The Culture War

Face it. The PC culture.... The SJW... The Femenazi.... Antifa... The extreme left is on full force.... I dedicate this group for all the time they fail... And we love memes here. let it flow.

Face it. The PC culture.... The SJW... The Femenazi.... Antifa... The extreme left is on full force.... I dedicate this group for all the time they fail... And we love memes here. let it flow.

Posts Tagged "corrupt" By RemiDallaire (7330) Posts by members only

The Culture War
1 month ago1m

Posted by JohnHouk
Que-Mala Harris Corrupt Past & (Papal Excommunicated) Abp. Viganò on LGBTQ Paris Olympics SUMMARY: Today’s share begins with a Telegram version of Natural News writing about how (Que-Mala) Kamala Harris acting as ...
The Culture War
1 month ago1m

Posted by 1914wizard
2407250100Th THE SUPPOSED CLAIRVOYANCE OF SOCIALISM: Now I can’t say that socialists are necessarily corrupt as there may genuinely be “useful idiots” out there that devoutly believe that forced altruism is in some way just and proper – I ...
The Culture War
Jun 27Jun 27

Posted by JohnHouk
KNOW What YOU Are Resisting SUMMARY: Today, I return to be a voice calling for a resistance (PEACEFUL until attacked with violent persecution) against seemingly ever increasing Dem-Marxist and entrenched government BUREAUCRATIC ...
The Culture War
May 5May 5

Posted by JohnHouk
DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. ONE Beginning with Why I’m Voting Trump SUMMARY: Election 2024 is coming in November. To be clear! I’m voting for Trump, even if Dem-Marxist corrupt Lawfare sends the ...
Mar 10Mar 10

Posted by 1914wizard
2403100900Su CATASTROPHISM: In as much as so many today are addicted to illogical Marxist zero sum, either or, oppressor/oppressed, nonsense, it would be more understandable to simply portray Earth’s history and that of mankind upon it as a ...
The Culture War
Mar 7Mar 7

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKWatch the US Army get ripped to shreds by “mental health” issues
The Culture War
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1914wizard
2402220800Th SUBORDINATION OF RATIONAL FACULTIES: The only defense and/or means of survival available to mankind is, just as it has always been, their Rational Faculties. What we’re dealing with today is a cultist ‘pedagogy’ that subordinates...
The Culture War
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1914wizard
2402210600W Due-process? Apart from all the other egregious inappropriate acts of law-fare, being perpetrated by leftists in America against their political opponent(s), due-process appears to encapsulate them all. Throughout this immediate ...
The Culture War
Jan 21Jan 21

Posted by MosheBenIssac
US college system as corrupt as the Church was 500 years ago. That extreme corruption caused the launched of the protestant reformation.
The Culture War
Dec 20, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKLandmark Supreme Court Case Could Upend Jan. 6 Prosecutions
The Culture War
Nov 12, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by 1914wizard
2311120700Su A LOOK BACK IN TIME: The first question that should be asked: Are you better off now with Biden energy dependent socialism and the looming threat of another World War, or were you better off then with Trump energy independent ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Nov 4, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
Tyranny Uncovered U.S. Govt., Globalist & Medical SUMMARY: This is going to be Videos Inspired by Telegram Day… AND the focus is a corrupt U.S. Government tyranny against its citizens (as in shredded Constitution), Globalist Tyranny and ...
The Culture War
Oct 23, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by samtilley
More evidence of the corrupt biden crime family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Culture War
Oct 21, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by samtilley
Well here you go!!!!!!!!!!! More dirt on the pedophile dirty corrupt biden family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Culture War
Oct 13, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by samtilley
More dirt on the sick and corrupt biden family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment
The Culture War
Oct 9, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by 1914wizard
2310091100M MARXIST-SOCIALIST REQUIRES PERPETUAL ANTAGONISM: Socialists will it this revolution or that revolution to justify irrational mandates they further describe as their “struggles.” Their repeated struggles and revolutions can’t ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Oct 8, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
On Crooked Hillary Reeducation Camps A Corrupt Govt Uses Power Corruptly SUMMARY: By now you’ve probably heard the latest Crooked Hillary interview which I hope will turn into some form of the next Conservative Election Battle Cry to ...
The Culture War
Sep 5, 2023Sep 2023

Posted by samtilley
Our so-called government is corrupt at the highest levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment
The Culture War
Aug 21, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
SO, You Think Climate Change is About Saving the Planet? NOPE, Climate Change is Merely the Depopulation Tool for Easier Elitist Control! SUMMARY: … Western governments including the USA where I am a citizen are crooked and corrupt and in my...
The Culture War
Aug 18, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
Prosecute the Criminals or ARISE 1776-Style If the Legal System Keeps Failing We-The-People, We Can Begin in Our Neighborhoods SUMMARY: The corrupt tyranny that exists at this moment in time in the USA is so horrendous it is nearly beyond ...
The Culture War
Aug 3, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
Depopulation of Perceived Useless Humans The Govt. That’s Supposed to Protect YOU Cares ONLY for Globalist-Elitists SUMMARY: … The U.S. Government and most of the one-time Free West governments are under the corrupt domination of Elitists ...
The Culture War
Jul 20, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by MosheBenIssac
The Education Reformation
The Culture War
Jul 15, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKAll-Muslim Michigan council votes to REMOVE two commissioners who broke new rule banning flying of Pride flags on city property
1 comment
The Culture War
Jul 10, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by JohnHouk
Govt Alphabets Ignore International Pedophilia I’ve been essentially preaching our U.S. Government has become so corrupt it is completely untrustworthy to fulfill the obligations of the Original Intent of the Founders’ Constitution. I’ve ...
1 comment
The Culture War
Jul 9, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by 1914wizard
2307100100M FLASHBACK: I was looking for an audio-book of one of the mysteries written by Mr. Buckley – I know he wrote at least one. At-any-rate, in so looking I came across this old episode of “Firing Line” which was hosted by him....

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Posted by JohnHoukExamining New World Order Intentions [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukChristians – PAY ATTENTION! Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED [slantedright2.

Posted by JohnHoukShining Light on Shadowy Leftist Intentions [slantedright2.

Posted by Weltansichtwell.

Posted by JohnHoukCatching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos [oneway2day.

Posted by JohnHoukResist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump! [johnhouk.

Posted by FocusOn1Global communism how boring

Posted by JohnHoukSome Palestine/Philistine Truth NOT Reported by Propagandists [johnhouk.

Posted by JohnHoukThe Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN! [oneway2day.

Posted by JohnHoukIntro to Dr.

Posted by JohnHoukMORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France [tinyurl.

Posted by JohnHoukTelegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me! [johnhouk.

Posted by JohnHoukRFK Jr Trump Endorsement & Anti-Medical Tyranny [tinyurl.

Posted by Sensrhim4hizvewzYou can be like Jordan Peterson and sell your own soul...then you can BUY THINGS! Our society is so far GONE!!!

Posted by Mikewee777Where is all of the school money going ? It is obviously not going towards edible food !

Posted by JohnHoukThe CCP is an EVIL Targeting the USA [tinyurl.

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