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Feminists be like; "I hate racism, sexism and especially straight white men."

What do you call a basement full of SJW's? A whine cellar.

“...obscurantist feature in social scientists trying to combine pluralism with environmentalism. They are so preoccupied with the role of prejudice in creating hostile environments that they perpetually deny the obvious, that stereotypes are rough generalizations about groups derived from long-term observation. Such generalizations are usually correct in describing group tendencies and in predicting certain collective actions, even if they do not adequately account for differences among individuals. Nonetheless, as Goldberg explains, the self-described pluralist and prominent psychologist Gordon Allport went out of his way in The Nature of Prejudice (1954) to reject stereotypes as factually inaccurate as well as socially harmful. For Allport and a great many other social Scientists, nothing is intuitively correct unless it is politically so.” ― Paul Edward Gottfried, After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State

We have to remember stereotypes serve a purpose – they are cognitive shortcuts which make negotiating the world that much quicker. Sometimes they can be self-reinforcing. The existence of stereotypes in normal and useful and we have all evolved to use them. To try to get rid of stereotypes is foolish. And its also Sisyphus task. In other words its pointless. What really matters is the context under which particular stereotypes have emerged and context in which they are used. To try to get rid of stereotypes as whole would be going against human nature.

“There is no word in the English language that gets thrown around more freely by people who don’t know what it means than “fascism.” Indeed, the more someone uses the word “fascist” in everyday conversation, the less likely it is that he knows what he’s talking about.

The Nazis played the same games against Jews that today’s left plays against 'Eurocentrism,' 'whiteness,' and 'logocentrism.' When you hear a campus radical denounce 'white logic' or 'male logic,' she is standing on the shoulders of a Nazi who denounced 'Jewish logic' and the 'Hebrew disease'...The white man is the Jew of liberal fascism.” ― Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left from Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning

Critics have argued that intersectionality relies entirely on non-objective concepts such as "systems of power" which themselves lack a material reality, and therefore empirical basis for study, making it an ideological set of ideas, and not a proper sociological concept.

The moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt, in a speech at the American conservative think tank Manhattan Institute, criticized the theory by saying:

[In intersectionality] the binary dimensions of oppression are said to be interlocking and overlapping. America is said to be one giant matrix of oppression, and its victims cannot fight their battles separately. They must all come together to fight their common enemy, the group that sits at the top of the pyramid of oppression: the straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied Christian or Jewish or possibly atheist male. This is why a perceived slight against one victim group calls forth protest from all victim groups. This is why so many campus groups now align against Israel. Intersectionality is like NATO for social-justice activists.

Writer and political pro-Israel activist Chloé Valdary considers intersectionality "a rigid system for determining who is virtuous and who is not, based on traits like skin color, gender, and financial status". Valdary also states:
Intersectionality's greatest flaw is in reducing human beings to political abstractions, which is never a tendency that turns out well—in part because it so severely flattens our complex human experience, and therefore fails to adequately describe reality. As it turns out, one can be personally successful and still come from a historically oppressed community—or vice versa. The human experience is complex and multifaceted and deeper than the superficial ways in which intersectionalists describe it.
As zealotry (fanatical devotion).

Conservative political commentator Andrew Sullivan argues that the practice of intersectionality manifests itself "almost as a religion. It posits a classic orthodoxy through which all of human experience is explained—and through which all speech must be filtered." David A. French, writer for the National Review, states that proponents of intersectionality are "zealots of a new religious faith" intending to fill a "religion-shaped hole in the human heart.

The History of the term Intersectionality.

Coined by Kimberlé W. Crenshaw in 1989, intersectionality is rooted in the research and activism of women of color, extending back to Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech in 1851.

Observing the absence of women of color in feminist and race-based social movements, scholar activists like Crenshaw, bell hooks, Patricia Hill Collins, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Cherríe Moraga have called for a deeper look at the interconnected factors that influence power, privilege and oppression.

In other words it was the beginning of MeToo. Pun intended. You guys are getting paid?

