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Taliban Returns to Violence; Breaks Up Protest Leaving 1 Dead, 6 Wounded Does anyone still ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 20, 2021:
"Does anybody believe"? Yeah, apparently the pink hat modern feminists. Not like any of them ever expressed any outrage at Sharia law nutjobs.
Just got my first Covid vax.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 20, 2021:
The second shot will result in the "approved" appearance, see below.
Where is the "evidence?" <crickets> []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 20, 2021:
If this is the same Ahole who confiscated guns, what can you expect? The Christchurch shootings were horrible. But, let's not forget that they were stopped by a dude carrying a rifle and shooting at the Aholes as they fled. Coppers were not on hand. So, her response? What anyone in the pay of the CCP would do; take guns away from those willing to use them to protect themselves and neighbors. These sorts don't need evidence, just a camera and mic to pose behind as they look "in charge". Token, I say. Token. What the 'Ell happened to broads like Thatcher and Golda?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Well, if you are playing paintball they might help. Otherwise, how stupid are you? Probably, the bar owner was informed that they had to have a plastic barrier and this was the cheapest option. As to effectiveness, air flows, y'know. Around things. And, the WuhanFlu, being a virus, is suspended in an aerosol that can stay aloft for hours -- tests have proven this. And, being a virus, the WF can live in an aerosol for hours. So, you stay behind a drop-cloth tent for what, now? It ain't gonna help for dodging darts, either.
Biden Approval Drops AGAIN To NEW Record Low, Americans REJECT The Lies, Blame Him For Afghan Crisis...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Any talk about his poll numbers dropping is complete BS so long as his numbers are near actual voting numbers in 2020 -- <45%. Don't even read about them until they hit 20%.
Indeed! It’s like a frog gradually being boiled to death without even realizing it!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
It is not just parallel. It is the same plan. Worked then, is intended to work now. Not just Jews were murdered. Many of Hitler's (German society's) worthless were murdered too: Gypseys, Slavs, mental problems. Think of ethnic cleansing. It is the plan. They just have to come up with the proper names -- "Racist and Trump supporter" are so vague.
⚔️ Watch: Americans Speak Out Before Tx School District Defies Governor’s Executive Order ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
If all they do is talk, they might as well limit themselves to selling cookies. Get in their faces. Laugh. Cause chaos. School district members blather on about representing students and parents. Those are not faceless "voters" "citizens". They are people right there within touching distance. This is personal. Make it personal to them. Say their names.
On every basketball court in America people getting beat up []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
After the NBA sold out to the CCP what do you expect? Anyone still attending any of those games is just asking for abuse.
[rumble.] 8/18/2021- Biden's evil plot! He doesn't care about Americans or humanity! Dems regret!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Who are these "Dems" you speak of? The Demo party consists of outright commies and loons. And they love what BeijingBiden is doing -- right according to plan. His plan is to destroy Western culture, one bit at a time.
On August 18, 1991, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is placed under house arrest during a coup by...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Oh, that the American people had been willing to show such courage on Jan6. Instead, a wad of FBI tools posed for cameras instead. And, the coup succeeded.
So… what’s your zodiac sign?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Oh, I get it, a Gay test. Absolutely no interest, so he tells the truth.
PODCAST: And Who Is Left to Come to the Aid of the Women of Afghanistan?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Too bad someone can't openly suggest to the pink hats that moderators/auditors are needed in Afghan to monitor how women are treated in reality under Sharia law as Taliban -re-assembles its terrorist state. Guaranteed no takers.
"The CDC recently announced Covid19 vaccine immunity is superior to that of broader natural ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 19, 2021:
Big Pharm is not gonna pay "their cut" if anyone who naturally catches this version of the flu is better off than an unapproved vax with some nasty side effects. Corporate corrupt capitalism at work. This is why real competition is important.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Not to his handlers and paymasters he isn't . His only fail so far is in taking so long to get where we are. But, he is elderly and he (we) take longer at most things now.
Pentagon now in communication with Taliban commanders Maybe Gen Milley wants to congratulate ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Too bad no one on the PC side (and our military is there now) doesn't have a sense of humor. If they had, a telly call like this: "Umm, we seem to have lost count of the active nukes we had stored in Afgan... Our storage protocol when nukes are in foreign lands is to set a timer -- so that if a base were overrun the nukes would take care of the invaders. Have you found any of them yet?"
