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  1. Missing the obvious, most men don't want to go back to work either. Work often sucks, with little reward beyond the paycheck. Women aren't lazy or crazy. They're smart. We're just terrified to admit to ourselves that men don't want to work either. We should have THAT conversation, but you almost never see it, because political correctness weaves it's way into our thinking and speaking.

  2. Men don't have choices. There was never a conversation that says men should have a choice of whether or not they want to work. A man's supposed to work. Roles are okay, but if you're going to challenge your role, maybe I want to challenge mine too. What happens then? What happens when men say, 'okay, if you want to work--work. I'll stay at home.' Then, women say, 'hey, you know what? Working blows, I want to be be at home.' Now what? Who gets the choice? The idea of giving women choice was always flawed, UNLESS they expand choice to men and women. Of course, there was no vehicle for that conversation, because feminism was never really about equality--even back when all of the positive changes were happening. The movement was saddled with inequality from the start, and in some ways built on the 'privilege' or marginalization.

Good video.

no one wants to work but if no one works then nothing exists and we all starve to death: this is where the fantasy of communism comes from.

@acthenpens, haha, absolutely.

@RichardPD, cool.

@RichardPD, of course it's funded by taxation. Somebody's gotta work and pay in that system. Sucks if you're someone who'll never use that benefit. You have to work so others can use the benefit. I'm not sure what your topic has to do with my topic. Can you tie them together in a point?

@RichardPD, so you're saying it's a step in the right direction of true equality? Okay. Choice isn't always a legal matter. Choice without social repercussion is a different beast. Even though a few men stay home with the kids, it's very rare, and society as a whole doesn't accept that as healthy male behavior. Like a lot of things. You can do it, but you're going to pay a pretty steep social price in judgment.

@RichardPD, so by what percent is it not rare in Scandinavia? And, how will you quantify social acceptance--especially as you're in the UK? It's rare in Texas and all over the USA. And, judging by not getting ANY pushback from people outside the USA in response to my points, except for you, I'm guessing it's probably rare outside the USA, as well. If you have evidence to support your assertions or some people from Scandinavian countries saying it's not rare there, I'm willing to listen. I have read research on Scandinavian countries and found not everyone agrees over there either. Also, you don't have much cultural variation in those countries. A lot of homogeneity across many factors. As more Muslims integrate around the world, it will be interesting to watch what influence that has on some things--especially religion (obviously) and gender--even sexual preference.

@RichardPD, I think I picked up on your political position pretty early.

MY topic wasn't about paternity leave. My topic was about not working or having the choice of not working. Without reading more of the article than scanning it, did it provide more context? Is that 27.9% of men or 27.9% of men specifically at childbirth?

@RichardPD, actually I don't agree at all that most people want to work. Most people want stuff and need money for it. Most people DON'T want to work. 27.9% of men who could take paternity leave take it. That means 72.1% of men don't take that benefit that's available to them. Why not?

So, it's a step in that direction. Thanks for connecting it to my topic. I wasn't sure of the lens you were making your assertions. It's not about nobody working. It's about choice, and more than that--equal choice. Assuming at least one person in the system (family, relationship, etc.) MUST work, who's going to have to do it? And, who gets to make that decision? Women fought for the right to choose. Men must subjugate themselves to that choice, though they may not have the choice to not work when the woman chooses to work. They may want their man working even if they choose to work. My point was about real equality and not pop-equality that is talked about to no end.


Well gee wally, there's a surprise...

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