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Life Site News. "Islam is Poised to Take Over Europe, With America Close Behind."[]

mccarthy 8 Dec 6
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As Right Hon Sir Winston Churchill said: We must deal with Islam, before Islam deals with us.


This may not be as difficult as it appears. If Americans continue to vote them in they will soon be the new law makers and and Sharia will be the new law in town. This issue should actually be more important an issue to women since we will become the Muslim property with no more value than a dog. When you go to the polls vote for the future of your daughters and granddaughters...they are truly counting on us all.

Dmwils Level 7 Dec 6, 2019

You are very correct on what happens if or when Muslim's gain control of political offices on women's rights. Then you have them also getting into the police force. I have a relative in Canada that was assaulted by a Muslim man in public and it was physical not verbal. She went to the police department in a city of over 500,000 to report the incident. She end up with another Muslim police MAN. She was basically told it's his right to treat you that way it's our law. She did go up the chain of command and no one would do anything, and basically just handed her a form to fill out. This was over four years ago this incident happened.

I can't remember what station I saw another example on how badly Muslim men treat women, but it was a woman reporter with an all male crew that went into a Muslim controlled area of Germany. They were filming as a group of male Muslim's amassed around them. This group was actually trying to get a hold of the woman to take her. This was with the cameras rolling and the guys on her crew trying to get her out of their. If you look around I bet it's on YouTube.

Then you have another example that was going around on Facebook a few years ago about problems in France with the Muslim's. This story was about them just walking into peoples homes and just taking what ever they wanted. Now granted it sounds fishy as hell till you see the video of a group of people just forcing their way into this person's home. This was filmed by the owner of the home. They basically use numbers to intimidate and force their ways on whom ever they wish.

I personally have seen how Muslim men treat women. As a firefighter in an area with a lot of Somalian refugee's "yes the clause of black hawk down" was an eye opening experience. We were often called out for women in labor. You would walk in and be dumb founded as to which of the eight women were the one you were there for, because they were all in different stages of pregnancy. They all were one man's wives back in their country, but here in the states only one was "officially" the wife. The male of the house usually carried everyone of their I.D's with him always, and until he arrived the women would not leave the home. Everyone of them had government health care as well.

Most people in the western world have little understanding of what will happen if we don't wake up to this. The Muslim leaders teach their followers to go rape, because if the male is Muslim then the child has to be. Yes I find that a real BS deal, but this is their beliefs. If you start looking at reports out of Europe it will shock you as to the boldness and complete disregard for other's but Muslim's.

The Democratic party is a real dumb founding situation to me as they are pro women's liberation. They are also the party that is getting all the Muslim's elected. To my dumb bubba mind this would be a huge conflict of interest of ideals for most women voters. Yet I consistently see women stating that the democrats are the only party supporting women's rights. I do laugh when I see some feminist yelling how the republicans are repressing their rights or the right wing is. When in fact the party your preaching for is ultimately the ones promoting Muslims into politics here in the states. To my knowledge they are the only party any Muslim has run under. So we have feminist activist protesting against anyone who's elected as a republican candidate under the guise they will take a way women's rights. Lol they are actually trying to help get the one's elected that will remove women's rights anyway they can.

Didn’t Obama allow about 700k in the country his last year in office? I heard they breed like rabbits. We will be outnumbered as is now in Europe. We are doomed.

@FEWI just make sure we fight for our right to bear arms. Muslims try to force their way into my home to do harm they won't be met with female submission...

@Dmwils The only way to resolve this without the bloodshed is to deport them, but sadly I don’t see it happening. We may have arms but unlike the EU, so do they.

@FEWI I agree with the bloodshed but this country and it's citizens have no choice unless we chose to live as slaves to the Muslim brotherhood.

@Dmwils The amount of 3rd world refugees entering our country daily, we will be the minority in 10 years.Unless new laws are implemented to stop them from infiltrating our government, I don't have any confidence in our entitled/confused generations succeeding us, to win this fight.

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