Like father, like son. 🤣
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Wait'll Mom hears about this. And then, her Mom. It will end up on the refrigerator.
Stop pretending opposition to gun control is racist- []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Putting the word "racist" into any discussion has the same effect as calling someone Hitler in an online discussion -- it stops discussion. The moment "racist" pops up, give up any hope of anything further being rational -- because someone has lost the thread of rational thought. Gun ownership is color blind. Gun control is not, especially in blue cities. Don't forget, blue cities are ruled (not led, not run -- ruled) by Democrats. And, Demos cannot ever forget how uppity blacks can get once they are let off the plantation -- their ancestors warned them about that.
"The latest on the lawsuits around vaccine mandates and what Robert Barnes is strategizing going ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
For emotional appeal he needs to wear the armband -- piccie below. The punishment of un-Vaxxed is the same. The result will be the same, by design.
More pre-cancel culture humour… 😂😂😂
bobbo666 comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Anyone not aware that he is back in business and creating new comics on the WWW need to check him out. Just do a DuckDuckGo search on "Far Side".
Are These Vaccines Even Working?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 17, 2021:
This is a liberal trope -- see global cooling, global warming, etc etc. All they require is a bogus headline to get started -- and stampede the mindless sheep who vote for them.
Democratic Policies Trigger MASS Resignation As MILLIONS Consider Quitting Their Jobs []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 16, 2021:
WEll. I've "considered" many foolish things in my time. Let's see yah actually do it. THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS MY FRIEND?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 16, 2021:
I've had a very poor, rudimentary education in Christianity -- consider youthful rebelliousness. Nonetheless, when asked of Jerusalem citizens (Jews) what should be done about this rebellious dude called Jesus -- the reply was "Crucify him." From that, ironically, many Christians have blamed the Jews. And, many corrupt political and religious "leaders" have used this to spew hatred. But, do keep in mind that the Holocaust included millions of non-Jews. Hitler's hatred was not centered on them except where it advanced his power. Mental patients, Slavs, Gypsies, etc. were also murdered. One theory is that this is because Hitler was a germophobe (sp?), much worse than DJT. He considered those murdered to be unclean, so to the ovens with them. Hitler was a sick, sick man. Much like many presently in power.
Until the mid-1980s, Afghanistan had a population of 30,000 to 150,000 Hindus and Sikhs.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Did the yellow badges feature a six-sided star?
might not be room for me
bobbo666 comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Be more choosy in picking your friends?
I think can now understand how the German people were so easily taken in by Hitler prior to WW2.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Until folks are willing to take out the trash, the ones on the payroll of others; it will continue.
When archeologists discovered the Viking blades, they were shocked because "the technology needed to...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Do you have a link to the type of tech they were supposed to not have? I'm a metallurgist by education and am curious. Failing that as too techie, a link to such an article, perhaps? I'm not doubting what you say, just curious.
How Pollsters Use Clever Wording Tricks To Fit Certain Narratives []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Many polls start with the: "Have you quit beating your wife?" You can't win if you let them lead with anything resembling that. Just reply: "That is stupid." and ignore. Next question.
Vaccine Passports???
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Yes, attack, attack, attack! Use their allegations. Create chaos. They might ask you to leave. So: "umm, are you telling me that Tom is infected with________? Oh, dear, were other customers apprised? I wouldn't have thought that was OK for a foodhandler. "
More Than SIXTY People Test Positive For Covid On Martha's Vineyard After Obama Party []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Ooh, what test was used? The one the FDA recently withdrew as being invalid from Day1 ? There's an out for them. Contend that the test is invalid. On CNN. Oops. You are not gonna hear anything further on this issue.
American Express Or Anti-American Express?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Caught an interesting video this AM. Suggestion was that if you (AE) really believe this woke crappola and aren't just distracting people from your profits; why don't you forgive the debt of all cardholders who have been oppressed? Go ahead. Roll that idea past your next shareholder meeting. I'll be holding a pitchfork and torch handout in front of the building. The point of the video was that ALL corp wokie BS is simply a planned distraction. "Ooh, ooh, looky over here at the shiny object!" "Ignore the damage I'm doing everywhere else."
