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LINK Ukrainian women are refusing to live in Islamic neighborhoods in the UK, citing safety concerns

Ukrainian refugees are refusing sponsored accommodation places in diverse British cities because they feel unsafe living in neighborhoods where the residents are primarily Islamic, it has emerged.

That’s according to a report by the left-wing Channel 4 News broadcaster, which claims many Ukrainian women living in urban areas such as Birmingham are finding it difficult to settle into communities that are far more culturally diverse than they are used to back home.

Reporter Darshna Soni sat down with one sponsor who signed up for the U.K. government’s Homes for Ukraine, a scheme that saw homeowners with spare rooms paid by the British government to take in Ukrainian refugees. The sponsor, who lives in a predominantly Muslim borough of Birmingham, told the Channel 4 News reporter how one woman who stayed with her complained about there being “too many Muslims” in the area.

“We were quite shocked at how difficult she found different cultures. Too many Muslims, too many people with different skin colors,” the sponsor said of a Ukrainian woman who moved into her home along with her young child.

The Ukrainian woman’s child was enrolled at a local school where the majority of the children were Muslim, prompting the refugee to tell her sponsor, “He can’t be safe there. There’s not enough white kids, essentially.”

Another Ukrainian woman, Oksana, said she has moved “from the best area of Kyiv to the worst area of Birmingham,” and admitted she was “very afraid because it was not usual for me.”

The reporter told Oksana “many people would be very offended” that she felt unsafe in the area, to which she replied she had looked up police crime data that reported cases of Islamic terrorism.

The report revealed Oksana, too, has now moved away from Birmingham to a new area.

Another Ukrainian woman, Oksana, said she has moved “from the best area of Kyiv to the worst area of Birmingham,” and admitted she was “very afraid because it was not usual for me.”

The reporter told Oksana “many people would be very offended” that she felt unsafe in the area, to which she replied she had looked up police crime data that reported cases of Islamic terrorism.

The report revealed Oksana, too, has now moved away from Birmingham to a new area.

Looks like these Ukrainians haven't assimilated to the craven Western culture of pretending to love being outnumbered by blax and kebabs!

sqeptiq 10 Jan 27
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