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"The Super Patriot"

From Mad Magazine in 1968

WilyRickWiles 8 July 26
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For all their mewling, liberals know deep down they can never really win — for their existence is at its core is parasitical and presupposes the existence of more capable people who can be extorted.


nobody around today more filled with hate than the Leftists and their Antifa "brown shirts"

Today the biggest targets of hate are White (especially middle class heterosexual males) and Jews/Israel.

iThink Level 9 July 26, 2019

If the above image were published today the right would call it hate speech!

maybe - trying to see myself in '68 and what I would've thought about it then, I believe I would have thought that was not a description of myself at all yet I did at age 18 think of myself as a patriotic citizen.
I might be mistaken but I believe that drawing is a caricature Barry Goldwater. He was rather hyperbolic himself and really had no chance to become POTUS because he lacked self restraint.

Much has changed since then yet there is nothing new under the sun. That thing really is a very hyperbolic dig at the "anyone over 30" demographic and pretty much a picture of how "the liberals, activists, pacifists, etc had actively juxtaposed themselves against what they called at that time "the establishment".

It always seemed a bit odd to me that they rarely name LBJ as a target of their activism - even though he was the POTUS who escalated the war in Vietnam to a level of intensity no one expected and many did not really approve.
Then Nixon comes in with Kissinger et al and begins the Paris Peace Talks - Nixon got all the hate. Go figure.

@WilyRickWiles The right doesn't call much of anything hate speech. The right recognizes that ALL Americans have the right to speak their minds and express themselves. Other people don't have to agree with everything they say, that's their right too. The right can discuss topics and debate issues without beating people up, pulling fire alarms, committing vandalism or setting things on fire.

@jwhitten I'll refer you to iThink's comment above.

@WilyRickWiles He didn't say anything about hate speech, nor did he suggest that they shouldn't be allowed to speak or prevented from speaking. You can refer me to his comment above, but it's not what the left has been engaged in by a considerable margin. You would be being severely disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

@jwhitten He said white, middle-class, heterosexual males were the biggest targets of hate--that means speech or otherwise. And he characterized leftists as hateful. Moreover, given recent topics of conversation here, his mention of Jews/Israel seems to imply that speech is within the scope of his concern.

@WilyRickWiles Interesting how you read so much into so little that he didn't actually say.


Just to clarify things in this string of comments:
I do NOT believe in the creation nor institutionalization of the thing known as "hate speech"

Sure a person can say hateful things but to characterize and to categorize it as "hate speech" is really a way to shut down dialectic without first assessing its genesis and whatever validity might be discovered in such uttered words. More importantly it utterly prevents the necessary act of debating - arguing and presenting better counter ideas to speech we do not like. Bad ideas Can NEVER be defeated without fervent dialectic. Bad ideas MUST be closely examined and their fallacies exposed. Shutting them down as "hate speech" is counter productive to say the least.

I am for Free Speech - 1st amendment rights should reign supreme. There is a reason it is the FIRST amendment and I stand for free speech period.

My comment about White hetero men and Jews being targeted is really a criticism of the current popular narratives of White Patriarchy and White Privilege and the vitriolic demonetization of all things "White Male".

I included Jews there because people all around the spectrum Left, Middle, Right are guilty of both explicit and implicit hatred for Jews. Every day even here on IDW I see someone talking about Jewish conspiracies - Jews this Jews that.
There can be no denying that Jewish people are still targeted as being to blame for many if not most of the bad stuff happening all around the globe. Hitlers Nazi movement had a LOT of support from French Intelligentsia, American academics mostly leftist, marxist Frankfurt school thinkers but there were and still are plenty of folks on the right who are to put it mildly suspicious of all things Jewish and it is just as prevalent today as it was in Nazi Germany circa 1939.

The thing is that these narratives are deeply entrenched within academia and governance. It's not the common man on the street who pushes these narratives. It is the professorsoriate, the public officials, it is the implicit and explicit narrative of the broadcast and print and now the electronic media.

