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How long before the Legacy and Narratvie Press conclude that the Synagogue shooter is an avid Trump Supporter

EdNason 7 Apr 29
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What if he is a trump supporter ... doesn’t even come close to signifying that all trump supporters hold the same values!!!
But I guess someone will attempt to make mileage from it!

Biged Level 3 Apr 30, 2019

Good grief. Nazis and Russians everywhere...isn't there a pill for this?


I don't think it's hard to demarcate the parameters of the story. Look at the comments on this thread. Stupid inferences based on language that triggers THEM, because they want to be triggered! Not that it has any real association to the fake conspiracy they concocted just to hold onto irrationality.

Nationalism is not a dog whistle--it's not a secret code word for, 'hey, let's all be racists together'. This disingenous tripe is harmful. It's an intentional lie. People who spread this garbage are intentionally lying.

People in the USA who talk about nationalism are including everyone that's here IN THE USA. That's nationalism. In the USA, it's about the USA, and the USA includes USA people, which are just about every race, ethnicity, religion, etc. available. Your hear NOBODY except the far right and far left talk about getting rid of groups of people that live here. That's because if you're an American, you're an American regardless of your skin or gender or prior culture or religion or sexual preference--whatever. WE ARE DIVERSITY. OUR NATION IS DIVERSE. We take all of the people who make up this country, and we say, 'hey, we need to start thinking about our own country again.' 'Let's concentrate on fixing our own problems for awhile.' 'Let's fix all of the damage that's been done by globalists.' 'Let's move to determine a set of common core values again that we can all refer to for guidance.'

Those are not militant statements. They're statements about personal responsibility we dropped when the country went stupid in its slide left. I'm sick of the lies people who want to fundamentally change who we are tell. They're wrong. They think we've become this evil--like they're so enlightened now they can see everything is evil. Well, maybe you did get evil. But, there's a lot of people in this country still holding to values that aren't evil. Maybe you should work on fixing yourself. Maybe you are the problem.

chuckpo Level 8 Apr 29, 2019

@DrN1, I can't argue. I don't know. But, would the other side agree with you?

@DrN1, I don't know much outside of my country, but I tend to be on the sovereign side of the debate. I can't see why y'all would want to pucker for the EU. I don't know what's wrong with keeping your autonomy. Per the bigotry stuff, ppl over here spin that. It's just a lie. Trumps nationalism isn't racist at all. We're an extremely diverse country, and all of that diversity IS our national. The politics where you are confuses me.

Very regretful that the colonisation, industrialisation and now ultra modernisation of the earth is considered a fault of “white” people and we are considered evil for the fantastic achievements..

@DrN1, I don't understand why it has to go 'ahistorical' with Europeans. Yet, you say we are Europeans. I agree with you completely that we are European. I don't agree with the ahistorical pejorative, and I'll challenge that judgment. I don't think this underlying question is even about history, but a blend of history and new thinking. Sounds like progress. I also agree with you about our interconnectedness AND the interconnectedness of all people, animals, earth, universe. Kumbaya. I believe that.

I think where this thing might go sideways is this belief nationalism is somehow inherently evil. I don't see why that has to be the case at all. Why can't we be interconnected through friendship and trade? Look, stuff has changed. The world used to be full of conquest, violently expansionistic. I don't see a immorality in either globalism or nationalism theories. But, I believe one of them is right for THIS time. We're not mature enough for Globalism yet. Hell, we can barely stave off tyranny in our own countries. Why in the world would we take all of our individual inadequacies and multiply that times every country and throw it into a single global Government? I'm sorry, I just don't see that ending well at all for the people of the world. We have state power to offset federal power--even city power. The whole idea is NOT to have all of the power in one place.

The system works logically and reasonably going from individual, family (home), town/city, state, country, world. I see what the left is trying to do ideally (and assuming good intentions which may not always be the case anymore). But, what if it's the globalists that are unaware of history? More likely, we're just using different lenses through which to view history. I'd have to see your argument for this historical perspective you're suggesting, but I actually think it's shortsighted to dismiss Americans on this ground. We're no less embedded in history than you are--an artifact of our existence, and we're no less concerned with learning from the past. I just don't know where that comes from, though I think it has a bit of condescension in it, like we're somehow more children than Europeans--like our existence started on this continent. I think if you follow that line of reasoning out, you'll rethink it.

Anyway, I don't know anybody here that denies where we came from or the connection between us and the rest of the western world. My lineage obviously goes back to Europe as well, and I'm tied to the same two first-humans as you are, if the theory is right.

Your post reminds me that we may be well served to push more power back to the states. Interestingly, Trump has said that very thing and taken some steps in an attempt to do that. DECENTRALIZE power. Give people more choices of how they want to live. I can't stand California? Well, I'll live in Texas where they're more closely aligned to my beliefs about how to live. The part that screws it up is people leaving California, coming here, and trying to force us to live like they lived in California. If you fit in California, STAY THERE. Why force me and every state to live how a centralized power determines we should live?

There is no evil in nationalism because someone once used nationalism to do evil. The same can be said for any modality. There's a path forward, but globalism, in my opinion, is more wishing than it is practical--at least so far.


Seems unlikely. His manifesto was pretty clear that while aligned with Trump on some matters, he thought Trump was compromised by Jews. It would be rather easy, however, to support a narrative focused on the "cultural Marxism" tropes that inspired him and many other right-wing terrorists, and have been pushed by Trump, the IDW, and others on the right.

What matters did he align with Trump in his manifesto?

@EdNason Here's the first example of Trump using those tropes that comes to mind:

@EdNason Name one left-winger who traffics in the "cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory. It is antithetical to left politics.

@EdNason Need I explain the historical implications of conflating leftists and Jews and accusing them of running the world and undermining Western civilization?

