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Mitch McConnell is an abhorrent career politician who is not representing the people. Change my mind.

“The next pandemic coming will be the lawsuit pandemic in the wake of this one. So we need to prevent that now when we have the opportunity to do it.”
-Mitch McConnell

The question of whether businesses can be sued for putting people at risk will define the extent to which businesses will put people at risk. If businesses are granted full legal immunity from private lawsuits, they can pretty much ignore public health guidance from experts and governments. They can treat social distancing as a mere suggestion. They can force sick people to come to work and not even tell their coworkers or their customers that they’re forcing sick people to come to work.

It’s important to understand what McConnell is proposing here: He’s saying that he will withhold aid money to state and local governments fighting the Covid-19 pandemic if the package does not include legal giveaways to protect businesses from the justice system. People have a right to sue. McConnell is not only trying to take that right away; he’s willing to hold public relief money hostage in order to do it.

FOTD13 7 May 5
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Of course he is a career polhac(his wife as well)and a major part of the issue in the DC swamp. It just so happens he is also the enemy of my enemy at this point in time so I will continue to support him until I die as long as their is a Tox Pelosi Chuck U Schumer or anyone named Clinton Biden Bush or Obama.


Mitch is Mitch. Yes he wears a black hat and sometimes a white hat. I have cursed him more times than I can count. His shenanigans during the 2014 Mississppi Senatorial Republican primary required a runoff between Cochran and Tea Party candidate Chris McDaniel on June 24, 2014. Mitch loaded the wagon with millions in campaign funding for Cochran narrowly beating McDaniel. Only to have Cochran retire in April of 2018. His omnibus bills stink to high heaven. He has one redeeming quality. He has brilliantly orchestrated the conservative resurgence in the judiciary. Other than that I guess I'm glad he is a Republican and not a Democrat. He's crafty and knows the senate rules better than most. He has been an important ally to the DJT over the last 3.5 years. He's a pragmatist (wind sock). With McConnell its always a two edge sword. The budget debacle cannot be dealt with until a constitutional requirement to limit spending is enacted. In order to do that you have to have a convention of the states under Article 5. The risk there is the absence of orderly minds and common sense. Common sense is not common. 48% of the voting public side with the Democrats and they are clearly disconnected from reality. I have so little faith in the GOP and for a lot of obvious reasons. They are a party teetering on the brink of extinction. Trump must win in 2020, the Senate must stay under McConnell and the GOP must win the House. Any variation means bad days ahead.


Taxpayers should be alarmed beyond the sense of the country being invaded, by any proposal to spend more government money it can only get by obligating every man woman and child in the US to MORE than the $67,500 due in taxes in some form eventually to cover the 23 trillion of government debt we already owe. That means huge increases in taxes just to do that. Think we are much lower than Sweden which taxes workers at 90% of their income? Not anymore. I'm not kidding and I'm not exaggerating. Do the math.

McConnell sees this and is trying to protect you. Do you see it?

And no, this virus is no more dangerous to healthy people than driving your car. So is it an overreaction of colossal proportion? Oh yeah. Thank the media which was about to grab their ankles and go under until this story came along, so do they want it to continue? Oh yeah.

0.03% mortality rate , I have copd, had pneumonia 4 times, been dead once & recussitated , i m more likely to die on my motorcycle!, so fuck it I'll take my chances,

Swedish tax rate is currently 57%. America is between 22%-37%. But the Swedes do not pay for higher education, childcare, health care, retirement. So if you factor in American taxes+childcare+health care+retirement+college= We pay more than the Swedes.

Swedes also get five weeks paid vacation. Paid sick leave to stay home with children, 480 days of parental leave per child, and 80% of your formal salary for up to 200 days if you are unemployed.

@BikerPetehall70, Dang right Pete! And the mortality rate is probably way lower than .03% anyway. More like .0002; far lower than the common flu, and far lower than riding your bike.

@FOTD13, The point, is that we are about to pay more than the Swedes; way more, and get nothing back. No paid vacations, no parental leave, nothing. Its been spent by Obama and his predecessors, and Obama had the worst economy in the history of the US. Where did it go? Good question. Do you trust government? Or is it something that should be watched with great care and no one left in charge for more than two terms?

