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NYC Makes MASSIVE 'Mistake' With Mayoral Ballots, They Had 135k 'Test' Ballots Mixed In ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 1, 2021:
How naive of you. That wasn't a mistake, nor a bug; it was a feature. Actually, no one was supposed to notice. But, with all the rampant corruption last year they were running a bit of a risk. Should have just tweaked the Dominion server like in other states and let someone dial in to make the corrections. "Corrections" that is, to permit "truth" to triumph and get the right candidate into office. Just accept reality, the "new normal". There will never be another fair and honest election anywhere in this country now that a totally communist regime is in charge. There will from time to time be a few holdouts and incidents. But, like what the Bolcheviks did to the Kulaks (sp?), that will be addressed in time.
Terrible Sandstorm Engulfed China, Sandstorm in China If it's not floods, almost 9 months of ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Although I'm all in for divine punishment for anyone and anything tied to the CCP, let's not forget that China is a bloody big country. With that much area a lot of events can take place totally unrelated to justice. Now, if there were a host of plagues on just Beijing, that would be indicative.
Breaking News: The CEO of IKEA has been elected Prime Minister of Sweden.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
You had me for a second there as the existing Swedish PM lost out on a vote of no confidence just yesterday. Good timing.
What can the 2nd Amendment do?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
A bit harsh, matey. But, yeah, a germ of truth. The little rat bastid with the Czech rifle was a sworn commie (like the two TWOT's who started BLM, BTW). So, his shooting a Pres was an attempt to change the US Gov'mt. The point for all jerks (e.g., Swalwell and BeijingBiden) to keep in mind is that no matter how big a stick you might be able to swing about 'cause of other jerks like Milly (sp? the head of JointChiefs) is of little matter if you ever want to show your face in public. Never forget, and speak to your SecretService folks if you doubt me, if a guy is willing to sacrifice his life to get you; you cannot be protected.
The Left Has Turned Victimhood Into a Value []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Well, of course. A loser has to rationalize their situation somehow. Blaming someone else, claiming that THEY victimized you, explains that.
It is a fact a percentage of Jews view all non-Jews in this manner.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
More possible anti-Semitism again. What is going on with this site? As to the piccie, I like to think (perhaps naively) that the little smile puts the lie to the words. Even Rabbis have a sense of humor, especially when they can use it to dupe a Goyeim (sp?).
Nike Has OFFICIALLY Sold Out To China, They Are A Brand 'Of China And FOR China' []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Not new news. Nike did this long ago when they had their NBA star get up on stage to dance and swear that slaves weren't used. Talk about being a tool. Lots of other companies have done the same, being convinced by their internal S droids that chasing the money in that huge market outweighed any ethics or humanity issues. Kinda like IBM turned a blind eye when they sold the 3rd Reich tabulating machines so that they could more efficiently murder gypsies, mental defectives, Slavs, and Oh Yeah, ~6M Jews. That would now be called an unintended (and of course, unforeseeable ) side effect. Other companies have done the same, like Google, Apple, Disney, etc. They are fine with manufacturing there and then selling the product on no matter what the CCP does -- so long as they do those horrors to people that don't look like us.
My first post on Slug.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Um, so with that first comment you are saying that Slug is low tech? Ooh, not necessarily an auspicious beginning, partner. Nonetheless, welcome. Speak out, lay bare your soul.
Ethiopian government declares unilateral ceasefire in Tigray region News vid 5:14 mins ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
I have not looked into this issue a'tall. But, isn't unilateral either "we won" or "stop, we surrender"? How is that supposed to work? EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY verses EQUITY OF OUTCOME?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Equity of outcome is how you protect losers. There is the person who comes in first, and then a long line of losers. Natural selection has worked this way for billions of years. So, some TWOT out of Eastern Europe is supposed to have come up with a better idea? Gimme a break.
Voters reject Biden's progressive agenda | Fox News Buyer's regret?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 29, 2021:
I doubt any of the airheads that voted for BeijingBiden know enough to link action (their voting) with consequences. And, voters' regret is now meaningless. Commies now control the voting booth, there will never be another real election. So, if voters actually reject, so what?
If you are ever caught in a situation like the Donner party, or the soccer players and have to ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Also, it's not like they can share in the feast. So, they are gonna die of starvation, sooner rather than later. Might as well harvest while still plump.
Did you get your johnson and Johnson vaccine?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Also nay for a bunch of reasons. But, back to the NY AG settlement. If this means that my Dr is going to be more of a nanny about a painkiller for a kidney stone I hope the NY AG dies a horrible death, tomorrow.
"Only one man in a 1000 is a leader of men, the other 999 follow women!" ― Groucho Marx
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
No, that is how we get roundabouts! Only women would come up with that crappola. :) As to just following women, well, there are reasons! C'mon.
Websites these days be like...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
"Blood of a virgin" -- ooh, finally a use for all the tools who slave away in their Granny's basement defending CNN and calling all DJTrump voters racists -- put a drop in a little vial and sell it on eBay.