@EdNason Think 1930s Germany...

@EdNason []

@WilyRickWiles, what SPECIFICALLY are you complaining about in that video? What did he say that drives you to conclude conspiracy? What exactly did he say that was bad?

@chuckpo The globalist trope. When he says things to the effect of "the globalists are sending an invasion of migrants to destroy our country" or "the incredibly dishonest press are the Enemy of the People," echoing the Nazi term "lügenpresse" and German word "Volk," he's pushing the "cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory.

@EdNason What I am saying is that he's using the same trope that Hitler used to justify violence against Jews and leftists.

@EdNason Dude, you are hopeless. I'll leave you to your own rhetorical gymnastics.


The globalist trope. When he says things to the effect of "the globalists are sending an invasion of migrants to destroy our country" or "the press are the Enemy of the People," echoing the Nazi term "lügenpresse" and German work "Volk," he's pushing the "cultural Marxism" conspiracy theory.

First, the press is the enemy of the people--goes way beyond what Trump says. Trump's being nice. The mainstream media is probably the most corrosive, unchecked compromised institution in existence in the USA today. Government at least has a system that's supposed to provide checks and balances. Who's the check on the media? Yup, nobody. They're out of control. If there were out of control to the right instead of out of control to the left, you'd be screaming your lungs out about it. They're on your side, so you're like, 'what?'

You're pushing a conspiracy theory that Trump and/or conservatives are pushing a conspiracy theory. See how that works? Silly. Forget it.

Simple conversation about nationalism vs. globalism. The left paints nationalism in all of these 'conspiratorial?' terms, but it's untrue. Nothing USA nationalism is racist. We're not like Sweden that is small and homogeneous. We're very diverse, and we have 320 million people. THAT'S our nation! So, nationalism isn't exclusionary to any group except other nations. You are a variation of nationalist if you live in a house or apartment with walls and locks. You separate yourself from others. Yet, you actually separate yourself based probably on color, religion, sexual preference, etc., etc., etc., If not those, then others. You simply can't capture all diversity in your household. You're separatist. But, I'll bet you'd let pretty much anyone come into your home, right (except maybe conservative nationalists, haha). Nationalism is no different. Separate, but open. Just like your grocery store down the block and the gas station on the corner or the library in town. We have walls and locks, but if you're a decent person there is no problem letting you in. Walls and locks are for bad people. Pretending different is simply nonsense.

@chuckpo Are you ignorant of the history of these ideas or just a true believer? What are your thoughts on Pat Buchanan?

@EdNason Maybe you'll accept this source? []

@WilyRickWiles, I'm not bound by prior thinking. I can actually move around it, project, speculate, make inferences based on new information,

@chuckpo Perhaps then you're of one mind with Candace Owens being fine with Hitler's ideas and what he was doing in Germany, but drawing the line at the Nazis reaching beyond their borders.

@WilyRickWiles, ugh, I get it, one-dimensional insults from your party pamphlet. Hey, that one always catches everyone by surprise. Here's the problem, do your own thinking IN ADDITION to some foundational research and the one-line talking points you saw on CNN. You've mischaracterized Candace. Why? Because you spout one-line talking points you saw on CNN. You mischaracterize Trump. Why? Because you spout one-line talking points you saw on CNN. That's NOT what the IDW is about. That's what leftist social media platforms are about. Perhaps, you're just fine with Mao who was fine with exterminating millions of people. Is that the thing, Wily? You have that socialist mass murder thing going? You want to kill women and children for power and control?

@WilyRickWiles, maybe we could dispense with the attributing the other side to mass murderers and maniacs. Will you have anything left to talk about?

@chuckpo Ohh the projection is so strong with you.

@WilyRickWiles, good one. The nuh-uh it's you defense. Again with the originality. Do you guys practice this seat noise from a script?

@chuckpo I'll give you credit for one thing. You have a seemingly limitless supply of hot air.

@WilyRickWiles, wow, no. Really. You're reading from a book, right? This material is just too good for you to be coming up with off the cuff.

@chuckpo I've known people like you before. You hide your extreme views under a thin facade of civility, use reductive rhetoric about human nature to disqualify other people's arguments, and spew a word salad of political stereotypes when you get mad. I'm surprised that unlike those past acquaintances, you claim not to be a libertarian, yet you are just as insistent that ideas can be measured devoid of any context, e.g. history. And still yet I find you insisting that other people's theories must be proven.

The subject here is the "cultural Marxism" trope. You launched into a defense of nationalism and some sort of media conspiracy, both of which exist only in your mind. I have plenty of criticisms of corporate media, but I know engaging you is unproductive and I would prefer to avoid the credibility it would confer on your conspiracy theory. Let me know when you have a historical take on the use of "cultural Marxism" tropes or can better make a case that it's different when Trump and the IDW do it.

@chuckpo P.S. I hope you eventually get that argument with a Maoist that you're waiting for.

@WilyRickWiles, you're silly.

@WilyRickWiles, actually you're silly and dangerous. Dangerous because you sit in ignorance by choice because it makes you feel better, and you strike out from your myopic distortion in the hope you'll fill this deficit you know is there but don't know what to do with.

@chuckpo Of course you don't name what I'm ignorant of.

@WilyRickWiles, everyone's been naming what you're ignorant of for weeks. You just can't hear it. Because ignorance.

@chuckpo I don't know why I expected better from you.

@WilyRickWiles, I'm surprised you can form sentences.

@chuckpo Cold.

@WilyRickWiles you done? I'm kind of not wanting to leave you alone in inane. We could just stop.

@chuckpo You do you.

@WilyRickWiles now at least you spent time thinking of a clever way to tell me to go f myself. Did you giggle out loud?

@chuckpo I even peed a little.

@WilyRickWiles, common occurrence?

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