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sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Separation is the answer.
House Republicans Start Impeachment Proceedings Against DHS Chief The legitimate reasons for ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
A treacherous agent leaving the border open, he has to go.
Senate In Extended Session Until 'Infrastructure' Bill Is 'Passed' The infrastructure bill is ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
The grift is on!
Taiwan: Short, Cute & Informative (3m30+s) []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Ol' Chiang also managed to roll up Mao's intelligence assets in Taiwan.
This is why we're still the way we are.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Goddamn! Are only the sexy weather and sports gals safe?
Christians Need To Take Control Of The Legal System & Governments To Stop Increasing Christian ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
🗣*REMOVE* the social justice heretics!
Warren Rothman: Trapped and Tortured in a Chinese 'Black Jail' | CLIP | American Thought Leaders ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
COVID vaccines offer the pharma industry a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reset its reputation.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
They're busy gaining a reputation for theft from the public treasury.
University of Wisconsin removes boulder from campus after students say the rock is 'symbol of ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
This is just inviting more racism hoaxes.
[] Big Pharma related.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Rep. Mike McCaul: CVD ‘Worst Cover-Up in Human History’ []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Gals, when they get into the business world, tend to inject extraneous notions of "social justice" into the business model and use those notions as a means of getting ahead.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Future Fox News sports commentator?
Request: Please let us know if your church is still open.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Asian American parents protest city 'scapegoating' their children | Fox News Digital Original ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Lotta leftists fault Asian kids for doing well in school. It spoils leftists' beloved narrative that tests are "white supremist" and don't let students "of color" succeed.
Worth every minute I spent watching this.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
*IMPEACH* Sloppy Joe!
Maintenance sex ????? []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Will a *reparations for bad sex* movement arise?
Which Provides More Protection?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Nature is your friend for free health care.
A musician walks in to a music store.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Don't need to know how to play—just dropping it will do that!
My German sausage didn't come with a bun... It was just the wurst.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
They'll sell you two potato pancakes for a euro.
Everyone told Sam not to sing But Samsung anyway
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Motorola la la la... la la la LA!
I was bitten by a nonbinary vampire last night... They came from Trans-Sylvania.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Lot of vampires on the alphabet spectrum. Just ask Russell Edgington!
Which Provides More Protection?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Pfizer doesn't make money off natural immunity, though!
NASA's X59 Quiet Supersonic QueSST Not a weapon - yet. Vid 4:04 mins. []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
A new and improved Concord!
Katie Hopkins: Two ways to help give your head some space []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Filling it with air also works—just ask AOC!
Meanwhile in Science []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
There will be more. AOC and her pals put out a lot of gas!
Turns out my doctor has no sense of humor
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
The old stool sample! 👍🏻
Dick sandwich representative ??? chuckle []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 8, 2021:
Just have her advertise the tuna.
Religion plus Propaganda is often an "Double Negative" that inexplicably leads to a Negative.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The kebab religion especially.
Of all the palaces and public art works in Stockholm, “Järnpojke”, at 15cm, is by far the ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Now, THAT'S some good modern sculpture! 👍🏻
Interior Department Confirms 35 Staffers Have Died of COVID-19 [theepochtimes.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Biden lied; his own staffers died!
PJMedia: Yeonmi Park, North Korean defector, was mugged in Chicago.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
That is true to form. The liberal white is never happier than white savioring for blacks, and damn near any black will do (except for one known to vote Republican).
Interior Department Confirms 35 Staffers Have Died of COVID-19 [theepochtimes.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Biden must lack empathy™: he didn't protect them!
As the Left reverts to magical thinking, we can expect more of this kind of reaction.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The Left love to gaslight you that you're crazy to think they're doing something while they're doing it energetically and even bragging about it.
Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole Delivers Concerning Message About COVID Vaccine and Long Term Impacts - The...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
We'll be learning of new side effects for years to come.
AK-47 Wielding Drive-By A Byproduct Of 'Defund The Police' Movement During an illegal exhibition...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
TFW no AK 47-wielding desperado girlfriend.
