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Once Again the Palestinians Prove They Are Anything But Peaceful Even as the radical Left in the...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Way back when the rat-bastid Arafat ran for office (kinda like USSR elections -- and recent US) his stated goal was destroy Israel and kill all Jews. MSM painted him as a hero, like the other RB who ran SAfrican into the ground. Anyhoo, he got like 73% of the vote. OK, so if >70% of the Palestinians want death, why am I supposed to be sympathetic to them? That's in the same category of a local Klan objecting to "those sort of people" and I'm supposed to be OK with that, too?
Never underestimate women without coffee! 😆
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Am not sure about the timing, but I think this is before chocolate was widely available. Imagine what they would have done to him if he'd been withholding that!
Stonehenge Tunnel Stopped Some good news! A court has ruled that the so-called Stonehenge tunnel ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
What, they don't have sound walls over there? Enclose the highway in an above-ground ......hallway of stone. Most noise is directed upwards. It will also avoid digging inna ground and mebbe finding the interdimensional portal buried there.
A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a youtube video of young lady who had decided to learn exactly...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Everyone should get a DNA ancestry test. Then, you can identify as practically any you want. And, when reparations are enacted, get in line. We are all mutts here in the US. Hybrid vigor.
The fascist cops are piling up a huge pile of hatred against themselves which will one day explode ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
I have come to agree with Tim Pool's position: if coppers enforce mask/shutdown orders, defund them. They no longer honor their pledge to Const, they are taking the pay and doing as ordered. Defund. No coppers to enforce anti open carry -- shoot first to protect yourself. Remember, an armed populace is a polite one.
David Horowitz calls Biden a 'lifelong White Supremacist' I haven't seen him sniff a black ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
The POC ones are kept in the back rooms with the older slaves. He was probably told that this is the proper procedure by his slave-owning ancestors.
GOP lawmaker says Chinese Communist Party must have something on Biden, Dems Shhh! You'll be ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Uhh, pallets of money? Don't need to blackmail if bribing will do. And, Hunter's suppressed laptop (until after election) proved that BeijingBiden routinely gets a 10% cut on everything.
Ya think??? 😂
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Man, I'd adopt one like that! It's perfect. Run her thru the stores where all the braindead selfish TWOT's park their baskarts sideways across the aisle. Or, cart on one side and fat arse on other. Geesh, people. Can't you for a moment think of how you inconvenience others in practically everything you do? Or, is that the point? That kid is a winner. Do you rent here out?
yea the corporation they all have small dicks!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Anything with "white" chocolate is fake candy. Won't even go into the obvious supremacist angle.
Every man has a feminine side... Nah. 😂
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
She misled him with the "goodbye". Too positive.
Why ONLY Citizens Should Be Able Vote []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
I'd go one further. Unless you have skin in the game, can't vote. If your net contribution to local/state/Fed gov'mt is negative, you lose your vote. You are a dependent, not a voter. This was Romney's point, which MSM killed him with, 47% of people don't pay any Fed income tax. By that metric, they ought not to vote in any Fed election. Yeah, yeah, sounds like a poll tax. Not quite.
Sometimes it takes me all day to get nothing done
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
Obviously, her time is before Coke put cocaine in it. Not caffeine, cocaine.
Doomed to repeat history ?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
I doubt you'd find a school teaching this.
I am so excited ... Man-Date
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
Awww, you said "man". You are going to hell for that one! You assumed what IT wanted. Uhh, trannys out there. If pretending to be someone, something else does it for you; go for it. Try and be happy. But, if you insist that I buy into your position, agree that cross-dressing and surgery, etc. make you something else. Nope. DNA is the tell. Ditto on pronouns. If I know you and you (albeit a guy) insist that as we work together I call you Sue, OK. I will be polite. But, if you agitate for a law (like in Canada or NYC) forcing me to use speech that I don't agree with; go to 'Ell. You cross a line when you compel speech, same sort of line when you censor speech.