The “For the People” Act ONLY Serves ELITE Politicians | Sen.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Well, of course. The intent is to implement nation wide all of the corrupt Constitution-violating voting changes illegally put in place (i.e., while GOP legislatures sat on their hands) in run up to 2020 election fraud. Yes, FRAUD! Hundreds of votes in Detroit are tracked to vacant lots -- and still they are not voided.
Why should I worship such an obviously evil being?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Daddy issues, maybe?
FBI Director Sheepishly Admits January 6 Was Not an Insurrection - American Liberty Report ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Well, he is out. Infidel! Traitor! Burn him, burn him! Says all the worthless TWOTs on the left. As to some of us not over there in the loony bin, get out! You "sheepishly" admit what is obviously true? At this late date? Oh, oh, it took something as worthless as you to line up another gig. Now, I get it. Nevermind. Just go away and let the circus continue.
Are You Fucking Kidding Me?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
By rejecting equality and replacing it with equity, they are simply following the instructions of their masters, the CCP. They, like Nike, the NBA, etc.; sold out to communism years ago. Equality under the law is the enormous step forward that allowed Western civilization to flourish and dominate the world. This led to the recognition of inalienable human rights. To fight this, communism under its new CCP leadership has co-opted many Western companies. Once your HR dept puts in an "Equity" dept the company is lost. It's like inoperable brain cancer.
Democratic Mayor Stokes Division, Says Fatal Truck Incident at Pride Parade Was 'Premeditated' ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Ooh, what if it turns out it was a spurned lover going after his ex? Wouldn't be the first time. Now, if it is, you will hear nothing more. Kinda like when Smollett and that Ahole prosecutor were revealed to be totally corrupt.
Russia Takes Shot At UK Ship, The World Is Ready To ATTACK And The US Military Chooses To Go WOKE ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Let us not make too much of this. Iceland did the same when Brit fishing ships returned to plunder the fishing in Iceland's waters. It might be no more than a pissing match over territory. OTOH, it might be Putin telling the limp-wristed TWOT's in charge to bugger off. Ukraine should have never trusted the West and given up its nukes. Ca profited off the warheads when we bought the material and used it in Diablo Canyon as fuel -- but those days of cheap power are over out this way.
Journalisms paradox: if you make a truly unbiased newspaper, you won't get many subscriptions.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
No, I cannot buy your premise. An unbiased newsie would contain: factual news, comics, ads, sports, and an editorial section wherein the paper can share its viewpoint. I can remember how this was the model back in the 60-70's. Each town had 2-3 newsies and one was liberal, one was conservative, etc. And, most importantly, you could tell that only if you looked into the editorial section. No bias anywhere else. That was called journalism, professional journalism. And, all the newsies sold well. This changed when the Sales Aholes invaded the newsies (like CRT crappola and intersectionality invaded universities) and tore down the wall between the news reporting depts and editorial -- thinking that if they sensationalized everything sales would rise. They did, like a rotting corpse attracts even more flies and the day wears on. Most businesses only last a few decades, if that much. Outfits that have followed the path above are on the down side of that path, like flushing a toilet -- which you do for obvious reasons. Those outfits, like CNN, that have pushed nothing but lies and hate for years will be the first to finish and be replaced.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Well, Netanyahoo (sp?, definitely) is out, so worrying about attacks by Iran, Hamas, etc. is out of fashion. Can't talk about that. So, how about we gin up another crisis to distract from what we are not doing of any value?
[] nigger fag
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Augusta, Georgia. You go around saying that out loud a lot?
Phrases I hope to avoid in my obituary: "skeletal remains," "dumpster," "almost beyond recognition,"...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Easy-peasy. Just make sure your body is never found. Umm, acid, volcano, cover self with peanut butter and locate a tribe of cannibals, etc.
New Study Finds Lockdowns Didn’t Save Any Lives; May Have Killed People A disturbing new study...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
This is not the first study to have found that isolating people like the DNC did (and, the lockdowns were only for political reasons -- like the DNC-sponsored riots by Antifa/BLM) increases suicides, drug OD's (a form of suicide), berserk in-family attacks, etc. But, that is small potatoes compared to the tens of thousands of elderly murdered by the five blue Guv'nas. Oh, and yes, murder -- even total morons like Fredo's Brother would know that sending known sick folks to elder care facilities will cause deaths. Too bad that there will never be a reckoning for that set of crimes. Not surprising, since when have the entitled elites ever paid for anything?
Woke Bigot Joe Biden: "Latinx" Worried They'll Be "Vaccinated and Deported" []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Ooh, this sounds like a great rumor to spread about: "Yeah, Joe said it was ok to invade. But, he did that so he could stick you with a needle and then send you back." A bit better than what he wants to do to your children, but there you are. Ooh, another rumor: "Kamala if finally down south 'cause she finally got BeijingBiden to give her a description of the little ones he really wants to have 'visit' him in the BigHouse."
