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Conspiracy Theories & Tribal Hate Logic 2.0

The politically correct or Antiwhites use the label "conspiracy theory" to preempt discussions and to make a topic morally TABOO to discuss and question, thereby delegitimizing discussions since only tin foil hats, right-wing extremists, and other heretics dare discuss "conspiracy theories" in public.
I claim that political correctness or Antiwhiteism is a secular tribal religion whose power is built on tribal hatred and moral supremacy; those who oppose the tenets of Antiwhiteism are seen as morally and intellectually lacking or, worse, as belonging to the evil arch-outgroup of racist-fascist-Nazi followers of Hitler-Satan. I further claim that we interpret reality to fit our core beliefs.

Therefore, we have different interpretations of the world around us, so despite, we sit in the same cinema looking at the same big screen, which shows objective reality, we see entirely different movies. (Scott Adams)
The Left and the politically correct or short the Antiwhites see reality through the lens of The Antiwhite Narrative of White man and the West bad, making them favorable to Islam and Muslims despite knowing that a Muslim majority wouldn't give them free liquor and broader sidewalks, and better sex & drugs & rock & roll life. They know Islam is incompatible with their atheistic values and free lifestyles and inimical to their POSITIVE selfish, groupish, and tribal interests. Here you can see them as stupid or (un)consciously tribally "stupid."

The Antiwhites usually don't address problems intellectually; they instead label whatever topic alternative facts, misinformation, fake news, a conspiracy theory, phrenology, race biology, scientific racism, having right-wing, fascist or Nazi roots, being antisemitic, or hate speech, et cetera.

The Antiwhites of all colors refer to heretics using demonizing slurs such as bigots, sexists, racists, xenophobes, antisemites, Islamophobes, populists, right-wing populists, far-right, far-right extremists, brown rats, danger-to-democracy, Trump supporters, science-denying, conspiracy theorists, QAnons, domestic terrorists, KKK members, fascists, Nazis, worse than Hitler, nationalists, and white supremacists.
Tactics in Antiwhiteism are to deny reality and demand sources, and when you present them with sources, they ignore or dismiss them. Moreover, they deliberately misunderstand, use strawman arguments, gaslight, lie, accuse the opposition of doing what they do themselves, et cetera.

The main focus of a hate ideology or secular hate religion is to inflict harm and mayhem on the perceived enemy. In Antiwhiteism, the hate is directed at Westerkind and Western Civilization.
The core of Antiwhiteism is that people of European descent, unlike Kurds, Palestinians, and Jews, do NOT have the right to self-determination, thereby undermining Westernkind's demographic and national interests and the survival of Western Civilization, which are demonized as Hitler-Satan's interests.

Since it's virtuous to fight Satan, it's virtuous in Antiwhiteism to fight Hitler-Satan, thereby wagering political, cultural, and psychological warfare against Westernkind and Western Civilization.
The foundation of my hypothesis on the causes of political correctness or Antiwhiteism in particular and of religions, secular religions, and ideologies, in general, is based on Nietzsche's "will to power" as the individual's most fundamental innate unconscious driving force. It's fundamental for individual and collective competition, as in politics, conflict, and war. Consequently, the will to pleasure, truth, and meaning are subordinate to the "will to power." Since the "will to power" is innate, the competition never ends — it's eternal. When some get complacent and lazy, new ones will step forward and carry the torch of competition. Every new generation has a fresh and hungry start; they take everything previous generations have achieved for granted.

I claim that the innate "will to power" (Nietzsche) manifests itself in eternal Darwinian competition for resources, partners, power, status, and prestige to pass on one's genes in the broadest sense. The eternal competition can be "domesticated" and therefore fair, open, and honest as in ideal meritocratic competition.