We must be accepting of our challenged companions
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2021:
Umm, so he's trying to get a nutjob drunk? Not nice. Funny, but not nice.:)
Warning: disturbing photos attached.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
No one should be surprised at this sort of atrocity. If you actually attended a worthwhile school, or had a relative who fled a commie system; you would know that commie regimes always, always go this way. No exceptions. It is a system that promotes elitism, and the turds that float to the top are closet murderers. As to Mandela, he came out of the closet early on, pretty much as soon as he came to power. From then on he has been promoting hate-mongers. Yay, equity! Everyone dies.
NYT remains silent after reporter smears 74M voters as 'enemies of the state' The Far Left think...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2021:
Well, although I disagree with the numbers (beijingBiden didn't get near that many) it is obvious that anyone who actually, factually, voted for this regime are the only ones supporting it. I certainly would never support or represent a communist state -- regardless of how much money they gave me to say so.
Video: NHS Nurses Demand to COVID Test Newborn Baby, Claim It’s Not Mother’s Property Once ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
Well, a national health service is one paid for by others. If you accept the service, you relinquish ownership. It is a commie artifice. Everything is "paid for" by others and owned by the central authority, the State. You chose that. Accept the consequences.
mRNA vaccine inventor: COVID-19 vaccines may make virus more dangerous | News | LifeSite ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
I have to disagree with the article on two points, not the Dr, the article. 1st, he says that evolutionary pressure (yes, sqeptiq, that) is causing the virus to replicate, mutate. Yes, that is perfectly logical. However, he did not say that any variant is more deadly, more virulent. More contagious, yeah. So, the vaxxed are breeding more variants (not unvaxxed) and present as many buggies in their respiratory system as unvaxxed. My thinking is that variants are more benign. Otherwise, they'd have immediately killed the person regardless of vax status. 2nd, he noted that there are those saying mistakenly that this should have led to herd immunity. As he says, that is BS. Because this is mRNA tech it is not designed to kill off the virii, just shield all of the vaxxed person's cells from destruction. Article should have emphasized this. Only natural immune system or traditional vaxes (before CDC re-defined this vaccine to be a vaccine) give herd immunity. By this reasoning, only the unvaxxed will become truly immune and not a continuous danger to society. Talk about irony! The unvaxxed will be immune, basically to most any variant reasonably close to original virus. This is common to traditional (unbuggered) vaccines. But, the vaxxed will be forever spewing out new variants, hopefully more benign as time passes. This is why the Aholes in WHO and CDC are recommending masks for vaxxed -- they are now a continuous source of disease. And, since mRNA is a permanent change to their cells, forever.
The Swamp: 18 Republicans Sign-Off on Cloture for Incomplete Infrastructure Bill In a move that ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
Aww, what's an additional 18 checks to write? No big deal.
PODCAST: Okay, So If the Vaccines Work Why Would We Need Masks & Passports?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 30, 2021:
The fake Vax's protect only you -- which is OK as far as it goes. It does not protect anyone else, like the rest of civilization. It neither kills the virus outright nor keeps you from becoming re-infected. In addition, it acts as an additional natural selection agent that breeds variants. All in all, a selfish solution -- no wonder gov'mt wanted it so badly and quickly. And, since it was not FDA approved, you can't sue. Masks? WHO and CDC ran tests in SE Asia >5 years ago. Multiple med facilities and dozens of med personnel -- folks who should know how to use a mask. For bacteria, great. For virii, bloody worthless. N95 mask blocked <50% of aerosols that carry the virus. Regular cloth masks <5%. They are virtue signaling. Oh, and the CCP makes a ton of money making them. In order to garner power, the politicos turned a rather bad news flu into a plandemic. They will keep it that way.
Biden administration shelves plans to halt Title 42 expulsions - The Washington Post
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2021:
It looks like this PedoPres is taking the approach of flinging random crapolla against the wall to see if it sticks, figuratively of course. Every few days there is another "news report" (is that now an oxymoron like military intelligence?) about a new initiative. When someone pipes up and says "That can't work." it is swept under the rug and denied later on. As to GOP, there present incarnation is crappola. Been that way for a long time. The TeaParty tried to reform and were lied into submission -- and persecuted by Obama's IRS Gestapo. MAGA now has a chance if DJTrump really pushes to get the Rinos out. It has to specify its conservative base, and totally abandon any semblance of "Go along to get along." No, no compromise on principles. Grey area in the middle, maybe.