CANDACE OWENS: Our Children Will Not Know Freedom []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Mental issues sure to be a lot more common going forward. Covid lockdowns have made a lot of Americans a lot more antisocial.
Surprise | Obama Lied About Scaled Down Super Spreader Birthday Bash []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Another day, another lie!
Transgender Person Vs Vietnam Veteran Store Owner []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Good for him. Tranimals are a trip normally, and that one especially.
Fauci goes on and on about the "Delta variant." What became of the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Fauci's probably just reliving his envy for frat boys in college.
A lot of lessons for when any of us bring action against the Crown within 'non-common law' ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
People will learn from each other, and the efforts will get more successful with time. 👍🏻
The New World Order?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Sloppy Joe could walk out to the White House podium naked. You never know when his mind will be that gone.
The Ballad of Big Pharma: PROFITS Before PEOPLE - YouTube
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
🗣*CRUSH* the corona profiteers!
I'm telling you, the bar of the standards in parental expectation peaked in the 90s, so the ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Wish scientists would do something useful like genetically engineer real Pokémons rather than dumb stuff like cook up more Covid vaccines.
I went fishing today...Felt good.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Catch anything edible?
“$1T Infrastructure Bill” Advanced in the Senate … moves Toward Final Senate Vote Mike Lee ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
How about construct some prisons in the Aleutians for Bee El Em and Antifa? That'd be some groovy infrastructure.
Vikings were all about physical strength and were known to notoriously abandon sickly children.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
That's mean. They should've trained the wimpy kids to make kvas, or do something else useful that doesn't require much strength.
Might live in the ghetto, but I'm the Paris Hilton of it. Big fish in tiny shitpond.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Do you have a goofy catchphrase like Paris Hilton's "That's hot"?
StrategyPage: China subdues North Korea.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Peking may have told Kim that if he fucks around too much they'll close the Chinese buffet and McDonald's knockoff they installed in his palace. For a guy like him, that's one hell of an incentive.
The home of New York’s $295 burger, celebrated Andy Warhol’s birthday yesterday by serving the ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
No pop tart for dessert?
Senator Slips, Says Vaccines Have Killed Millions World Wide []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Say *NO* to the Mark of the Beast!
Depopulation War: Globalist MarkOfTheBeast Forced Injection Weapon Unleashed []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
🗣*FIGHT* Baalzebub's minions!
📢 AlexJones to Announce $,000 Winner — Check Out All The Entries! [infowars.]
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Give no dollars to Sloppy Joe!
Arizona Democrat Caught on Audio Seeming to Admit to Child Molestation, Now Faces New Felony Charges...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Will Sloppy Joe pardon his partner in crime?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Deport these demons.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Can't relax!
Whoever sold American " women of color " on the idea that Communism/Marxism is their gateway to ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The idea that Chinese and blacks are the same under the banner of "people of color" is one of the weirdest notions under the sun.
Smart Guy…
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
And that is why it's so hard to change the mind of a Fauci-worshipper.
I can relate, especially after a large glass of wine or two. 😆
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Pretzel sticks vs traditional pretzels.
Always Good For A Laugh
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
A mile in those shoes could be painful!
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Can't relax.
Joe Rogan on vaccine passports: “we’re one step closer to a dictatorship, that’s what the fk ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Joe Rogan isn't the hero we expected, but he's the hero we need.
Hackers hit Illinois Police database of gun owners- []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Another reason to get rid of licensing requirements. The government can't run the systems securely!
"My guess is that Rowland wanted to humiliate, rape, and kill a white woman.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Around blax, can't relax.
'Why Do They Want The DNA Of Americans?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Our friends in Peking likely just want to tailor their justly renowned quality, affordably-priced goods to Americans' genetics. Why so suspicious?
A good scheme.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Oughta hire some homeless as doctors. I bet they'd work cheap.
Always Good For A Laugh …
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Pennywise getting ready to go to dinner at the all-the-kindergarteners-you-can-eat buffet.
