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Giant sushi roll
guru comments on Mar 12, 2021:
There's something fishy about this.
guru replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@MikeHunt Wasabit too much rice?
Johnny Cashless
guru comments on Mar 12, 2021:
I've seen that done to sheep. They were dyed in the wool.
guru replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@MikeHunt That's a colorful remark.
Frankenstein . Edgar Winters Group . 1973 []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Back in the 70's i had some strange aquaintences , one was this semi-tard named Mark. He would drift in and out of our group regularly but one summer we noticed he was gone. Dog days of August he shows up. Where the hell were you we asked "You guys wont fucking believe it but i spent JUly with ...
guru replies on Mar 12, 2021:
Huge fan of Johnny Winter, That's a Marlboro Gold story :) Awesome!!
Pizza gown
guru comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Hide the pepperoni tonight.
guru replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@MikeHunt uw
A man entered a local paper’s pun contest.
DaveO276 comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Did he send in ten? If so, then no pun in ten did!
guru replies on Mar 11, 2021:
Oh crumbs! need to proof read.
Joe Biden Confused. Again. []
MichelleD comments on Mar 9, 2021:
His wife is getting revenge for the past. I would never allow my husband (if I was going to keep him) to be put into these embarrassing and confusing situations. He is technically a vulnerable person. I hate him but what the powers that be are doing to him, one their own, is horrible. If they'll do ...
guru replies on Mar 9, 2021:
Joe Biden Confused. Again. []
MichelleD comments on Mar 9, 2021:
His wife is getting revenge for the past. I would never allow my husband (if I was going to keep him) to be put into these embarrassing and confusing situations. He is technically a vulnerable person. I hate him but what the powers that be are doing to him, one their own, is horrible. If they'll do ...
guru replies on Mar 9, 2021:
Evil is as evil does.
Crosby Stills Nash & Young's 4 + 20 by Stephen Stills Live HQ []
dmatic comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Is that Joni sitting next to Steven?
guru replies on Mar 9, 2021:
Yes it is:)
Joe Biden struggles to name his defense secretary []
MichelleD comments on Mar 9, 2021:
God, I feel sorry for him
guru replies on Mar 9, 2021:
Definitely elder abuse.
"I have two boys, five and six. We're no good at naming things in our house."
DaveO276 comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Let me guess... three daughters - One, Two, and Three?
guru replies on Mar 8, 2021:
And a dog named four.
Mount Rushmore: What Country is it Located in?
MichelleD comments on Mar 8, 2021:
F' it. I've watched enough of these to know we are doomed
guru replies on Mar 8, 2021:
A guy walks into a bar and orders 12 shots.
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
lol you rat i may or maynot have done this prior to 2014
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
When I first took my wife out to dinner (1975) after the meal I said "we're going to do a runner" she grabbed her bag and was ready:) Always been the greatest!!
Joe Biden's 'communication skills' on show in recent address []
KeithThroop comments on Mar 7, 2021:
The "American parliament"? 😬 I know it was just a slip of the tongue on Paul's part, but still.
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
I noticed that also.:)
Somwhere Jay-Zed is crying
Haraldson comments on Mar 7, 2021:
And it *is* a bonafide Nigerian Oil Company. Hahaha!
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
@Haraldson, @MikeHunt My favorite colors.
Somwhere Jay-Zed is crying
Haraldson comments on Mar 7, 2021:
And it *is* a bonafide Nigerian Oil Company. Hahaha!
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
A stainless reputation.
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
@MikeHunt Good call.
The past stinks: New York Times calls out Pepe Le Pew for normalizing rape culture- []
KeithThroop comments on Mar 7, 2021:
It is a cartoon about a skunk who mistakes a poor black cat for another skunk and pursues it while being constantly rebuffed. Where on earth is there any rape? Are skunks that seek to mate attempting to "rape" other skunks? Could these people be any more ridiculous? Frankly, I think most of them ...
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
Destroying the past to rewrite it.
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
@MikeHunt Three names for a dick.
