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weird huh? and I wonder why California, Brazil, Austraila, and now New Zealand have recently caught fire...


DesireNoDesires 7 Jan 6
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In America, California is the villain because of their high burn fraction, and because they're bankrupt and helpless to do anything about it.

The Australian fires are mostly brush, not forest. The brush would have decomposed anyway even without a fire.

It's unfair to compare Australia to the rainforests because Australia is drier.

World forest fire data:

      World fraction  Forest  Deforestation  Fires
            %          Bkg       Bkg/yr      Bkg/yr

South America 22 96000 400 50
Russia 21 92000 ? 100
Africa 17 73000 240 50
Canada 12.6 55000 0 50
USA 7.9 34800 0 15
S.E. Asia 5.9 26000 -120 10
China 5.3 23300 -170 20
E.U. 4.1 18000 -40 3
Asian Islands 3.6 15800 30 10
Australia + NZ 3.2 14100 ? 20
C. America 2.7 11900 60 5

World 1000 440000 350 250

that data shows deforestation fires...what does that have to do with the fact that the years largest national natural developing fires just so happen to run along the areas which have the most active volcanic activity?


This is what the brainwashed call"raising Awareness" green is the new red


This may explain for why trees were reported to be burning from the inside out during Cali fires...haha kidding..itthe fires are obviously HAARP and they super lasers


Please do enlighten us why ? The main reason in Australia is over 200 arsonists

Pmac Level 4 Jan 6, 2020

So gangs of Arsonist's traveling through California, Brazil, Austraila, and now New Zealand catching the world on fire?

@DesireNoDesires No they are all home grown idiots unfortunately

@Pmac Do these Australian Arsonists have an objective? if you seen them then why didnt you attempt to stop them?

@DesireNoDesires These are just the ones who were caught by the police . The large majority are kids (12 to16) and are given a slap on the wrist and let go . If i did see any of them , i promise you, i would not be so forgiving.

@Pmac so youre saying you know about as much as I on the subject, being that we bot received our information from a 3rd party?


Leftists trying to burn the place down to save the world from burning, leftist hypocrisy.

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 6, 2020

pretty much

Pulling a Juicy Smullett in the name of Climate change

@FEWI why not? vaccine developers get to use the spreading and reemergence of certain disease outbreaks, as an excuse for them to keep gettin money for nothin and their chicks for free. Even though the outbreaks are due to the mass migrations of people whom are fleeing their homes from the fires caused by the actual natural climate change.The wicked have to squeeze their lazy freeloadin asses into the circle of life somehow

@DesireNoDesires MO The majority of migrants fleeing into our country are fleeing for a better way of life.
Dang it DND! Now I’m going to have that song in my head all day.

@FEWI yeah. one thats not on fire...politicians get the word of caravans before the rest of the population, and they deliver the story in the best way to benefit themselves

@FEWI how else would you explain migrants on the move all around the world, moving from the equator, and traveling north . Why you think Russia and China keep their shit locked down, they're so quiet that we feel the need to blame our own downfalls and corruption on them


"On the mountain, as Moses had his focus on God and not on the problem, they discovered victory in the valley. When our focus is on the eternal, the temporal falls into place. When our focus is on heaven, the events of earth fall into their right perspective. When our focus is on the victor, we begin to experience the victory."

@DesireNoDesires I can’t recall us blaming our downfalls on China and Russia. But then I don’t consider myself part of the whining demo cartel either.

@FEWI I meant they seem to be viewed as our biggest threat that would lead to nuclear warfare, if a conflict were to occur.. They also are the first to blame when it comes to cyber warffare

@DesireNoDesires I have to be honest here. I see some of these people in our government more of a threat of destroying this country than Russia or China. China will just buy us out if anything.

@FEWI exactly and they arent even the core of the problem..its like its almost an invisible force that will drive the direction of anyone who has the largest influence at the time like Google and Amazon. A force controlled by whoever has control of time and space in which allows for imagination

@FEWI The Queen has Big Ben and the Pope has the church

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