7 5

After the US wakes up to the fact that it has just experienced an elaborate hoax that turned the majority of us into quivering cowards, it will be time to call for retribution from the traitors - the Democrats and the media - who pulled this hoax on us. Sure, the disease is real, but the threat was hyped way above what it really is causing mindless panic among the weak-minded and cowardly.

This allowed the government, mostly in Democrat controlled cesspools, to essentially declare martial law and take away our rights to assemble. The panic also cost us trillions of dollars in stock market losses and lost wages.

Somebody has to pay and the Democrats and their stooges in the media are the obvious ones to pay. If we allow this to go unpunished, the vile vermin of the left will just do it again with the next time being worse. They will do this until Trump is out of office and the USA is in ruins.

CNN. MSNBC, and others should be stripped of all assets. All major stockholders in these companies should also be stripped of their assets. The Democrat party should be fined out of existence.

If we don't do this, thew worst is yet to come. I warned you.

BobCoffey1 7 Mar 17

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@BobCoffey1 Besides being a conservative, a rancid one at that, yes I do have "a lot more than a clue" about Communism. I didn't live in a Communist country but in one that got too close to become one thanks to people who think as you do. Bye.


And you, dear fellow, should be stripped of your right to speak.

A3an Level 4 Mar 20, 2020

@BobCoffey1 Hi Bob. After your call for news channels to be stripped, the Democratic Party, representing 50% of the US population, to be fined out of existence, after blaming them for the virus as well as for the contingency measures, you called me a fascist ? Your path to reason is very slippery and you fall over all the time! Thanks, this morning you made me smile.


You are describing Communism. Scary.

@BobCoffey1 I guess it takes one who saw it to know what Communism is...others only see what leads to said animal.


What we are now experiencing is big government taking away the individuals' rights to make their own decisions about what is safe or not safe for themselves. That is Socialism! And it has now managed to restrict our ability to attend church, go out to eat at a restaurant, go to college classes, use our public libraries, even to vote on time in our primaries. And they are doing it because they "are concerned for our safety and security."

Now they've managed to take away our Constitutional 1st Amendment rights to assembly. This is all being done "for our protection". Sounds so compassionate, doesn't it? They've figured out, especial with the Coronavirus, that that's how to make it acceptable to take away individual constitutional rights "endowed to us by our Creator". Call it a "Pandemic" an "Epidemic" and a "Crisis." Use fear and everyone will willingly give up their rights.

CPAC 2020 was just 2 weeks ago. Its theme was "America vs Socialism". The impeachment didn't work to get Trump out so that a Socialist (Democrat) would be able to take over. So the next opportune "crisis" that came available was COVID-19. With it, they've managed to plunge America into Socialism - Big Government control of our lives.

But you can bet they aren't done yet. Socialists are not happy until they have TOTAL control. Your guess is as good as mine what will be next. But we'll recognize it when it happens - probably tomorrow! They haven't given up on taking away our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. And eventually they'll even take away our cars "for our own safety". You can't say they have been trying already! Too many people dying in auto collisions, much less all the pollution and CO2 emissions causing global warming that will bring an apocalypse within 10 years! But we should all just accept it because "it's Governments 1st responsibility to protect its citizens."

Clarken Level 7 Mar 17, 2020

Although this may seem a little overstated, I agree we need to be wary of the insidious erosion of our rights and constant overreach by the nanny state our government has been seeking for decades. Our country and its government was founded on uniquely wise and godly principles of freedom and self determination with little interference from the government. This was a hard-won form of government and way of life for which the blood of our heroic ancestors was spilt in order that we might be free from the tyranny of a self-serving political class with a godless agenda.

As Ben Franklin said "A Republic, IF you can keep it!"


What is the bigger hoax???? That Liberals care...about anything, except LGBT??? An open cesspool Taco Bell in Hell hole Mexican Border? That Obama was an American?


If it's a hoax like Trump initially said and you believe, why has his administration fallen for it now? And why do you care what the "Democrat controlled cesspools" do? Are you coming to realize that you depend on them economically?

"Trump Declared the Coronavirus a Hoax" This desperate lie, launched by the far-left Politico, was quickly debunked by fact-checkers, including  the far-left Washington Post. That’s how big of a lie it is — the Washington Post conceded it was a lie.
Nevertheless, CNN continues to spread this lie.

@TimTuolomne Are you talking to me or Bob? Bob is calling the Democrats' response to the virus a hoax in much the same way that Trump did.

"Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. You know that, right? Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. They can’t even count their votes in Iowa, they can’t even count. No they can’t. They can’t count their votes.

One of my people came up to me and said, ‘Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well. They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything, they tried it over and over, they’ve been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning, they lost, it’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it. And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing. We’re 15 people [cases of coronavirus infection] in this massive country. And because of the fact that we went early, we went early, we could have had a lot more than that."

@BobCoffey1 Why do you care so much about their economies and how they respond to the virus, then?

@WilyRickWiles My response followed your comment directly. I said Trump did not say it was a hoax, and cite evidence. Even after that, you repeatedly refer to Trump saying it was a hoax. Otherwise, I can't follow your post. It makes no sense to me

@TimTuolomne That part between the quotation marks that doesn't make sense is Trump's words, lol.

@TimTuolomne Regardless, when I used the word hoax, it was because the original poster did. And I meant it in the same context--not the one you assumed was ascribed to Trump, but the actual context in which Trump used the word.

@WilyRickWiles, It doesn't appear that you are reading my responses. And I never engage in a discussion in which I am not learning something. I am not learning anything.

@TimTuolomne Your reply was a non sequitur.

@BobCoffey1 You don't know what that word means.


While I think its still too early to be sure, it won't be long before I can agree with you that this represents at least cynical opportunism and possibly malfeasance.

"Never assume conspiracy when incompetence can explain."

Too many evildoers use incompetence as an alibi. It is an easy excuse. Since when is lack of intention an alibi? Common people are charged for leaving dogs or children in hot cars for too long. Clearly they did not intend to kill their pets or their children in plain sight of the public, but the elite are exonerated of high crimes for lack of intent and feigned incompetence.

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