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"The Salvation Army is working overtime to distance themselves from their own statements made in a ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
If your church is infested with nog-worship, find a new one!
🌐 RESET WARS IS NOW LIVE 🌐 This special 25% off holiday discount will only be online until ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Alex Jones today, the nightly news tomorrow!
Freudian Slip?
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Fauci's evil ideology!
The War Room with Owen Shroyer LIVE 🎙 Tune In & Share: [freeworldnews.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Owen Shroyer did nothing wrong!
Anything Goes: Lies, damn lies and statistics. Scandal in Germany []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Merkel is gone, but her shitty principles live on.
Remember that time we got banned from YouTube for quoting/promoting a nun, a medical doctor, and a ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
It's time for these supposed right-wingers on the Supreme Court to earn their keep by declaring social media public squares subject to the First Amendment.
FEMINISM vs LOGIC (OWNED COMPILATION) 2 [] Cringe-worthy to be sure.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
There's nothing like watching social justice kids fight for the biggest slice of oppression pie.
Germany wants EU-wide crusade against Telegram Germany’s minister of justice has spoken in ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
I hope I live until I see Germany take a stand for free expression. I may live forever!
Fauci DEMANDS Fox News FIRE Jesse Watters [youtube.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
A hysteric pretending not to understand that "kill shot" was a metaphor for "gotcha question." Shame on Fauci!
Stalinists, ‘Super Tankies’, and SAGE []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Wonder how many of our modern-day tankies Stalin would've thrown in gulags.
What y'all think of this? []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Sounds like a Jizzy Smellit tale to me!
The Circus Has Come To Town 🤡 []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Wolfie B! How's that toothless old hound doing, these days?
Public Health will start gathering Canadians' cellphone location data - YouTube
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Trudy isn't letting the Covid crisis go to waste.
@admin, my 100usd...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
You may need to put on your kneepads.
Gain of function? Former CDC director’s new terminology: “gain transmission advantage.”
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
The humanities majors are hard at work inventing new jargon.
24 US States Sue Biden Admin Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children, Staff in ‘Head Start’ ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Biden, in his mental state, belongs in Head Start, himself.
‘The Squad’ Loses It After Manchin Says No Go On Build Back Better Bill > Pressley also ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Democrats can't resist haranguing him as a white supremacist. No surprise if they alienate him into switching parties!
Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/21/21 []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Tucker Claus has a beautiful president for Joe Biden every day.
Exclusive Interview for RT News with Sergey Lavrov - Foreign Minister of Russia since 2004.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
A hard man! I bet some older Americans miss Eduard Shevardnadze.
Gravitas: Panic Buying In China []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
They better not run out of pork! The Chinese are some pork-eating madmen.
Joe Manchin is racist … of course —Jamaal Bowman, NY Congreesman []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 22, 2021:
Manchin is Adolf Jr!
it was so peaceful
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Kalashnikov... don't leave home without it!
FoxNews: Biden DHS to close Trump border wall gaps, dispose of unused materials. []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Hope border czarina Kamala does a bang-up job!
Nancy Pelosi confronted by ‘Let’s go Brandon’ ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
She deserves a "Let's go, Nancy!" of her own.
I do not mind taxes as long as they are being used properly, but this waste and interfering with ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Sloppy Joe Biden specializes in wasting money shamefully.
Daisy, this is a quote that fits today "The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow." H. G. Wells
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
We can hope!
Amazing []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
It's time to fix the Liberty Bell!
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
She was against having children, and that's a big problem with her thinking, to say the least.
The so-called insurrectionists of January 6 murdered no one, despite Democrats’ calling the ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
It was just a rowdy tour group. Democrats need to get a grip!
kinda stupid but true in some cases.....well most cases
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The more you kneel, the more they'll demand you kneel.
obviously some one has the balls to call the crimals out!
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The good Kennedy!
Abortion Rights Are Pro-Choice Men’s Rights []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Male feminists are disgraceful cucks.
Exclusive — CRT Investigator Christopher Rufo: Even 25% of Democrats Oppose ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
That's right! And those dissident Democrats helped put Youngkin over the top in Virginia.