“If I’m a black woman, I have some disadvantages because I’m a woman and some disadvantages because I’m black. But I also have some disadvantages specifically because I’m [a] black woman, which neither black men nor white women have to deal with. That’s intersectionality; race, gender, and every other way to be disadvantaged interact with each other.” (u/Amarkov)

Basically, intersectionality is mob extortion.

"In little more than a generation, feminism has obliterated roles. If you wonder why so many men choose not to get married, the answer lies in large part in the contemporary devaluation of the husband and of the father - of men as men, in other words. Leftism has influenced the literary, academic, media, and, therefore, the political elite far more than any other religion. It has taken over Western schools from elementary through graduate. The Left has taken over the universities and, increasingly, high schools and elementary schools. It dominates the news and entertainment media. And many judges and courts are leftist - meaning that their decisions are guided by leftism more than by the law or the Constitution. In colleges throughout America, students are taught to have disdain for the white race. I know this sounds incredible, or at least exaggerated. It is neither.

The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues.

Proponents of same-sex marriage regularly label opponents 'radical' and 'extremist.' However, given that no society in thousands of years has allowed same-sex marriage, it is, by definition, the proponents of same-sex marriage whose position is radical and extreme."

Krunoslav 9 Mar 25
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Woke whites forever tell me that they hate whites and adore blax, but when I suggest that they move to a black neighborhood, they look at me like I'm crazy.

sqeptiq Level 10 Mar 25, 2022

Yup, exactly. They love their virtue signaling, its is the social currency of the left, but to follow trough would mean they have to act with integrity, and that would effectively disquieted them from being woke.


My comment? We, the sane ones, the ones who just want to get on with life while minimizing its misery; have spent entirely too much time and effort listening to the "village idiots" prattle on whilst making absolutely no sense.
Laugh at them. Get in their faces and demand specifics (see Thomas Sowell talk about 3 questions to defeat a liberal TWOT's argument). Treat them as the VIdiots they are -- and move on.

I think that approach might worked a decade or two ago, but today its not just a culture war, its also actual war, as we can see in Ukraine. A religious war of this woke Marxist religion in the west vs more sane traditional east. The time for debate, was once there, but at the moment, I don't see much use for debate, since the left in the west has went off the deep end. Probably best captured with recent supreme court nominee unable to define what a woman is while supporting pedophilia, and being chosen only because of her vagina, skin color and political activism. There is really no debate left, only fight.

As the east has learned: The problem for the Left, however, is that the moment it stops painting the Right as vile, it has to argue the issues.

“Communism is as crude an attempt to explain society and the individual as if a surgeon were to perform his delicate operations with a meat ax. All that is subtle in human psychology and in the structure of society (which is even more complex), all of this is reduced to crude economic processes. The whole created being—man—is reduced to matter. It is characteristic that Communism is so devoid of arguments that it has none to advance against its opponents in our Communist countries. It lacks arguments and hence there is the club, the prison, the concentration camp, and insane asylums with forced confinement.” ― Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Warning to the West

And we have seen precisely that with Canada, Germany, France, America, UK, Austria, Swiss, Italy etc. When you challenge the regime they don't argue, they don't allow for debate, that was maybe possible many decades ago, but today, its us or them kind of scenario, I'm afraid.

@Krunoslav I agree with your point. But, we have to resort to all opportunities. Some of the simpletons are just mouthing what CNN told them to say. If you mock them some will try and ask why. There is an opportunity to save a potential. Those that don't ask, are lost, walk away.

@bobbo666 I wish that worked, but experience teaches me that the point where that worked, is passed, and the only way this is resolved is with an inevitable bloodshed, one way or the other.

Examples of this are found in history, and in reactant times, we can look at situations after WWII, like Lebanon or Balkans. When fundamental values and sense of reality is so far apart that it cannot be resolved by another peaceful means, than something has to give. One way or the other. And often this kind of intolerance we see from the left, leads to genocide or attempted genocide. Hell, if you want to think of Jab mandates as genocide and bio weapons research in labs that is released onto public, I would not blame you.

Someone put it simply like this. When conversation becomes impossible, escalation become inevitable. And watching American culture wars escalate over the years, leaves little doubt where it is heading.

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