We are in big trouble as a nation, and the spending must stop now, or we go down the tubes forever. Anyone who thinks the government gets its money from any place but the taxpayers is an idiot. And how much tax is the government getting from the taxpayers right now? And when do the Democrats want to reopen? Next year? Two years from now? Ever? What do you think happens to the government and to us when the government can't borrow any more - which is dangerously close to to that point right now???? Anyone???

I think you meant to say Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression. Forced to inject money into Bush's failed economy, economic growth continued north for his eight years in office. Obama starts presidency with a GDP of -3 ends presidency with +2.6.

Current GDP -4.8. The U.S. economy is well below the ideal growth rate of between 2% and 3%. That rate is fast enough to provide sufficient jobs, but not so fast it will create inflation or an asset bubble.

Before Covid Trump's highest was +2.8. Yay.

President Bush added $5.849 trillion, the second-greatest dollar amount. This was a 101% increase, the fourth-largest percentage increase. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks. It includes the War in Afghanistan, at $1.1 trillion, and the Iraq War, at $1 trillion. Military spending rose to a record level of $800 billion a year.4

Bush fought two recessions.

2001 recession: Initiated the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act.

2008 financial crisis: Approved a $700 billion bailout package for banks.

Both Presidents Bush and Obama also had to contend with higher mandatory spending for Social Security and Medicare.

Stop the partisan bs. I liked some things Obama did and abhored a lot more.
But changing facts is FAKE NEWS, whether they are Democrats or Republicans

@FOTD13, No that is not what I meant to say. Interesting interpretation of the facts. We disagree completely. And history demonstrates endlessly that what you describe is pretty much impossible. I'm not surprised that someone who is willing to put words in my mouth can't tell the truth.


Sounds like a reasonable proposal to me. Your position that business owners will endanger their employees and customers unless they can be sued is a strange view. I am thinking you may be one of the OWG Communist supporters. Democrat?

Businesses are mandated to open whether the business feels it’s safe or not.
Business files for business interruption insurance, it does not go through since business is allowed to run at capacity.
Landlord can demand rent since business is allowed to run at capacity.
Furloughed staff has to go back to work whether it is safe or not. Staff can no longer collect unemployment.
Unemployment insurance goes on business’s tab.
If things blow up again the unemployed are still on the business’s tab.
Re-opening is about screwing the working class and small business.

I am an independent with independent thoughts. I vote on issues not on party lines.

@FOTD13 So you suggest we stay in lock-down forever? If you want to criticize others, make sure you offer a viable solution.

Havn't come up with a solution yet, but blanket legal protection is not ok. A second wave of covid coupled with the flu will bring this country to its knees. When I figure it out I will let you know.

@FOTD13 staying in lockdown is bringing the country to its knees.


I doubt that his proposal is constitutional.

On the other hand people seem to fail to realize we are in an economic war with the fascist government of China. A government that sends ethnic minorities to concentration camps and openly discriminated against Africans. In a war everyone takes risks and in this war like many others the risk is falling disproportionately on small businesses and minorities because social distancing is a luxury of the rich and non essentials.


Not Mitch fan and refuse to vote for him but I think he's right here. Probably too heavy handed but wholesale lawsuits will kill any economic recovery.

do you mean to say that you would vote for a democrat over McConnell? scary thought.

@iThink So far the 'lesser of two evils' math has been so convoluted I refuse to vote for either one. My disgust for the dems was such I considered voting for Mitch but luckily Mitch started advertising and reminded me what he is.

Not a McConnellite either, but sure is better than a appeasing traitor Barry O.

@Penrodster I understand - I also understand that more often than not we have to choose the proverbial lesser of two evils. Right now there is nothing - no country - no foreign threat that presents a greater threat to Americas way of life that we know and love than the Democrat party itself. We also know that casting votes to 3rd party candidates usually ends up swinging an election in an unwanted direction. Think H Ross Perot.
While am no fan of McConnell I am NOT willing to risk ceding a Senate seat - not one! - to the Democrat Party. The Dem party exists in name only. They clearly are the American Communist Party now.
Best wishes and good luck though.

So will the next wave of Covid breakouts. And since business is up and running it will be the business that shoulders the cost.

@iThink Fully agree and yet ... I still feel deeply dirtied by my votes for Mcain and Romney. I'm afraid no amount of douching can clean me of my Romney vote.

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