Sums it up pretty well.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Ooh, capitalism in a microcosm. Freedom of choice. Try to jerk me around, bye! Too bad no site has the nerve to be open. Yes, ads obviously help revenue. But, if you are selling stuff you ought not to expect customers to contribute to all revenue streams. It's not like I'm gonna go along with and entry fee just to shop. Uhh, Costco. Damn. Anyhoo, an open site would list the ads somewhere in the front page -- use your adblocker to blacklist the ones you don't like. Leave the rest alone. Win/win -- except for the ads that suck.
Kamala Harris was quite focused on identifying the root causes of the immigration problem during her...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Don't forget that her family used to own slaves. She is vulnerable to a difficult question if anyone mentions reparations.
I got a 3 day suspension on nextddor after reporting a guy threatening to give me a free nose job.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Nextdoor is poisonous. Full of Karens. They can ban with no explanation. It's basically a playground where the bullies are allowed free reign. Free speech is not protected at all, in fact wrongthink is promoted by the mob of bullies. They readily suppress an obvious fact/truth if they consider it wrongthink (I was banned for quoting from state gov'mt regulation -- it conflicted with Karens). Just avoid it. Stay here and enjoy free speech. Aside, Houston? Used to live there for 9 years. Terrible summers and nightmare when slightest amount of snow revealed all the idiot drivers in all their glory. Nonetheless, there were good times. I did get to see the actual eye of a hurricane -- Alicia!
This COVID thing is likely to be going on for around another 5 years.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Actually it is the vaxxed who are the petri dishes. Any pressure on a biological system (e.g., forest or human body) enhances natural selection -- those done in by "pressure" are replaced by other variants who have an advantage due to mutation. More pressure agents implies faster evolution, implies more variants pushing towards success. Vaxxed have more pressure agents, natural immunity system + vax. Now, the vax only protects you, the jabbed, not anyone else. So, whatever arises is free to hang around (and eventually either merge with human DNA or die) or get released. Generally, such mutations are less lethal. Generally. So, the vaccinated create more variants and freely release them into "the wild". Unvaccinated struggle with their one protective system, natural immunity system (e.g., Tcells, white cells, etc.). They will release fewer variants and less frequently. Claiming that unvaxxed are the source of the variants is BS. Coming from the left, of course, as they have a history of ignoring science all over the place.
The covid19 bots are active!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
NPC's all.
Literally! 😂
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Awfully close to a bunch of those crazy Canadians. I dunno.
Where's the science?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Science, schmeince. Much ado about nothing. Peasant concept. You are engaging in wrongthink expecting logic -- logic is racist! Pack a small bag (only valueables, we will take them anyways) and wait by door. When jab checkers come to door they will call van to take you.
Israel is a terrorist
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Did Israel get nuke tech from US? Openly? If not, no requirement to sign. Otherwise, good on them. I hope they use it wisely.
Democrats Lie And GOP Rep CRIES At Capitol Hearing, Antifa And BLM Riots Downplayed By Democrats ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
"downplay" is letting them off. Cover up or suppress is closer. The only way to get this out is to accuse them of using Antifa/BLM as their "brown shirts" to terrorize inner cities. Make the accusation. What? Are they gonna shut you down? They already do that! Create chaos and use it.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe: Where are all these extra single socks coming from?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Well, first they have to figure out what uses tubular fabric. Short-armed octopii?
Not only is communism Biblical (Acts 5:1-10).
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
So was child sacrifice, yah TWOT. Squint real tight and you can find anything in there. That is part of its power.
NO WHITES ALLOWED: Black Supremacist Group Demands White Liberals Keep Their Kids Out of Ivy League ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Well, maybe an inadvertent good thing. Some such schools are openly racist, like Harvard is to Asians. Keeping any kid away from that crappola is a good thing. Plus, the schools are no more than virtue signaling. You can get just as good an education in hundreds of others. Don't get the bragging rights, tho.