Repeating second grade: Kids being held back as COVID-19 affects 'some of the most important years ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
This is a success to regime in charge. Smart slaves are troublesome ones. That is why next step is to outlaw homeschooling. You are teaching your kids wrongthink. That must stop for us to achieve unity -- i.e., one correct thought, held by all those left alive and not in a camp.
A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him, "Father, I have a problem.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Love conquers all?
"Missed it by that much"
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Well, whataya expect? 'E's been banging away on the lid for the last 20 minutes. Had to do something drastic.
Biden to send 5,000 US troops to Afghanistan | PH INQ Net A bigger version of Bengazi in the ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
My understanding is that the troops are being moved from one place in Afghan to Kabul. It is gonna be like Saigon all over again, for the same reasons: new regime violates deal of previous so as to avoid letting previous regime get credit. Kinda like BeijingBiden F'ed up vax rollout so he could lie about another DJT "failure".
Watch: Psaki Lies Through Her Teeth, Claims Trump Told People to 'Inject Versions of Poison Into ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Well, now, it is really fair to call the fundamentally stupid a liar? With an IQ as low as CarrotTop's she might not be able to recognize truth. But, she is simply repeating the lie told a hundred times by MSM. Could have been interesting tho, if a snarky reported would have asked: "Uhh, inject poison, would you be referring to the reports of fatal side effects of the vaccines?"
'His Dad Was a Nazi': After Schwarzenegger Says 'Screw Your Freedom,' Conservatives Remind Him About...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Well, let's not automatically visit the sins of the fathers onto the sons. I say automatically. Also remember that it is the nature of being a teenager to rebel. Any TWOT commie ought to be reminded that in all likelihood their kid will vote Republican. Hair on fire, hair on fire!!
Kabul will be under siege within days, Biden did not plan effectively: Hoffman Vid 5:24 mins.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Too many words. "effectively"? Really? Who, I ask you, WHO, could expect that from the likes of him?
Just California Things.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Yah, I got this crappola in the mail today. You can login to a site, vote, and print it out. Then, mail it. So, if the inevitable happens, and GruesomeNewsome loses the recall, the Russians hacked the system. No change. Yes, the intent, with CaCaLand leading the way, is for all elections in all states to be totally corruptible by sitting gov'mt. Elections are now as fair as any you would find in North Korea. Seriously.
Vaccine Adverse Events in the US VAERS System.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
IMHOpinion, if you are elderly and have >1 comorbidities, well, you are a ticking time bomb. Let's face it. But, the WuhanFlu can kill you. So, as a protective measure, do it. Anyone else should avoid like the plague, no pun intended. It does not keep you from being re-infected. So, it does nothing, absolutely nothing to protect your contacts -- like elderly parents or immune-compromised folks. And, there are weird side-effects.. And, since the FDA has not approved the Pharm companies are totally protected from any liability -- even if they withheld info from FDA.
The loss of so much as one soldier due to such negligent orders coming from his or her ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Let's see, can we make a list of Pres' who respected the military? Carter, naw. Clinton, not really. BHObama, you're joking, right? Bush1, yeah. Bush2, I dunno. BeijingBiden, ha, ha. Not on YOUR life. DJT, Yup. Left-leaning TWOTs don't respect people of integrity and honor. Unfamiliar terms to them.
The fires in Siberia are bigger than this season’s wildfires in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the United ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Have they located the arsonists there, yet? They found one out here in CaCaLand who was lighting fires all over the perimeter of the Dixie fire. And, several have been picked up in Greece. But, to the intelligentsia (and their lapdogs) it is global warming. Yeah.
Growing Number of Mainstream Democrats View Socialism Favorably The surge of favorable sentiment...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Well, if you are part of the 47% who pay no Fed taxes, why wouldn't you want a system that promises, promises to give you all sorts of stuff from the other 53%? Keep in mind the piccie, below.