Why Do Democrats Keep Warning They'll Unleash the Horrors of Nuclear War on American Citizens?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
They are not warning, they are just blathering. And, the MSM with not two neighboring brain cells among them, repeats it 'cause they think that makes tools like BeijingBiden seem tough. Or, at least, possessing a spine. Swalwell is seriously a moron, and he said the same thing. He is also just down the road from me--sigh.
VIDEO: CRT Trainer Says in the Classroom ‘Free Speech Does Not Apply’ Re-writing both the ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Note, this is the picture of CRT. If anyone tells you that it is not racist, and not designed as hatred towards whites -- refer to this. Yes, CRT might have in the dim past been designed to help fix racism. But, like Marxism it quickly devolves into nothing more than a means to power for elites -- and they will destroy all of their enemies using it: CRT, Marxism, power. Letting people like this have any influence, much less real power, is like inviting pedos to go camping with your kids. What do you think will happen? As to free speech, it is limited in school. Legally. Otherwise, the Ahole in the back will spend the entire time arguing with the teach. Which is why the teachers have to be carefully vetted since they are going to be the ones allowed to control the conversation. America has neglected that for decades, which is why the corruption of intersectionality crawled into colleges and ruined so many disciplines: sociology, most psych, etc.
Did Google Collude with Wuhan Lab to Silence Lab Leak Theory?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Why would this not be an automatic "yes"? Google is owned by the CCP. Of course they will do everything to provide cover.
Kavanuagh Rape Accuser Confesses She Lied, Was Never Raped, Never Even Met The Man - ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
If tied to our ToffeeVeep it will be buried so deep it will never come out. The MSM will see to that.
Biden Effectively Threatens "Patriots" With Nuclear Weapons And F-15s, Targets Gun Owners And Stores...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Same crappola came out of Swallwell's (sp?) mouth. Which is kinda amazing given all the twaddle spewed out by the left when fighting military spending: "It is asymmetric warfare that will win from now on." Umm, Joe? You've got a nuke there? OK, how long do you really think you'd survive coming out in the open anywhere after using it anywhere?
Green Energy Not Serving the Needs of Californians Amid Heatwave In another example of how green...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Lecky cars were never intended to be compatible with anything. They are virtue signaling. That is all. As a runabout deep in a blue city, fine. Anywhere else, VS.
First Socialist Since 1965 Set to Be Elected Mayor of Major US City As Americans finally start ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
She is the first only if you start counting those who officially call themselves a commie (i.e., Progressive=DemoSocialist=Socialist=Communist by any modern-day understanding). OTOH, if actions speak louder than words: Beetljuice in Chicago, that dingbat in Portland, etc. There are loads of commies in charge. Have been for years. Any treehugger since the fall of Berlin's wall is, just look at the pink under their skins. Any member of the UN IPCC. Most anyone in WHO.
Nothing new here - just a dog licking an asshole
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Piccie is in a similar vein. More general, tho.
Someone said; Megan Fox: The looks of a professional porn star with the acting ability of an amateur...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Aw, c'mon, are you really looking for elocution and poise when watching porn? You are? You pervie!
Full assault on your rights: Liberals take the Speaker of House to court to hide documents - YouTube
bobbo666 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democracy ended in America's Hat when they passed that law that made it a crime to refer to anyone by anything other than today's flavor of your gender pronoun. Violating that law incurs expenses in excess of $250K (yes, I know Canadian dollars, nonethless) according to gov'mt estimates. That killed free speech. Little Missy T then outlawed hundreds of gun types. Y'all were reduced to serfs months ago, and you did nothing. The only republic left on the continent still fighting tyranny is Mexico! And they are losing to the cartels!
Chess in 1920
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Hmm, I can't help but think that this is in the same class as Moms who dress their little girls up as tramps and have them sing/dance. Not quite as icky, but still, C'mon, you expected otherwise? As to learning how the masters play, all their moves are recorded, review.
The Latest on the Awful Aftermath of January 6 Riots - Viva Frei Vlawg []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
In the video they spoke about the 46-yr old Granny who was coerced by her lawyer to sign a 3-page memo to the prosecutors laying out how all the bad stuff she did was because of DJTrump. It was right out of a 1984 re-education camp. She did it to get out of prison, where she has been kept since Jan. Anyone able to access that memo? I tried searching and could not. Much worse that what the McClosky's had to do to get the corrupt StLouis prosecutors to leave them be.
‘Fraud’: Attorney claims 2020 voting systems were remotely accessed, election subverted | News |...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Of course the Dominion systems in at least a few states were accessed remotely -- in contrast to state law. This was demonstrated in hearings at the state level in several settings. In at least one case a Techie traced cables from the systems that tally votes to routers.
Black Americans Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting And Killing People []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
It should be celebrated by all who love the principles in which freedom is defined and practiced in the US -- and primarily only in the US. See Piccie. Print out and put in your car window. At the worst, you'll pop heads of all liberals who can read.
Portland ROASTED Over Desperate Tourism Ad As Proud Boys And Antifa Beat Each Other In The Streets ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
So, what was the score? With ProudBoys in the melee I hope/expect Antifa thugs went to the hospital in buses.
