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Are you struggling as I am to define this faceless enemy that threatens the world today? Sometimes the puppet-master appears to be progressivism, marxism/communism, socialism, fascism, nationalism, capitalism, elitism, globalism or any combination of these ideologies/economic philosophies? After research and consideration I think its Technocracy driven by science, technology and globalism.

I found this article with a table that identifies the features of technocracy, communism/socialism and fascism. Once seen side by side, I could see a clearer picture of what I am seeing worldwide. They have been able hide in plain sight using science. For example: they believe in genetic cleansing so abortion is fine, they want UBI and control of resources so they mix right in with progressive SJWs on these issues, they believe in social engineering to manage humans in accordance with their defined place and function through the application of sociologic principles and propaganda reinforcement through media using issues like identity politics so very progressive SJW, they believe the earth is over-populated so they support environmentalism and movement of populations out of the rural areas to 'smart-cities which is associated with progressive SJWs but aligns with communism's desire to totally control the population, etc. and, last but not least, they are not politicians. Technocrats are used by politicians because they get things done as the unelected but pulling the strings behind the scenes. Politicians come and go but Technocrats remain outlasting political ideologies and are extremely powerful which is the danger. Think Gates and Fauci.

The Technocrats initial action plan, Agenda 21, was adopted by the UN in 1992. In 2015 they injected steroids into the action plan and it was updated to the comprehensive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to transform our world. They operate in every state, Canada, Mexico, EU, etc. and track the progress toward their goal assiduously.



dd54 8 May 13
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I am deeply concerned about the classification of over 35 million Americans as "unessential" by politicians of both political parties during this Covid-19 debacle. The consequences as a result of this (including psychological) are uncertain, but I am seeing disturbing signs across this country.

Aluf1 Level 5 May 15, 2020

Interesting read on land ownership. What I have been saying on this site since this virus rings true.
DECENTRALIZE DECENTRALIZE DECENTRALIZE is the key to new forms of land ownership and future biological safety for the populace worldwide, food production and mental and physical health.


Communism is the domination of business by government, fascism is the domination of government by business. This era is clearly as fascist as it gets, and technology is turning out to be fascism’s greatest friend. Prison Planet, here we come.

henrydz Level 6 May 14, 2020

Your definitions, but completely incorrect.


1."Everything in the state". The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2."Nothing outside the state". The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3."Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.
The use of militarism was implied only as a means to accomplish one of the three above principles, mainly to keep the people and rest of the world in line. Fascist countries are known for their harmony and lack of internal strife. There are no conflicting parties or elections in fascist countries. - Benito Mussolini.


Socioeconomic structure and political ideology that promotes the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general.

"The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property." - Karl Marx

This means your premise that the US is a fascist state is not a fact. We are a socialist state, with capitalistic commerce. Socialist states control everything much like communism, except in our case, property has at least the legal appearance of being private. However our right to control our own property has long ago been lost to the vast, unaccountable Federal bureaucracy, against which there is no recourse. If we were a fascist state, elections would have been abolished, the Federal Bureaucracy could dictate which businesses would stay in business, and what they would produce, and our military would be the dominant industry. It is not.


Whatever the game plan you can bet there are many useful idiots to beat the drums. LGBT at the forefront. The brown shirts and pied pipers. I believe that the first principles of communism remain in place. Equality, Inclusion, Tolerance. These always end in complete and utter failure. Atlas Shrugged and God laughed.


From the beginning of humanity, it has always been those seeking order at the expense of Liberty. Now that we have finally discovered the technology of a just system of governance, which makes moot the question of the quality of leadership, this same faction of humanity wishes to destroy it, as it has every other system since the beginning, rationalizing that they are the smartest generation and now know what they are doing.

They will use any tactic including lie, defraud, destroy and kill because they are deluded into thinking that it is in our best interests, and we would not vote for it any other way - which is the only thing they get right.

So they are willing to make any invisible thing a threat, because we can't prove they are wrong. Climate Change, right-wing extremism (if you check law enforcement data on them, they are a tiny minority anywhere) racism, the "religious right," and now the virus. The latest version of the common cold has us screaming into the night, which is no more deadly than "a bad flu year," according to doctors across the country.

When they promise you everything, they are the bad guys. Vote them out, with prejudice. Vote in those not willing to say anything to stay in office. If you're smart, you know the difference.

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