Convincing, no? 😂
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
I wonder how long it took the dudes in the "Bus Barn" to finish painting that masterpiece. They had to be bending over laughing every so often. I also wonder if they managed to get more than one bus painted before some humor-lacking boss strolled in and stopped it.
United States: CDC advises fully vaccinated individuals to wear masks again So what was the ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
$$$$$$, and submission.
Officials Admit Vaccine Not Working as Advertised, Say Vaccinated May Have to Mask and 3rd Shot May...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
OK, we are into the definition of insanity: repeat expecting different result. Y'all predicted that this experimental shot (not vaccine) would do its job with two shots. Now, that estimate is crappola so let's go for more is your answer? So, the doofs doing the math on this insanity are from the same schools that write up the totally crappola climate models? None of the mRNA shots confer immunity, so they are not vaccines. If you keep trying out repeats of the same tech predicting immunity, you are obviously just chasing $$$.
A little known soldier in World War I and failed artist.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
Ahem, how is he labeled a failed artist when Hunter can peddle crap that looks even worse? Not that I'm trying to defend the jerk -- either.
Why is California banning gaming computers? []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 28, 2021:
I call BS on the article. It seems to say that some states, including my own (sigh) CaCaLand, is banning a class of PC's because they use too much power -- which violates one of rat-crazy regs out this way. Remember, this is the breeding ground of goofy warning regs like: careful on ladders. Anyhoo, I doubt the veracity of the article since the banning limit is an energy unit, kwhr/year. OK, the PC's might gobble a lot of power when running. But, if I don't run it long enough to bump into the energy limit, which is cumulative, why can't I still buy and run it for shorter period of time? I think this is just Dell running a scam.
New Battery Technology Supports Hope of True Energy Independence A green technology startup ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
Commercialism is capitalism. The system that has raised more people from poverty than all other systems combined. That said, yeah, there are rats in the woodwork. Let them commercialize it. The tech will be copied. But, any company labeling itself green is a crock. Be very careful.
History Debunked: How slavers from Africa raided England, long before the English went to Africa in ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Everyone's ancestors owned and were slaves. We were all oppressed and oppressors. It is part of being human to want to lord it over others and kick back while someone else works. It is part of being civilized that stops this. And, that is why there is no systemic racism much of anywhere, despite what the race hustlers spew out.
Physicians Exclaim Effectiveness of Ivermectin Against COVID Ignored by the Biden ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
No, no, no. It was not ignored. Simply because BadOrangeMan mentioned it, it was actively attacked. If you spoke up even for a fair review, you were banned. It is part of the "covid misinformation" that Facebook suppresses. Ivermectin and the HydroWhattever do precisely what the fake vaccines do -- suppress symptoms enough to give you a chance. Unfortunately, they are established drugs and quiet cheap. Pharm is paying big money/bribes to ensure 8BillionX2 shots ordered.
Are Half The People in America This Clueless? []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Without looking at the video, I can give a partial answer to that question: not quite half. Quiet a lot since BeijingBiden did get a lot of votes -- but, he didn't get near half. Hint, hint.
US Won’t Investigate Governors Who Ordered Nursing Homes to Accept COVID-Positive Residents ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
Only a class action suit will work here. No criminal charges, but lots of money for a lawyer if 'e is willing to be even more of a pariah -- many are liberals.
Guardian: Coral disease sweeping the Caribbean is linked to wastewater from ships.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
The Guardian went with a story that did not blame global warming, or white people for instance? Wow. Must be the weekend staff.
This guy will not die from vaccine. []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
What a pack of lies. OK, Doc, are you too cowardly to try out Ivermectin or HydroWhatever? They are both shown to significantly improve chances. As to the AP lie about unvaccinated tied to most deaths, what crappola. Singapore announced 75% of patients are vaccinated. UK, 40%. Israel, 44%. Since the jab is not a vaccine and allows you to be re-infected (& infect others) it is a breeding group for mutant variants.