Democrat Insists Racism, Exclusion Is Bad But Not When It’s ‘Tradition’ In a condemnable ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I'm sorry, but I have never objected to private orgs filtering their members. Obviously, if you do that along racial lines you are a pack of racist bastids -- see Black Caucus. :) However, if your filter is only rich folks -- well, piss off. But, go ahead. Likewise, if limited to only one OF THE TWO GENDERS like Boy Scouts, OK go for it. If I had a daughter she could go to the other group. Only people who speak Spanish? Uhh, dancing rather close to a racial line there, dude. But, if that means you can converse more easily, OK, sounds justified. Now, as to Whitehouse, he is a waste of human protoplasm. Review his performance at SCOTUS hearings. Considering the size of RI, the state's IQ had to take a measurable upwards jump when he was sent to DC. As to the effect on DC, you could drop a basket of turnips in there without any lowering of IQ.
IRS Denies Tax-Exempt Status Because Bible Teachings ‘Align with the GOP’ When is a ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The IRS was exposed as a political organization when Lerner was exposed. BTW, what happened to that troll? Anyhoo, I would think that this would stick IFF stated policies of the church repeat political positions stated by the GOP. If they are just kinda in the neighborhood, the church will win any hearing. However, there will never be a hearing. This attack has the same design as those marshaled against the TeaParty, for the same reason: to impoverish the group. This has nothing to do with standing IRS policy. The IRS was not decimated when it attacked the TeaParty so this trick works. It will be continued until the IRS is hit hard, by whatever means. I'd frankly prefer its dismantlement and re-organization after all applicants pass a loyalty test. Isn't this the same sort of nonsense that caused McVeigh and Nichols to attack the FBI?
When ‘Evidence of Prejudice’ Is a Felony Charge A charge leveled against a 20-year old man ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I wonder, but am certain, that this rainbow crappola was painted at taxpayer expense. Like the BLM travestry in NYC that DeBlasio had painted at taxpayer expense, this, too, is gov'mt endorsement of a political position. That is, in most areas, illegal. Defacing both is a political expression -- which is protected. Protected no matter if anyone is offended or feels that prejudice has been leveled against them. If they have, bite me, cupcake.
Where’s my damn refund?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
And, just what prevented you from staging a mutiny? You could have then raided and sacked to your heart's content. Think of the YouTube videos.
Study Finds Many Uninfected Adults Still Have Strong Pre-Existing Antibody Protection Against COVID ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
My bet is that these are people who got infected way back in late 2019 or early 2020. And, since it is really just flu (i.e., unless you suffer from >1 co-morbidities) you worked thru it like all the rest of the years in your life. I had a slight fever back in 1/20 and hardly ever get the flu. I whined to my wife and laid about for 1-2 days and then had to get back up to do chores. I've not taken a test. They are being called uninfected 'cause they hadn't been tested until now.
Teaser: Big Tech Outsourcing Censorship Through Dishonest "Fact Check" Firms—Interview w/ Sean ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Submitting troublesome activities to 3rd parties is designed to shift responsibility, especially if the activity is criminal or embarrassing. Think Clinton Foundation or that "charity" that Fauci used to launder monies to his pals in the CCP for work at Wuhan. Domestic companies do the same -- shove the nasty work off on someone else so there might be plausible deniabilty (sp?) . This provides the ability to say "We employ no one who does that." Well, yeah, yah TWOT. You gave money to your jerk relative who then did stuff from within a shell company in a country that won't extradite.
Anyone who takes a CCP made vaccine is an imbecile!!! []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Brazil went big on CCP vaccine, which has since been shown to be less than 50% effective. So, continuing its use is more than just dumb. AS to doing anything that would benefit such a corrupt regime, well, you have surrendered your right to feel righteous about much of anything.
Timcast IRL - ENTIRE Portland Riot Police Squad RESIGNS, ITS HAPPENING w/ Michael Malice Vid ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
My understanding is that they only resigned from some sort of special action squad, not the police force. Sorta like un-volunteering to be on the SWAT. Nonetheless, it was a potent message. However, this is Portland, where no one in power gives a flip so long as their private security is on hand. As to Tim's position, I also agree. Abandon the police entirely. So, who is gonna object when you openly carry? And, if you are openly carrying, the thugs will get the loser across the street. This chaos will last until some politico's elderly relative is mugged. Old saying, you are a liberal until you get mugged. Then, you go all medieval on thugs.
SCOTUS Again Invokes ‘Standing’ to Dodge a Constitutional Question In a stunning abdication ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Well, of course SCOTUS will dodge this issue. Roberts violated the Constitution when he rewrote it to be a tax law, and then did not return it to Congress so it could be re-submitted by the House -- and the Const requires that all tax laws originate in the House. Since Obama-Care originated in the Senate, he blew it. Once he set that precedent he has been busy dodging all cases that might raise issues like this. So, once again rejecting an issue on standing is a load of crappola. He did the same thing when he bullied the court into not hearing Tx (and a bunch of other states) request to investigate/overrule/whatever the unConstitutional voting changes that some states made to ensure that BeijingBiden could "win". If SCOTUS is not the proper venue for states to "sue" each other, what the 'Ell is? This kind of partisan crappola is how civil wars can start -- leave an aggrieved party with no peaceful, legal redress is how violence is merited.