However, the vast field of non-meritocratic competition and power struggles is tempting and enormous. There are almost infinite non-meritocratic strategic ways, overt and covert, to gain power, control, resources, status, and making life hard for the competition and others, et cetera, to prevent them from succeeding. Most people are much more reasonable in individual than in collective competition.
The most overlooked type of competition is to hinder, sabotage, and harm the competitors, despite being omnipresent and often overt, like character assassinations, ostracizing, blaming, demonization, doxxing, debanking, deplatforming speakers, lawfare, attacks on peaceful protests, et cetera.
We have also seen that the "sacred victims" are not so sacred. The Antiwhites are uninterested in deadly black-on-black violence, even if cute little girls are killed. Moreover, after each jihadist attack, when the jihadis kill an assortment of "sacred victims," the Antiwhites react as if the victims were killed in an accident or a natural disaster, and Big Media, establishment politicians, and Antiwhites yet again declare that "Islam is a religion of peace." Furthermore, after a few days, the Antiwhites' main concern is increased Islamophobia and that Muslims might become targets of hate crimes.
We have now seen the same pattern repeated with the transgender shooter that killed six at a Christian school in Nashville. The Antiwhites divide groups into sacred and outlawed.
Days after a trans-identified shooter killed six people — including three children — at a Christian elementary school in Nashville, the Biden administration reiterated its support for the "transgender community."


The proclamation concluded with a pledge to "work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all" trans-identified people.

Biden's proclamation did not include any mention of the deadly shooting at The Covenant School earlier this week.
End quote
[christianpost (dot) com/news/biden-says-trans-people-under-attack-after-christians-killed.html]
Compare this indifference and quick transfer of victimhood to the sustained outrage they show when whites, especially white police officers, accidentally or in self-defense kill blacks with criminal records resisting arrest.

However, they get distraught over "heinous" crimes like when Covington high schooler Nicolas Sandman smiled while white; actor Jussi Smallet's Trump hat, noose, and bleach hate crime hoax; and racing driver Bubba Wallace's garage pull rope noose. Big Media used these faux "hate crimes" as the antiwhite blood libel of omnipresent racism to whip up antiwhite hatred against the entire Westernkind.

Worth noting is that only whites and Uncle Toms are "electrocuted" if they touch the "third rail" by criticizing or claiming that the "sacred victims" have agency or by saying the N-word.

It's pretty evident that Islamism is NOT part of Satan's Domain (see below) in Antiwhiteism, but that the Antiwhites are desperately seeking evidence validating their tribal hatred of Westernkind and Uncle Toms in racist Hitler-Satan's domain.
Significantly simplified: I suggest that we can understand Evil and Satan as what threatens the perceived interests and unity of a tribe and that the tribe and individual must have a way to identify and deal with heretics and unbelievers relative to the tribe's belief system — identify Evil and Satan and his demons.
The concept of EVIL so understood suggests that, for instance, breaking the ten commandments in Christendom, burning the Quran in Islam, claiming biological differences between sexes and races in Antiwhiteism indicates that an individual or group is EVIL or possessed by Satan or in Antiwhiteism racist-Hitler-Satan's demons. Thus in eternal collective Darwinian competition fighting Evil or Satan is a NEGATIVELY motivated tribal struggle to quash competition.
Fighting Evil or Satan with moral blindness is seen as GOOD. Many see the glee and Schadenfreude on social media when some Trump supporter has been canceled or socially lynched as virtue signaling when it's instead villainy signaling emanating from the joy of inflicting harm and mayhem on perceived evil.

Antiwhiteism denies in many contexts (victim groups) the human capacity for evil, agency, and personal responsibility. It has replaced the Satan of Christianity with Hitler-Satan and demonized the biological and national interests of whites as those of Hitler-Satan. This demonization is a weak point in Antiwhiteism since it collides with whites' biological ethnocentrism.

