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Random thoughts watching the first night of the Democratic debates.

Having fun watching the clown car trying to shoehorn their memorized talking points into whatever question they’re asked.

Bill De Blasio: “There’s plenty of money in the country and the world. It’s just in the wrong hands.” This from an incompetent political hack who never generated a dime, and has declared war on the businesses that actually create wealth.

Elizabeth Warren wants Medicare For All. I spent thirty years in New York City. I saw public housing in full bloom. If you don’t mind, I’ll pass on public medicine.

I pander, you pander, we all pander to everyone. Robert O’Rourke probably takes the early prize for his ongoing impersonation of an Hispanic.

Warren gets the outrage award. She has a fetching quiver in her voice that signals how close she is to breaking down over the injustice of it all.

<candidate name> what do you think the role of government should be regarding <current crisis>?

Choose one, two or all three:

We need to treat this like a serious problem.

It’s time we had a conversation about this issue.

On my first day as president, I will form a blue-ribbon committee to study this issue and come up with real solutions.

Looks like none of the clowns got the memo. No collusion.

Pathetic bunch. As much as I hate to say it, I think the winner on points is De Blasio. His message is worse than even Bernie Sanders, but he’s taken advantage of every opportunity to land blows on the others on the stage. He managed to sound focused and dynamic even though no one back in New York City would think so. But Democrats aren’t about facts, they’re about virtue signaling and looking good. A lot of the pack tonight will drop out of sight, but I don’t think De Blasio will be one of them. He came into this on the bottom rung of the popularity ladder. So he’ll call this a win. Who knows, we could have a real subway series in 2020.

Warren is the loser. She was top dog going in, but she never stopped sounding desperate and right on the verge of breaking out in hysterics.

Booker is The Peter Principal in action.

O’Rourke looked like he was lost without his skateboard. Maybe he should have brought his toothbrush.

next: Clown Car pt 2

Edgework 8 June 26
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No one on that panel of "candidates" will be the DNC nominee - think Michelle Obama

iThink Level 9 June 27, 2019

Are you a betting man?

Her name’s been rattling around in my head for months now. A more likely horror show, when none of the current crop seems up to the task, is they drag Hillary’s corpse out of the crypt, pull the stake out of her heart and reanimate her for one last effort.

She wouldn't have a chance...she has too much to overcome from her husband's horrific 8 years. Any liberal with half an once of common sense isn't going to run against President Trump, there are way too many of us extremely happy with the economy and bright future for our families.

Liberals don't use common sense. Michelle checks all the boxes for "diversity" protected class. She hates America more than anyone except possibly for her husband Barry. If you think Chris Matthews felt a "thrill go up his leg" when Barry became POTUS wait 'till

@Dmwils, @WilyRickWiles
I would not bet on it but I do firmly believe none of the present day "candidates" has any chance of becoming the nominee...Michelle is being held in the background and she will be held safely away from the spotlight until she is drafted by DNC at the Convention...that's what I think will happen. We shall see..but it aint gonna be Biden, Warren, Harris, Booker, DeBlasio, Bootygeg, Beto...these people are being used to stir up the socialist ferver and demands for "free everything" and implementation of "climate change" as the new national religion. Michelle is just the man for the job. LOL

@iThink I'll bet you 1,400 IDW coins it doesn't happen.

ok - but I will depend on you to remember this because I almost certainly forget about it when time comes to pay up.
I'll have to be sure to keep enough coins back (I don't use them myself - I give them away) for the day to pay up or collect.

would you like to wager 500 coins that NONE of the formally announced candidates as of today for the dem nomination will be nominated?
As of today I have 1,794 coins - I'll have to keep an eye on that until our wagers are paid...or...whatever

@iThink I'll take the other end of that bet (i.e. I bet that one of the formally announced candidates as of today for the Dem nomination will be nominated). But after the 1,400 bet, I don't yet have the coins on me.

@WilyRickWiles ok - let me guess - you like Bootygeg and Harris?

so we have two bets - cool

@iThink Mr. McKinsey who didn't understand distrust of the police in the black community until he fired the first black police chief in South Bend shortly after taking office? The lady who prosecuted parents of chronically ill children for truancy? Hell no.

@iThink Maybe in an alternate timeline those would have been my choices, but Trump changed things, and we can't just hit the reset button and go back to Obama-style neoliberalism.

@WilyRickWiles ? was this comment meant for another string? doesn't seem to fit our little back and forth

@WilyRickWiles I have said all along that the blame for a Trump presidency can be placed squarely upon the doorstep of the DNC, Wasserman Schultz and other prominent Dem.s who tried to coronate Hitlery Clinton - almost any other Dem who even approached having a streak of sanity and common sense (in other words NOT Bernie) could have beaten Trump -

@iThink Which comment didn't fit? Both were commenting on Buttigieg and Harris. Unless you were asking who I predict would win rather than who my preferred candidates are. Not that those two things are that different.

Agree that anyone else could have beaten Trump. Disagree on the importance of DNC meddling. But we're past that now.

@WilyRickWiles Mr McKinsey and a lady who prosecuted truant kids who were chronically ill - lost me there. With your mention of South Bend I assume it has something to do with Bootygeg and the lady prosecutor I have no idea what you are referring to there.


I'm not so quick to agree that we are well past the dynamics and the shenanigans of how Trump came to win the election. Seems Hitlery and a LOT of other people are still trying to convince themselves that Trump only won because of Russian Interference...LOL! - well they have sort of let that go and are now trying very hard to muster up an obstruction in a weird way we really are not quite past all that.
Just so you know I was never a Trump fan but I also was never going to vote for a democrat in that election especially if her name was Clinton.

As for the clown car of Repube candidates I had my hopes set on who seemed the least potentially harmful milquetoasty RINO in the group and that was Ted Cruz.
I only voted for Trump because he was the only one with a realistic chance to win who was not named Clinton.

Nevertheless I have to say that Trump has done pretty well considering the whole swamp has been sabotaging his administration since he took the oath.
For now I don't see anyone I would be willing to vote for who is NOT named Trump.
It's going to be very interesting to see what the RNC does in 2020.

@iThink Pete: []

yah I finally figured it out. thks

@iThink Kamala: []


didn't watch the clown show but this beautifully written critique tells me clearly humorously and concisely everything I expected came true.

iThink Level 9 June 27, 2019

Yes - I really cannot bear listening to any sing one on that panel for more time than it takes me to change the channel or turn off the TV.
I already know I will be voting for Trump in 2000 and it doesn't matter what google, or face book or you tube or twitter or say...they will not change my mind about it.


I see we watched the same debate.
A virtual petting zoo filled with pander bears.
“You get a health care! And you get a healthcare!! Everyone gets a healthcare !!!!”
Warren was painful to watch. She sells vaudevillian melodrama with the poise of chicken little, while Corey tests out his “Duane the Rock” raised eyebrow gig and screams about the injustice of it all.
It was obvious, though, that all of those wealthy people knew just how to fix it all. Those evil rich people who stole your cheese.
Only they can traverse the catacombs of McDucks castle vault to retrieve your Gouda.

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