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2203020300W “IN GOD WE TRUST”?

Liberty, aka free individual agency, means you are responsible for your own actions – YOURS ALONE, NOBODY ELSES! A socialist can’t understand INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY because they don’t believe there’s a possibility of a higher power in the universe than themselves – they’re GOD-less?

May we agree on at least one thing – that human being is perfect therefore ALL HUMANS ARE FLAWED?

Pathological Narcissism may, or may not, be a proper descriptive of socialism’s hubris, but please feel free to correct it for me? How anyone can take a completely objective look at the universe and our place in it and still come away thinking themselves in control of anything is far-and-away beyond my comprehension?

Socialism is about Smoke and Mirrors of Control presenting an Illusion of Security – when Liberty is all that can matter?

On the scales of justice mentally place Socialist Control along with its Illusion of Security, then on the other side of those same scales place Liberty – can you not see it?

I would like to suggest that the MOST important (AND HERE-TO-FORE UNHEARD OF IN THE ANNALS OF MANKIND) part of The Declaration of the United States of America is:

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-”

Second only to:

“That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, “

As long as despotic ideologues seek to deprive you of your LIBERTY by calling into question partial sentences such as “…... all Men are created equal, ……..” taken OUT OF CONTEXT there will be no end of contention(s)?

I would posit that should you remove GOD from the understanding of The Declaration of Independence, AS GODLESS SOCIALISM DOES, the foundation upon which The United States is established upon crumbles into dust – just as both The British Crown and Socialists wish it to?

No where within the definition of LIBERTY can you find equality as a synonym or otherwise because equality is the false promise of socialism – NOT LIBERTY!

The objective of the founding fathers was to offer something achievable - NOT A BAIT AND SWITCH SUCH AS SOCIALISM IS?

ATHEIST my friend, are not people born with afflictions every day – how then can you believe that the founding fathers were in any way promising to stop individual affliction(s) of any kind? It takes despotic dishonest people to sell a lie that the founding fathers were some sort of faith healers – does it not? What the founding fathers were selling, if you can even call it that, was/is an individual opportunity for “…..Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”? If that means a persons “…..Happiness…..” is being an atheist, Buddhist, Muslim etc., etc. that’s your person prerogative just as long as it doesn’t impede anthers GOD GIVEN RIGHT to the very same consideration? SOCIALISM is the precise opposite of LIBERTY! You’re not required, not even obliged, to believe in a GOD just as Socialism doesn’t – THAT’S YOU LIBERTY?

PS: Woke Socialist troublesome sick preoccupation with skin color has bothered me of late? Somewhere in my mental ramblings it dawned on me that America is a unique country entitled to its own skin color to mach their American identity – MIGHT I SUGGEST THAT GREEN IS A MOST APPROPRIATE COLOR FOR ALL AMERICANS – how say you? Why can’t we just say that Liberty and ALL Americans are GREEN – and stop all this Marxist nonsence?


  1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views:

"compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"

Similar: independence, freedom, autonomy, sovereignty

Opposite: dependence, subjugation

  1. the power or scope to act as one pleases:

"individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own interests and preferences"

Similar: freedom, independence, free rein, freeness

Opposite: constraint

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

Posted by: Opaque Gorila ~ Mar 28, 2011
“THE THING - Trust in the Lord”

1914wizard 8 Mar 2
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You seem to be ignoring the First Amendement, the primary right enumerated by the Constitution, which includes "freedom of religion". This includes both non-religion and Atheism. To directly question the ability of non-believers to be true Americans, or forcing a belief in a god for American society to function, spits in the face of the First Amendment.

You are also strawmanning what Socialism is. Socialism is merely an economic model where workers control the means of production. It is an alternative to Capitalism. Both are inherently irreligious, as they only focus on economics. It isn't the same as a political model, such as democracy or theocracy.


The mark, the victim, the person being scammed/robbed, is led to believe that socialism is an economic plan of equality and nothing to do with government – is this not true? The truth is that socialism is the carrot, the bait, used by communism to lure people into the trap of communism.