It is man's solid and unconscious innate belief in the EVIL of the tribal opponents (e.g., they eat children and drink their blood) that forms the emotional basis of Political Correctness or its much more descriptive name Antiwhiteism. Believers see themselves as the righteous (not self-righteous) with all the angels on their side while seeing their opponents as EVIL. Most white Antiwhites or Inverted Whites do NOT believe in God while believing in the evils of perceived hostile outgroups and their own and their ingroup's righteousness.

Antiwhiteism is tribal and based on the hatred of the evil arch-outgroup Hitler-Satan's racist-fascist-Nazis as the ONLY source of ultimate evil in the West. Communism and Islamism are NOT demonized; hence the 100+ million killed by communism are statistics; they are not negatively emotionally loaded. Communism is just failed goodness, and "Islam is a religion of peace." Moreover, since whites' biological and national interests are demonized, the white Antiwhites or Inverted Whites are fighting their objective interests in the tribal struggle against the perceived evil of their opponents.

Evil can be objectively genuine, of course, but perceived political evil is often an offensive PROJECTION of one's collective hatred of the individuals and groups that hinder the collective "will to power" (Nietzsche) or those one wishes to demote or conquer in the name of justice, equality, or equity. The evil is thus perceived as located within the political opponents: the Kulaks in the Soviet Union, the Jews in Nazi Germany, the "capitalist roaders" in Mao's China, intellectuals (spectacle wearers) in Cambodia, the Tutsis in Rwanda, the upper class, the right, racists, Trump, white supremacists, communists, spies, traitors, those who have abandoned God, etc. Since they are perceived as evil, they have "deserved" the Gulags, death camps, democide, and genocide with the moral blindness that man tends to treat EVIL.
The white Antiwhites are incredibly hostile toward the white-positive and white sympathetic spheres, the evil arch-outgroup plus Uncle Toms and "race traitors," and favorable toward nonwhites' ingroup preference (ethnic pride) and outgroup hostility (valid anger toward whites); they tend to rationalize nonwhite's hatred and violence against whites as valid anger, finding a plethora of reasons like:

The Crusades against Muslims, the Inquisition of heretics in the name of Christ, medieval cruel punishments of petty thieves, witch burnings, colonialism, the trans-Atlantic slave trade, black slavery, the Indian Wars, genocidal spreading of disease, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynch mobs hanging innocent blacks, the Tulsa Race Massacre, rejection by segregation, rejection by apartheid, police brutality against blacks, prejudiced courts, wrongly executed prisoners, antisemitism and pogroms in the Russian Empire, nationalism, the World Wars, fascism, Nazism, the Holocaust, the atom bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, McCarthyism, American imperialism in South America and the third world, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, et cetera.
Since Islam, Islamism, and communism are NOT demonized in Antiwhiteism, their millions of victims are just statistics. 100+ million victims of communism are just a figure on paper; it's not emotionally charged. Therefore Islam and Muslims are regarded as "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" by the Antiwhites.
The Antiwhiteism Pole
Using Steven Pinker's analogy between the North Pole, where all directions are South, and the Left Pole, where all directions are Right, all directions from the Antiwhiteism Pole are right, far right, fascist, Nazi, and racist. With religious terminology, we could call the area outside the polar area (polar circle) of Antiwhiteism Satan's domain. More precisely, Hitler-Satan's domain, with his and his demons' headquarters located at the South Pole.
Generally: Satan's domain is outside of an ingroup's belief system, and the interests of said belief system; it contains what is tabooed, delegitimized, blamed, or demonized.
Antiwhiteism is maladaptive for whites since the interests of Westernkind and the West are located in Hitler-Satan's domain.
Forces Of Evil And Political Satan
Since the Antiwhite Belief System (AWBS) is a stealth and secular religion, it doesn't openly have a God or Satan. But racism, fascism, Nazism, and Hitler-Satan are demonized to fill that designated place of Satan in the Antiwhites' minds. The accusation of Islamophobia is an accusation of racism light.

