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Hi rez: [] []

jaymaron 8 May 11
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the apogee of an extinction level event before the cardiac arrest and it goes flatline



Yes, the true villains are subtle. Yes, there are time lags Some presidents inherited a good economy and some inherited a bad economy. How would you numerically expose the villains?

Democrat logic is simple. If something bad happens during a Democrat presidency, it's the fault of the previous Republican president. If something good happens during a Democrat presidency, Democrats take credit for it. If something good happens during a Republican presidency, Democrats give credit to the previous Democrat president. If something bad happens during a Republican presidency, Democrats blame the Republican president.

There are no exceptions to this hypothesis. The hypothesis fits the data. Therefore it's legit. Democrats are infantile jerks.

Democrats cherry pick. If there is a distribution of data, they pick the data that favors them and ignore the data that disfavors them. You can slay them by showing the full data.

If I had enough time, I would list all the bills in Congress by party and using some reporting tools like, figure out their true cost. That might reveal who the big spenders are. You and I know who that will show.

Of course, the public all the way back to George Washington always attributes the economy to the President, even though as we know, the President only proposes a budget. The Congress passes what it wants almost regardless of the President. An exception was Reagan, who was so popular with the public that Congress was not as effective as usual in ignoring him.


Once upon a time, both parties were pro-America, and government was small. The president stayed out of the way of the economy so that Americans could get the job done themselves. It was hard for a president to screw it up.

Today, Biden obstructs the American economy.

@jaymaron My view is a little different. Having looked at he history of the Democrat Party, I have found it to be the party of corruption 3 to one over any other party. The founding of the KKK to keep former slaves from voting for Lincoln, Huey P long, Tamany Hall, Chicago for 100 years.... By comparison you can only find minor individual infractions by some Republicans, not systemic corruption like the Democrats. And having witnessed voter irregularities firsthand in Democrat strongholds, and having my reports swept under the rug by Democrat AGs and others, I have found it completely consistent with history. When you watch 2000 Mules, it is exactly what I have seen in the history of the party.


Trump's stats for 2017, 2018, and 2019 are great. Bigly rise in GDP/Capita and energy, and no rise in debt. Inflation was low.

The congress of 2020 spent bigly money. The blame for America's debt rests solely on Obama, lockdowns in Democrat states, and on the Democrat congresses of 2020 and 2021.

Republicans understand that energy drives the economy. Petty Democrats call this the "trickle down economy". Republicans call it the deluge economy.


Well done. But what this can't show is the time it takes both to undo extravagant spending policy and the delay in the economic response. Those both are usually on the order of a few years to a decade. Very tough to prove who is responsible for such extravagance unless you have a good memory, or bother to list the bills by cost and party sponsoring them.

For example I remember "quantitative easing" under Obama, and the debt going from about 8 trillion to around 17 trillion with him and his Democrat Congress, and economic growth at the lowest in the entire history of the country; less than 3%. You can't really see that in this chart.

Finally, the engine of economic growth in the US is the consumer. As originally envisioned, the US government under the Constitution was to have no effect on the economy. The effect begins to become significant as government removes large amounts of money from the trade stream as taxes. Originally there were almost none; only enough to support the military. Now they are a significant part of the economy but only as a brake, not an accelerator, because the government does not produce anything. It only drains money from the trade stream, and with an efficiency from 1/8 to half of the private sector, returns it to the trade stream.

A very poor stimulus and a weak but significant brake... until it siphons enough money from the trade stream to cause recession, and then prints enough compensating currency to cause inflation - which all that blue in the Congress has been doing for many decades now. You can see that clearly in the chart. That is the proof of DeTocqueville's prediction that under "democracy" the people vote themselves the goodies it has appropriated mostly from middle income earners and business (which the people pay for in higher prices) until the economy collapses.

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