Biden Administration Has Caused A Travesty In Afghanistan For Generations To Come ARE WE MISSING ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Naw, not Soros, the CCP. BeijingBiden pulled completely out of Afgh. so that China could roll in. Not to fight like USSR and US, but to ally with Taliban. This will give them bases on the other side of India, protected by Pakistan as a buffer state.
A major outage knocked out power across the eastern United States and parts of Canada on August 14, ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
2021 -2003 = 18. Ah, that might account for the excess number of truly idiotic teenagers around.
THEY KNOW: 14% of Biden Voters Say Trump Will Be 'Reinstated' as President THIS YEAR ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Naw. Impossible that anyone could have possibly found that many courageous folks who would have first admitted that they voted for BeijingBiden.
Girls talk in a higher pitch to guys they like
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
I had to look at this twice before I got it. Don't know the "artist". But, could be falsetto.
"My wife gave me this tie for my birthday, and I'm a grateful husband."
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Wifie should have been more modern and faddish. Many losers got tatoos in asian characters only to find out they correctly translate as : Idiot here. Or, some such. Wifie should have gotten a tie in such characters.
Screw My Freedom, Arnold?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Just another has-been paid liar (all actors are paid to lie, part of the job) trying to claw his way back into limelight. Sorry to have foisted this TWOT on America. But, we really needed to replace GDavis as guv'na out here in CaCALand. He didn't work out as planned, but the episode did serve as a warning. We are trying again. Hopefully, it will work out better.
In the current cultural climate, meritocracy is dismissed as antiquated and unjust, a failed ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Meritocracy is dismissed and patriarchy blamed for everything by losers. These are the sorts who couldn't even get a participation trophy.
It would take me ages to rub all the tummies before heading to work every morning. 😆
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Go to the pound, get a dog. A feisty , little yapper. May not solve the problem but the video will be awesome.
[] Listen to this, it’s the most amazing talk about Covid and what’s going on.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
My read on similar studies is that the vax does cause faster mutations (which is obvious if you understand natural selection at all) but like most mutations the later generations are less dangerous. Might be more contagious, which is what any virus would want. But, less deadly as that kills off hosts. As to Facebook, not interested.
West Point Curriculum Includes Elements Of Critical Race Theory An honest and accurate history ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
All such programs have at least half-truths, and then go on from there. Which is why any program that cannot stand on every point must be rejected totally. Start over. Never compromise with evil, and CRT is evil to its core, as are its adherents.
ICU NURSE: "You're being lied to about COVID."
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Point is, the world will never be allowed to know. Speech about the subject is censored. Those that object will end up in prison. It is too late.
What the hell is going on?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Two reasons I know of, first -- see GregBrac, below 2nd, DJTrump mentioned it as a possible treatment. Physco MSM could not go down that path even if it would save the lives of their parents or children.
I wonder how a magazine cover like this would go over with latter day wokesters ?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
I can't tell if that is supposed to be Che or AOC. Not that there is any difference, except AOC has yet to murder a bunch of gays.
Just squirrel things.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Last about a week around my place here in CaCaLand. I tried circling my oaks with lites, squirrels cut the lines. Every damned time. My wife refused to let me pot a few and stake out their little heads as messages to the rest. So, I quit putting lites on the trees. Oh, same batch of weirdo squirrels stole a stuffed toy squirrel off the deck - it was a toy for our pups. They carted it off to their nest in a tree in the front yard -- I've piccies of them carrying it around the pond and over the roof. A year later I found it dropped beneath the tree. Little pervies. I know darned well what they were doing with that "blow up doll" all thru the winter.
'MayoGate' Proves Establishment Media HATES Small Business, They Are COVERING For Bidinflation ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Like with the shutdown, inflation preferentially hits small businesses -- they have less depth. This it good so far as MSM is concerned since small businesses are started, funded, and run by folks willing to take risks -- wisely. Such are naturally conservative -- which is antithetical to commies.
sometimes you never know!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Well, tennies beat flip flops so he has a shot (ha, ha, inadvertent pun there) at getting clear before braindead gets the point.
A gaming journalist gets triggered by the ethnic composition of a small gaming company. []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Also remember that some SJW's were all beside themselves with angst that the Vikings show neglected to show all the black Viking raiders. Umm. The only bloody way any non-whites would show up that frickin far north is if the Vikings had gone to the Med and brought back black slaves -- sold to them by other blacks, of course. I know that out there somewhere is some worthless waste of human protoplasm that is not horrified that movies don't show inclusive snow.
