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They're either stupid or evil. Wait, I guess they (many of them anyway) could be both. If not, they'd jump ship.

Democrats hate religion

By Roger Taylor December 31, 2019

Recently, I made a statement on social media that the Democrats hate religion. This was a broad stroke of the paintbrush and offended many Democrats. But I stand by the statement.

The radical left is fully embracing the tenets of socialism. Because the Democrats are refusing to condemn those who espouse these views, they are giving tacit approval of the agenda. We saw this happening at the 2012 Democrat convention, when the audience booed at the mention of God. The offenders were not called out on this affront to the respect due to God and those who worship Him.

As Jesus said, one cannot serve two masters. Socialism, as we have seen played out in all countries that have tried it, and as described by Karl Marx, demands total obedience to the state. The state is a god. The state decides who can live and die, and it speaks of "the people" but not the individual. Individuals have only those rights given by the state, if given any rights at all.

In contradistinction, America was founded on the Judeo-Christian doctrine of free will. If God grants us free will, He grants us individuality. Our founders felt that this God-given individuality demands individual rights as ordained by God. The state should never be given permission to infringe on those rights.

In order for Socialism to seize control of this country, religion, especially Christianity, will have to be destroyed. That is why these so-called Progressives (AKA socialists) hate Christian principles. These principles are a roadblock on the goose-step march to socialism.

The radical leftists have been insidiously and assiduously at the religious ramparts and have been tearing them down for decades. God is not allowed in public schools and many public buildings. We see a degradation of all things holy and decent. There is no respect for human life, real gender identity, holy matrimony, and almost all forms of morality.

I see no movement in the Democrat party to counter these nefarious ideas. So yes, the Democrats, by their actual and tacit approval of this radical agenda, hate religion.

Clarken 7 Dec 31
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I hate religion but Iā€™m not a lefty in any way shape or form,

I appreciate that. Notice it didn't say that anyone who hates religion is Democrat, though.

I don't appreciate "religion" myself, believe it or not. Being a Christian doesn't make me "religious". Those who talk and act like Nancy Pelosi are religious, like the religious leaders and Pharisees in the Bible. She would be one of them that called for Christ's trumped up trial and crucifixion. (pun intended) Democrats today are characterized by their blind, unreasonable hatred of what is good and their love for what is harmful.

Though you hate religion, I doubt that means you hate Christians who do their best to live good and honorable lives in line with their Biblical convictions. You just don't want them forcing anything on you.

From what I've seen of you, you pretty much follow the golden rule of treating others the way you'd want them to treat you. Even if you disagree with someone, I don't remember you being hateful toward them. And you didn't say you disagree with the content of the article but just made the clarification that you don't want to be lumped in with the lefties.


Communism/Socialism in its truest sense cannot tolerate its subjects giving loyalty or faith to anything other than the central gov't.

"Religion is the opiate of the People" - is a rough translation of the following from Karl Marx.

"The full quote from Karl Marx translates as: "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".

In other words religion offers no real comfort or relief only centralized government / communism can do that.

This is why I always viscerally disliked John Lenens popular song "Imagine" - it really is an anthem for a godless communist globalist world.

I can't speak for anyone else but to imagine no God sounds incredibly sad and empty to me. No purpose to life - meaningless existence, sounds so alien to me. I am not a participant in organized religion but I believe to the very core of my being in the existence of a Creator - God if you will.

iThink Level 9 Dec 31, 2019

I don't have enough faith to believe that everything came into existence out of nothing without an intelligent being/designer creating it.

Just the fact that we even wonder about God is a good reason to believe. Why would humans ever have imagined God to begin with if He didn't put it into their mind somehow?

Much more could be said, of course.


Hello. How about Christian Democrats of America? I only know the name (I live in the UK) but aren't they left-wing Christians? They are democrats but they don't hate their religion, surely... do they?

Naomi Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

The two have come to be diametrically opposed. True Christians have no other gods than God himself and do everything with intent to honor/please Him. While some American Democrats may claim to be Christian (especially Catholics), they have a different definition of what that means. They would include socialism as being a christian tenent among other things that are against Biblical prinicples. They don't believe a person's faith should influence their politics. So they're christian in name only - though they would disagree and call me judgemental.

In the 2012 Democrat Nation Committee (DNC) conference, it was put on the table for a vote to put God back into the Democrat platform. The vote didn't go as planned and the majority voted NO. After some confusion of what to do, they tried it again. The NOs were definitely the loudest. The chairman (a past Ohio governor who was an ordained Methodist minister, Ted Strickland) and his leadership cohorts just went ahead and said the motion is passed. The Democrats Boooooooooed loud and long. You can find this on youtube.

There just aren't any Democrat policies that are pro-God. They're completely anti-Christ. If you held a trial to prove they are guilty of being Christians, most of them would be found innocent for lack of evidence!


I agree wholeheartedly.
The liberal agenda is to destroy your faith and replace it with an atheistic value system that turns authority to the state. As long as the state has ultimate control, personal values can be discarded to the state.
Leftists have a hate for Christianity because it takes away control and makes the individual account before a higher authority.
Now the kicker.
Leftists havenā€™t yet managed to deal with two huge religious sects, Islam and Catholicism.
These two religions have managed to control leftists in a manner that Christianity will not.
Islam resorts to violence to enforce compliance and Catholics resort to Rome for authority.
Christianity puts its faith in God and leftist ideology uses their god as a fake, Pelosi is the example. She prays for Trump in a temple of Satan. Liberals have no god and the god they really fear is Islam.

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

Thanks for this it echoes a lot if my own thinking. The real difference between real Christians (those who really been saved and changed by God) and Roman Catholicism and Islam is that the first does not seek to establish a kingdom in this world and the other two are really political movements dressed up in religious garb.

@Boris-the-Spider I get your point but to say that Catholicism is equivalent to Islam is just wrong.

Leftist/Democrats are okay with Islam and Catholicism because they are all power hungry political systems with so much in common. They're all "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, ungrateful, unholy, without love, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of Godā€” having a form of godliness but denying its power. ."

So far the Democrats have been able to use Islam and Catholics as pawns in their agenda to stay in the game, battling against freedom loving conservatives for control. Democrats are so full of themselves that they don't realize they're in over their heads. They, along with Rome (Pope et al), cannot survive alongside Islam because Islam will not be satisfied with anything less that total domination and extermination of any possible competition or dissent.

@iThink Therefore Catholicism is not equivalent to Islam. Islam is not even a religion and it's not just political either. It's a political military ideology that knows no mercy, like the god they serve.

So much deceit among that it can only come from the father of lies. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes when accounts are called in. Still time for some to change loyalty though.

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