9 7

To the dumbasses saying we need to 'ban pornography' because 'think of the children,' yall are idiots. Parent your fucking kids, put parental block on, check your router every now and again. Maybe you should gasp parent your child!

For fuck's sake, it's the same issue I have with laws around cigarettes. You wouldn't let your kid buy cigarettes or alcohol. At least, I hope not. You'd watch them to make sure they don't use drugs. I mean to an extent a kid needs privacy sure, every person needs that, but checking their browsing history to see if little timmy is watching Stacy Adam getting blown by some guy in clown makeup isn't that fucking hard.

You are making the same arguments against pornography the Left makes with hate speech. "Hate speech isn't free speech. Hate speech hurts both you and me so it has to be banned." Same shit, different idea.

And for those retards saying that 'Oh, if porn is speech, I can jack off in the park,' ya'll are forgetting that pornography is private. One on one thing, done alone in the privacy of one's room or other place where they're alone. You don't consent to seeing a 75 year old woman slipping her fingers into herself at a bus stop.

Something can be immoral and disgusting and still be legal. In the end, all that matters is who is affected, if they can/do consent, and the rights of the user of such things..

Coyuga 6 Dec 8
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Banning porn would never work, in the first place and in the second, as pointed out here, it would infringe on others rights and liberties. However, I read a proposal a LONG time ago that I thought was a good idea and still think is a good idea, if we could get all the countries in the world to agree to enforce it on any physical servers located in each country. The idea was that all porn be restricted to This would make it much easier to restrict, which is why the porn industry didn't want to do it voluntarily. You see they want to hook them young -- they don't care about parents trying to protect their children, they want subscribers any way they can get them and the younger the better -- more $$$$ over their lifetime. That's my problem with the just let it go or anything goes attitude. They can have their porn in their own little corner of the web.


Again I am not saying ban it outright. However, there has to be some attention given to the fact that a vast many are experiencing dysfunction not only sexually but emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and are also stuck in social ineptness, unable to communicate effectively to create a partnership with others.

Yes parenting is needed, that is an understatement; but it has always been needed as with each decade we give over power to authority more and more and look to the powers that be to solve our societal problems, family and personal problems along with economic, etc. We all need to grow up, parent and discipline ourselves and grow a pair to stand up for what is right and cut the B.S. of apathy re: live and let live..........................unconditional love and acceptance does not mean acceptance of harmful and hurtful behavior and in the end that is exactly what porn is all about!!

jargon Level 5 Dec 21, 2019

I do not say Ban Porn can still have books, magazines and of course illicit porn movies, just take it off the internet as it is ruining childrens; eventual adult sexual health and well being in too many ways.

jargon Level 5 Dec 10, 2019

Again, how do you define something as pornographic? If a collection of oddballs makes a website dedicated to, I dunno, huffing cat scratch posts, and they get off on that, is that pornography? How can you possibly enforce this without just increasing the size of the mass surveillance that the CIA and NSA has us under already?

Parent your kids. Get a kids browser that blocks porn sites or something. It sounds like you're lazy.

FoR tHe ChIlDrEn is the same argument behind gun control, video censorship, etc etc.


Is that what happens to adult porn watchers?? They do not get proper parental guidance when young!! hmmmm Well I say suck it up buttercup and BAN PORN on the internet all together!!

jargon Level 5 Dec 10, 2019

So the state should act like the parents for adults? That's totalitarian.

We don't need a Nanny State.

Simply because something is immoral or disgusting doesn't mean it should be banned, or that the ban is even enforceable. A free market forced underground is a black market. This happened to drugs, firearms, exotic animals, alcohol, human organs...

Soviet Russia banned pornography, certain religious texts, and various other forms of expression and speech. It didn't work at all, all it resulted in was a thriving black market.

If porn is banned, does that mean the works of the Enlightenment Age philosopher Marquis De Sade are banned? The bible is also less than virginal in many places, as are many religious texts. What about nudity from medical textbooks?

Think ahead a little bit.


Typical ban everything that we don't like. Remember what prohibition led to


Anyone who wants to ban anything, needs to first defend... successfully, their right to do so.
That would immediately eliminate probably 80% of the continuous din of public bickering that keeps us from ever converging on problems that we actually do have the right, and the mutual-responsibility, to address.

We are constantly being dragged into endless, divisive debate over whether we should do something... when often the entire topic is moot, since it was never any of your neighbor's business in the first place.
It's useless to discuss whether you should do something that you can't do anyway.
What's worse, is the subsequent tendency to impose those micro-tyrannies, on the authority that "we collectively decided that it should be done..."; which is NOT legitimate authority.
If it's none of your neighbor's business, then by extension, it's none of the "collective's" business; nor that of the government, which is nothing more than the agent of the collective in the real world.

We didn't create a government to tell us what to do; that doesn't even make any sense.
The government exists to protect people's rights from your actions. Actions that do not violate someone else's rights, do not fall under the purview of government at all.

rway Level 7 Dec 9, 2019

If some of these parents would parent better maybe that would reduce the number of participants for these "films", too. Lol


Howdy @Coyuga,

I am a Christian believer. I live in a culturally diverse country. Whether it's for better or worse, that's the way it's always been. As a Christian, I would love it if everybody believed in my Lord. But that belief would be meaningless if it was coerced.

Pornography has been a constant throughout history. It's impossible to eradicate. I would just like to make easier to separate it from children. You're right about parental responsibility, but it's also a societal responsibility.

Exactly. Last I checked, nobody thinks pornography is something good. At the very least people are ambivalent about it. The only people that think it's good are people who make money off of it.

Some things are just disgusting. You can't rely on the monolithic entity that is the state to pass on your values. That's how we wound up with the 'progressive' mess we're in now.


Nice rant. I am applauding as a perfect description of the porn issue. Just because it is immoral doesn't mean it should be illegal. Prostitution, drugs, porn and people scrogging food products in private are things in which I have no interest but should be legal. Disgusting? Yes, to me, but other people seek to live their lives in their ways. Keep up the fight. Freedom is too important to let it die.

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