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
@MikeHunt Thanks for that
Ozzy Man Reviews: Animals Helping Each Other []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Fuggin dying here...also Skippy the Bush Kangaroo...still remember the theme song dammit
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
It haunts me still.
I rolled my eyes at this.
MikeHunt comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Quite like my weather string if it moves it's windy if it's wet it's raining if it's covered in snow it's snowing if it's burning i am the fuck out of here
guru replies on Mar 7, 2021:
String theory.
Cow farts might be a danger after all
Haraldson comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Wait till farmers get wind of this!
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
Get wind!!LOL
We're quite unique
Haraldson comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Sisters from different misters?
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
Brothers from different mothers.
Dog toast...
guru comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Alas poor crusty.
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@MikeHunt My favorite line from willy "what a loathsome shadow you cast".
Dog toast...
guru comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Alas poor crusty.
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@MikeHunt Yorick and crusty jesters no more.
I was gonna post this in one of our joke groups but I figured I would have a better chance of ...
guru comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Great hair.
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@MikeHunt Good memory my friend.
Q: What did the duck say when it bought chapstick? A: Put it on my bill!
JordanMiller comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Do you make all of these up? Or are you just Google?
guru replies on Mar 6, 2021:
I'd be rich if I made all these up :)
Ding Dong.
Haraldson comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Could be the same signwriter
guru replies on Mar 5, 2021:
A. Dick.
Most people are shocked when they find out how bad I am as an electrician.
Haraldson comments on Mar 5, 2021:
When it's the apprentice's turn
guru replies on Mar 5, 2021:
Well he has made his mark in the world.
I went to see the doctor about my short-term memory problems — the first thing he did was make me ...
Haraldson comments on Mar 5, 2021:
# A Doctor posts an ad in the paper... So... this Doctor posts an ad saying "I can cure any disease for $500. If I can't cure you, you get $1000." So this fellow who is looking to make a quick buck figures, what the hell. Looking on the internet for a disease with no cure, he finds -Tastoritis- ...
guru replies on Mar 5, 2021:
The Doctor and Nurse have a big night out!!!
Did you hear about the guy who had his left side cut off? He's all right now!
Haraldson comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Was it his better half?
guru replies on Mar 5, 2021:
You mean his wife?
Q: What’s brown and sounds like a bell? A: Dung!
jamesdomus1861 comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Was that Python or Benny Hill? I forget now.
guru replies on Mar 5, 2021:
Monty Python's Flying Circus1969
No-Show Joe: White House bizarrely cuts feed to stop Biden taking questions []
KeithThroop comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I don't think he is afraid to answer questions; I think his handlers are afraid to let him answer questions. It will expose the fraud they have been committing on the American people as they have constantly lied about his health and mental status. Frankly, I don't think he has the self-awareness to ...
guru replies on Mar 4, 2021:
He is getting worse every time I see him, Harris must be counting the days.
Carol Kaye about her famous guitar licks for Sam Cooke, Beach Boys and more [youtube.]
KeithThroop comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Thanks for posting that. I had never head of her, even though I've apparently heard her play on more tunes than I can probably count.
guru replies on Mar 4, 2021:
The quiet achiever. She was a surprise to me when I first saw that video a couple of years back. Awesome talent.
Henry Cavill Is In TROUBLE For What?
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 3, 2021:
(Gasps) That awful awful man! How dare he date Carano??
guru replies on Mar 3, 2021:
What we he thinking!
My boss is going to fire the employee with the worst posture. I have a hunch, it might be me
MikeHunt comments on Mar 3, 2021:
That was Quasi-funny
guru replies on Mar 3, 2021:
Seems that way, I'll make a note of that.
My wife just found out I replaced our bed with a trampoline. She hit the roof.
MikeHunt comments on Mar 3, 2021:
my old waterbed really made a big splash with the ladies
guru replies on Mar 3, 2021:
Ride the wave.
That's logical.
Alysandir comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Do you ever wonder if there's a blooper reel out there of Shatner licking Nimoy's hand?
guru replies on Mar 3, 2021:
No liquor on set.