● Fascism and Nazism
● Racism and discrimination
● White supremacy
● Racist-fascist-Nazi-Hitler-Satan
● Phobias (defined as any hesitation or hostility against destabilizing and destructive forces)
● Sexism, et cetera
● Conspiracy theories
● To argue for a race-realistic view that all men are created unequal by "Darwin" or God and that race is a biological reality of great importance
● To argue that all differences between humans regarding intelligence and other psychological traits have a significant and substantial genetic component
● To argue that all Peoples, ethnicities, and races may have different average IQs
● To argue that the difference in IQ between individuals is highly hereditable
● To deny the Holocaust or even discuss its details
● To evaluate, compare and criticize the behavior and achievements of the weak, "sacred victims," and "the other" and their cultures and religions
● To argue that "sacred victims" have agency and responsibility
● To assert whites' right to feel proud of their identity
● To advocate for whites' right to homelands and self-determination
● To argue that intelligence is primarily hereditary
● To argue that different ethnicities and races have different average intelligence
● To argue that social stratification is mainly due to differences in intelligence
● To argue that global inequality is mainly due to differences in average IQ
● To say the n-word is strongly taboo for whites but okay for blacks, and in rap music
The denial of the Holocaust is criminalized in Austria and Germany, and criticizing Islam and immigrants using the wrong wording could be a hate crime in many countries. There is now an overhaul of the hate-speech law in Sweden, where belittling the Holocaust will likely be criminalized.
The liberals or Antiwhites believe they have universal morals and are universally inclusive despite their identity politics. They are unaware that they divide people into ingroups, allied outgroups, irrelevant outgroups, enemy outgroups, and the evil enemy arch-outgroup. Their White Flight from their neighborhoods, when Muslims and blacks move in, are signs that they see them as outgroups — allied outgroups. The white Antiwhites or Inverted Whites show biological ingroup preference but programmed Antiwhiteism.
NOTA BENE: The Inverted Whites see the interests of Westernkind and Western Civilization as the interests of the evil enemy arch-outgroup. Hence the AWBS trumps white ethnocentrism. Tribal outgroup HATRED creates MORAL BLINDNESS and the will to inflict harm and mayhem! Please remember how immoral and cruel man have treated and attacked members of enemy outgroups and hated demonized outgroups throughout history!

The ONLY source of ultimate evil (Satan) in the secular religion of Antiwhiteism comprises 20th century demonized racist, fascist Nazis, the ultimate evil original arch-outgroup. Everybody is mandated to HATE the politicized secular Satan — the evil arch-outgroup — in the name of anti-racism and anti-fascism, making Communism and Islamism opposite religions to political Satan, thereby making the victims of Communism and Islamism emotion-free statistics.
Would your partner think your love and care for them was sincere if your reaction would vary between total outrage and indifference, depending on the aggressor's sex, religion, political conviction, and race?
How can we know if the feelings of empathy, compassion, and acts in the name of altruism, goodness, solidarity, and tolerance, claimed by the Antiwhites of all colors, are sprung out of universal compassion or are conditioned by nonconscious motivations? I claim that the emotions are genuine but that the unconscious control these emotions to be consistent with our tribal and individual interests.

Take, for example, the apparent group ethics that prevail during a tribal conflict like war; it's still tabooed and prohibited to kill, but you cheer on your armed forces killing the enemy and celebrate your best killers as war heroes with genuine joy and enthusiasm. At the same time, you feel worried and angry over your side's losses to the enemy war-criminal bastards. Moreover, if a common Big Enemy attacks hitherto combatting enemies, they can cease hostilities and ally against the Big Enemy. Furthermore, our emotions will align with the new constellation on the battlefield. We will cheer on our former enemy in solidarity, now brother in arms, in his battle against the Big Enemy. Hence, during warfare, our emotions like solidarity, tolerance, compassion, and hate align with our collective "will to power" and will to inflict harm and mayhem.