The Guvanator just joined my long list of boycotted
bobbo666 comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Yah, I got that impression, too. His telling everyone that THEIR freedom is subservient to the feelings of others sounded to me like he was channeling his Austrian roots. Bugger off, S. We went thru 'Ell to get rid of the other loser Guv'na and got you. ALEAT, ALERT, not every actor who by his very nature is a paid liar can be a successful politico.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
And, there is plenty of support for this from the anti-Semites that have cropped up all over the place. Since blacks are now encouraged to call all whites racists, the Jew haters see an opportunity to spew their own hatred again. What that a typo? "bidet". If so, kind of soft core, low key. I just got for BeijingBiden directly.
Gun grabbers collaborate with foreign regime to undermine Constitution- []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
It is not the Const that they are assaulting. The BillofRights is a list of human rights -- you get those at birth just because you are human. Trying to take away or diminish any of those is not an assault on the Const, it is an attack on humanity. They are trying to diminish YOU! The Const, in contrast, is a written limit on what any gov'mt (US) can do. And, it specifically forbids diminishing anything in the BofR. We have failed as humans letting anything like that happen.
White cracker racist calling Candace Owens a violent white racist 😂
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Am surprised it took this long for this sort of atrocity to pop up. Let us not forget that the leftists Aholes believe that you can ID as anything. And, you can fake being black even if obviously not. So, they can call CO anything they like since THEY can ID her as anything they like. Logic is not an issue here. Add to this that some simply cannot stand CO since she is a black person with conservative principles -- that is not acceptable to anyone on that side of the aisle. Same thing is done to any black that strays off the Demo plantation. They cannot accept uppity ex-slaves.
A gaming journalist gets triggered by the ethnic composition of a small gaming company. []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Gaming "journalists" were revealed as a pack of worthless idiots by GamerGate. They accepted $$ to push games that were woke. Actual gamers revolted and revealed their corruption. So, we are now to accept that some "journalists" is rightfully offended? Bite me.
Back then they were called Halfpint , Stumpy , Tiny and Small Change .
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Real little people probably laugh their butts off at this. But, I am sure there is an activist out there who will find this offensive. Bugger 'em.
Do Masks Work? A review of the evidence
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Reply no. WHO and CDC funded a study back in 2015 in SEasia. 14 med facilities. 1800 professionals. Cloth masks blocked 4% of virus-laden aerosols and n95 med masks 44%. That is what they blocked. And, any single aerosol carries enough virii to infect anyone. I'd cut the citation but this site won't allow that. Masks never worked, but the hack "doctors" wouldn't let their egos say "we aren't sure" so they prescribed them. Which made the CCP happy since they make $$ off of masks.
Racial Segregation Implemented In Atlanta School It is stunning how far away from true equality ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Equity is forced equal outcome -- participation trophies. Excellence is crushed, as that hurts the feelings of those less skilled/talented. That is why commie regimes, like the one BeijingBiden is ushering in, want this. It crushes the natural advantages brought in by meritocracies and capitalism. That is how losers gain power, crush those who could reveal their incompetence. Elites rule, and everyone else is a peasant--or a commodity to be harvested.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 11, 2021:
That was the sole purpose of the Paris treaty, which BHObama loved and DJT bailed us out of. None of the really offending countries were contributing anything. Only the prosperous capitalist countries were called on to commit billions$$ -- to be skimmed like the Oil for Food program was skimmed by the UN. The IPCC's stated goal, in a conference, is to use global warming to destroy the capitalists democracies.
Prince Andrew Sued by Epstein Accuser Over Alleged Sexual Abuse Isabel van Brugen Aug 10, ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 11, 2021:
And this, personal suits, is the only way anything a'tall will ever come out about Epstein's behavior. Loads of the elites got away with this crappola. And, Epstein's murder (suicide, yeah right, pull the other one) stalled everything. Kind like Fredo's brother resigning as Guv'na of NY. The expectation is that now everyone can forget about the thousands of elderly he murdered. I wouldn't be at all surprised that he orchestrated the abuse charges to give him this out on the murders.
