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IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE!!!!!! Why don’t they want us back to work? Why do they oppose treatments that work? Why do they ridicule people who oppose the lockdown?

Sorry: it makes perfect sense.


Edgework 8 Apr 25
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Isn't it sort of funny how we can all refer to just the one word "They" and basically all come up with imagining the same element of society. If people would realize the longer term goal, the overall plan, they could understand why "they" don't want us going back to work. It's all or nothing in a sense. Allowing a few to keep going so society doesn't completely collapse ensures there won't be a revolution. You can get your vehicle fixed, you can buy food, you can arrange numerous services. However, one of the main goals is to shut down the farmers. Those who raise animals and supply the food chain are so closed down, they are loosing their capacity to survive. "They" will be able to buy up all of those people's assets and gain control over the food supply. Imagine, that's one of the biggest forms of control there is. Farmers raising animals can't keep feeding their stock, and they'll go out of business. The meat packing plants close because of this out break, so farmers have no where to take their stocks. The supply dwindles and becomes more scarce. Grain processing will be affected so supply will also dwindle. Control (ownership) of the food supply will enable control big time. So, they have to shut down almost everything to accomplish that control. Besides, with people sitting around doing little, getting no exercise and sun shine, our immune system weakens. People go out of business and their assets can be bought up cheaply. More and more, little bites by little bites, the people will loose more and more until we are completely under the thumb of "They". There are lots of ways to see this fiasco.


This has been the objective of the LIBS/DEMS/ COMMIES, what ever you want to call them, for the last 50+ years!!
Wake up AMERICA, or you won't have a Constitution, or a Country!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Apr 25, 2020

Or a planet!

@energymixer Don't forget, THEY are going to save the plant, for themselves!!!
We will be kept around to maintain THEIR lifestyle!!!!!!!

I understand Agenda 21 but unless they stop murdering the animals and planet they are in for a big surprise as of right now they have no planet B. I'm with Michael Moore on this: When are people going to stop listening to billionaires? Everything is a lie.

@energymixer So Michael Moore is the smartest person you know???????

Was that your most intelligent come back????? He does put out some good documentaries. My statement was not meant to offend you if I wanted to get into a pissing match I could have stayed on FB. I can skip your posts dear. Namaste'

@energymixer It was a question!!

I just like to look at the Big Picture the outcome of the situation and I did and do not understand why that would even be a question but now that you ask I do not and never will IDOL worship!

@energymixer OK, so what IDOL are we talking about? GOD/ MOTHER EARTH or?

@Serg97 The earth and Love/God are not IDOLs. Actors , Elitist, Billionaires, Popes are Idols worshiping men or women are Idols! I don't need anyone to worship so I feel better about myself Just because I agree with a documentary does not mean I see them in any certain manner nor agree with their policies or look up to them.BUT I do respect truth tellers. I'm more likely to look up to a Shaman than a rich man, why would you ask me these questions? I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone.

The truth is the earth and her animals are in trouble because of rich men raping, plundering and murdering her and not only her but all the rest of us for greed! The planet is wounded as in when you pour poison into an ant hill you not only kill the hill you kill the ants. Greed is evil.

@energymixer OK, I get it!!! It is better to live in a cave and die before you are 35, like things use to be!! No over population that way!! Oh, wait that is how we got to this point in history!!!

I believe if you have no respect for your toys and you keep breaking/destroying them you will run out. The planet is not infinite and there must be a better way but instead in the states if you are not Left or right and worship greedy pukes that LIE for profit then we are an outcast for people like you dear. Common sense has been gone by the way side. Why is caring/compassion for the earth and animals so offensive?

@energymixer Your theory about "YOUR TOYS" is correct for you!!
I prefer inventing/manufacturing new and better toys!!
PS, I care a great deal for the Earth and her animals!! I also believe WE are required to control and manage those assets as GOD mandated!!

Well we have finally come to some common ground. 🙂

@Serg97 Now is a time when people need to stick together, supportive, not destructive against each other. At least Michael Moore is willing to stand and point out realities to society, like George Carlin had his way of telling truth to people. All you come up with is criticism, so being a troll is the best you can offer? We are facing a common over lord who ae NOT holding the best interests of the people in mind, so we need to pull together, not poke each other with sharp sticks.


They would rather see this country fail than allow Trump to succeed.

FEWI Level 8 Apr 25, 2020

Almost as if those things don't fit a pre-determined "plan" of some kind?

Agenda 21

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