I claim that the Inverted Whites or white Antiwhites intuitively see, for instance, Islam and Muslims as 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' against the Big Enemy, the evil white arch-outgroup. This unholy mental alliance at the grassroots level is not based on tolerance or indifference; this alliance is a manifestation of an innate tribal coalition seeking.
Tribal hate logic differs widely from rational logic. A neo-Nazi could say the following without experiencing any cognitive dissonance: – No, there has not been any Holocaust! (Holocaust denial) Pause for 30 seconds. But why the f**k didn't Hitler finish the job? This statement is, of course, inconsistent with rational logic. However, I suggest this is an example of consistent tribal hate logic against a perceived enemy arch-outgroup.
From a tribal neo-Nazi perspective: The Nazis were INNOCENT since the Jews, as the perceived evil enemy arch-outgroup (Satan's followers), only got what they deserved from an ingroup perspective.

Likewise, the Antiwhites deny that the perpetual mass immigration to the West will make Westernkind a minority. (Replacement denial or, more precise white erasure denial) But when Joe Biden says it's a good thing that America gets less white, it's a commendable statement and development. But when you try to object, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist, hater, xenophobe, racist, or fascist. This gaslighting is also inconsistent with rational logic but consistent with tribal hate logic. Please remember that the will to pleasure, TRUTH, and meaning are subordinate to the "will to power."

The neo-Nazi Antisemites blame the Jews for all the world's ills, and correspondingly the Antiwhites blame Westernkind and Western Civilization for all ills of the world. The similarity between the ideologies or secular religions is the method for identifying the root cause of all problems, where the most profound root cause always is the hated arch-outgroup with a desire to inflict harm and mayhem on the objects of tribal hate. The desire to inflict harm and mayhem on the enemy in tribal warfare is perfectly understandable in a life-or-death tribal conflict.

The "conservatives" see the "liberals" as naïve, uninformed, and stupid but not evil; they often claim that the "liberals" are motivated by good intentions but that their policies fail due to a lack of deeper understanding; When they de facto, are waging political, cultural, and psychological warfare against Westernkind and Western Civilization. The "conservatives" cannot get into their heads that the "liberals" see them as EVIL, an evil outgroup.

The Antiwhites of all colors refer to heretics using demonizing slurs such as bigots, sexists, racists, xenophobes, antisemites, Islamophobes, populists, right-wing populists, far-right, far-right extremists, brown rats, danger-to-democracy, Trump supporters, science-denying, conspiracy theorists, QAnons, domestic terrorists, KKK members, fascists, Nazis, worse than Hitler, nationalists, and white supremacists.

The "conservatives" counter these psychologically damaging slurs and demonization by calling the Antiwhites — liberals. The foundation of the rule by "egalitarian" moral supremacy is: We are all equal, but all opponents to Antiwhiteism are morally reprehensible racist-fascist-Nazis, defenders of the strong and wealthy and uncaring of the weak, poor, and vulnerable.
The Antiwhites of all colors demonize & generalize vs. trivialize & individualize perpetrators as it fits them best. All Trump supporters globally were somehow made guilty of the storming of the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, while Islam still is a religion of peace after 43,000+ (Apr 2023) deadly attacks in the name of Islam since 9/11, 2001, when "some people did something" according to Rep. Ilhan Omar.
thereligionofpeace (dot) com
nypost (dot) com/2019/04/10/ilhan-omars-outrageous-writeoff-of-9-11s-horrors/
The most hostile Inverted Whites or White Antiwhites cheer on the mass immigration of nonwhites to the West to defeat the racist Hitler-Satan. Simultaneously, the less hostile, not fully Inverted Whites are TALKING about reducing immigration while denying the imminent and existential threat to tiny Peoples of European descent, labeling a minority outcome for whites a conspiracy theory, thereby delegitimizing any discussion. When Joe Biden says it's good that America gets less white, it's a commendable statement and development. But when you try to object, you are labeled a conspiracy theorist, hater, xenophobe, racist, white supremacist, fascist, Nazi, et cetera.