Texas GOP Issues Arrest Warrants For 52 Democrats Who Illegally Blocked Voter Reform Bill ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Fine. Let's play chicken. Remember the Alamo? Texans (and weird dudes from Kentucki :) ) died to make a point. Let's see how you like baloney sammiches for weeks and weeks. OTOHand, seeing piccies of those losers, it would probably help take off some flab.
Oregon Suspends Math, Reading Proficiency As Graduation Requirement This is not benevolence, it ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 11, 2021:
What makes you think that a commie gov'mt wants informed peasants? Your children are allowed to breath in order to provide for the elites. Either products or amusement (ever seen BeijingBiden fondle a little kid?).
Like it or not, everything is changing.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Don't forget that the revolution had to deal with a lot of internal Tories. Neighbors.
THIS lecture explains why tens of thousands of people sat up and took notice of Jordan Peterson ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
Yes, this was a breakwater speech. Note the response of audience members. Commies are murderers. All of them. Serial killers in the making. Like inviting a rabid skunk into your garage.
New miracle “drug”!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
Plus the dude who packed it inna box, took it out of the box, put in onna shelf, etc. It is all a farce. Stand up, puppie, beg! Now kneel.
Aztec Health Care On The Front Lines Was Praised By Spanish Observers: According to a contemporary ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
Well, cmon, your unit of comparison is European "medicine" from back then? And that, from a cutter that ended up on America 'cause he was fleeing from some crime in Spain? Geesh, walk it off.
Falling through this thing was like a game of human “Plinko”
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
And note the firm ground. Not 10" of mulch or chewed up pencil erasers to break one's fall. Learn to bounce, kid! That skill will be invaluable when you've had too many beers.
Dave Chappelle was canceled by the Woke-Tech Complex and now is back with a bang.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 10, 2021:
I dumped Chappelle when he lied about CandiceOwens in order to pander to his SJW audience. Criticizing politicos of all types is great, that is one goal of comedy (court jester). But, never lie. He does, when it suits him. So, it suits me to never bother with him again.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
"more evolved" doesn't = better. If you think it does, you've never encountered an evolutionary dead end. Hint, they are all dead. Mutts of the world, arise! We are the best!!!!!! Prove me wrong.
Hackers hit Illinois Police database of gun owners- []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Umm, this leaves me wondering why. OK, I now know who owns how many guns. OK, if I'm shopping for a bunch and intend burgling a home with some nice weapons, who do I sent for that job? 'Cause it sure as 'Ell ain't gonna be me! If the owner has a bunch, 'es probably carrying in the house. OTOH, the data will show those that depend on copper response time and take no personal responsibility for self defense. Yup, that's the reason. This ID's the defenseless turkeys and Thanksgiving is around the corner.
I can relate, especially after a large glass of wine or two. 😆
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
OK, did anyone else look at that comparison/contrast and immediately think: "My spouse does that!"
Turns out my doctor has no sense of humor
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Dr's offices ought to put this piccie up with a caption: "This is NOT what is meant by a sample. Funny, but now you get to try again over in the restroom where everyone can hear you!"
CDC Director: Covid Vaccines DO NOT Prevent Transmission Of Virus []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Obviously it takes a while for a congenital liar to finally come around to truth. But, since they cannot tell the truth for any real measure of time, they will rotate again to contradicting themselves. It's kinda random -- like BeijingBiden's moments of coherence. The CDC knew since 2015 that masks are worthless in preventing the spread of any respiratory virus. They paid for the studies that showed this in SEAsia. WHO and NIH also contributed. But, since they had nothing else to say when the virus was released, the blathered on about masks. Their egos would not allow them to say: "We dunno at this time, we are working on it." Various reasons including to sustain their egos they have to have people listen to them constantly. Also, a Pres was in charge that had no problem with firing someone who obviously wasn't up to snuff. So, they lied to everyone about everything. Now, with a worthless CCP mouthpiece in charge, they can waffle incessantly. It's sorta like trying to get to the bottom of the Epstein situation. It will never happen until all the people he could have ratted out are dead. To my mind, the sooner the better, but that ain't gonna happen.