The woke crowd zone in on Democrat Tom Hanks, focus on whiteness- []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 16, 2021:
Part of eating their own phenomena. Just look back at what the Bocheviks did to the Menshaviks (sp?). It should be encouraged whenever possible. Not only does it reduce their numbers but can be entertaining. The survivors should be split between tough and "readjusted to reality". The latter bunch can be recruited.
Facebook propaganda with the comments turned off, whos paying these Corporations to run this crap?
bobbo666 comments on Jun 16, 2021:
C'mon man, need you ask? It's a sort of "Follow the money" thing. Their initials are CCP. The CCP benefits from: shutdowns ( destroys conservative middle class ), masks (they make most), etc.
My dentist mocked me today, saying that even though he's much older than me, he has healthier teeth.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 14, 2021:
You said that as you were leaving the chair, right?
"Progressive" policies are, in reality, regressive. []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Progressive = DemocraticSocialism = Socialism = Communism. It is a progression (yeah, unintended pun there) . Any sort of policy or society that starts out with collectivist crappola ends up following that path. Western society took an alternative path a long time back when it emphasized individuality as opposed to elitist control and slavery. That is why Western society has thrived in spite of all assaults.
Google’s YouTube Suspends Senator for Discussing Study on COVID Treatment US Sen.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 13, 2021:
...Google-owned and controlled by the CCP. Google is owned by Alphabet, which is a Chinese company and therefore a tool of the CCP. To figure out who really is feeding this pablum to the masses you have to sorta play "follow the money". The CCP is behind all of this. They direct it and they fund it. Where do you think the BigGuy gets his cut?
Wearables can detect the onset of a COVID infection.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Alternatively, such faddish kit can tell when a couch potato takes a deep breath. Yee Gawds, you get a tingle down your leg when your heartbeat increases? That happens pretty much anytime, fella. Try exercise, you'll shock yourself.
Please “do not”….
bobbo666 comments on Jun 11, 2021:
At least the reply didn't use staples.
Lions vs top predator. lol
bobbo666 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
We are very, very protective. Like Mommy bears on steroids. Considering where you say you live, I doubt you've ever disturbed a nest of fire ants -- imported and now indigenous to the southern US. As a child, many whiled away their time by poking ant nest entrances just to watch they run all over the place. Not so popular now with fire ants replacing "regular" ones. Fire ants come out in hundreds and roam about in an increasing spiral until they find the bastid that poked their nest. They then attack, mercilessly. They are called "fire" 'cause their bites leaves a stinging, on-fire welt about a cm across. Human societies are sorta like that, at least the ones that survive.
Video: Jane Fonda Encourages Marxists To Sabotage Critical American Infrastructure - ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
Well, of course she does. A bit of a walk back tho. Back in the 60's-70's she was encouraging everyone to sabotage everything American. Not just commies.
Ouch. Burn, baby, burn.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
No, I won't say it. That would be "racially insensitive". No, no. Argh. Think Jeff Dunham. There, now YOU are the one with the BAD thought.
India Takes Action Against WHO Scientist for Spreading Disinformation In yet another validation ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
From the beginning WHO had sold out to the CCP. And, the CCP benefited from any damage caused to the West: shutdowns, $$$vaccines, mask$$$, etc. You name it, the CCP benefited. Ignoring the potential benefits of Iver. (I'm not gonna bother typing all that out) benefited only the Pharm companies looking at 8billion X2 shots. Keep in mind, none of the vaccines are actually that. They do not prevent re-infection and passing on of the virus. They are nothing more that treatments intended to minimize impact upon vaccinated -- precisely what Iver do. How did they get away with ignoring other facts, science? The same way the global warming TWOT's ignored data that did not help their models (none of which work unless you tweak them to fit data). Science doesn't work a'tall if you apply it that way. It's the equivalent of saying "Nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you!" when someone is contradicting your pet theory with facts you have ignored. Your theory has to deal with all relevant facts -- and you don't get to ignore some by redefining the word relevant.
NYT Staff On MSNBC Denounces American Flags As Disturbing, Democrats Don't Share Reality With GOP - ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Well, of course the little darling was disturbed. She's probably been taught all her life to hate everything that was said about the US. Too bad her education never touched upon the absolute murderous effect of every single attempted move in the direction of progressives/demoSocialists/socialists/communism.
In public, at home, and at work: More self defense gun stories- []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
There are hundreds of thousands of documented self-defense stories per year in US -- even FBI will confirm. An armed society is a safer one, also a bit more polite. OOh, ooh, I bet I triggered a commie with that comment! Safer with guns? Yeah, think.
