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Power hungry Communists need you to take that fatal step into Socialism in order for them to drag you, kicking and screaming, right on into Communism where you’ll own nothing and be happy about it.

As silly as this sounds, it reminds me of the old superstition that a vampire needs the invitation of the home owner before ravaging its family members. Power hungry Communists like Claus Schwab needs you invitation before ravaging civilization – or are we obliged to call them Elitist these days instead of Communists?

James has an affinity for the word ‘dialectic’ like Jordan does ‘proclivity.’ Therefore I cite the definition of ‘dialectic’ below.

There are only two kinds of human beings alive in this world – those that produce/create and those that either can’t or just don’t produce. Socialism, be it has progressed to Communism or not, is at its core the enslavement of men to produce what everyone else will freely consume. There’s no such thing as NO ONE owning anything and being happy about it. What Claus lies by NO ONE WILL own anything because some class of people (elitist stakeholders) will benefit from all the production. TO CONTROL A THING IS TO OWN THAT THING – PERIOD!

PS1 This may upset some people, but the laws of mankind have always resorted to setting a value on human life in order to reconcile matters. In other words your body is personal property to you. When you own nothing you’ll also not even own your life. You’ll be nothing more than human cattle in addition to being a slaves.

PS2. The riddle of history isn’t real in that capitalism has always worked for human beings; socialism has always worked for collective inscects.

Posted by: New Discourses ~ 3 weeks ago ~ 23K views
“Stakeholder Capitalism and the End of History”

Please do correct for me any errors that you discern – thanks in advance?

#LETSGOBRANDON ~ A Male-Feminist.
#MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) existentialist philosophy of life for the individualist.




  1. the art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions.
  2. inquiry into metaphysical contradictions and their solutions.

▪ the existence or action of opposing social forces, concepts, etc.


  1. relating to dialectic or dialectics; dialectical.

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Old French dialectique or Latin dialectica, from Greek dialektikē (tekhnē) ‘(art) of debate’, from dialegesthai ‘converse with’ (see dialogue).

Powered by Oxford Languages

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Posted by WeltansichtHappy St. Pat's Day to the Eire people as well !!!!

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