projection prove my point (and we all know who the troll is). It's very telling you don't deny being a narcissist either 🤔

@Tom81 why should I care to expend energy in trying to answer troll like you? I didn't see you actually respond to my original comment, or try to refute the facts. Nah, just a random personal attack and the usual troll diversion.

@JacksonNought what fucking facts? I read unhinged opinions and hypothetical predictions Similar to that of a... troll.

But your kind does like to equate your feelings with facts, this we know. Do you like getting you literary shit pushed in? Is that why your always trolling around here? (Rhetorical question, I won't see your response. I have shit to do.)

@JordanMiller do you even know what a troll is? Because it sounds like you don't.

Troll: a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses or manipulating others' perception. This is typically for the troll's amusement, or to achieve a specific result such as disrupting a rival's online activities or manipulating a political process.

So let's see, me disagreeing with the OP - is that off topic or insincere or trying to manipulate? Nope!

Geofrank saying I have a delusion for my opinion - off topic and trying to provoke and disrupt? Yep!

Me again, showing articles how Trump is basically praising Putin for attacking and how he put Putin above the USA in the past - showing that no, he wouldn't have done anything to stop Putin attacking if he was still president. Is that extraneous or manipulative? Nope again!

Tom81 basically calling me a troll because he disagrees with me. Off topic and provoking and disruping? You bet!

You, also calling me a troll and throwing out insults, followed by basically telling me you are insulting me with no intention of having a dialog and you will ignore any response. Yeah, you can be sure that is trolling!

So yeah, I think we do know who the trolls are around here.


I wish i could still remember Reginald, and all my friends from preschool.

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