@WilyRickWiles I think it should be plainly obvious to anyone with eyes that there is piping hot hatred coming from the left nowadays. There will always be hate on the right. The same traits that make a person a conservative are the same that can lead to hatred. The hate coming from the left is based in Psychology as well. Entitlement, narcissism and unbridled self righteousness with the added delight of a mob mentality. They changed the definition of racism as a sophomoric loophole to pretend that hating whites isn't racist. That seems pretty hateful to me

I think the disconnect here is that what the left calls hate speech the right just calls hate. And whereas the left is concerned solely with violence and hate speech in the public square, the right is concerned even with a person's private thoughts. Moreover, the right has a tendency to cast disagreement or criticism about socially powerful groups as hate. How else do you explain all of the above claims that hatred on the left is self-evident?

@iThink >> It's not the common man on the street who pushes these narratives. It is the professorsoriate, the public officials, it is the implicit and explicit narrative of the broadcast and print and now the electronic media.

And of course @WilyRickWiles.

@iThink, @WilyRickWiles >> And whereas the left is concerned solely with violence and hate speech in the public square, the right is concerned even with a person's private thoughts.

Baloney. You are so full of it. You're even a reasonably intelligent guy to top it all off. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

@jwhitten, @iThink Maybe I'm posturing a bit. But am I posturing more than the right is? From a left perspective, someone has to match what the right is doing. I'll concede that you and iThink are reasonably objective and intelligent too. But we've all recognized the importance of political posturing.

@WilyRickWiles >> But we've all recognized the importance of political posturing.

There's a difference between political posturing and setting your house on fire just to spite the spouse. Sure, slam a few doors, break a vase or two. Even kick the dog if you have to-- but it doesn't make any sense at all to light it all on fire just because you didn't win the freakin' election. You're just revealing the depths of your insanity that way.

And, IMO, if the electorate had even half the brains that God gave the pissant, they'd never vote for you again, ever. THAT is how badly you all fucked the system with Hillary and the corruption in the White House and the DNC.

And I'm not even talking about policies-- we all get policies we don't like-- I'm talking about the blatant election-rigging, fucking over other legitimate candidates of the same party, putting paid stooges in charge of the party apparatus, feeding the debate questions to the candidate-- the candidate who herself set up her OWN private email server in her fricken BATHROOM and ran untold numbers of classified emails through it and then laughed about it on public television.

I don't think you fully understand. Donald Trump happened not because of "racism" or "white nationalism" or any of that other pathetic shit you all are constantly spewing on about-- Donald Trump happened because the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and the LEFTY-LIBERALS who were busy propping up its putrid, rotting dead corpse are so fucking MORALLY BANKRUPT and you either don't think anybody's going to notice or you just don't fucking care-- and ether way-- you're toxic as hell-- you're like spent uranium, with a half-life of about 250,000 years!

And when people start digging through to figure out how on earth we got here-- they pulled back the rug and saw the decades upon decades of rotting fecal matter and human waste and just plain scum holding up the entire set of policies put forth by the Democrats over the years.

Now, don't go away thinking the Republicans are much better, 'cause they aren't. They serve a different set of masters-- mostly the corporate / big-money elite and are willing to sell their own grandmothers down the river if it pleases their corporate overlord's bidding. There is at least a chance for them to reform themselves, if they're not too stupid and fuck it up.

They could make some quiet changes and sit back to be the beneficiaries of a brand new outlook and a brand new set of policies. But it would require getting on board the "drain the swamp" program and understanding that they would have to make a choice-- either FOR the people (the real people) and the business of America (not the businesses of America) or else their turn will come next.

The people (the electorate) are fed up as hell with BOTH SIDES of the aisle. They've given both sides multiple opportunities to put their money where their mouth is and time and time again, both sides have blown it. Now there is a new Sheriff in town and he isn't bothering to take names-- just kicking ass-- and people are loving the result. Not the ones getting flushed of course-- but the rest of them.

The corporate / mainstream media, for all of their shrill bleating and near-total blackout of any actual good news of President Trump, have not been able to sink his support. Because he is being supported by people who are sick and goddamn tired of the same 'ole same old business as usual, fuck the people, enrich themselves mentality of the lawmakers in Washington. They don't give a single fuck any longer-- and they are LOVING the results they are getting out of President Trump in this regard. His ratings have been rising across the board.

