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How the world sees America

BikerPetehall70 8 May 8
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I think the clue is in the Title. It's "How the world sees America" not "How Americans see America". It can be difficult to see an outsiders perspective from the inside, especially if you don't suffer serious consequences of Americas behavior. There's never a simplistic, black and white answer anyway and it's always uncomfortable reading negative facts about ones own country. Trying to defend it in this aspect doesn't change the facts.

"Serious consequence for America's behavior"??? What kind of nutbag singles out one single sovereign nation which acts in its best interests as it should? I'll tell you: judge, jury and executioner. A superior being in their own mind, actually too dumb to understand the World.

Act in your own best interest, @TimTuolomne do it within your own borders , Americans who travel often spend time apologising

@TimTuolomne Ever been on the receiving end of America's military? You know, a serious consequence of it's behavior. Are all the wars that America embarks on justified and in it's best interests? Like i said, the question isn't "what Americans think of America" because, as your post demonstrates, you've no clue what it's like to be on the receiving end and therefore your opinion is invalid. Talk about to dumb to understand the world when you can't even understand the initial question.

@maxmaccc, Feel free to bash the US, and me for that matter. It will not pass for intelligent argument. You have presented none.

@TimTuolomne You see stating facts as "bashing" the U.S. It wouldn't be "bashing" if it wasn't true. Personally, i see it as a simple fact. As for personally attacking you, my comment was a retort.

@maxmaccc. I don't know about you, but I only assert something is fact with proof.

@TimTuolomne What would you say is nonfactual in my post?


The world can go to hell. It always does without us wiping its ass.

Facci Level 7 May 9, 2020

There are countries who ticked along nicely for up to 2000 years without you! We have houses in England older than your nation! Its like a 20 year old telling a pensioner that they know nothing and you know better!

@BikerPetehall70 ticked along nicely? I saw Braveheart. I saw what living under your shithole tyrants was like. Puh-leez.

@Facci we sent our criminals to Australia and our religious nuts to America, who got the better deal long term, BTW nice to see the level of American understanding of world history " braveheart" you are so uneducated about the world

Come on now, If you see what Bush, Clinton, Bush and Barry did as wiping ass then I know what you did with the TP.

@cRaZyTMG, @BikerPetehall70 Edward I is just one of many. I understand plenty of British History. I admire the Empire and British culture but it was hardly a utopia. We dropped you like a bad habit, and far surpassed your legacy. Your pathetic island has been ruled by French Vikings and German Monarchs for the better part of a millennium what exactly have the British people accomplished other than on the Billboard Charts.

@Facci And that makes what BCBBB did to "the world" acceptable? And you go all the way back to the 13th century to find a counter example? Please, if the likes of BCBBB is your asswiping services, I choose going to hell. If you want to send the Donald, We can talk.

@cRaZyTMG clearly your understanding of British history is stunted. I went back to the 11th century and returned to the present in the last reference. BCBB are not really a part of this conversation.

@Facci Edward I (1239 - 1307). (13TH/14TH CENTURY) He invaded wales (twice), killed their leader and established the first Prince of Wales. He established the English parliament as a source of funds for the crown after/while presiding over the expulsion of Jews from Britain in 1290. He died underway to fight a Scottish Rebellion under Robert the Bruce after killing William Wallace the year before.
Oh and he was a key part of the 8th crusade. Much like BCBB crusade in the late 20th/Early 21st centuries.

and I'm not British...

@cRaZyTMG I know all about Edward I. I shouldn't have to tell you that the Normans ruled from 1066 to 1485 and the Germans ruled from 1714 to the present. Just as the Americas have been ruled by a foreign minority thus the UK has been ruled by foreign interests since Canute. The British Isles have been the staging area for much great global history. Conscripted, Scots, Welsh and Irish subject to Norman and German Aristocracy with whom shall the credit rest? But your best would never hold a candle to American Exceptionalism.

@Facci just about every part of modern life was invented by Brits apart from the aeroplane and the car!

@BikerPetehall70 just about is a loose term.


Sounds like more script than reality. Reality is the US providing foreign AID which is then stolen by their governments, and not delivered to the people, and while we obey "Rules of Engagement," the thugs out there place women and children in front of them as they perform terrorist acts, and when they get hurt, blame the US. What kind of treasonous moron makes up stuff like this blue meme?


Some of them bring up Mohammed or <drum roll> God.


What is the most moral country capable of defending its borders?

There's no such thing as a moral country,

@BikerPetehall70 countries take action that affect other countries.

Do you consider the actions of a country as moral actions or do you use another word?

@SupraLibrix what's morality got to do with it

@BikerPetehall70 difference in morality causes war

Morality is usually the excuse for war, @SupraLibrix rarely is it the real reason

@BikerPetehall70 Morality defines how you reason, right?

Wars are inevitably over resources then morality is given as the reason when its actually an excuse @SupraLibrix

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