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Try To Pretend Like You Don't See

A male is a person who has a Y chromosome and a female is a person who has no Y chromosome. I am sick and fucking tired of being asked--nay, demanded--to not see the world. Do not bow to this nonsense. I know the Eastern world will not bow to this. It is total bullshit. But the West has gotten to the point that it caves to everything new and "progressive." In the West we have got to establish some standards. They can't keep moving the goalpost on us or we will end up like Canada.

How many genders are there? According to the state of California, there are 48 (or something like that). You may as well say that unicorns shit fairy dust. This cannot go on. Not only that--"progressives" now want open borders. They also want to forgive student loan debts. They will bankrupt this country. That is their objective. They are mindless fools. Yes, I think we need healthcare for all CITIZENS of this country, but we cannot afford what goes with it.

But the real goal is to blind the populace. That way they can do whatever they want.

Joel Fry

Joel_Fry 6 July 26
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A male is a person who has a Y chromosome and a female is a person who has no Y chromosome

Have you considered that some people can't sense other people's karyotype?

That doesn't keep biology from being real. But some people do look androgynous.

@Joel_Fry Biology exists, and says that the mind (or rather, the actual person) is part of the brain, and therefore a body of any sex or karyotype with a male brain will be a man

@Opdagon I'm not opposed to people transitioning, nor do I have a problem with using they/them pronouns. But I refuse to use made up words. And most people who call themselves gender non-conforming are fakers.


This is where liberalism departs from the post modern (although I don't even think they get that right). I agree with what JK Rowling said--that fuck who you want, live how you please, but don't try to destroy everyone who disagrees. For that she's been labeled transphobic and a basic Nazi. She's now experiencing a taste of what those of us who are gender critical have lived with for five years now.

I don't give a shit how you choose to live your life. It's yours to live. I DO care when you try to make me buy into this arbitrary concept of gender and force me to call myself "cis" when I don't even agree that gender is something more than a construct. There are two sexes. You're born naked and the rest is drag. Live how you wish. The end.

By conforming to this gender nonsense you are telling people that "woman" IS dresses, lipsticks, long hair, and frilly things and "man" is sports, suits, ties, and motorcycles. If you like both you're a special snowflake (instead of just being ordinary). In the 90s we just dressed how we wanted and didn't make some big shit deal out of it but now-NOW you're super special and deserve special rights and accomodations from the world.

How is that not going backwards?

I used to write it off as just a fad or temporary insanity but then I saw patterns. The Slippery Slope fallacy has qualifiers. It is not a fallacy to look at data and trends to make predictions. Investment brokers do it all the time. The world's most successful people do it. I predicted 2 years ago that MAPS would be a thing and I was right.

This 50 gender movement isn't organic and the media doesn't really believe there are 50 genders. It's conditioning for the next step in the forward march: MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) aka pedophile pieces of dog shit. If you can accept that a give year old can decide he's a girl or someone can be 50 genders --if you can accept that and support the legality of allowing youths to transition and men in the women's spaces you will one day support adding MAPS to civil rights legislation. Already they are "protected" on social media.

When you platform "marginalized" people over non-marginalized then you also throw in "no one should have hurt feelings" or feel "otherness" you can then make the case that kiddie diddlers are people, too.

I'm not saying that all transpeople are a part of this. Most of the actual sufferers of dysphoria do NOT fit into this paradigm. There are people who suffer from dysphoria and I used to march and canvass for their civil liberties to be respected. BUT when you go from 1 in 100 people feeling that way to something like 30% of all people under 25 in the UK then you realize this is a socially constructed problem and start to look into why. That's when it all get scary. Something else is happening.

Look at BLM's board and then ask yourself what if Planned Parenthood's board was full of men? Or what if NRA's board was all people who hated guns? Something would feel fishy. We are in a pot and being put on a slow boil. Speech that makes anyone unhappy is shelved. The media only covers things that add to a left-wing narrative. We are the everyday Germans in 1936 watching their neighbors go through social ostracizing and doing absolutely nothing.

Very solid points. It helps if we vote with our money. If you know of a company that stands up for commonsense and morals, support it.


I believe people should be proud of who they are for all their qualities. If you identify, or are trans, or a woman, or man, or however else you see yourself, stand tall🙂 After all, it's amazing we can live in a world where we're moving in a direction that is willing to recognize the beauty in individualism at such a level.

Homosexuality, identity genderalism, and other personal qualities are not new. They've existed world wide for centuries. Lot's of movements, and no small amount of bloodshed was spilt to reach the level of understanding that we are at today.

However, remember "all inclusive" means those that oppose these views have a right to be respected as well. Finding how to stand beside these different ideologies has been no easy task. I believe in equal rights for all and non violent protest as a means at reaching these goals.

I don't agree with hormone therapy on youth, burning down churches, and being anti biological woman/man. Whether you believe it or not, biologically we are born with differences that are vital to health care. One factor is sex. If you've undergone any medical changes then that also is a factor. So, while there may exist an infinite amount of sexes in some ideologies, we simply don't have proof of that in biological scientific studies. Until we do, a system based on ideology and not science inhibits health care.

This is just one example of why I disagree with making radical change to system termenology. Studies are still inconclusive, so I'm not saying it's not possible. But, what scares me about the movement currently is having a forced ideology type of activism as well as the anti woman/man mentality. I don't believe anyone should be made to feel bad for who they are whether it be biological woman/man or be taught that these ideas of an infinite amount of sexes exist without scientific proof to back it up.


Re-writing history so their lies are justified, making up false definitions of words to hide their own prejudices and biases, and people fall all over themselves chasing the ideas to get past on the back, and because believing the lies makes them feel good. Sadly my kids have taken that path. I keep trying to reason with them, but it has come close to ending any connection to them because they get stumped and just get angry. I was into what would be considered far left politics when I was younger, and believed some of the lies, but looking at objective truth and history really opened my eyes. But my kids are smart over all and I have faith they will see the light in time as I did. But having that patience is very hard, in the mean time the extremes nutjob are pushing for a real war. Read a story yesterday where this black neo Klan group in Kentucky had tow people shot, and you know they will blame the counter protesters, but if recent history tells us anything they will have been shot by their own side, or they shot themselves. Truth is treason in the kingdom of lies

I like what the Roman poet Horace said: "You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she will always return." We know we are on the side of nature, not just because common sense confirms it, but because all non-Western nations are on our side here. The new left is sheer insanity. We need to get back to real culture: poetry and art. Anyway, I have a blog called Susurrus Waking, if you want to check it out. Thanks for the thoughtful response.

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