Manitoba chief microbiologist: 56% of positive COVID ‘cases’ are not infectious Dr.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Some time back "deniers" were bringing up the science behind the PCR tests. Basically, if an outfit wants to exaggerate the number of infections all they have to do is repeat enough cycles until it shows positive. So, if you want to shutdown an area or get a grant for further study crank up the number of cycles. Easy-peasy. It is sorta like stuffing a ballot box. And, with the same goal in mind.
Harris Disingenuously Blames Climate for US Southern Border Surge On her first public ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
That will be their #1 goto if blame is needed. At the very least, every time the term is used the question ought to be asked: "Oh, you mean global warming?" Insist on that since it was the boogy-man only few years back -- until the reveal of all the corruption behind the CO2 BS. In addition, extreme climate cannot be caused by global warming -- physics is opposite. It also helps to remember that when the Baizuo are using these terms that braindeads need repetition. Just repetition, not actual science. Kinda like a chant.
What If The Simpsons Was British? []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Boobies on page 3, of course! Also, the jokes on bad dental work would be painful. And, in breeding. Oh, the list just goes on and on.
Biden Administration Again Fails to Protect the Private Sector from Cyberattack Yet another ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 3, 2021:
I suspect that attacks on gov'mt sector is even worse. You'd never hear "for security reasons". That said, companies are responsible. Critical systems should not have any connection to WWW, even to make it easy for IT techs to service. VPN's can be penetrated. Sure, any protection can be broken. But, you don't have to be perfect, just good enough to push the attacker onto your neighbor/competitor. I have locks on all my house doors, and a warning sign that there will be no warning shot. Of course, gov'mt ought to be developing tech to turn over to private sector and hunting down and hurting hackers -- yes, hurting them. Make it expensive in as many ways as possible. If a hosting gov'mt objects, tell them to either quit hosting the hackers/terrorists or pound sand.
Breaking: Leaked Email Is The End Of Fauci []
bobbo666 comments on Jun 3, 2021:
He's like a vampire, or a typical bureaucrat.
Texas’ Abbott Drops the Hammer on Manipulative Democrats Over Election Reform In response to ...
bobbo666 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Back when I used to live in Tx I was amazed/impressed that state legislature met only every other year. I asked natives. Reply was along the lines of : "gives them only half a chance of Fing things up ". They also had a habit of putting sunset clauses on some laws -- i.e., if not re-approved at end of XX years the law expires. It's like the Tx citizens didn't trust the folks they sent to Austin!!
This is basically socialism or corny capitalism.
bobbo666 comments on May 29, 2021:
Good for them. With Shumer pushing it, it is bound to be a wad of corrupt crappola benefiting only the DNC. In addition, pushing something thru just before a cut-out is how we get stuck with the crappola called O'Bama-care. DNC creatures were screaming that there was no way to comprehend it until after it was passed. Nope. Either give me time to read, comprehend, and ask questions or bugger off.
Amateur art lesson of the day. You, too, can learn to draw!!!!
bobbo666 comments on May 29, 2021:
This is kinda like how Congress makes laws: sketch out hundreds of pages of babbling nonsense, declare a victory for democracy; and dump the steaming pile onto bureaucrats to "fill in the details". Unfortunately, the bureaucrats turn an intended deer into a lizard.
Biden Sticks It to Prospective Homebuilders with Proposed Canadian Lumber Tariff At a time when ...
bobbo666 comments on May 29, 2021:
Interesting YouTube video the other day looking at what supplier component added to the cost. Tree farmers are losing money compared to 15 years ago. Loggers are not making any more. Stores have to keep margin small, and they aren't making a lot. What appears to be the culprit are the wood processors, the outfits that cut logs into boards. They are making tons more. Total price on lumber compared to 2019 is up by 3X.
Nazism Gets Foothold: State Requires ‘Papers" To Enter Businesses and Churches ...
bobbo666 comments on May 28, 2021:
Quibble. It is not necessarily Nazi. Yes, the National Socialist party was = NAZI. However, they were firstly socialists. More paper fixation was perpetrated by the communists, aka hard-core socialists. Every commie regime demanded everyone carry papers to do anything a'tall. In my opinion (just that, opinion) this is a key feature of embedded communism; because in order to get any papers you must submit -- you must do something they demand and you would not otherwise do. You must take that first small step towards surrender. That first step will lead to all the others. It is not a slippery slope, it is a cliff. Canada, sadly, did that earlier when they demanded via law that you must accept and use the gender terminology demanded by any other person -- according to the favored term of that day. So, if someone says: "Today, I am a unicorn. So, you must address me by 'Sir Unicorn, .....'" This is now Canada law. NYC followed, of course. What else!
Dem Arizona SOS Blasts Election Audit: They're Not Going to Produce a Report That's Valid via ...
bobbo666 comments on May 28, 2021:
OK, I can't figure out what "SOS" means. If it were POS I'd think "Piece of S***".