Is this next???
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
An armband just like this would be great to wear around. Would cause folks to ask what is going on. Those with Jewish family members who told them about this crappola would be outraged, until they got the point. Wasn't it the Queen of Denmark or somewhere in that area that wore the yellow StarofDavid armband in sympathy and protest? US guv'mt has to start being mocked at every level at every opportunity. This could be one. I live in CaCaLand and look forward to the Guv'na at least being embarrassed by the recall. I sport a bumper sticker: "our governor is an idiot". People have come up to me in parking lot admiring it. Please note, if next guv'na is no better, this sticker still applies. Have any of you checked out the street art (unsavoryagents) Nick Zabo (sp?) puts up around Los Angeles? Brutal. This needs to be encouraged.
Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Yeah, all of these emergency approvals by the FDA have the same clause. It is experimental. Your risk. Kinda like the crap PCR test, now withdrawn, that used flu bits since no Covid bits were available.
My donation funds are diverted to saving the lions now.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Jimmy Carr has a great bit along this line (I wonder if something is wrong with me for liking his jokes so much). It goes something like this. He was talking about how he likes to contribute to meaningful causes, to give back to the community. His is helping obese Brit kids. The name of the cause is: "Save the tigers." Although few videos are available, he does imagine how surprised the little chubby F**** are when they are being chased, briefly. Gruessome. But, it got a really good laugh from the audience.
Can't argue with this man's logic... []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Early on my wife was surprised at how I openly (and vociferously, OK) disagreed with what some random actor had to say about something. My explanation was kinda simple. Basically, all actors are paid liars. If they couldn't lie effectively on stage they wouldn't have gotten the gig. No matter how believable someone like Gielgud (sp?) might sound, he ain't that character. So, if they are good at lying, why should I automatically believe anything they might say about anything? Be skeptical and check. If you catch them in any lie, never believe them on anything ever again. They are just playing a part.
These are America's most searched and visited news sites in each state- []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Only a couple of those even occasionally take a shot at reporting truthfully. As in, using demonstrable and confirmed facts, and logic. Most just repeat what others have reported as if groupthink = truth. Please note, although a group might come to a better overall decision if they openly discuss and debate; that does not mean that every group gets everything right. Most "news" orgs simply spew out the same crappola and expect that it will be accepted without question since they have annointed themselves expert status.
Individuals VOLUNTARILY working together create a group, for the greater good, as long as there is...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Communism and its variants (i.e., socialism, democratic socialism, progressive, Nazi, etc) do not care about civilization except insofar as it, civilization, provides to the elites what they want.
PETA Claims To Be In Favor Of Animals, They Don't Want ANY Animals To Be Pets []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Well, of course. As sqeptiq below says, they are sanctimonious...... Anyhoo, they consider pets to be slaves. Can't have that, now can we? Irrelevant that domesticated critters are incapable of living in wild. Also note that they off any animals they seize or get from folks who "choose" to give up their pets. They do not find homes, they do not support. They do like adulation and stage "rescues" so long as it gets them praise and $$. They like killing and dictating to others how they should live their lives. Peta supporters are NPC's, at best. If you get form this that I loathe Peta, I got the point across correctly.
If You Own An Apple iPhone Your Right To Privacy Is Dead Apple announced Thursday is it planning...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
And, BTW, if they spot "wrongthink" they will plant something. How will you prove them wrong? Personally, I've no sympathy for Apple sheep. If you buy something from a company known for slave labor and collusion with the CCP, you deserve whatever you get. From day one, their entire market strategy has been to appeal to the smug, self-righteous bunch: "Prove you are better than THEM, buy our crappola!"
Good old Fauci, always trying to prove to people he knows what he is doing. []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
I suspect at this stage that his little NPC's simply believe whatever any authority tells them, don't have to PROVE anything. Plus, the actual torture of following logic is too much for their little brains. He's speaking to the choir. They "won" the election so he has a lock on a paying audience. Can spout any crappola he wants and get the adulation he thinks he deserves -- even if he fostered this disaster.
Gov Murphy Goes Berserk Screaming at Vax Hecklers During Press Conference [wiredailynews.]