This is where the tendency is to describe the people being lured in by socialism as just good hearted kind ALTRUISTIC folk – but are they? These people look in their mirror each morning as note just what a great person they are? What they’re really flaunting is socialist self-righteous blanket of ALTRUISM they use to cover up and mask the corrupt greed and envy that is their true self? The confidence criminal knows full well that an actual honest person can’t be swindled so they look for victims eager to exercise
their greed and corruption UNDER THE GUISE OF ALTRUISM?

Unfortunately the world is filled with such willing victims – yours truly included? Why do people never learn the truth of the adage: “If it looks too good to be true it probably is?” A woman will walk miles out of her way to get something if she’s told it’s free – when nothing is actually free in this whole world – someone had to earn it in some way at some time? For instantiate, the grocer across town lures the customer into
their store by offering something free, but marks up all their other merchandise just a smidgen not to mention the customers transportation cost of getting across town - was the free item offered actually free? Or as Milton Friedman as I recall famously said: “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

As I was saying, socialism is the bait but communism is the switch! Then there’s THE SO CALLED CHRISTIAN who concludes that ALTRUISM is Christian charity – the good works required of faith? This is where Ayn Rand and I part company, in that THE SO CALLED CHRISTIAN twists the words of The Christ choosing not to recognize what he said that doesn’t fit their attraction to the carrot?

Matthew 26: 10 When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me. 11 For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always. (kjv)

Mark 14:6 And Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. 7 For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always. (kjv)

A constant frustration to his detractors was that Jesus taught nothing that hadn’t already
come from GOD his FATHER:

Deuteronomy 15: 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command
thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.
What I’m trying to get to is that socialism isn’t separate from government as a commentator has told me? Just like The United States was founded as Constitutional Democratic Republic foundation-ed upon a platform of Free Market Capitalist Individualism?

Just like Hegel advocated the complete elimination of INDIVIDUALISM in favor of the
perceived collective hive mind as a prerequisite or prelude to the Utopian dream of communism – so too is altruistic socialism – YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU’LL BE HAPPY? SO BE HAPPY ELOI!

Posted by: NowThis World ~ Sep 21, 2017
Communism vs. Socialism: What's The Difference? | NowThis World

Please do correct mistakes or errors you discern – thanks in advance?

  1. showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish:

"it was an entirely altruistic act"

Powered by Oxford Dictionaries

@1914wizard what is the point of quoting the Bible? Who cares what a stone age book has to say when dealing with a multicultural and secular society?

You go on a long rant about Socialism and Communism, but ignore the fact that you still spit in the face of the First Amendment with your original post.


Or should I say, as regards to this post, a calling attention to The Parable of “The Butcher and the Analytical Philosopher,” by Robert Paul Wolff located at Time Stamp 2:00 – 6:00. And its connection to the dilemma we today face with regard to our mutual & perpetual quest for “…..Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of (our individual and personal) Happiness…….?”

Within this simple parable of “The Butcher and the Analytical Philosopher,” by Robert Paul Wolff is expressed the difference between LIBERTY and SOCIALISM – can you tell which is which?

For some reason, unperceptive to me, commentators I’ve come across can’t understand that freedom of religion and freedom from religion ARE THE VERY SAME THING? Such people are so bound up in their indoctrination that the very word GOD (the concept of a Supreme Being superior to all government(s) of man) sends them into an immediate feeding frenzy ever so sure that someone is trying to forcibly proselytize them in-violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America? I can only conclude such people enjoy argument just for arguments sake - so much so they refuse to accept a simple concept in order to engage in it?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Posted by: Alex Campbell ~ Aug 30, 2016
“Kant, Critique of Pure Reason, Robert Paul Wolff Lecture 1”

PS. Seems to me that the, apparently contentious, phase “……...that all Men are created equal,…...” is just as hard for some to understand as “It depends upon what it means?” or meant some time back – both taken or used out of context in order to obscure their meaning? When such people find themselves backed in a corner they invariably resort to semantics to try an extricate themselves?

#MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) an individualist philosophy of life – consider it?

@1914wizard "MGTOW" dude just admit you're gay. You'd be a lot more happy and less filled with rage all the time. It's fine, you can be who you really are.

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