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What would happen if someone stole and burned a US flag?

Iowa Man Gets 16 Years In Prison For Burning A Rainbow Pride Flag

By Paul Bois December 20, 2019

Anybody who steals someone else’s private property and then burns it to smoldering ash deserves some kind of punishment under the law, but do they deserve a full 16 years in prison if this act of vandalism is charged as a “hate crime?” One Iowa man now finds himself at the center of that controversial question.

“A man has been sentenced to more than 15 years in prison for burning an LGBTQ flag that was flying at a church in central Iowa,” reports the Associated Press.

For the crime of reckless use of explosives or fire, 30-year-old Adolfo Martinez received one year in prison. For the crime of harassment, he received just 30 days. For the hate crime of burning an LGBT rainbow pride flag, Martinez received a full 15 years.

“The sentences are to be served consecutively, Story County court records show,” continued the Associated Press. “A jury convicted Martinez in November. He was arrested in June. Martinez said he tore down the flag that had been hanging from the United Church of Christ in Ames and burned it because he opposes homosexuality.”

As already stated, Martinez clearly committed a crime when he stole the rainbow flag from the Ames United Church of Christ and set fire to it outside the Dangerous Curves Gentleman’s Club, but the sentencing of 15 years has sparked a broader debate on whether or not the government overreached, especially in light of the fact that burning the American flag is now considered protected speech. People took to social media to voice their concerns.

“[Sixteen] years. This guy just got 16 years in prison for burning the flag of a state-protected group. For context, the average sentence for rape is under ten years. Hate crime laws are out of control,” tweeted Joel Kurtinitis, a contributor to The Federalist. “[Fifteen] of the 16 years were just for the hate crime. The actual vandalism sentence was under a year.”

“Unbelievable. We said decades ago, hate crimes laws are insane and dangerous. They would be abused. We were told we were heartless. And now, today,” tweeted pastor James White.

“Black people have their Civil Rights violated daily and no one is punished. But those same civil rights laws that FBA fought for, are now used to protect FLAGS from other groups,” tweeted Tariq Nasheed.

“Man sentenced to 16 years for stealing and burning an LGBTQ flag. This is going to be infamously controversial, or should be. Of course, stealing and destroying property is very wrong. But when the property is a flag, 16 years is ridiculously excessive,” tweeted Larry Sanger.

“Crime: Man Burns Flag. Charge: Hate Crime. Sentence: 16 Years. What happens in the U.S. if you burn the Stars & Stripes flag? Apparently, that is within the spirit of ‘Freedom of Expression’ Insane!” said one Twitter user.

“And yet, we can burn an American flag, and we’re told it’s freedom of speech. That kind of selectivity is hypocritical. Hate crime laws have rendered/are continuing to further render freedom of speech a thing of the past, sadly,” said another Twitter user.

According to the U.S. Supreme Court case of Texas v. Johnson, the burning of the American flag is protected speech.

Clarken 7 Dec 20
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there must be more to the story though - ? -

iThink Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

Don't know anything else. But I know of trends against conservatives - such as ruling a Christian bakery owner cannot refuse to bake a cake for a same sex wedding. I can't remember all the different cases that have been ruled similar to this one (Christian or otherwise) simply because conservatives do something that's not politically correct. It's made most of us quickly accept the validity of things like this while we quickly reject anything coming from mainstream media and the Democrats because they cry "wolf" and "the sky is falling" ALL the time and nothing coming from them is credible.


Flagrant and outrageous violation of his 1st amendment rights. Should appeal and take it all the way to the supreme court if necessary. Let the Supreme panel demonstrate which they hold in highest esteem...the 1st amendment or political correctness in the guise of kindness and sensitivity.

iThink Level 9 Dec 20, 2019

Absolutely, Disgusting! This cannot stand!

dmatic Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

Gotta hope appeals will overturn it.

@Clarken And, that the judge imposing the unrighteous sentence arrested and charged with a hate crime!

So if someone BOUGHT (and diddn't steal) a rainbow flag and burned it in public, they'd still receive the same sentence. Or was the "harasment" 30 days sentence for the theft - so you can subtract that 30 days since you didn't steal it?

Anyone can burn American flags (something representing the sacrifice of millions of our citizens over the years) at a protest and it's freedom of speech. But take a different flag made with different colors and design and burn it, and you get 16 years in prison?

This is one more thing we can thank the Democrats for. Maybe I'll burn one in my burn barrel out back and see what happens.

@Clarken Be afraid, my very afraid.... That's what they want us to feel....FEAR! It is really unconscionable, isn't it? They want others that think and feel the same way this guy did to NEVER speak. I'm serious about arresting the judge. His sentence IS a hate crime! He/she hates those who don't see the world as they do! Rather than buy your own flag and burn it, which may not be a bad idea, why not find out who this insane judge is and find some things out?

I'm with you.

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