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JeffHoneyager 7 June 6
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You mean because the GOP is fine with them being mowed down and executed because they like guns more than children?

No - I mean if a bad situation happens - beyond our control - the weak will die.


Yes, cannon fodder, or human resources, either euphemism for exploitation, like useful idiots. Wonder how long it will be before they are deemed expendable post-fetuses by the overlords.

When the takeover is complete. By then they would have already outlived their usefulness to the cause.

@eschatologyguy if they take over 😉 but if it does happen, they will be the 1st shot by their new masters, standard procedure as history has shown


Pretty much. Trans army to be sacrificed at the alters of new sick degenerate religion.

No... the trans army will be the new elite (or part of it).
The big picture is: to overcome Homo sapiens and its limitations. The tech nerds believe in transhumanism, the progressive left in transgender, but it´s the same goal.

@Matias66 Yes. The trans insanity can only be supported by the so called elite class with their wealth and political power . Once that is gone, luxury of not being able to find the bathroom cannot be supported anymore. And I don't know what you do with the whole generation of basket cases who are useless in any legit capacity. Another burden on society. So in a way trans religion is supported because it with with the trans-humanism idea.

The trans-humanism is more a plaything for the rich than anything else, but its been pushed down the throats of everyone, just like green agenda. The consequences of unchecked modelling with genetic and social engineering are mostly negative and once we reach a point where only way forward is to respect reality, all that luxury of insanity will crash faster than NFT's and crypo and meme stocks. Its all supported by fake fiat. But sooner or later the "printing machine" will run out of proverbial ink and people will have to work for a living. Than neither trans-humanism or transgenderism will be something that can be supported.

Russia reminded the crazy west that despite their push for radical green agenda, they all still need gas and oil from Russia. Same will be with "I identify as..." crowd. When things get to the point where one has to work for a living, they can identify as anything they want, but if they can't deliver the work they will be it a world of hurt. Much like crypto, meme stocks and NFT's , all that insanity can be supported when bubble is inflating with fake money, same is with these crazy ideologies. Once the fiat is no more, all these insane people will have to face the harsh reality and that will create whole other set of problems, because many are uterally incompetent and unproductive in anything but being activists. TikTok ain't real life.


Cannon Fodder in which war ?
Or are they all going to die in several mass shootings ?

If we do have some sort of conflict in the U.S., will the "safe space" generation be of any use? EMP (solar or man made), earthquakes, ... name the catastrophe... Weak people will die first. Sad but always true.

@Matias66 They die at the whims of the elite. So as usual, you are full of horse hockey. Donkey Cavity hockey would be more accurate though.

The U.S. is uniquely terrible at protecting children from gun violence, and ranks #32 in the world. One factor in America's high level of gun deaths is the massive number of guns in the country: Civilians in the U.S. own an estimated 393 million firearms, according to a 2018 study by the Small Arms Survey. That's nearly 46% of the estimated 857 million civilian-held firearms in the world. That's a striking proportion, when the U.S. has just 4% of the world's population. ~ according to []

Re-read it again! That's nearly 46% of the estimated 857 million civilian-held firearms in the world. That's a striking proportion... SO....what's the excuse for the world's other countries 'high' numbers? A clear and present subterfuge obfuscation ~ nearly half of the guns in civilian hands and U.S. ranks #32

Shame, shame on you (again) for exploiting on the tragedy of the lives of children.

Notice the graph chart from the US government and where homicides are, compared to others.

Also, 20% of American kids are considered obese, and may be higher by now, pre-Covid statistics here. So where is your sanctimonious outrage on all of that death & mayhem? Do you got posts on that, I would love to see them.

Do some digging research and you will find a lot more deaths by negligence than by being in the wrong place of a gun free zone.

You have to do the math on the deaths of children by adverse effects of Covid vaccinations, but start with the admitted 70.7 or 105.9 million doses of Pfizer and the amount claimed of 350 million mRNA vaccines were given just during the study period AND only on males!

@Weltansicht More guns not less guns - that's the answer.

@Weltansicht In 2021 - +100,000 deaths from opioid overdose. Waaaaaaay more than mass shootings. Since 2009, 1,565 people have died in mass shootings - focusing on mass shooting is all mainstream media driven.

@Weltansicht You rattle off the usual BS, but you say nothing to my question: in which war will the children in the photo become cannon fodder?

@JeffHoneyager Yes, that´s true. The opioid cris is ANOTHER huge scandal made in America. Which makes it TWO scandals. You can praise Big Pharma for that, or the GOP, whose puppets scrapped all common sense regulations that could have prevented the opioid crisis. Here in Old Europe, such a mess would be all but impossible

@Matias66 2 things:

1)when will the children in the photo become cannon fodder ~ is your rattle off the usual BS of ignoring the truth & reality in your face ~ THEY ALREADY ARE THE CANNON FODDER as evidenced by that same photo and their uniforms are very colorful and stylish, 21st century Hitler Youth. Surely someone who grew up in the East Germany/West Germany Stasi era would appreciate that, perhaps even your parents, or they grew up under occupation, no?

  1. your comment up there ^ the trans army will be the new elite (or part of it). the very wording of trans army means they will serve the 'new' elite, as cannon fodder, they are not in that privileged exclusive club otherwise they would not be in that army ~ another one of your misdirections at best, or just another fine example of one of your duplicitous effronteries

Just so you don't have an excuse for another nefarious vociferation going RREEEEEEEEE, I will directly answer your question: is this not THE CULTURE WAR group and you need me to explain to you in which war will the children in the photo become cannon fodder? now you have devolved into gaslighting and a first for you of moving the goal posts. So you must be really struggling, grasping for straws, throwing deflections, and off to your safe space casket to cry about it, that I am a big meany. tsk tsk tsk.

Hey! P.S. on Here in Old Europe, such a mess would be all but impossible I guess you don't realize that those opioids were prescribed by doctors not the GOP or democrats for that matter, to rebuttal your hail Big Pharma for that, or the GOP, whose puppets... or is that just another one of your virtue signalling blame shame others for being the culprits of their own victimizations again?

Seems you have bigger problems in Old Europe besides your educational indoctrination of your citizenry and the Islamic invasion your leaders welcomed, or fight for the Ukraine and the NWO (to quote your one minister) you have big problems with crime & government corruption. WELL DONE!!! and only 40% of the crime. What's the other 60%? Human trafficking?

@JeffHoneyager Yes, it would seem the escalation is inevitable on More guns not less guns

especially when you consider the illegal import of guns across the southern US border by groups such as MS13 and supplied to BLM & Antifa illegally, and maybe of a better standard quality that can legally be bought. Hmmmmmm

Allowed to cross the border illegally but still can't buy automatic weapons legally without an extensive background check & investigation OOPS! can't have that contradiction out there now, can we?

Of course, some Deutsche douche bags think that law abiding Americans need to disarm themselves because its our fault that miscreants go on rampages; while conveniently ignoring the facts of liberal run democrat cities, where the same insolence to law & order exists while shouting Bulls**t about our constitutional rights to protecting ourselves from the murderous mayhem and chanting defund the police at the same time.


Terminate their parents' parental rights, if they're in on this degeneracy.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 6, 2022

Not terminate the teachers? They always ALWAYS always get a pass.

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