Please tell me again how this clown received a record 80 million votes last November! ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
Jeff Dunham does this sort of thing and makes a living at it. Puppets really don't have to make sense, y'know. They probably prime him with lots of sugar, ice cream for example, and push him out of stage. It's not like the sort of folks who voted for this clown (<50M) have the brain power to see that what they got is not up to snuff.
Tim Pool Argues That Critical Theory CONTRADICTS The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
If I recall correctly, most Demos vehemently opposed the CRA. I guess having been raised by their slave owning Ahole ancestors they didn't like the idea of people of all colors (especially THAT one) being treated in an indiscriminate manner. Now, with commies (pretty much any non-conservative) and racists (especially BLM) on the same side, the Demos, it is oh so faddish to push racism again. Especially if you can get away with calling half of the country racists 'cause they didn't vote "correctly".
Dear person who stole my plant
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2021:
It's a dawg. They are weird. Which makes them great companions for humans: if you are also weird, they make great buddies; if you are not weird, they make you appreciate other humans more.
Today, I learned what "mountain oysters" is.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
There are definitely some things on that list I would not try twice -- I have tried them all. In general, I like Jimmy Carr's advice to vegans "come to dinner". "Make do or F88* off".
PCR test to be withdrawn - not fit for purpose ! The FDA announced today that the CDC PCR test for ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 24, 2021:
Awright, who wants to place a bet on how long it will take for the CDC/WHO/CCP to revise WuhanFlu death estimates back in the Oct 2020 time period? Any takers? I thought not. OK, how about this? What is the likelihood that the CDC/WHO/CCP didn't know ahead of time that this widely used and encouraged (& costly -- at taxpayer expense) test would boost such death predictions/findings? IMHOpinion, about nil. Any scenarios here that don't make you cynical and suspicious?
Now, is she gonna take that "compliment" well? 😂
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
As a start, that purple thing upside the head. Alternatives: Feel horrible, have a drink, it's what I do. Hang around with uglier people. Older ones, too. Declare fat-shaming wrong. I'm practically bald, you never compliment that. How about we trade compliments?
The term “human rights” has completely lost it’s meaning. There are only rights for some.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Officially, everyone in the US has such rights -- see BillofRights for a short list. These are human rights, yah get them when you are born and Gov'mt cannot take or limit. DNC believes differently.
And that’s what friends are for…
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
You are a sick, sick person. I like it. If you created this, congrats. If you found it, please tell where.
maybe someone will understand
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Keep in mind that it takes years of intense, focused parental (and older sibling) training to even get "turn clockwise" down. Now, since digital clocks don't even do that, we have to buy endless batteries. Somehow, some TWOT says that is progress!
I’m gonna have some killer abs! 😂😂😱
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
And, you found this research where? Oh, on the bag of pork rinds you are snarfing while sitting there.
Hi, I’ve forgotten what room I’m in
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2021:
His man bun is pulled too tight. It has cut off essential blood. REceptionist ought to pounce on this and ask him to prepay (again) on his room. Also on the stuff he took out of room fridge. Also on damage (since repaired).
Pelosi just caused long lasting damage to The House: Rep.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2021:
"Just"? Where have you been? She damages the House and all of Gov'mt for that matter every time she draws breath. Been doing that for way too long. Yes, yes, she is from my state, CaCaLand. I blame my neighbors.
Wife of Chris Cuomo found in Epstein’s “little black book” | RT-USA Does she look Chinese?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2021:
As an offering or a customer? I'd think that Fredo would wanna know.
Kamala Says That Jesus Wants You To Get The Jab… No, Seriously, She Said It []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2021:
Do we know that she meant THE Jesus? Or, one of the new illegal-alien slaves just shipped to her from the border? Jesus is a popular name, y'know.