COCKWOMBLE - Salute the Scottish for their English.
guru comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Also Blaggard.
guru replies on Mar 2, 2021:
Blaggard meaning A scoundrel; an unprincipled contemptible person; an untrustworthy person. Usually, only used to refer to a male person.
Wikipedia SLAMMED for Leftist Bias as Co Founder LAUNCHES Alternative Free Speech Site ...
guru comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Wikipedia has a lot of propaganda and false information.
guru replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@KeithThroop I hear that it is very difficult to correct them.
I’d love to know how the Earth rotates. It would totally make my day.
Mechanic comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Counter-clockwise, or clockwise depending on which hemisphere you’re in.
guru replies on Mar 2, 2021:
Or if your facing north or south.
Somebody stole all my lamps. I couldn’t be more delighted.
RitBorg comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Who stole them? I need to be enlightened! :)
guru replies on Mar 2, 2021:
The workshop on procrastination has been cancelled, as no-one got around to enrolling.
Haraldson comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Aka CBF syndrome.
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
I cut myself shaving and my eyes cleared up but the I passed out.
Millennials Think Karl Marx is 3rd Party Presidential Candidate Challenging Hillary & Trump ...
Haraldson comments on Mar 1, 2021:
This is really hard to watch, funny but very sad at the same time, clearly we need to look at voter eligibility. Seriously. Mark Dice is great, and I love all these steet-meets he does, people say it's selectively produced and edited, perhaps to some degree, but the message remains inescapable ...
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
I think Mark stopped doing them because it was depressing.
Joe Biden "Has Been DEAD for YEARS" Americans Think []
MichelleD comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Painful to watch. No wonder we are so f'ed. I'm embarrassed. 🥴
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
@MichelleD Sadly that is very true.
Joe Biden "Has Been DEAD for YEARS" Americans Think []
MichelleD comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Painful to watch. No wonder we are so f'ed. I'm embarrassed. 🥴
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
They have been working on us all for a long, long time.
Sweet Child O'Mine - Guns N'Roses; By The Iron Cross []
lnosbourne comments on Mar 1, 2021:
She has a nice singing voice
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
Yes she has, they are all very talented.
Biden Voters FLIP as Portland Leftists RIOT Over Policies [youtube.
guru comments on Mar 1, 2021:
They say Portland was a nice place once.
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
@KeithThroop That's a shame but they made their bed.
Being able to come up with puns on the fly is evidence of higher levels of thought as they require a...
coalburned comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Question for @guru
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
Fortunately I appreciate your reply. :)
A patient bursts into a doctor's office, "Doctor, I believe I'm a deck of cards!" The doctor ...
Haraldson comments on Mar 1, 2021:
He's trying to play his cards right but likely not playing with a full deck.
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
His name is Joe.
Who is Joe Biden? []
MikeHunt comments on Mar 1, 2021:
their votes count as much as mine
guru replies on Mar 1, 2021:
Yeah, that's the worst thing about it.
Some people get confused when a sentence doesn't end as they potato.
CuriousFury comments on Feb 28, 2021:
What are you talking about?
guru replies on Feb 28, 2021:
The sentence didn't end as expected, so this is an example of the resulting confusion But I suspect you already know that.
If you say "gullible" very slowly it sounds like "oranges".
eschatologyguy comments on Feb 28, 2021:
It took me a full 20 seconds to get it. I timed myself.
guru replies on Feb 28, 2021:
I didn't get it at first.
Niagara Falls Get Covered in Snow Due to Cold Weather []
MikeHunt comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Slowly I turned step by step Only old dudes gonna get that one
guru replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@MikeHunt I moidered him.
Niagara Falls Get Covered in Snow Due to Cold Weather []
MikeHunt comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Slowly I turned step by step Only old dudes gonna get that one
guru replies on Feb 27, 2021:
Inch by inch.
