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Ask democrats a specific question: If you were president and the red states seceded, what would you do?

Someone needs to ask Biden's press secretary this question.

Biden doesn't field questions but his press secretary has to. What questions should be asked?

jaymaron 8 Jan 30
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I think they high dose Aricept and Adderall him before he goes out in public.


I'll circle back to you on that one.


Oh, I can only WISH the states would say 'bye bye' to the fed. And then we could start over with the Constitution and limited government.

I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I thought it was smart that the masses only directly elected House of Representative members. In your state, you vote for your state legislature, and then they elect U.S. Senators, and the Electoral College elects the president. The more people you bring into something, the lower the collective IQ gets. A myriad of studies proves this. It's also easier for a well funded group to sway the crowd, the larger that crowd gets.

We need to secede and leave the lefties with whatever they want to do. Then, we can restore the Constitution and have tiny federal government again. Thomas Jefferson would be proud.

How would you structure the new conservative constitution?

@jaymaron How do you mean?

I just want to go back to what it originally says for everything except slavery. The federal government was meant to be weaker than the states' government, except for the few areas where it was meant to be stronger than the Articles of Confederation: mutual defense being the main area the Founders thought the Articles weren't sufficient. I think we should just pull a 'do over' and go back to: only land owning people (ok, male or female) can vote, and legal title holders, none of this stuff where you have to have whatever they call it that supersedes the legal title. The fewer voters, the less the 'mob' can be manipulated. And I say this as someone who doesn't own property, so it's not like I'm saying "I should have a voice and you shouldn't".


They would have many options but they all lead to combat, which this generation of Democrats/Progressives would fail at. Their only real move is to say that the secession incited them to violence.


ask him what year it is and where does he live - and what is his his stage of Alzheimers disease he won't be able to answer those questions. Someone would step in and either prompt him or help him off the dais.

iThink Level 9 Jan 30, 2021

Biden does not have a functioning sense of chronological order.

@jaymaron exactly! that series of questions is in fact part of a testing/diagnosing regimen for dementia / alzheimers disease. I sat in an examination room with my wife and a doctor when they administered the test for my wife.

They asked the date, the day of the week, her birthday. They did a little exercise with paper and pencil. It is a very short test. My wife became agitated when she realized she was being tested for dementia - and she could not answer any questions. Although she did know her own name at that moment. This was about 10 years ago. I placed her in a home for dementia patients 3.5 years ago. She died last October.

The way Biden stammers, becomes disoriented, tries desperately to respond to questions is right down the line typical of a person who is suffering with Alzheimers disease.
I recognized it right away about a year ago.

He is NOT making decisions - he is NOT in charge of himself and much less as POTUS. Biden is a temporary place holder. He signs whatever is placed before him for MSM photo ops.
Who is running the country? It can only be a group - several people - an unappointed, unelected, secret politburo IMHO. A central committee who is changing and making policy.
Soon they will usher Biden off the stage and K Harris will become POTUS and the Communists will appoint a new VP.
Biden himself is harmless - it is the people who are using him who are making all of the decisions and who are using him so callously. Shame on them and woe be to USA as we knew it before 2021.

A potential scenario is that the Harris faction uses the 25th Amendment to eject Biden.

To test for dementia you need to force the patient to think. Biden reads pre-prepared speeches and never answers questions.

There is a written test. Trump daringly took it and aced it. That shut down the democrat squawking about Trump's intelligence and brain fitness. Dare Biden to take the test, with republians monitoring.
Take issue with his refusal to take the test.

Trump outworks everyone around him. Biden is good for 1 hour a day.
Trump does it without alcohol or nicotine. Biden should be tested for doping. Hilary was busted for doping. Her staff was packing syringes and her campaign car was a fully-operational ambulance. There are videos of Hillary having epileptic seizures.

Trump's eyes and head are stable. Hillary's eyes and head bounce around.

Trump has one head position and Obama has 3. Obama cycles around between position 1, 2, and 3. Obama can't hold any given position for long.
Trump's brain is unified and Obama's brain is fractured into 3 parts. Obama is schizophrenic.

When you learn American history it's handy to first memorize the presidents and then, for any given event in history, take note of who was president.
For European events, take note of who was the monarch.
Biden can't associate events with who was president.

What are some more signs of dementia?

@iThink I agree.

@WilliamWilliam difficulty with getting dressed (I have no doubt his wife or other aides dress him daily - at least one time every day. Toileting is a problem I'm sure he is wearing pull ups (adult diapers). Even though the patient is wearing pull ups they must be changed like a baby in diapers after they potty their pants. That means undressing them, washing them - drying them and dressing them again. There were days where I did this with my wife 3 or more times.
They have difficulty with orientation - they usually do not know where they are at any given moment. Even in their own home the patient will not know his way to the bathroom or the dining room...they will wander off too. If you fail to keep them in your sight at all times and the doors are not locked the patient will walk out the door and they are likely to go in any direction. Regardless weather conditions a dementia patient will walk out into freezing rain half clothed or in their underwear or pajamas. If and when you finally find them you can ask where they were going and they might say something like "I had to get to school - we're taking finals!"
They lose all orientation regarding time. One moment they'll talk about something they did as if they were 13 years old and doing what mother told them to do. The next moment they will talk about visiting their mom or day who in all likelihood died decades before.
They get frustrated easily if you ask them questions - especially if you ask if they remember this or that. They don't remember so don't ask. It just upsets them.
They feel frustrated because they feel trapped and in a way they are tragically trapped in their own bodies with a totally malfunctioning brain.
They will talk about thigs are are completely false or wrong - DO NOT CORRECT THEM - it only upsets them and it really doesn't matter at all if they are wrong or not. Let them think that lawn needs mowing even though there is 2 feet of snow on the ground.
One thing to keep in mind is that Dementia ONLY goes one direction - thats downhill. There is not going to be any reversal or recovery. It only get worse over time. There will be periods where they plateau - their behaviors might not get any worse for a year or so but sooner or later they will decline further and further. Eventually they lose the ability to walk and some of them stop talking completely. Often times they might still have ability to speak but everything that comes out of their mouths is incoherent. Then they being to babble like a little baby.
A counselor once asked me how I perceived the progression of Alzheimers in my wife. I told her that it moved with the weight and the velocity of a glacier.

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