BLM Activist Proposes Black Only Cities Or "Autonomous Zones" In D.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2021:
I suggest DC as the ideal test. Turn into anti-Green zone. Let actual politicos see what life is like when trying to get to "job" is a life-threatening experience. Every day, every time of day. For some time now I've been praying for a moderate meteor of death for DC. But, this option has much more appeal. Get to watch it unfold. Imagine what happens when Antifa/BLM thugs actually assault the Capitol Bldg. The only stuff I still value in the entire city is the archived material in the basement of the Smithsonian. Not the woke crappola on main floor. The actual historical, meaningful stuff hidden away now.
1619 Project creator touted Cuba as 'most equal' country in the Western Hemisphere, model for US ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Quite probably true. A large component of communism is achieving equality of outcome (for the plebes, of course). This is regardless of the individual's effort. AS the 1619 project, BLM, CRT and other commie crappola follow this, they will of course support the most communist country in west (Venezuela is still working). What they don't tout, tho, is that the equality is that everyone suffers and everyone is poor.
It’s only fair, right?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
I always asked what happened to previous occupant of opening. Blew a lot of interviews. Fun, tho, to experience the deer inna headlights moment of local HR dweeb.
Flashback: Democrats Said Voting Machines Can Be Hacked, Votes Can Be Switched ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Hearings in I think Minn, mebbe Mich -- one of silly cold states: IT tech gave testimony in hearings within weeks of election fraud. He showed schematics of actual cable layout of Dominion servers, counting machines, etc. and routers. Routers that were hooked up to outside lines. And, user manuals for the whole setup went thru how to "dial up". Nonetheless, the state election officials denied that there was any physical way in which anyone could possibly hack. Of course they did.
skip to .....
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Ooh, ooh, I got one kinda like that. See piccie.
Pronoun Police Get Slapped Down in California The California Court of Appeal has overturned a ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
The prohibition is very narrow. However, it is a precedent. It could be used to fight the many local laws that mandate you "greet" anyone with their chosen pronoun of the day.
Rand Paul Calls Out Fauci For Lying to Congress Over Gain-of-Function Research — Fauci Loses It!...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Fauci did lie. When asked, he said that he never supplied Wuhan with monies for GofF. No, he authorized money to a 3rd party that turned around and sent the $$ to Wuhan for GogF. It's like some politico being asked if their recent authorization of $$ for some silly wind farm will profit them. Of course, no. What will happen is that their relative, informed before anything becomes public, invests heavily. That makes the relative a 3rd party. Same scam. Fauci is corrupt. He hasn't treated a patient in decades but acts like he is an active medical Dr. Yeah, about as much as Jill Biden. Fauci is a apparachtik (sp?) of the worst kind. He benefits from telling lies. Cruz should ask how he financially benefited from any recommendation. I'd bet his response would be : "No more than any member of Congress!!". Oh, the firestorm that will light.
Society Is Breaking Down As The Left SUPPORTS Child Strippers []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Remember "Cuties"?
What kind of noise does a witch’s vehicle make? Brrrroooom, brrroooom.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
In the same vein, I submit this piccie.
Nice to know Time has their priorities straight.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Well, it depends upon whether or not the bacteria can be targeted towards a particular type of plastic. If all plastics, someone stop this person immediately. That will be much worse than WuhanFlu. Also, in the enzyme release are CO2 or methane released? If so, she will have the idea buried -- global warming, dontcha know? As to losing to GT, kinda no surprise. The commie trash within the Green movement will not tolerate competition.
Over 180 killed in deluge in Europe, hundreds missing in Germany | Belgium | Floods | Heavy Rains...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
This is nothing more than inappropriate building around rivers and then not keeping up with planning for runoff. Some years back wife and I did a Rhine river cruise. Didn't stop at Cologne as it had still not recovered from flood damage year previous. It's called weather, folks! Youth in midwest involved living near Missouri river. Parents went on and on about stupidity of allowing building along its bank -- it is huge, not like MS, but huge. So, some real estate TWOTs do a massive build along the river. "Protect" is with miles long dikes. Then, weather happens and the river swells. Oh, no one suspected that if you "protect" one area with big dikes then areas up and down river won't have to deal with the water that would have flooded the new construction? Nope. Lawsuits. Loads and loads of them.