Biden Strikes Syria And Liberals Turn Into WARHAWKS! []
Haraldson comments on Feb 27, 2021:
This make sense to someone, somewhere, any ideas?
guru replies on Feb 27, 2021:
Business as usual.
I can be spontaneous, if I have enough time to prepare for it.
Haraldson comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Whenever I try to be spontaneous ("sfsdfsfsdsd"), my bank account reminds me to calm the f@ck down :)
guru replies on Feb 27, 2021:
Indubitably! ("dsdsfsfdsfs")
Well, that happened
guru comments on Feb 27, 2021:
What a cock up.
guru replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@MikeHunt Humanizing really.
Well, OK, I'm fine with that zipper placement
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Very convenient.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Don't take it out the front door, better use the back passage.
Well, I was on my way to Texas but...
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
He has more than one sack.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Sometimes it's good to be bad.
Well, OK, I'm fine with that zipper placement
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Very convenient.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Unfortunately it's call Post code here.
Well, OK, I'm fine with that zipper placement
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Very convenient.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Better zip to it.
Oh dear? You might have overfed our Coyfish
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Chernobyl River.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
You need your "greens"
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Careful where you sit in the garden.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt The largest surfboard measures 12.83 m (42' ft 1.5 in) long, 3.37 m (11 ft 1 in) wide and 0.41m (1 ft 4.4 in) thick, achieved by Visit Huntington Beach and the Epic Big Board Ride (both USA) in Huntington Beach, California, USA, on 20 June 2015.
Game Over, man
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
C'mon man.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt and his partner, Phil Mcavity.
You need your "greens"
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Careful where you sit in the garden.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt I'm using it as a surfboard right now.
Game Over, man
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
C'mon man.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Registered by C. Annus.
You need your "greens"
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Careful where you sit in the garden.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Fuck them till they are cactus.
Game Over, man
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
C'mon man.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt This one.
Oh Lord, I had the old Clap back in '79, it felt just like this (tetracycline week and all good to ...
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
It's just rain dear.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt Ouch!!
You need your "greens"
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Careful where you sit in the garden.
guru replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MikeHunt I get it! Too many pricks.
Russian bodybag
guru comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Was she an old bag?
guru replies on Feb 25, 2021:
@MikeHunt And thinner.
FBI Confirms Congressional Reps Are Now SUSPECTS In Capitol Riot, Democrats Pushing For War With GOP...
energymixer comments on Feb 23, 2021:
We are headed staight into a totalitarian system.
guru replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@energymixer I guess it's always best to keep a positive attitude.
Coca-Cola Accused Of Anti-White Racism []
KeithThroop comments on Feb 23, 2021:
@Guru Thanks for introducing me to Matt Walsh. I don't think I had seen any of his videos until I saw you posting them here. This guy is really good.
guru replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Your very welcome my friend.
FBI Confirms Congressional Reps Are Now SUSPECTS In Capitol Riot, Democrats Pushing For War With GOP...
energymixer comments on Feb 23, 2021:
We are headed staight into a totalitarian system.
guru replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Looks that way.
Not that funny.
jaymaron comments on Feb 22, 2021:
The foundiing fathers should have included an amendment protecting cattle. Who could have predicted that politicians would attack cattle?
guru replies on Feb 22, 2021:
Politicians are full of hot air, they should be corked.
Gonna need more farts Al Gore
guru comments on Feb 21, 2021:
No bullshit.
guru replies on Feb 22, 2021:
@NobodyzFoolz1 The Rock is becoming a Cock.
Garage Door Opens to Reveal Thick Layer of Snow Burying It Fully After Snowstorm []
lnosbourne comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Where is this at?
guru replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Somewhere not affected by global warming I guess.
Not a bright spark.
TimTuolomne comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I saw the same thing, except sparks were striking an OPEN GASOLINE CONTAINER. Probably foolish on my part, but it was faster for me to move to block the sparks, then move the can away, than to try to be heard over the grinder.
guru replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Well done.
Forgive the crudity of the plan.