People are tired of PC culture. SJW's and harpy Feminists and stupid ANTIFA assholes in black masks. People are tired of racism and sexism and all of the "intersectional" bullshit. We're tired of open borders, paying for millions of undocumented illegal aliens, watching our freedoms get squeezed by opportunistic political douchebags. We're tired of the vapid left and the disingenuous right.

THAT is why you're wrong and why you're full of it. You think it's about Trump but it isn't, it's about YOU and people like you who just set everything on fire because you didn't get your way. Even my KIDS understand that that's a stupid thing to do. Because sooner or later when you calm down you'll come home and have to clean it up and all of the stuff you've lost and broken by being stupid.

This past election ripped the bandaid off for me. I won't be going back to the left. I'm not really of the right much either, though these days I lean right of center instead of left of center. Thanks to Hillary Clinton and the colluding criminal douchebags in the DNC. SHE's the one that tanked your ratings singlehandedly and destroyed your chances of getting normal, rational people to consider anything you have to say. If you want to blame someone-- blame her.

@jwhitten Only a few paragraphs in... just no. Trump happened because he and Hillary were two of the least popular politicians in the country. The one who most excited his base won.

@WilyRickWiles I'd say it was more a case of who excited their base the least. But in any case it still wasn't about "Muh Racism".

@jwhitten Not directly, but that's what motivated his base. It's always there and Trump had the balls and lack of morals to take advantage.

@WilyRickWiles Ricky - thank you for the compliment - I would like you to give us some examples of the kind of right wing hatred and violence you talk about - do so without exaggeration and hyperbolic emotion. If you put up idiotic crazy people like Tim McVey for example then you are impugning the Right wing narrative with the acts of a singular mad man. Sort of like blaming all leftists for the wanton murder of 5 police officers in Dallas in a single night committed by a Black Lives Matter crazy and others like you can no more be blamed for the murders of those 5 uniformed officers than I and others who think as I can be blamed for the heineous act of Tim McVey.

Where in Gov't and in academia is there a narrative that directs hate and exhorts "right wing" students to go out and commit violence in the name of conservatism?

The violence and violent rhetoric of the "neo-nazis" is an almost insignificantly small group of crazy people who are NOT representative of the conservative side of the socio-political spectrum.

What you might call white supremacy groups often times are just people demonstrating in counter protest to the likes of the antifa crowd.

It really seems apparent that to you (Ricky) anyone who would dare challenge the outrageous acts and claims of oppression emanating from the "left" is a white supremacist.

Posturing is not a good thing and personally I do try to avoid that kind of thing. I believe in order to be accurately and fairly understood and treated it is incumbent upon me to present my ideas in the clearest, most objective manner I can muster. I try to keep my emotions in check - otherwise I would rightfully be dismissed as just another mindless drone who has nothing of value to offer.

If someone has a cogent argument it should be presented objectively and free of all exaggeration and with as little emotional inflection as possible.

If you can be objective when you speak of your concerns and ideas all the better. Emotional posturing on the other hand in practical terms ends dialectic.

"Donald Trump happened not because of "racism" or "white nationalism" or any of that other pathetic shit you all are constantly spewing on about-- Donald Trump happened because the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and the LEFTY-LIBERALS who were busy propping up its putrid, rotting dead corpse are so fucking MORALLY BANKRUPT..."

I think we can include the establishment Republicans in this. We said NO to the same ol' same ol' cadre of republican candidates in the primaries and then we said HELL NO to Hilary Clinton.

If anyone wants to place "blame" for a Trump administration that bundle of shit should be placed on the door steps of the RNC and the DNC alike.

As things stand right now in our country I believe Trump is proverbially just what the Doctor ordered. We desperately needed an antigen to fight off the metastasized corruption that truthfully was/is the driving yet unacknowledged force of the two major political parties.

@WilyRickWiles Please Ricky! do you honestly believe the people who love Trump are primarily motivated by hatred - especially hatred of Blacks, Hispanics...

@iThink >> I think we can include the establishment Republicans in this. We said NO to the same ol' same ol' cadre of republican candidates in the primaries and then we said HELL NO to Hilary Clinton.

I do, think I did, and have on multiple occasions included the establishment Republicans in this. In fact one of my answers to Ricky earlier specifically addressed that point.

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