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SHOULD WE LET THIS THING BURN ITSELF OUT? Exactly as has happened with every other outbreak?

Do the numbers justify the suicide of our nation? There’s no consensus on that, but common sense suggests that this “cure” is far worse worse than the disease.

Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that every social engineering wet dream from the left is suddenly being rammed down our throats, as well as the real probability that a “national emergency” will usher in a post-constitutional era that will end our country as we’ve known it. Sure, I’d be willing to trust that Trump would be more inclined to roll back special powers once the “crisis” passes than, say, Hillary Vlinton or Elizabeth Warren, but I don’t want governments to have any more powers than it already abuses. And let’s not overlook the blissful, fortuitous end to those frightening Trump rallies.

So many happy coincidences. For what? Would, possibly, all these billions of dollars being set on fire, be better served focusing on the small percentage of people who are genuinely sick, instead of clogging the system with the 80%—90% who will recover on their own. And let the corner donut shop and Joe’s Hardware stay in business?


Edgework 8 Mar 23
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Couldn't agree more!!


Actually, the numbers are scary. This is not a joke. Let's say we reversed all the precautions.......

The models predict an infection rate of between 30% and 70%. Now, the vast majority of those will be no problem, just like flu. let's run the numbers. We'll take the low end of 30%. That means in a population of 327 million (USA) there will be at least 98 million infected..............and with a 2% death rate, that is at least 1.9 MILLION dead.

AT LEAST 1.9 million dead in the USA.

Yeah, that's a problem.

How can you prevent it?

By not getting infected. Isolation.

The owners of the corner donut shop and Joe's Hardware will not be worried about the bottom line if they, or someone they love, is dead.

Colpy Level 7 Mar 23, 2020

Naw, Italy for example is full of smoke hounds, thus the high death rate. Smokers in U.S. usually fist sick last well and they keep us all sick.



No, you have your head stuck in the sand because you have been spoiled living in the modern world. We have forgotten what pandemics look like. As recently as 1917-18 the Spanish Flu killed over 40 million people world wide, twice as many as the First World War in 1/3 the time. the Black Death killed 1/3 the population of Europe in the 14th century, and kept re-occurring over the next 300 years, typically killing 1/10 of the population in areas affected. It only began to subside in the late 17th century..............because people had learned to ISOLATE.

Read a little history.

@BobCoffey1, @johnlondon Well, even if the Italian figures are inflated because "smoking", I did not use Italian figures in the of 3 hours before I typed this, Italy had 63,927 cases and 6077 deaths. That is a 9% fatality rate, 4 1/2 times the 2% I used in my calculations. And smokers don't get the virus if they are not exposed, thus ISOLATION.

@BobCoffey1 Listen arsehole, you are hardly the arbiter of reality. In fact, your posts indicate you are not even dealing with reality. So, were I you, in future I would pay close attention to Mark Twain's advice "It is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"

@BobCoffey1 "This pandemic is no worse than many diseases we have seen recently"


Like what?

@BobCoffey1 Do research. That way you don't make a fool of yourself.

The SARS outbreak of 2003

"According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a total of 8,098 people worldwide became sick with SARS during the 2003 outbreak. Of these, 774 died. In the United States, only eight people had laboratory evidence of SARS-CoV infection. All of these people had traveled to other parts of the world where SARS was spreading. SARS did not spread more widely in the community in the United States. See an update on SARS cases in the United States and worldwide as of December 2003."


SARS had 8,098 cases worldwide. 774 died. That is because SARS was much less a communicable disease than Covid 19, although SARS had what (we all hope) was a much higher death rate.

Covid 19 currently has 372,594 cases, and 15,313 deaths, and is still spreading.


Reality sucks, but you can try again, if you like. Just remember Mr. Twain's words, although I think you have already removed all doubt.

@BobCoffey1 Yeah.....the CDC is lying, and so is the WHO, all because they are out to get you.

There is something wrong with you. I'm sure that extensive consultations with a mental health professional, and perhaps a regimen of pharmaceuticals would help. But, as for me, I'm done with you. You aren't paying me enough to deal with your mental illness.

@BobCoffey1 I CITED them for you, Dumbass.




@BobCoffey1 There are currently 422,613 confirmed cases and 18,891 deaths from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak as of March 25, 2020, 01:47 GMT.

@BobCoffey1 Of course there are many, many undiagnosed cases, most of them very mild. That is one of the things that makes this virus so dangerous, as those people are still spreading it.

"That would make the morality rate no more than about 2.2% - a far cry from what you were quoting."

Actually, the 1.9 million American dead number I quoted was based on a 30% infection rate (the lowest of the options) and a 2% fatality rate. That's lower than 2.2%

As for my silk panties, my wife is wearing them at the moment.