Leftist Infiltrates "Far Right" Mom Group And Accidentally PROVES The Left Is Trapped In A ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
These wankers won't let go of their fear fantasy that a rowdy tourist group was really a coup.
Fox News Expands Vax Mandate To Employees In NY, Ben Shapiro And Daily Wire Stay True REFUSE ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Fox is clearly playing a double game.
Trump Faces Criminal Charges From January 6th Committee AND NY Grand Jury Seemingly To STOP 2024 ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Democrats fear the Trump... they should fear DeSantis more.
"A Winter Of Severe Illness And Death" | Ep. 910https://[]
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Vindictive Joe rides again!
Please....Someone..... DEMAND an inverstigation !!! []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The old bat probably can't even remember all her crimes, at this point.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Conforming to the Covid caution cult and scolding unbelievers has become a way of life for many. It really is amazing.
It's Official! Durham Is Investigating the Clinton Campaign [youtube.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Lock her up!
Uninvite them.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Exile to Prince Patrick Island.
Airline CEO Calls For Unvaccinated “Idiots” To Be Ostracised From Society []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Lock that mad dog up!
COVID-19 Hospitalisations in Omicron Epicenter Fall by 25 Per Cent []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The little virus that couldn't!
Video: Tucker Carlson Covers The “Pedo Outbreak” At CNN []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
They may all be perverts at CNN!
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL LIVE Thought Police: Pentagon to Punish Soldiers Who Like ‘Wrong’ Ideas ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Demon dog donkey!
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL LIVE Thought Police: Pentagon to Punish Soldiers Who Like ‘Wrong’ Ideas ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Owen Shroyer did nothing wrong!
🎥Infowars Photobomb Challenge: $5000 Bounty to Drop Truth About COVID Takeover on Live TV! ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Crush the Branch Covidians!
THE ALEX JONES SHOW LIVE America Enters Longest Night as Globalists Target Patriots in Military...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Alex Jones today, the nightly news tomorrow!
Austria Hiring People to “Hunt Down Vaccine Refusers” []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Germanics always make the nastiest authoritarians.
Omicron is a Massive Let Down For Lockdown Fanatics []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Not deadly enough to suit their purposes!
Shock Video: Mob Beats Man Unconscious, Batters Him With Chair on NYC Sidewalk []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The savagery of NYC!
Christmas All Over Again by Tom Petty- []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Damn shame that Tom Petty can't come around here no more.
🎥 New Footage of AlexJones Protesting the KKK Discovered []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Down with the Kovid Kaution Krew!
KyleRittenhouse Is A Certifiable Rockstar And The Left Is Pissed []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The R in AR-15 stands for Rittenhouse.
CNN Medical Analyst Admits: ‘Cloth Masks Little More Than Facial Decorations’ []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Fauci's fraud!
The GreatReset; Still a Conspiracy? []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Lock Schwab up!
Nearly 90% Fully Vaccinated Portugal To Impose Holiday Covid Restrictions Due To Omicron ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The vax won't save you!
German Malls, Markets Issuing COVID Bracelets for Approved Shoppers []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The Beasts has many Marks, these days.
🔥🔥🔥Video: Cheers Erupt After Man Says ‘AlexJonesWasRight’ At School Board Meeting ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
He nearly always is!
🗿Watch: AlexJones Reveals His Favorite Sculpture In Austin []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The madness!
CHRISTMAS SUPER SALE ☃️ 🦐 Ultimate Krill Oil 50% Off A simple formula to help boost ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Alex Jones today, the nightly news next year!
West OUTRAGED as Putin warns NATO of possible military response []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Joe Biden will fill his diaper in retaliation!
Libtard...Versus logic []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Chunk Yogurt was more interesting before he became a DNC shill.
Woke Tiktok SWJ FAILS with Jordan Peterson|ONN Stock []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
The SJWomen just keep sinking further into mental illness.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
That's the wokerati playbook!
Biden Warns Unvaxxed Of Death And SUFFERING Just Before ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Sloppy Joe Biden remains bitter and spiteful to the end.
