4 4

Based and Donkey pilled.

CookieMonster 8 Apr 4
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"The moral of the story is that during difficult times the first ones you have to keep under control are the jackasses who don't understand the danger ... .." Yes, that is the key here, isn't it? CONTROL.

Except in the current case (with COVID-19) it seems to be the "Jackasses" that are doing the controlling. One of their primary tactics has long been DIVIDE, CONQUER, & CONTROL. I know you're from the UK, but in the US, the Democrats are, after all, the Jackass party, who have made it clear for some time (and lately more clear than ever with the likes of AOC) that they intend to transform America into a socialist country where big government CONTROLS everything. They tell you what to believe (such as "a man is a woman or a woman is a man" ), and if you're not politically correct, you will be the "first ones" they will "keep under control" because you just "don't understand".

Yes, I realize Trump is the US President & the Republicans control the US Senate. But unless they submit to this leftist/socialist way of handling a Coronavirus, they will be impeached by the Jackass party and the MSM, who continue to report their brainwashing mantras over and over again until everyone submits willingly or by force "for the greater good". It's just funny they never do this for the common flu that kills tens of thousands every year (2018 the US had 49 million cases and 80,000 deaths from the flu).

There are too many things that don't add up here, to include the numbers. What criteria are they ACTUALLY using to determine "confirmed cases", "infections", and "deaths"? They are counting everyone that died "with" COVID-19, not just "from" COVID-19. If someone dies from a car accident and it is discovered they had cancer somewhere in their body, do they count that as a cancer death? NO. Yet that's what they're doing with COVID-19. Then there's the $$$$$$$ numbers. There is a serious incentive for states to report high counts and desperate conditions, with $50billion on the table for the taking.

If the Democrats & the MSM say something is true, it's a lie or at least twisted. You know they're lying if their lips are moving. If they are for something, I'm against it because I know they call good evil and evil good. They CANNOT be trusted. They were out to destroy Trump from before he took office. "Russia, Russia, Russia" didn't work. Ukraine impeachment didn't work. A dozen things before that didn't work. Now they've already suggested impeachment investigations over his "slow response" to COVID-19. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.

Yes, I know this is a global pandemic and people are really dying from it. So it isn't all about the US and/or about Trump. But here in the US, the Democrats & their MSM have decided not to let a single crisis go to waste. If they can make it worse by ensuring our economy fails, they will have a significantly greater chance of taking the Presidency (and both houses of congress) away. Yes, they are that evil. Yes, they hate Trump and those "Deplorables" who elected him that much. It's all about CONTROL. Your post even said so!

One question: What will you do when/if someone considers you to be the "jackass" that needs to be controlled?

Didn't read all that the prsuption I need a 2,000 word lecture on liberty is not one i'm going to rise to, but noticed your last question.
What will I do? in a pandemic or emergency I will do what is necassery, there needs to be a sunset clause on any authoritarian legislation and no attempt to disarm me. This is a sensible response than the one size fits no one response of fuck you when facing catastrophy.

Its all about getting the checks and balances right.

From what I've seen of your posts & comments, I believe you to be a reasonable & sensible person. I didn't mean to insult or lecture. Many people just don't see the hidden agenda in memes like that.

By the way, you said "I will do what is necessary". Different experts are saying different things are and are not necessary. So it is (should be) up to each individual to decide what is necessary to protect self and others - the golden rule of caring for others as much as you care for yourself. Isn't that what we always do? The "experts" are supposed to give us the information and we then decide what to do with it. The norm would be to stay home if you are sick and/or are concerned with getting sick. Everyone else would then go about life/work while being cautious not to spread germs and such. That's what is done every flu season.

You feel this is a sensible response probably because you won't be losing a job, home, or business? I lose nothing either (other than my constitutional rights and probably some of my mutual fund investments). But I'm concerned for what this response is doing to others, to our current and future economy & culture. Things like this set a precedent for how to respond in the future.

Everything in life is a risk. Driving is a risk. Will they decide to take vehicles away because it will save hundreds of thousands of lives? Mayor (little) Mike Bloomberg even outlawed big gulps (extra large sodas) in NY because they aren't healthy. So they take choice and decision making out of our hands and tell us everything we can and cannot do. And we become wimps, sheep, following their every directive because THEY know what is best. And we become cowards and unwilling to take any risk? Then when a Hitler comes along, we are unable to stand up to him like Churchill and "the greatest generation" did.

Not intending another "lecture". But these things have serious consequences.


the other option was to have shot and killed the donkey...that soldier had a big heart.

iThink Level 9 Apr 4, 2020

Hello. This image also landed on me the other day. Not sure about adding a moral message to it, but someone commented "Judging from the wide spacing between the soldiers, they are probably walking through a minefield. A man leading a donkey would represent six legs to trigger a mine. A man carrying a donkey would be using two legs and be 1/3 as likely to trigger a mine." It sounds logical. 🙂

Naomi Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

A picture is worth a thousand words applies to this image.

angelo Level 8 Apr 4, 2020
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