Trial Of Kenosha Shooter Will Cause RIOTS, The Authorities Are Cowardly And He May Get LIFE ...
bobbo666 comments on May 28, 2021:
Absolutely no chance he will get justice according to rule of law. By any measure he defended himself and others. But, he used a gun. And, an American publicly using a gun in defense must be attacked regardless of law or reason. What most worries me is that with all manner of gov'mt offices persecuting him he can't match their monies -- another (relatively) poor dude persecuted by the (overwhelmingly ) rich. 15 years ago this would outrage the left. But, since they have been overtaken by commies they have been silenced. And, the progressives/etc/commies only want to destroy all opposition.
US Embassies Worldwide Authorized To Fly BLM FLAGS, They Have WON The Culture War []
bobbo666 comments on May 28, 2021:
BeijingBiden is a loathsome little TWOT -- I give him no credit for anything positive for western culture or humanity. That said, this would be an action by state dept. The HillaryBeast used to run that, and evil still persists. So, that dept has a tendency to act like a bit of a cowboy, dating back to WW2 when they actively opposed attempts to rescue Jews. Still, any rational Pres ought to object.
Police declare riot in Portland as protesters mark one year since George Floyd's death- ...
bobbo666 comments on May 27, 2021:
Being booked in Portland means a quiet liedown until the prosecutor decides it is time to release you on no charges. Unless you burn down a gov'mt building that is what always happens. Our VeepKHarris even contributes to bail for these sorts of people. As to GFloyd, he shoved a pistol into a pregnant girl's stomach while robbing her house. He was a thug.
Engineering student shot dead hours before graduation []
bobbo666 comments on May 27, 2021:
Well, as usual with "news" there is no indication as to who is who. Nonetheless, the important point is whether or not this was targeted. Uhh, no, not targeted in that way! Ratherr, was this shooting just because the target was an engineer? I are an enganeer, so this concerns me!
Can other ethnic groups become Asian? []
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
Nowadays, how about simply identifying as Asian? Or, remember all the hoorah when Fauxcohantus (SP?) took DJTrump's dare to get a DNA test to "prove" that she was Amerind? Hah. A clear loss, almost anyone is more than she was. So, claim to have gotten a DNA test and if it came back >0% some kinda Asian, you are IN! And, Amerind counts.
Texas passes constitutional carry.
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
You gotta be kidding me. They did it? I'll have to contact some of my relatives over there -- and whine.
Video: Biden White House Refuses To Investigate COVID Origin; Warns Americans Off Lab Leak Theory...
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
A thorough investigation was proposed last year, early this. The CCP got into a hissy fit and got all their tools/fools in the CDC/WHO to water its down so much that it accounted to little more than: "China, did you leak the WuhanFlu?" "Uh, no, of course not, why would you even suggest such a thing? It was obviously the US military. Yeah, yeah, that was it, the US military." No non-conservative will touch this issue. There will be no meaningful investigation. Certainly not from the WH. What? Threaten BeijingBiden's regular cut?
Evidently, BLM Was Instrumental in Fomenting Discontent on January 6th After Democrats, led by ...
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
Was it really necessary to point out that the old bag Pelosi is from Ca? I live out here/there. It's like dealing with the shame of having a Catholic priest in your family -- after he has been convicted of being a pedo. C'mon, man! Have a heart!
Time to Consider If Computerized Voting Might Not Be Ready for Prime Time From Arizona to New ...
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
If utilities and gas lines can be hacked, why would anyone trust any sort of "on-Line" voting? On average, how many companies get hacked per year; and lose customer data? It used to average tens of millions of customers per year got data compromised. You'd have to be a total yahoo (no pun intended), an IT supplier, or a democrat to proposed further corrupting the voting process.
Moderna says its COVID-19 shot works in kids as young as 12 []
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
Geesh. This is getting into grooming territory. Kids don't get WuhanFlu and those rare (poor) little ones that do don't get hurt. It really hurts only the few percent and those with co-morbs.
A round for the house
bobbo666 comments on May 25, 2021:
Afraid that there are other Kyle Rittenhouse's out there?
Democrats to dig up dead Confederate general []
bobbo666 comments on May 24, 2021:
Share a message that he was infected with anthrax before his death. Anthrax remains potent even years after burial. Bozos who do this kinda crappola don't bother with fact checking and don't believe in science, so they will be scared off. Not that I celebrate southern generals or anything. Let's not forget that the KKK was started by one, a Democrat, of course. Regardless, once buried leave them alone.
Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd ...
bobbo666 comments on May 23, 2021:
At the direction of WHO (owned by CCP) the CDC has been hopelessly corrupted from the beginning. This will continue. Expecting anything approaching truth, factual, or based on science from them, well, mebbe your unicorn really does fart rainbows.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
bobbo666 comments on May 23, 2021:
Bloomie's attitude towards guns and forcing people to take meds he feels is worthwhile come from the same sick mind. If he is serious about either, I dare him to show up at my door. I'm old enough that I really don't care.
Background to the new Nuremberg Trials 2021 : A large team of more than 1,000 lawyers and over ...
bobbo666 comments on May 23, 2021:
The only way to get at the truth and at the people who corrupted this mess is private or state lawsuits. The Feds will cover up since they were part of corruption.