Georgia SoS Raffensperger Finally Discovers 10,300 Illegal Votes from 2020 Election ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
This is in the category of "Even a blind squirrel finds some nuts."
Health care in the middle ages: A thing that clearly wasn't advanced back in the middle ages was ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
I suspect that is a ferret. Weasels are larger and about as friendly as a badger. 'Course, if they knew what was intended, completely understandable. My first reaction on a partial read of your comment was: "Oh no, training weasels to attack the best with two backs! " That is sick. 'Course, way back some thought the test for a witch was immersion in water. Luckily, nowadays we have the WWW to kill off such silliness!
Covid farce
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Oh, and some loser tried to tell me earlier that no vaccine ever provided immunity. Not ever, not one. The rationale is that any vaccine is simply first step in the race against mutations. Apparently, a never ending race. Sounds profitable, especially if Gov'mt gets on board with taxpayer monies and a guaranteed cut.
Covid farce
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Yes, you have nailed it.
Literal Fascism Before Our Eyes: Psaki Says You Should Be Banned from All Platforms if You're Banned...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
This is the goal of intersectionality. Break all society into smaller and smaller groups until every group is one person. Then, according to CarrotTop, we can have the tyranny of the one. Umm, if we ban her from Slug, does she have to keep her creepy hands off all of the others?
BLM Founder’s Money Funnels Exposed ….
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
BLM's web site came up a bit after DJTrump announced candidacy. It was loaded with commie BS and the group has been little more than a money laundering scheme for the DNC. As to going after other lefties, commies always go after the power, and then take the $$. "Eating their own" is phase 2 -- see Menchaviks.
My child will not eat fish, what can I replace it with? A cat. Cats love fish.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
You have a cruel, cruel form of humor. Nice. Keep it up.
Time to Repeal the First Amendment? []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Poses an interesting opportunity here. Making such a change involves an amendment. State gov's must vote, not just some pack of Aholes in Congress. As long as going there, how about a constitutional convention?
Debbie DeSouza Reveals the Shocking Parallels Between Obama and Hugo Chavez Vid 6:47 mins.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
I'm sorry, don't mean to be rude; but shocking only to someone just out of first form. BHO worshiped that turd, like Sean Penn.
AmericanJournal With Harrison Smith LIVE: White House Now Admits China Behind Microsoft Server Hack!...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
A term for this would be disinformation. Or, somewhere, Gawd only knows, there is a person in the WH not on the CCP payroll.
'America First' Rally Canceled, California City Where It Was Planned to Take Place Issues ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Whole LA area is gone. Been leaning that way for quite a while.
Hey folks - I got a 3 day FB suspension! - it's not the first time FB suspended me BTW.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Umm, you should have said: "I hope he would be assassinated". That would signal that you were on the proper side of the argument. As to FB banning you, if this occurs regularly you do know one of the definitions of insanity, dontcha? This is not like poking a bear or counting coup, more like flogging a dead horse. The die is cast, they are biased and following their orders, apparently now from BeijingBiden.
More dumb questions…
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Well, to be completely mean about this: "Depends upon how much you charge, cupcake kwame. If too much, get away from my car and back on the curb. "
"If you make that face often enough it will stay that way." Mother was right.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Am unfamiliar with either. But, since blondie is seated next to Adam Shitt, she has to be a loser. I look at the two piccies and think that the brunette is imagining her hands clutched about the throat of blondie.
Anyone looking for a lawyer?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
Is that "Dewey"? So, he hires a Cheetum, who (to Dewey's chagrin) brings in his buddy Howe. Man, should have sold out. What is the name of the fourth partner? Any suggestions? "Oiudoo"?
July 18th 2013: Detroit submitted a claim for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection, the largest such ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 18, 2021:
I used to work in Frisco with a company that had a sub in Detroit. This is back in 90's. Fellow workers were very keen to mention that they lived in a burb, well distanced from Demo corruption of Detroit. Also note that according to SCrowder's reports right after Nov 8; ~134K votes "tallied" in the middle of the night were not linked (as per law) to any registered voter. This was in one precinct -- which if it counted all of the "votes submitted" magically increased in population for just that one night. An aside, but an indicator of what you should expect of any blue city. If there is a sign of corruption over Here, there is sure to be more most anywhere you look.
