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Dr. Paul Alexander: Pfizer lied! Pure lies & CDC & FDA lied to us & knew the lie! The 95% relative risk reduction (RRR) used to get the EUA was actually 0.8% absolute risk reduction (ARR); Number needed (NNT) =125


warminster100 9 Oct 3
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I warned and warned about the intrepidation of the volumes of lies, obfuscations, & suppression of truth of clinical results of Pfizer. Anyone else would have been imprisoned for life for 3 strikes.

Information was manipulated to follow a narrative of lies.

@eschatologyguy When the masses start to require justice from the proliferation, I will not be able to stand in the way, as I was not affected by manipulated negligence because I said "no".

@Weltansicht the masses are already in a confused state from all the fear porn and not investigating enough.

@eschatologyguy The truth will set you free, the masses choose to be confused it would seem.

While I have your attention: ~ “G'mar Chatimah Tovah” — may you be inscribed in the Book of Life.......During these Aseret Yemei Teshuva (10 Days of Repentance), we say, “G'mar Chatimah Tovah” — may you be inscribed in the Book of Life. 😉

@Weltansicht It is remarkable to me that during His earthly ministry, Yeshua did not allow His followers to go to the Gentiles but only to the Jews. The Plan had been for HaShem to bless the nations through Israel. But it seems that Plan was failing, thus He turned a Christian persecuting Jew called Saul and made him His apostle to the Gentiles. But the Plan will be revisited after Daniel's 70th week, after Hosea 5:15-6:3 will be fulfilled, when Israel will be a nation of priests, just as prophesied.

@eschatologyguy Not sure about that. As I recall, did he not have interaction with the Samaratian woman at a well? Then the greatest faith he found in ALL of Israel was with a convert from the Roman legions? Then didn't the whole escapade of faith vs the law of circumcision become a contention of acceptance to the main stream authorities of temple Judaism when they were being accepted as converts according to the Scripture of Mosiac Law?

I don't think the plan was failing, just the people, as usual. There's ALWAYS been a redeemer candidate, throughout the entire history of the Bible for humanity. Just when and IF humanity is ever ready for acceptance of G_D. 2 Samuel 7:14-16 & Jeremiah 33:17 & 1 Kings 8:25

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