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I have a conspiracy theory I can not shake off.  It goes something like this.  The tech giants are children of the military industrial complex, especially the intelligence community.

"How the NSA & FBI made Facebook the Perfect mass surveillance tool"

The above article tells us what we know but I suspect there is more to the story.  Who benefits from tech monopolies?  Especially those that are controlled by a limited chief operating staff.   We know the CIA has plants in all the major news organizations so it seems reasonable to assume the same is true of every other large corporation.  The question is how much influence do they have?

One thing all the tech lords have in common is a kind of naivety.   They are not worldly people.   While that may be true of all "Nerds" even scientists it seems especially true and increasingly so of every generation starting with the baby boomers.  Intelligent people in general have a talent for cognitive bias.  They can rationalize anything and build systems to deal with cognitive dissonance.  It is a survival mechanism for all social animals that lubricates social structures.  In humans it is just more complex and cultural.  The idea that nerds are not good at social interaction stems at least in part from an attempt to systemitize the irrationality of the Instinctual.  Processing social influences in this way makes them vulnerable to influence.  Those things that play on instincts such as sex, drugs and money can be used to manipulate the unworldly.  That is why they are the favorite tools of intelligence operatives.  It's probably why people like Jeffrey Epstein are seldom prosecuted.  They are useful to blackmailers in the government.
Another characteristics of nerds that rise to prominence is they tend to be exploiters not innovators.  The difference between Facebook and MySpace is minimal,  between Twitter and other chat applications unremarkable, and between Microsoft and it's early competitors insignificant.  What made them giants is buying up the competition.  A certain willingness to ignore the unwritten rules for competition based on providing value.  It's a common ethical flaw in most unusually successful business people.

The third essential element is an exaggerated sense of knowing what is best for the less successful or more accurately the inferiority of common people.  It's at the heart of the relationship between  businesses and government that characterizes the global tilt towards corporatism which really is just fascism by another name.   Ironically today's communists and Corporatists are fascists in disguise glossed over with a bit of wokeism. 
The point is that the bureaucrats, Corporatists, careerist academics and centralizing politicians are natural fascists.  The true communists are useful idiots.   It's exactly what Eisenhower meant by military industrial complex but couldn't label it without being accused of being crazy like the Q anon people.   The Globalists have escaped being properly labeled as fascists because their nationalism is tied to what the Nazis wanted, one world government.

To be fair words like fascism and communism are fairly vague because they are idealistic concepts.  They never exist in a pure form.  The adherents are always making compromises on the road to a final utopia.  It all really comes down to Instinctual motivation for placement in a controlling hierarchy

wolfhnd 8 July 23
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I'm convinced the most important aspect of M.I.C. is the Complex. The complex requires Intelligence in every possible sense of the word. I have come to a conclusion that there isn't a grand conspiracy, but instead, technocracy is simply the conclusion of the enlightenment/liberal/progressive universal vision of modernity for the inevitable utopia.

Allow me to play just a bit. By Plato's account, Socrates was a critical theorist, and at the same time a good and decent man. He was seeking universal truths about Truth, Justice, Beauty, The Good, etc., and using an post-ancient manner of argument to expose the inadequacies of then institutionally endorsed institutionally espoused by the experts of the then-ruling-class. Athens was Right: not really intentionally, Socrates was a subversive element who was corrupting the youth and denigrating the powers and principalities--the gods--the Spirits of the Age.

Jesus was the same "character," but with a solution for his followers: Love the God that is Most High and love your neighbor as yourself--because he is. With your neighbor you are in union toward the well-being of your community, but against the forces that rule over you you are powerless. In communion with fellow "worshipers" of A Higher Authority, one might struggle to live a righteous life together even under the yoke of some lesser gods.

The multi-national corporations and the multi-national intelligence agencies are all, always, about consolidating general productivity toward a omnipotent comprehension of, and creation of, a universalized version of human contentment. Utopia. No Place. You'll own nothing but the food you're digesting, and you'll be happy--because the omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing global deep state technocracy will tell you so from birth.

And it will be very efficient. Supremely Optimized. The Most High. And the IT will judge us, one and all, and sort us into the Heaven or Hell that our neighbors and we have earned as our wages.

As will God?

Time will tell.

(GREAT topic post, BTW.)

govols Level 8 July 23, 2021

It's hard to digest.