Moreover, if you push them, you will often find that they cannot imagine stopping immigration completely and oppose this idea by accusing you of xenophobia, racism, and "white supremacism." They are mentally unable to prioritize their own and their descendants' ethnic and national interests over other Peoples' interests, and they will find a million reasons not to do it. The hostility and inability to prioritize Westernkind over people who see them as outgroup unbelievers indicate that they haven't gone free and switched tribes yet. They are partially stuck in the antiwhite morality while the Antiwhites regard them as heretics.
The white Antiwhites are believers, but they are more convinced that Hitler-Satan and his demons possess the heretics than they believe in the sacred values and dogmas of Antiwhiteism.
The reason why politicians have advocated for, and the people have accepted, mass immigration is that they have, via the education system already as children, internalized that Western nationalism is dangerous and EVIL. Nationalism is seen as racism, fascism, and Nazism, a continuation of Hitler-Satans' Third Reich. Thus the antiwhite believers see, e.g., the Swedes' self-determination in Sweden as morally wrong, thus making them mentally unable to defend themselves and their majority position in Sweden. The same mental castration has occurred in all Western countries. Small wealthy nations cannot open their borders without being flooded with immigrants, gradually making their people minorities.
A Long Political Process Or Did It Just Happen
There is a new debate in Sweden now where SOME Antiwhites finally accepts the statistics regarding immigration to Sweden, that young Swedes already are in the minority in many towns. But they insist that just has happened; people migrate to get a better life, and that it's a right-wing extremist conspiracy theory that its people and politics behind this. That is entirely wrong since there are an enormous amount of political decisions that have facilitated the demographic transformation of the West; here are a few examples:

● The right to seek asylum granted by Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
● The Hart-Celler Act of 1965 opened up for nonwhite immigration to the US.
● The Swedish Parliament decided to MAKE ethnically homogenous Sweden multicultural by unanimously adopting proposition 1975:26
● UN: Replacement Migration: Is it a solution to declining and aging populations?
[Replacement Migration as a measure to counter the birth deficits causing population decline and aging populations in the West]
digitallibrary.un (dot) org/record/412547
● UN: Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly
digitallibrary.un (dot) org/record/1660537?ln=en
● EU: The Schengen Agreement, where 27 countries have largely abolished internal border control creating the Schengen Area
● Sanctuary cities in the US that are safe havens for illegal immigrants
● Obstructing the building of the wall between the US and Mexico
● Governments stealthily practicing open borders while claiming strict control
● EU is very opposed to Hungary, which seeks to remain a Christian country, thus refusing Muslim immigration and endorsing Hungarian families to make more babies. Hungary is thereby trying to avoid Muslim replacement migration.
The Migration Pact
EU is now adopting a Migration Pact creating a compulsory quota system for the member states based on their economy and capacity to welcome refugees and migrants. This development is alarming since the member states will lose control over their immigration policies to Brussels. From experience, we know there is no will to enforce regulations and laws restricting asylum and migration.
A refugee is mandated to apply for asylum in the nearest safe country, but in practice, most asylum seekers come from Afghanistan, Pakistan, MENA, and East Africa, far away from Europe, and are allowed to asylum shop for countries with the most generous benefits. Sweden even rushed through a law that granted 9000 Afghan asylum seekers that had been found NOT to have the right to stay conditioned asylum. They could stay if they finished high school with approved grades. The parliament passed the law against the recommendation of the Council on Legislation. As predicted by a hoard of critics, this law has created a circus.

● Search and Rescue ships (SAR) operating close to North Africa and, instead of returning those rescued to the nearest safe port as mandated by The Convention of Search and Rescue, ferry them to Europe.

● The Dublin Regulation stated that asylum seekers should be processed in the country of entry, but it didn't take long before enforcement was abolished. Soon it was a free flow of migrants through the entire EU that had entered the EU in Southern Europe.