Largest Teacher's Union In US Openly ADMITS They ARE Teaching Critical Theory, The Debate Is Over ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 17, 2021:
No, no, no. Debate is never over. Some will insist that they are middle of road and therefore un-biased. They insist that CRT is not being taught. And, CRT is nothing about racism or communism. That all this bad press is nothing but stupid non-libs spouting about things they won't research. Such tools will continue to hold that position, even if outfits like CNN tried to tell the truth. They have sipped the 'ade, and cannot come back. This is like denying the Holocaust. "Debate" is unending. Just ignore them.
Leftists EXPOSED Grooming Children, Get Puff Piece in NYT DEFENDING Exposing Kids To Adult Content ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 17, 2021:
The whole LuggButt push is nothing more than pushing the idea that all love is love -- no matter who/what the participants. Consent is also irrelevant since their position is that if the other participant can be persuaded, then consent is implied. Even for children. As to animals, well, imagine. Grooming has been mainstreamed by the left because they ensure that their children are protected and couldn't care less about any peasant spawn. Grooming is part of the persuasion. This is when I gave up even on outfits like Chik-fil-A. Their new management got woke a couple of years ago and started sponsoring grooming sessions.
Democrats ADMIT To Big Tech Collusion To Censor Americans, Establishment PANICS Over "Freedom Phone"...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 17, 2021:
The choice of words is odd: "Admit"?? Umm, getting an outfit to join your cause, censorship of wrongthink, is like announcing you have enlisted an additional ally in a fight against evil. Ask any one of these Demos, they revel in getting such support. "Admit" implies that they should be ashamed. Not bloody likely.
Substitutes for a healthy diet
bobbo666 comments on Jul 17, 2021:
Also, according to my urologist (there's a jolly guy for yah) almonds cause kidney stones. I can do without more o them, thank you very much. Like the transfer from butter. So true.
Don’t shoot the messenger…
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2021:
There is messaging and then there is pushing or dealing. You danced verrry close to that line!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2021:
I disagree! Very easy to ID enemies of humanity ( I am assuming you support humanity). Ask if they support any commie programs. Confused? Read thru DNC party platform, lots of examples there. Admitting to commie tendencies is socially acceptable now, see BLM. So, they should readily answer. As to IDing friends, a bit more difficult.
I bet they didn't forget that day...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2021:
There is too a badge! It went out of favor, tho, when the BOY scouts were forced to let gay scoutmasters take the little tykes out on weekend camping trips.
Cut him some slack - coke & strippers aint cheap
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2021:
Well, if carrotTop says it this way, it is true. Sales "won't" be corrupt, they already are. She is really doing harm to general opinion of gingers. Naive? OK. But, this!?
Macron's call for 'compulsory vaccinations' the first step in 'global authoritarian wave' | Sky ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2021:
What the 'Ell happened with all the yellow jackets? I thought they were gonna get rid of this clown. Typical froggies, I guess. Got half way and gave up. :)
Democrats In Panic Mode As Extremists Hijack The Party []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I'm assuming you ID the extremists as the commie scum that have taken over the Demos. That being my assumption, I doubt anyone still willing to call themselves a demo gives a flip. So long as they are still allowed to kneel at the trough they will be happy.
they went back 3 weeks on this post lol they must be really bored HAHAHHAAA
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2021:
I don't see where the lying sacks at FC ID'd your "falsehoods". Typical.
Biden to Push Green New Deal Through Budget Reconciliation The Biden administration memo reveals...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2021:
The GND is pureist commie propaganda. AOL stole it from the US commie web site. It is based entirely upon lies and will serve only to skim funds.
The Bay of Pigs The Bay of Pigs Invasion (Spanish: Invasión de Playa Girón or Invasión de ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 14, 2021:
The invasion failed because JFK blinked when asked to finally approve air support. With it, they would have achieved a beachhead. Without, he just let our allies die. When the crisis came, he found his balls.
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