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So I wanted some detail on the polar vortex that is causing unusually cold weather in the US. Google search produced nothing but how it was caused by Global Warming.

Having done my best to research the topic of Global Warming I came to the conclusion that it was greatly exaggerated and that the climate "scientists" were activists first and scientists second. Basically that means they cherry pick the data and models that present the worst outcomes. So I'm only a "denier" in the sense that there is no emergency. Keep in mind however that even the low end of the projected warming are fairly significant. One degree of warming would be a three percent increase. Enough to cause significant changes to a complex chaotic system such as climate.

The part that the activist have most fervently suppressed is that the low end is probably not enough to prevent cooling. I suspect that is because there is sufficient historical evidence that cooling is more disruptive to civilization than warming and harder to adapt to. The cost of cold weather is staggering. Beyond increased heating cost and things like snow removal winterizing existing infrastructure is very expensive. Then there are the human costs injuries and deaths due to exposure and accidents as well as reduced productivity. Worst perhaps is the effects on agriculture and transportation cost. forgetting changes to the climate even short term events such as a "year without a summer" caused by a volcanic eruption would devastate most modern civilizations. I suspect that is why they rush to present explanations why significant cold spells are not proof that global warming is happening if only semi conscious of their own motivations.

Having seen how inept the solutions to global warming have been and incompetently the Covid pandemic was handled it's clear to me that our scientists and politicians are not worthy of any confidence. I have begrudgingly come to the conclusion that adaptation is better than putting any faith in the institutions that we live under. That doesn't even address how repugnant the the people at the WEF and other such organizations are with what is clearly an misanthropic mind set. Apparently for them only a transhuman future is an acceptable outcome. Considering their incompetence they will likely subject themselves to forms of transhumanism that destroys their own lives. The entire structure of elitism in the world today is shockingly without merit.

wolfhnd 8 Nov 16
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Did it ever occur to you that the present weather cycle is abnormal, in the past CO2 levels where higher and the now polar regions used to be tropical. CO2 is essential to plant life as is evedent by the lack of trees above a certain level this is because CO2 is heaver than the main parts of air nitrogen 78% oxygen 20.9% above this level there is insufficient CO2 to sustain larger plant life. The other thing that is ignored by most climate experts is water vapor that is the most prevalent gas in the atmosphere and has a far greater effect on the environment than any thing else. One other thing to conceder is that if CO2 levels drop below 250 PPM then all plant life will start to die off.

KeVince Level 8 Nov 17, 2022

Complex chaotic systems are beyond the scope of our mathematics. That said tinkering with them even a little bit will have unexpected consequences.

@wolfhnd it is also the things that we never even think about that are shaping the weather for example. In the early years of this country beavers where almost trapped to extinction this had the effect of turning the river systems of this country into drainage ditches, what where once water sheds that would hold water where now gone. logging came along and made the problem worse by building coffer dams to float logs in and then releasing a flood of water to carry their logs to the rivers. The herds of buffalo that roamed the prairies where killed and the grass lands were plowed this began the steady desertification of the central US all this has altered the climate of the US.


Tis also a fact that >90% of temp sensors are in places that violate their design specs. I.e., they are supposed to be >300 yards (I think, might be more) from anything that would obstruct free flow of air -- like a building. Misplacing them in urban centers skews their measurements to be high.
Yah, some TWOT with a model he wants to publish could eyeball a correction. But, why is that, "guessing" the fix rather than moving the damned sensors? They have been there for years. This is deliberate.


Have you considered the effects of weather manipulation and how these geo-engineered events are used as evidence of climate change or to justify 'green' policies?

Tom81 Level 8 Nov 16, 2022

I'm slightly familiar with weather modification. HARP is now a very old and well known example. But no I haven't considered that weather modification is part of the WEF's or whoevers manipulaton of reality is part of the climate change indoctrination. I think we now know if they can they will. I just don't know if they are that competent. Anything they want to do with weather it seems to me could have the opposite effect. Psychopaths are not known for being clever outside of manipulation. Can they get clever people to work for them? I suppose but competence on the necessary scale seems unlikely.

Kind of like crazy prophets in the Old Testament I find conspiracy theorist worth listening too. The rest of the world doesn't seem to have the necessary imagination to solve complex problems. They can't be solved by conventional deductionistic methods anyway. While I respect many scientist they currently seem to have an unwarranted adherence to convention and group norms. We live in a world of conformity enforced by the tryany of social media and group think. It wasn't always so during my life time. That said you can't get by without some sort of rigorous standards for objectivity. Unless you have direct knowledge of events in a particular area it's difficult to know what is real, what is exaggerated, or what is run away imagination.