I said the virus came from a lab back in January 2020 Twitter kept deleting me to oblivion.
bobbo666 comments on May 23, 2021:
I think that is way too late. Wuhan natives were reporting sick in 2019. My guess is late summer, early fall. And, in late 2019/early2020 the leather workers from Wuhan that northern Italy hired to get rid of their native leather workers had returned to their new homes in northern Italy. That is exactly when northern Italy came down with first epidemic. As to where it originated, the CCP will cover up any data about any lab. Working thru them is like expecting anything resembling the truth out of the Mueller scam. Since there has not been respectable/creditable journalism in the West since DJTrump's election we might never know. The only way we might is if someone hammers Fauci on his indirect funding of the lab. RPaul is on track, but the US legislature will never let him get anywhere so long as he tries to work thru them. A state has to sue Fauci -- get him out of Federal protection.
Why Did Facebook Censor Two Renowned Oxford Professors Sharing Information About Face Masks?
bobbo666 comments on May 22, 2021:
There is only one opinion allowed. Everything else is wrongthink. And, since the powers consider wrongthink to be dangerous it must be silenced regardless of consequences. "Think of the children!" Also, YTube is owned by Google, which is owned by Alphabet, which is owned/controlled by the CCP. Facebook has similar ties.
Breitbart: Disney owned ABC feels the impact from disasterous Oscars ratings.
bobbo666 comments on May 21, 2021:
Although we may decry what they do and what they say, they are doing precisely what they want. All are rich elitists so being part of a successful show is irrelevant to them. Getting their message out to the plebes and soon-to-be-slaves is what it important. If they had the magic powers they think they had they would: 1) ID everyone who slavishly watched "the message" and 2) kill all those who did not. That is not hyperbole. They want anyone who is part of the wrongthink crowd dead. Think Uighers. What the CCP is doing to them is a template. And, Hollywood is an enthusiastic supporter. DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & EQUITY?
bobbo666 comments on May 21, 2021:
Saw a TCarlson YTube video this morning wherein he argued that equity = racism. Institutionalized racism, with your tax dollars. Only the democrats would try this crappola again.
Biden Admin CAUGHT SMUGGLING Migrant Kids To Other States In The Dead Of NIGHT []
bobbo666 comments on May 21, 2021:
Is he going to get his traditional cut of 10% for "the big guy"? He got that on all $$ transactions by Hunter.
[] Maskless Texas records zero COVID deaths
bobbo666 comments on May 18, 2021:
I do seriously wonder if the definition of "killed by Covid" was changed in Tx to be based on science rather than politics. I.e., to have died in Tx of Covid means that a doctor actually had to say in the death cert that the patient was killed by the virus; not just in its vicinity. Anybody got directions to official Tx definitions on this? In my area, Ca-land, they simply accept without question the latest crappola out of CDC/WHO/etc -- regardless of how ridiculous today's verbiage might be.
France Bans Woke Language in Schools: ‘A Danger to Our Country’ As the United States ...
bobbo666 comments on May 17, 2021:
So, the Education Minister and Deputy said no to this sort of crappola and the Teachers' union stepped in and told its member to ignore such directives -- go on with their wokenis. Umm, what the 'Ell is it gonna take before a Gov'mt official issues a ruling and get obedience from unions? How about getting obedience or disbanding the union? Even if there is a Froggie law that requires a union, surely the Gov'mt could turn about and say: "Yeah, but not this union! Disband and hold a new vote!".
YouTube Suspends Steven Crowder AGAIN, They Want To SILENCE His Speech [youtube.]
bobbo666 comments on May 16, 2021:
Well, of course they do. YouTube/Google/Alphabet/CCP hate free speech with a passion. That allows wrongthink. SCrowder and others like him will be erased. These platforms, like Twitter, et al, are enemies of mankind. They are not simply private enterprises. They are actively attacking the sort of capitalist, free market that brought them to power. Their behavior is understandable, tho. They are now on top. Given the natural churn that takes place among those now on top and then overtaken by others; they must act now to freeze the system so that they stay on top -- forever. This is the process of all communist revolutions -- disrupt, conquer, then purge the system of all competitors. That is why every attempt at a collectivist society fails. The churn that keeps putting those with merit on top is frozen.
Biden Makes Shocking Statement AGREEING That Israeli Response To Palestinian Rockets Was Warranted ...
bobbo666 comments on May 16, 2021:
Umm, this is disquieting. I'd earlier suggested that his behavior was simply evil and not random. This, since it supports western civilization, must be random. Drat. Now I can't predict BeijingBiden's actions.
Bill Maher Diagnosed With Covid AFTER Being Vaccinated, Forced To CANCEL 'Real Time' Airing ...
bobbo666 comments on May 16, 2021:
Somebody please pass this on to Stelter. Why is MSM not talking about this sort of crappola on this fake vaccine? It doesn't prevent re-infection and transmission to others? Where did this vaccine come from, China?
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