We need to start from the obvious and work out from there. Unfortunately none of us have time. Jordan Peterson has spent his entire life just trying to solve the meaning aspect of the puzzle.


I LOVE freedom: a simple freedom to come, go, think, quietly believe, express.
It's not freedom to cause trouble, so I avoid it.

I would far prefer not to need/ own ANY electronics, iPhone, computer, tablets etc.
Those remove freedom to BE.

If nothing in 'you'll own nothing', old meaning electronics, kept say at convenient locations out of my space, I'd like that, only that.

I haven't seen anything alluring, good about the world other than our shared amenities where I live.

I COULD try to use libraries but those aren't convenient.

I far prefer no electronic connection to 'out there'. My space should be sacrosanct, it's not.

Everything put here lacks freedom, peace, a simple life. I hope to be able somehow to reject it all.

I must accept isolationism though since most ARE online, FB, social media.
Not into real interaction.
People TALK, sure, but it's not a shared thing. One way, their way.

We are prisoners to the things that sustain us. We cannot be free because we have physical needs. That said expanded the list of needs can make us so busy pursuing them that we cannot enjoy the simple pleasure of being alive.

@wolfhnd Jesus said 'in it but not of it', and I balance that with 'do GOOD in the land, so shall thou dwell in the Land'. I'm not part of it, but I'm led to help, do good when possible.
But the lines can get blurred there. For example, I'm spiritually not a part of what's happening in my country: BUT, doing good to help citizens makes that line move somewhat.


In 2004, The Pentagon killed an online mass surveillance project on the very same day FB was launched.

DARPA's LifeLog project was intended to amass personal browsing and viewing habits of American citizens. However, for no apparent reason, the US government decided to cancel the project when FB was launched.


The history of the world is really a cover story for the true history of secret societies fighting one another. The people are just the cannon fodder, the grease for the gears of the machine, or quite literally the leather for the jackboots of their soldier minions.

Idealistic concepts are mere illusion and deception. Think of little kids arguing ~ my dad can beat up your dad. Same for the Plutocracy/kakistocracy/corporatocracy ~ my people can beat up your people.

I would say we are the woke people.

Most of the people involved in Plutocracy are as much cannon fodder as the little people. They cannot be other than they are. They may know more details of conspiracy and power structure but it is what they don't know that defines them. What makes a Hitler a Mao, a Stalin, Pelosi, or Bill Gates isn't voluntary or even conscious. They are victims of their instincts they don't understand.

Beyond a certain level of wealth and power that provides for comfortable existence more does not lead to increased contentment or happiness. Hitler ending up killing himself in a bunker, isolated and afraid not unlike Stalin dying from neglect is symbolic of the futility of wealth and power. The reality can be summarized in the Christian text that states "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?". It is no accident the similarities between Buddhist and Christian virtues.

As it relates to the current wave of religious fervor the powerful are helping propagate if the government were to pay reparations to the disadvantaged how much would be spent on self destruction in the form of drugs, gambling and fornication? Abused children like Hunter Biden tend towards self destruction because they have no identity or self respect. What identity the powerful have it likewise is not of self but exists in the shadow of power.

@wolfhnd perhaps we are the woke, or maybe the sleeping giant, I am not sure. Some of the things that have been going on, have also been going on for millennia, like the clandestine Baal worship. Can not really prove it, much like the Tao master saying 'he who speaks does not know and he who knows does not speak' ~~~as always be careful what you ask for or settle for....

It depends how big your influence of these ideals are. If they guide my life, then nobody bothers with us. And if we meet others interested, we can share them, asking their ideas, too.
Nothing works for large groups.

@2FollowHim so the same could be said about large denominations of followers? and if I choose to live the solitary life, I am considered odd or something is wrong with me because I don't go along with society, unless you are completely off the radar and disappeared completely. Sharing those thoughts with like minded people is reminiscent of finding your tribe.


That's sure true about universities. A lot of their departments (notably the "studies" departments) are frivolous, making universities super dependent on big government to exist.

sqeptiq Level 10 July 23, 2021

The Marxists are careerists the silly monkeys that they are. To be a Marxist you have to be unable to recognize the fundamental nature of civilization is excess productivity.

Hunting and gathering like every previous stage of human evolution relied on gathering not producing resources. Marxists are essentially a throw back to an earlier stage of evolution fit for a natural environment that is easy but unstable. Monkeys are very unhappy in the harsh but stable civilized environment.

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