TimTuolomne comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Yikes! He’ll be lucky to get away with that. And if he doesn’t, it just might be deadly.
guru replies on Feb 21, 2021:
What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter? Patty!
DaveO276 comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Really cheesy, I know! Somehow, they also had the silly idea of naming all their sons "Fry" ... or was it "Chip" ... Whichever it was, it made for quite a salty situation in the family!
guru replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Tom ate toes and said you can't beet a root or a foot long.
Its always important to find yourself....
RitBorg comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Finding yourself is hard work. Just ask any psychologist!
guru replies on Feb 21, 2021:
First you have to want to be found.
Dog Excitedly Meets Military Man When He Comes Home []
Haraldson comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Nevermind about the kid :) love these videos btw, soldiers returning home to their loved ones who couldn't be happier to finally see them again!!
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
I thought the same thing. Hugged him in the end though.
Well, we are going for three days.
daroldbanniste comments on Feb 20, 2021:
This is beautiful. I've seen this in Central America
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
I've seen it on my ute.
Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Haraldson comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Big head for thinking, little head for dancing - he's got it the right way around!
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
Yes, it's a cock up alright.
Girlfriend Can't Understand Pizza Problem []
Haraldson comments on Feb 20, 2021:
My wife refuses to believe anyone can be this stupid.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
Might be an act?
A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot.
jamesdomus1861 comments on Feb 20, 2021:
This parrot is definitely deceased and you assured me, not half an hour ago, that it was tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@jamesdomus1861 Ceased to be, is no more, it's an ex parrot.
Dog and Piglet Attack Each Other on Meeting for the First Time []
Haraldson comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Wait 'till little piggy puts on a few pounds, then doggy won't be so bossy.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
It seems to have the right attitude.
A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot.
jamesdomus1861 comments on Feb 20, 2021:
This parrot is definitely deceased and you assured me, not half an hour ago, that it was tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
@Setright It's pining for the fjords.
A man goes into a pet shop to buy a parrot.
jamesdomus1861 comments on Feb 20, 2021:
This parrot is definitely deceased and you assured me, not half an hour ago, that it was tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
It's shuffled off it's mortal coil.
Do you recognize her?
guru comments on Feb 20, 2021:
I see Marilyn Monroe. It took a little while though.
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
My wife sitting off at an angle saw her straight away.
Mechanic comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Thank you, hoping your surgeon remembered his scalpel after your surgery
guru replies on Feb 20, 2021:
Should be o.k. his lunch was tied to it.
Time to improvise...
Haraldson comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I'd be looking at the neighbors dog if that was mine :)
guru replies on Feb 19, 2021:
I would rather be a cannibal.
I don't trust stairs because they're always up to something.
Haraldson comments on Feb 18, 2021:
I told the carpenter that we didn't want carpeted steps; he gaves us a blank stair.
guru replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Good lord.
Male YouTuber Pretends To Be Pregnant, Exposes Double Standard []
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 16, 2021:
guru replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Pass the bucket.
Jimeoin - When You Forget Someone's Name []
Daveclark5 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Great idea. As I get older names evade me until 2 or 3 am the next morning when I wake up and say, “Roy, that was his name”. He had a great idea, I’ll try it some time.
guru replies on Feb 16, 2021:
It keeps me awake for hours sometimes and then when I get the name I try to remember everyone else I've met. Fortunately this dosen't happen often.
Ozzy Man Reviews: Humans Being Nice []
MikeHunt comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Kinda hate feeling human again
guru replies on Feb 16, 2021:
@MikeHunt It comes from the 18th century English poet Alexander Pope.
Person Gets Terrified Of Pulling Wax Sticks Out Of Nostrils []
MikeHunt comments on Feb 16, 2021:
What is this walrus person even attempting?
guru replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Nose hair removal. lol I think it's attached to his/her brain though.


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Association of Mature American Citizens
19 members
Cigars and Hooch: Opinions, Laws, and Culture
17 members
17 members
Children's Health Defense
16 members
Celebrity News
13 members
11 members
Music for the Soul
8 members