● The UK voted for Brexit and left the EU, and now the flow of migrants from safe and prosperous France is reaching new record numbers, even though the UK has laws proscribing the immediate return of illegal immigrants from France.

● The UK is now discussing the Illegal Migration Bill, finally stopping people from crossing the Channel in small boats.
A Doctoral Thesis On How Sweden Became Multicultural
The multicultural moment: the history of the idea and politics of multiculturalism in Sweden in comparative, transnational and biographical context, 1964–1975
Wickström, Mats (2015-01-16)

You can download the doctoral thesis here:
doria (dot) fi/handle/10024/103098
doria (dot) fi/bitstream/handle/10024/103098/wickstrom_mats.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
Refugees Welcome
Antiwhiteism is built on alienation, opposition, blaming, and fear of the Evil arch-enemy and climate change. The sense that society is racist and fascist activates our innate coalition seeking against a common enemy. Therefore making the unholy alliance between feminists, the LGBTQ+ movement, the sex & drugs & rock & roll youth, and Islam & Muslims mentally possible and wanted. The antiwhite Westerners know that their values, worldview, and lifestyles are incompatible with Islam, but they feel that the "enemy of my enemy is my friend."

The mass immigration to the West has not just happened; it's the result of a long political process, starting with the right to seek asylum granted by Article 14 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). But Article 14 in the UDHR also resulted from a long political process driven by people.
A key to understanding politics is understanding whether people are positively or negatively motivated. I claim that we are "mental slaves" under our belief system and that we all have a belief system. Our first belief system is internalized early in childhood.
The antiwhites don't want mass immigration out of positive motivation; instead, the negative motivations dominate since the antiwhites see Western Civilization as unfair or EVIL. Therefore the West has to be punished with mass immigration. Hence the antiwhites fight racist Hitler-Satan in alliance with nonwhites.
State Flight
People move from California to, for instance, Florida, Idaho, and Texas to escape high costs, homeless people with anti-social behavior, and criminality. But many continue to advocate for the same politics in their new State, despite resulting in them moving. This continued advocacy for the same politics is because they are mentally enslaved under their Antiwhite Belief System (AWBS), you cannot make decisions that go against the morality of your belief system, and the morality of AWBS is antiwhite and anti-Western.
White Flight
Antiwhiteism is maladaptive for Westmen since it contradicts their biological ethnocentrism. Antiwhiteism severely threatens the white antiwhites' survival since they advocate and act against their long-term biological ingroup interests at multiple levels. However, white antiwhites show biological ethnocentrism since they don't want to live with the nonwhites they welcome, and the white antiwhites don't want their children to attend the same schools as the nonwhites they claim to CARE so much for. Since they don't want to suffer themselves, they practice White Flight! Moreover, the white antiwhites are unaware that they are true believers in AWBS and that it conflicts with their subordinate biological ethnocentrism. Hence, they aren't just virtue-signaling hypocrites in the usual understanding of hypocrite since they are unconscious believers in the maladaptive and superordinate AWBS.

To get a more comprehensive view of Antiwhiteism, please read:


Part One: pwrmos.wordpress (dot) com/2022/08/12/political-correctness-whites-inverted-ethnocentrism-1-02-part-one/

Part Two: pwrmos.wordpress (dot) com/2022/08/12/political-correctness-whites-inverted-ethnocentrism-1-02-part-two/

Part Three: pwrmos.wordpress (dot) com/2022/08/12/political-correctness-whites-inverted-ethnocentrism-1-02-part-three/


Part 1: minds (dot) com/newsfeed/1363245152017059858

Part 2: minds (dot) com/newsfeed/1363244609697746945

pwrmos 5 Apr 23
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It isn't paranoia when there is actually someone out to get you.


We need corrective labor camps for the anti-whites and the nog-worshippers.

sqeptiq Level 10 Apr 23, 2023

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