Soy boy? That's hilarious. Research.....remember? Go look at my profile.


"I looked up some statistics myself." From where?

"None of the current mortality rates come close to 2%, some range as low as .2%"

Uh huh.

REALITY: This morning, 435,065 diagnosed cases, 19,609 deaths. Do the math. That is a fatality rate of 4.5%.


@BobCoffey1 You really are far too angry.

Seriously, seek treatment.

You're so pissed off at the world you seem incapable of linear thought.

And you provide no evidence for your imaginary conclusions.

Really, calm down, think logically, provide links, research, and you might convince someone. Or be convinced by the evidence, instead of your own ridiculous delusions.

That will not happen unless you modify your behaviour.


Liberal? Me?

I'm Canadian. I have never in my life voted for the Liberal Party of Canada, I am a card carrying member of the Conservative Party.

I loathe Liberals. They are politically correct goose-stepping dimwits that want to undermine western civilization while shutting down free speech, and capitalism, and stealing all my guns.

You're about as accurate calling me a "liberal" as you are in all of the rest of your posts on this thread.

You are funny, though.

@BobCoffey1 me some "real" statistics. And cite them.


Well, you've finally done it. You've totally discredited yourself. In fact, now I'm wondering if you're just a troll.........


It’s important to look at the consequences of getting the disease, and that is something very few people have done. The assumption seems to be that we’re all going to die from it, or at least that the potential death toll justifies draconian measures. The former is nonsense and the latter is now questionable. From what little I’m able to find (mostly from WHO and the US CDC, both of which may be mere propaganda) a “mild” case will run its course in two weeks; a “severe” case in six. Because there is no specific treatment for the disease I presume hospitals would be focused on the symptoms, which means home care would likely be just as effective. Also, assuming the disease spreads exponentially then we all will likely be exposed to it before a cure or vaccine will become available. So, yes, why are we deliberately running our economy into the ground? Or blaming one political party or the other for inaction? Well, except I think it is perfectly valid to blame bureaucratic red tape for our slow response in developing a reasonable vaccine or possible cure.


exactly... we're not doing all this out of "necessity", control freaks are seizing it as an "opportunity".
Even if the hysteria doesn't get any worse, it's still been a successful dry-run. Not that it was planned or anything, but it's certainly useful in that capacity. We're testing the limits and the protocols of establishing and enforcing an authoritarian State, whether we realize it or not; and those very authoritarians will come away with lessons-learned for next time... even if that hasn't yet occurred to them. It will.
The reason for invoking those protocols is irrelevant, and interchangeable. They can dream up an existential "crisis" every day before breakfast if they need to, and it will be the lead story on every channel by lunchtime.

"Flattening the curve" isn't necessarily a bad idea. It will alleviate the load on hospitals, but that's nothing more than a short-term resource management problem. And, it comes with significant down-side.
It will also widen the curve, and give the virus more opportunity to mutate. And, it will diminish the extent to which we develop herd-immunity for next time it appears. And it will reappear, probably in the Fall.
Then we'll get to do this all again.
And each time... they'll get a little more efficient about "locking us down", and getting us to just accept it meekly as our "duty" to the Herd.

This approach does buy us some time to develop a vaccine, I guess; if we can keep up with the mutations that we're allowing to emerge. But it's certainly not a silver bullet, cure-all strategy that we must impose at all costs. Especially costs that include abandoning the Constitution, setting fire to the global economy, and locking ourselves in the basement of the very centralized authority, with presumption of Sovereignty over us, that we established America specifically to get away from in the first place.

rway Level 7 Mar 23, 2020

Don't worry, Trump will definitely put the economy over the lives of the worthless American peasants.

bastion Level 7 Mar 23, 2020

Let's hope so.
A thriving Capitalist economy saves more lives every year than all the control-freaks' nanny State programs ever have or ever will.
Global poverty has literally been nose-diving over the last couple decades, with child mortality and life-expectancy responding positively in accordance; along with innumerable other quality of life factors around the Globe.
Sacrifice that economy on the altar of collectivism just so you can claim that you "care" more than the mean Republicans, and you sacrifice all that progress and all those lives for the foreseeable future.
That's not very caring. It's just selfish and heartless virtue-posing, at the expense of all those "peasants" you pretend to care about.

I believe you mean the LGBT alphabet soup mafia, don't you? Extreme minority more important than the MAJORITY's wants and beliefs....

@rway lol at weepy essays.

enjoy watching the American doctors die because they aren't provided with facemasks.


I think something similar should have been the plan in 2008, minus the cynicism. But hey, these are cynical times.



I preached the same then.

All over the net.

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