Next panic.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
It's been a long strange road from Gutenberg to Zuckerberg.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
The censors hate Joe Rogan for bringing information to the people!
PODCAST: Infrastructure & The Tax Man Reaching Into Your Wallet.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Sloppy Joe calls anything he likes "infrastructure."
August 07 1959 : The first U.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
40 minutes was an extremely slow download for that pic. I'd be fighting mad if my cell phone worked like that! Anyway, the pic looks like a glass of beer viewed from the top.
Are We Living In Matthew Chapter 24? [] Matthew24 ClayClark
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
For sure, we're living in interesting times, as the Chinese fortune cookie says.
Satanic Church Sues For the Right To Ritual Abortion []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Hope they offer free abortions to their members.
Hawaii jab mandates begin
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
That doesn't sound like the aloha spirit!
Remdesivir Is Poison! Try Budesonide, Ivermectin, Or Hydroxychloroquine Instead! ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Ride on, Health Ranger!
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Can't relax.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Can't relax.
AmericanMilitaryNews: Israel says it's ready to attack Iran after an Israeli merchant ship was ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
You know what a war between Iran and Israel would mean here at the ol' Slug! Non-stop pro-Israel posts from our resident superZionist @andaleyutro.
PETA Claims To Be In Favor Of Animals, They Don't Want ANY Animals To Be Pets []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Start using the insufferable, sanctimonious PETA crew as pets.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
🗣We need more women coal miners for "equity's" sake!
MarketWatch: Big Tech is seeing a 'Great Resignation' of workers who decide it's a great time to ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Wonder how much of a role wokeness fatigue is playing.
Individuals VOLUNTARILY working together create a group, for the greater good, as long as there is...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Is 2020 the year Americans revert to the law of the jungle?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Shouldn't accept Marxists' corrupt redefinition of "equity."
GatewayPundit: Obama continues his superspreader B-Day party.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Where's Obama's Empathy™?
GatewayPundit: DeSantis Responds to Biden’s “Governor Who?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Soon Sloppy Joe will confuse Kamala with Jill. 👀
Imagine how few Olympic medals America must have won in the middle of the 20th Century when it ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
And of course, Olympic medals are the be-all and end-all of a pleasant society! 😄
Remember When Kamala Was Banging Montel Williams? - []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
She's the *National Inquirer* vice president.
What is the fucking point???🤔
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Profits for Big Drug and kickbacks to their servants in government.
Buried in the Infrastructure Bill Is a Plan to Install Sensors in All New Cars to Monitor Americans ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Looks like Pelosi might not be able to drive anymore! Or Mika Brzezinski, for that matter.
Apple Will Scan All iPhones for Illegal Child Abuse Images, Sparking Privacy Debate Jack ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
This puts Sloppy Joe in *deep* trouble.
Watch: Confused-Looking Biden Looks at Notes, Then Falsely Claims 350 Million Americans Are ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Just surprised Alzheimer's didn't make him innumerate sooner.
'If you are born with a dk, you are not a chick': Shop owner doesn't back down when trans council ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
People who think a guy can become a woman by putting on a dress belong in a psychiatric hospital.
Dr. Drew & Candace Owens Weigh In on the FreeBritney Movement []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Dr Drew has come a long way since his MTV days!
Psaki Admits Biden Admin is Dumping COVID-Positive Illegal Aliens Into McAllen, Texas (VIDEO) ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
All Covid caution goes out the window when the Biden administration gets hungry for new votes.
You got the wrong idea about the cartels. Did you know they sell avocados?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
So, basically Robin Hood?
This Really Is a Member of Congress []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Cori Bush ought to hire a social worker to protect her.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Joe Biden got vaccinated... and look at how he functions!
The Science is Out on the Jab []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Lock Trudy down—free ordinary Canadians!
Daisy, Bill de Blasio has mandated the vaccine in New York City and has instructed businesses to ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Is he going to pay business owners to act as vax cops?
Cuomo’s Adviser Sent Hit Piece To Fake News Media Outlets In Attempt To Discredit Victim ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Lock him up along with Cuomo!
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