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Not sure if we are losing the culture war, otherwise they would not be getting so desperate on measures of attempted control. If they were winning then the tactics would not be volatile.

"The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier it laws are." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." ~ Tacitus

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." ~ Marcus Aurelius

I have nothing against you or what you've said. I just am capable of understanding incredible insanity very well. I just doing think the laws of logic or reasoning very much applies to those that wish to do harm to others. I mean I'm like you, I wish, that there were something that I can say that just could explain what people do or should do, but there's nothing that I can say. There is no reasoning behind someone who doesn't listen to it. If they were planning on harming the world, it doesn't matter how desperate they are, they're just going to do absolutely anything and everything within their power to get what they want. I'm not agreeing with you right now though, just saying. That's the reason I don't say I could agree with you, because I can stand over here and talk about one thing after another for anything I think is right or would be wrong, things they are actually doing, but neither political campaigns I can endorse to be right, it doesn't matter how right that I happen to think they may be, I don't talk about political beliefs so I can talk about what I think is right, if I'm going to talk about politics, it's going to be because I'm doing something about it, not to tell people that someone else who disagrees with me is wrong so other people would think I am right. There aren't any side of politics I agree with, they're all wrong. And that's because, all they do is blame something on someone else or something else, to make themselves sound like what they believe is right. You can talk about what you think is right all day long, but if the only credibility to your beliefs happens to be, because that person is wrong, that's called bad politics, because it does absolutely nothing for the people that do believe in a movement for a cause.

There are no sides in real politics. There are just people that think what they believe is right because they think they don't like what someone else believes, and then they both talk about how the other side is blaming the problem on someone or something else, at the end of the day however, that solves absolutely nothing regardless of who happens to agree or think you happen to be right too. I really don't know how to explain why that is. Because, no logical person would believe that to be right and still believe in politics to be right. And I think that just shows exactly what I mean that people what people believe to be right is wrong, because they happen to also believe in something just because other people happen to believe in it too. They call it politics, but really it's just a bunch of people in a room that disagree on whether they are the ones capable of forming their own point of view. I can say all that not because I happen to think I am right, I can say that because of it were up to me, I'd pour gasoline on all of this evil and set it all on fire literally right now if I could, but that's politics!

In my opinion, the end game of the culture war is the destruction of the present social/economic/religious/moral order, to facilitate the ashen rebirth of a “new” and “better” world. Ordo Ab Cho: Order Out of Chaos. Oddly, the new and better world looks a lot like the Dark Ages 2.0; whether the leader is Trump or Biden or whoever, global polarization will continue. Eventually, the breakdown will be complete and chaos will be achieved. The US cannot exist in a vacuum. When every other nation succumbs, the US will follow.


Putting trolls on the same footing as average Joe with regard to free speech because we like to think we're more moralistic when we do so is naive. At least now some are starting to see the ramifications for this. Having said that, I'll say this: the Democrat Party and and their minions are an existential threat. They will have your very lives given half the chance. Depopulation, remember? They should not be offered any quarter. Finally, fight smart. Don't land yourself in jail. They might just keep you there.

Isaiah 14:17
"That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?"

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