Voluntary Mutual Defence

The Law has always been voluntary, those who enforce involuntary association are outlaws. The idea with this group is to prove this uncontroversial fact to those who have been fooled into thinking that the opposite (falsehood) is true.

The Law has always been voluntary, those who enforce involuntary association are outlaws. The idea with this group is to prove this uncontroversial fact to those who have been fooled into thinking that the opposite (falsehood) is true.

RecentPosts By Josf-Kelley (545) Posts by anyone

Voluntary Mutual Defence
Nov 8, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Conscience V Conscious III by Joe Kelley 11-8-2023 Artificial intelligence can theoretically become self-aware as if becoming alive like a self-replicating human individual born with the POWERS that are necessary and proper to keep our life form ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Nov 3, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Conscience V Conscious II by Joe Kelley 11-13-2023 Thinking visually about this competitive comparison between the concept of a conscience versus the concept of a being being conscious, or self-aware, and able to respond responsibly in any situation...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Oct 21, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Conscience V Conscious I by Joe Kelley 10-21-2023 There is nothing revolutionary about human beings being human as designed by whatever power, unknown or known, programming the design of human beings into the CODE. Asking myself what I must do in...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Oct 12, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
True Law Process V Fake Law Thing Five by Joe Kelley 9-30-2023 Like a school of fish turning as one, the kidnappers union membership, just following the criminal order, turns as one against anyone caught in the act of disobedient non-compliance. ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Aug 17, 2023Aug 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
True Law Process V Fake Law Thing Three by Joe Kelley 8-17-2023 The subject of a Process known as State-Nationalism has found its way to me personally, as has the Process known as the Quantum Financial System. These are tests that try human souls....
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jun 12, 2023Jun 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Accurate Accounting V Memorializing IV by Joe Kelley 6-12-2023 Since the beginning of the first malevolent criminal creating the first innocent victim at the first crime scene at Ground Zero by Patient Zero the FRANCHISE has spread like a seasonal ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
May 29, 2023May 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Accurate Accounting V Memorializing I by Joe Kelley 5-29-2023 Accurate accounting leads to successfully fitting intelligent actions designed specifically for desired results. Failure to accurately account for errors leads to repetitive misfitting of...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
May 22, 2023May 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Franchise A V Franchise B V by Joe Kelley 5-22-2023 To Americans born with the power to resist BULLSHIT greater than the power of BULLSHIT, I write with the clearing conscience of moral RIGHT, as a republican offering federation as the voluntary ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Apr 3, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Legal Fiction Treasonous Fraud V Fake V by Joe Kelley 3-28-2023 Counting down to the time, day, and place where and when the house of cards falls flat, the Emperor has no clothes, and the people regain their independent individual power of ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 28, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Legal Fiction Treasonous Fraud V Fake IV by Joe Kelley 3-28-2023 MIKE GILL : TEMPLATE OF CORRUPTION FOR ALL STATES: GODFATHER ON STEROIDS Time 6:16 “We have been sold out at the highest levels of this country.” Since 1789. Patrick...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 22, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Legal Fiction Treasonous Fraud V Fake by Joe Kelley 3-22-2023 Donald Trump exposes the new world order is in control of the old collapsing world. 7 hours ago Persecute Fraudulently Accused Witches V Fraudulent Witches Fraudulent ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 17, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Local Legal Fiction Brain III by Joe Kelley 3-17-2023 “Now you are ready to hear the six purposes of modern schooling taken directly from Dr. Anglisse’s book.” “The first function of schooling is adjustive. Schools are to establish fixed ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 12, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V “Civil” V by Joe Kelley 3-12-2023 Who was right about January 6? (Insert Cool Sunglasses here) Who is right about Quo Warranto since antiquity? Imagine a crook so powerful that this fictional morbid beast ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 10, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by genkiferal
how to destroy Abrams tank
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 10, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V “Civil” IV by Joe Kelley 3-10-2023 FACT CHECK THIS Time 5:47 “America is an idea, I say it all the time, its an idea on a piece of paper in the Smithsonian, we govern that, we the people, that’s what we the people ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Mar 8, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V “Civil” II by Joe Kelley 3-8-2023 GRAND JURY AWAKE: TACTICAL CIVIC S Field Handbook Volume 2 Abuses of language, or more accurately the use of fraud, does not STAND at all, since it is propped up on legs of legal fiction ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jan 27, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Global Nationalism V Federated Republics One by Joe Kelley 1-27-2023 90 Seconds to Midnight? A clear signal to the US leadership that there will be no survivors in any nuclear exchange between the US and Russia Scott Ritter Jan 24 ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jan 20, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Truth Warrant I by Joe Kelley 1-20-2023 Know Your Constitution Carl Miller Part 1 of 3 The concept of a Contract warrants a whole truth demand and a whole truth supply by law. If someone is going to claim otherwise, that proves the ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jan 19, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V True V by Joe Kelley 1-11-2022 Derek Johnson “...vetted...” In common law documents or precedent, the process is called voir dire. There is a whole truth demand that must be supplied in order for friends to accurately VET...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jan 10, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V True IV by Joe Kelley 1-10-2022 While World War III and Civil War 2.0 continues undeclared in America, the rivers of innocent blood continue to flow into oceans of innocent blood like the melting Ice Caps North and South Poles of the whole ...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Jan 7, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Civil V True I by Joe Kelley 1-6-2022 The Longest and Most Contentious Speaker Election in House History February 02, 1856 “At the conclusion of the longest and most contentious Speaker election in House history, the House ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Dec 27, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Josf-Kelley
The Whole V Half V by Joe Kelley 12-18-2022 The Criminals Govern dependent upon Fraud exported and imported as enemies foreign and domestic, enemies hell-bent on destroying life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the fruits of productive labor, and...
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Dec 8, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Josf-Kelley
The Whole V Half IV by Joe Kelley 12-4-2022 Responsibility is to the future what accountability is to the past. If founders, framers, forefathers, mothers, and all of humanity once upon a time said that extortion and fraud were justified by them ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Nov 30, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Josf-Kelley
The Whole V Half I by Joe Kelley 11-30-2022 What Is The Difference Between A Democracy and Constitutional Republic? A misleading question is like a misdiagnosis purposefully injected to enforce a fraudulent remedy at law. A republic ...
1 comment
Voluntary Mutual Defence
Nov 29, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Josf-Kelley
Presidential Precedent V by Joe Kelley 11-29-2022 One World-Wide Nation-State Legal Fiction Monopoly One Country-Wide Nation-State Legal Fiction Monopoly One Republic-Wide Nation-State Legal Fiction Monopoly One Federation-Wide Nation-State Legal ...
1 comment