@wolfhnd weather manipulation is a real thing (particularly cloud seeding) but it's another one of those rabbit holes that goes deep and has a lot of dead ends.
What has been confirmed and proven is that the technology exists (and there are hundreds of patents surrounding it), and governments have been using cloud seeding at the very least. What they won't admit to is how.
One government official in Canada did slip up on tv and state that if farmers didn't comply with government demands, rain would be witheld!?!🤔
In Australia, all the recent floods we've had have been preceded by cloud seeding in the day or two beforehand. I've personally seen plenty of these 'jetstreams' that span well over 30kms in uneven parallel lines and end up spreading out out to form straight fronts of rain clouds 🤨.
The cloud seeding operations here have been used to instigate and amplify storms and floods in targeted areas. They have been used to destroy crops (as evidenced by silver iodide found in the soil), clear residential areas by way of floods and storm damage, and rezone land as 'flood zones' which greatly restricts land use and lowers value (which either the government or their corporate friends buy up cheaply). It's a way of funneling out private land owners, disrupting supply chains, increasing the energy and food crisis - and the best part is; the government can blame it all on 'climate change' and use it as justification and support for the WEF's 'green' agenda.
Check out Rob D on YouTube and the AmazingPolly on Rumble for more info about weather manipulation.


This guy might help: Tony Heller. []

I'm familiar with most of the researchers, my opinion is the science is anything but settled. My opinion is that co2 emissions will raise temperature above the background, the question s by how much. The margin of error seems to be between 300 nd 400 percent.

@wolfhnd My understanding is that CO2 temp impact levels off >400PPM. And, above that level our food plants go into overdrive. Maybe that is why globalists are trying so hard to suppress CO2 -- planned starvation.


People talk about co2 saturation as most of the wave length of radiation co2 captures is already captured. Additional co2 will continue to capture more radiation but at a much reduced rate. They use 400ppm arbitrarily to illustrate the effect because doubling to 800 ppm would only increase the radiative effect 1 percent. There is considerable uncertainty about those numbers because of the complexity. The alarmists believe that additional co2 will push the point that more energy escapes into space than is captured higher in the atmosphere. That is probably true but they they try and confuse people about what saturation means. They are deflecting to radiation saturation not the physical properties of co2. They are liars that use science to push a political agenda of authoritarianism. After all they desperately want to be the "authoritative" sourse.

@bobbo666 Plants love high CO2.

@wolfhnd A bit of a grammar Nazi pickiness here, apology ahead of time. Your 2nd to last sentence surrendered to them the claim that they are using science. I sincerely doubt any of the grifters and Aholes on that side of the public clamoring (cannot call it discussion since they ban dissent) have even the slightest idea of how the scientific method works. If it forbids dissenting opinion and actively ignores inconvenient facts it is not science. Just like the "discussion" on the WuhanFlu.
Again, just being picky here.


Thanks and you are absolutely right. My writing skills are not great but then again I'm suspicious of people with high verbal IQs that have no spacial or mathematical skills. 🙂

I'm not as picky about what science is as most people in science. People think of science as dealing with physical reality but all the tools are for the most part abstract. Even tools used to measure require some form of statistical adjustment. The language tools and by extension logic are entirely abstract including mathematics. When we think of exact sciences that is also misleading because everything is an approximate model of reality. Some models extremely accurate others less so.

One of the key ingredients to scientific progress is imagination. Something our current set of activist and personality cult scientists seem lacking in. They are by and large conformists. There is extreme social pressure not to be speculative. To use a evolutionary analogy that limits the number of mutations required for adaptation. The role of "random" reactions to changes in the environment are a key component of innovation. While "accidental" discoveries are uncommon in some respects the delusions that the process is top down is prevalent. Science like evolution is primarily an inductive bottom up process. The specific to the general.

My views on the subject have led to many arguments 🙂 In my defense I would argue that I was one of the first people to observe that epigenetics were evident long before it became accepted. The same with the exaggeration of global warming. I suspect that artificial eusociality (a phrase I coined) will become mainstream someday. As well as multilevel selection the likes of which Dawkins and his type reject for emotional reasons. Intelligence it seems is a necessary but insufficient condition for genius or even common sense.


Couldn't agree more.

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