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
This needs to be encouraged at every opportunity. Remember 2004 run when Howard Dean went batshite on stage. It ended him. Laugh at all of them. Ask questions and then mock. Drive them out of sight. They are all cockroaches and scurry away when confronted. Cause chaos. They cannot handle it. In contrast, Gov'na Abbot the other day at a 2nd amendment law signing fest fielded a reporter's question, something about the Alamo. Crowd booed. Abbot simply said: "Your asking that question about the Alamo simply shows that you are not a Texan." Crowd cheered. He mocked the Ahole and crowd loved it. Yo don't have to answer unanswerable question from twits. Just show that it was a twit question and move on. It's sorta like when CNN asked why DJT wouldn't answer their question: "Because you are CNN." Don't waste your time on twits. Mock them and drive them off the stage.
How Corrupt are the Olympics? | America Uncovered Vid 12:53 mins. []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
They've been corrupt for ages. Way back the USSR was "medicating" women and putting them in competition. MOre recent the Froggies got caught bribing Russians so they'd win skating. I initially lost interest when those two black Aholes did the power salute while getting the Au and Ag awards -- that politicized them too much for my taste. The last straw was when I found out that coverage was on average: 33% actual sports, 33% commercials, and 34% "color" -- as in "I'm from poor family so I deserve to win."
Work smarter, not harder
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
About a decade ago we had two cocker spaniels, had doggie door and ran in and out at will. Rats were a bit of a problem in the rampant ivy all over the place so I placed a battery-powered rat trap along the house. It would invite the little bugger in and then fry him. Too small for dog to enter, and too small voltage even if they could. So, I come home after work (before wife, thank Gawd) and the two twits are all excited. Jumping all over the place. Led me to the bedroom to see what our two fearless hunters had bagged. Apparently, they entered the trap and plucked out the dead rat. Then, to display their hunting prowess they placed it on my wife's bed pillow. Luckily, I had come home early enough to wash and sanitize everything before wife showed up. I also sanitized the story somewhat, too: "Twits found a rat and brought it into the house -- I got rid of it. Ready for dinner?"
Study warns of 'irreversible transition' in ocean currents that could rapidly freeze parts of North ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Further along in the same crappola story they claim that freezing will raise ocean levels. Umm, perhaps on Mars. Not here, tho. Not physically possible.
TheConversation: Giant Sea Bass are considered critically endangered by the US, but they are ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Yeah, the treehuggers out here in CaCaLand pull that crappola all the time -- selective analysis. When they want to stop a water project (i.e., one that would put a stop to water shortages during droughts) they go along the stream until they find a branch. Then go upstream and take a look at critters: frogs, newts, etc. They then do a "study" that shows that this particular critter is different from any other -- i.e., unique. That gets it a protection under CaCaLand law. So, even tho it resembles a dozen other critters in the dozen or so other stream branches along the same river, the water storage project is stopped. That is their business model and CaCaLand gov'mt pays for it with my $$.
I went on a date with AOC last night. "Do you have any kids?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Not to be mean about it, but just how desperate are you? Yeah, she's not bad looking. But, broads on meth start out OK, too.
From FB friend Perkins ME: CDC, should I get poke if I already had Covid?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 6, 2021:
You must be a teacher of small children, as this took way too much patience for a normal conversation between adults.
Sergey Gennadiyevich Nechayev was a Russian communist revolutionary and prominent figure of the ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Sounds like revolutionary is today's activist.
Biden Violates Supreme Court Order Illegally Creating New Eviction Moratorium After Democrats Demand...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Note how politicos like him blithely ignore, even state that they are going to ignore, SCOTUS orders and the US Const. Rules mean nothing to trash like him. Nothing. They (supposedly -- never confirmed for BHO ) take an oath and then ignore it. Must think they are Catholic priests or sumpin. I think it is about time to bring back the guillotine. Perhaps that is a way to send a meaningful message to even the dumbest politico. Obtain a post card portraying the Froggie Rev. Lines of master race members leading up to it, and baskets carried away. Send it to your Rep/Senator/Guv'na/SchoolBoard/ whatever. Not a threat. Just a pretty piccie. Of course, if you scrawl on the back: "You're next" a copper will show up if they can track it.
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