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Photos 19 More

Posted by Josf-KelleyWanted for Treason That is all for lack of intelligence and moral conscience.

Posted by Josf-KelleyBorrowed from another IDW post is the pictured meme.

Posted by Josf-KelleyReal Reality A few people have purchased the exclusive power to add zeros to their Bank account balance, and they accomplish this feat by borrowing their spending from anyone who can produce ...

Posted by HeresiarchWhy you should close Social Media accounts you no longer use. (I shut down my LinkedIn account immediately)

Posted by HeresiarchI taught my daughter to shoot at ten years old. Now she's passing on the lessons she learned.

Posted by HeresiarchIt's taken us years to rehabilitate the soil on our Better Than Organic farmlet.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThat is a complex process viewed simplistically in two directions that appear, in simple form, to be opposites.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThe level of brainwashing or mind control, or spirit control, or body control, or behavior control is demonstrably on a sub-conscious level and it runs very deep.

Posted by HeresiarchHow do you sacrifice children?

Posted by HeresiarchHow's that Police State workin' out for y'all?

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom a source:

Posted by Josf-KelleyTrump says Pence can reject criminal votes.

Posted by Josf-KelleyFrom another IDW post: Roadmap to re-inauguration:

Posted by Josf-KelleyAt a Pennsylvania State Hearing, widespread voter and election fraud is reported by witness testimony.

Posted by Josf-KelleyThe following link is immediately censored from Facebook, as I press the enter button, a warning page loads.

Posted by Josf-KelleyI was banished (for speaking the truth to power) from Culture War (IDW topics) and occasionally I am presented with posts in my feed that lead to that exclusive group, so I can't enter, and a I can't ...

  • Top tags#government #USA #rights #video #world #truth #money #crime #evidence #laws #reason #freedom #evil #children #justice #god #death #TheTruth #society #vote #liberty #federal #moral #media #Police #community #hope #violence #Constitution #hell #crimes #biden #book #military #earth #fear #politics #murder #created #Present #humanity #Congress #democrats #liberal #population #slavery #China #IDW #nation #politicians ...

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