"If you allow politicians break the law in an emergency, then they will manufacture more ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
That's right! You'll get a permanent state of emergency.
JUST IN - Today at the newsstands across England.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
This is an apt time for escapism!
I may make fun of all of this; but I sincerely wish everyone a Merry Christmas 🥰 and if you want ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Covid restrictions have made America nuts!
Joe Biden announces his new COVID plan to battle Omicron 🤡 🌎 - Will add 10,000 new ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
His brain is gone, so he probably doesn't realize that the US has passed the point of diminishing returns on pushing vaccinations (running out of unvaccinated people open to getting the jabby).
Reporter Gets Surprise LIVE On Air When Patriot Walks By []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
FJB and his media propagandists!
Robogeddon: Autonomous ‘Slaughterbots’ Programmed To Kill Technocrats invent because the ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
When you don't trust your army and police forces to be ruthless enough...
Anything Goes: Omicron is a Massive Let Down For Lockdown Fanatics []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
They didn't put enough deadliness in it!
How Patriots are CRUSHING Woke Corporations [] I certainly hope so!
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
No, I wouldn't like a BLM with that!
Gravitas: Chinese Officials Were Buying PCR Tests In May 2019 []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Caught red-handed!
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Grim Reaper, meet grinning reaper!
🤔 countermands the goodwill to all men and peace on earth routine
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
He has guilt trips for them all!
Lies, lies and more lies The shaming of whites by the mainly Jewish/Israel-first media is ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Tim Wise should be arrested for terrorism.
WATCH THIS! Not a single study done on natural immunity. Not a single one! []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Natural immunity doesn't make Pfizer megabucks!
Special Privileged Prerogatives and National Interests by Joe Kelley 12-21-2021 Returning to:...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
When is it too late? The US is a failing state.
for those vegan relatives that are coming to dinner
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Lefty Uninvited From Family Christmas After Demanding Everyone PCR Tests []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Yay! Won't have to put up with another BLM shpiel.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Truly the Frankenvax.
Do White Lives Matter?
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Remove kebab.
Enter the latest hardware in Russia’s means of deterrence.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
You have to hand it to Ivan for offering solid weaponry at a reasonable price. Very different from the Americans, who make everything as expensive as possible!
The end of merit as we know it.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
"Equity" is code for dumbing down.
Please enter at least 10 characters.
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
A dog would probably be of more comfort.
DailyCaller: Biden’s Disapproval Rating Hits New High After Telling People They'll Die For ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Biden's Christmas present to himself was to kill his ratings.
Male Feminists Of Tik Tok Get Reviewed By Matt Walsh []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 21, 2021:
Their women despise them as wimps.
🔥GET THIS DISCOUNT FOR A LIMITED TIME 🔥 ✅ Save 25% when you sign up today! 🌐 ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Santa Jones!
Rand Paul Goes Nuclear Against Big Tech Censorship - Rumble
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
It's time for the Supreme Court to declare social media public squares subject to the First Amendment.
Let's go Brandon...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Joe has an achievement... just not one he expected!
The Homecoming by Norman Rockwell
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
The wholesomeness! 👍🏻
AlexJones Files Lawsuit Against January 6 Committee []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Make those crooks pay!
Passersby Shout ‘F Joe Biden!’ During Live Fox News Interview in New York City []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Let's go, Brandon!
AlexJones Tried To Stop Jan 6th Riot: TuckerCarlson Reports []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Alex Jones did nothing wrong!
Implantable Microchip Stores Your COVID Vaccination Status []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
The Mark of the Beast is here.
It’s not that it’s news the Clinton Campaign was involved, it’s that this investigation is ...
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
There's still time to lock Hillary up. Is putting her in Epstein's old cell too much to ask for?
The same situation occurred with Polio, but we almost have it beaten. []
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Covid will likely be with us forever, like the flu or the common cold.
Have reparations been made to black people in America?[]
sqeptiq comments on Dec 20, 2021:
Yes. The Jennerdashians dispense reparations every day.
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