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Tony Heller: All Schools Open In Sweden

Unlike the US (and Canada), Sweden’s approach to COVID-19 is based on actual science. They never shut down their primary schools, and are now opening their high schools and colleges.

warminster100 9 May 31
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As at 01/06/2020. Sweden’s death rate from Covid19 4395. Norway 236. Finland 320.

Tanya Level 5 May 31, 2020

Sitting here reading y'alls decisions that this country made a mistake closing down. Would you mind writing that on the 100,000+ headstones.

Dmwils Level 7 May 31, 2020

36 000 Americans died in road accidents... you still driving your car? Would you mind writing why on 36 000 headstones?
Completely preventable deaths... just reduce the speed limit to 8 mph.

Would you also mind to explain the 30+ million Americans who are now without a job that their jobs and incomes are not essential?

I am not saying don’t do anything... however quarantine the elderly and the at risk... don’t destroy the livelihood of people who has no risk or take no more risk than they already do just by going to work everyday.

It is never that simple.

80% of the 100,000 deaths occurred in "nursing homes."
Should we write on every one of these tombstones, "I died in a nursing home."

@warminster100 they died in nursing homes for no reason..they died trusting. So what do we write..died because no one cared?? What a wonderful human race we are becoming we abort babies and kill off the seniors...remember the song "in the year 2525 if man is still alive" is being very fitting..


Proof that social distancing and masks are not only irrelevant, there is growing evidence that "flattening the curve" has caused longer exposure of those with pre-existing conditions to the virus, actually increasing the death rate among those with pre-existing conditions beyond a normal flu year.

And have you seen the numbers for flu this year??? uncommonly low, so how many COVID-19 deaths would have been listed as flu this year???

Under the Constitution, leadership only has the right to impose draconian social measures when they can prove due diligence to establish that a threat actually exists. They have not done so, and the lawsuits are already lining up. Those who have seen this coming have opened everything up to keep from being blown out of office like being shot from a cannon, and to limit the liability of the government. Stay tuned. This is going to be very interesting.

--Try to get stats for USA deaths by month Jan - Apr, 2019-2020.
You will probably find no significant increase.

@warminster100. Here it is: Look for the deaths by day. []


And how did they fare WRT the WuFlu?

Geneticists who have analyzed the gene sequence of SARS COV2, which causes COVID-19, are confident of three facts:
1.There are no markers which are unavoidable when genes are spliced (engineered).
2. The forensic path clearly shows a very old gene sequence consistent with a path through bats found in China, but no where near Wuhan.
3. A much more recent forensic path in the gene sequence of the virus shows that it went through the pangolin before jumping to humans.

The R-nought value of SARS COV2 is 5.7 in 2.5 days, which tells us that the entire globe was exposed to the virus long before the West was even aware of its existence in China.* And that means social distancing and masks were an attempt to prevent exposure that had already happened. []

Furthermore, 99% of those the virus kills are smokers and people of any age with serious pre-existing conditions. Its possible that the remaining 1% also have pre-existing conditions that are undiagnosed. This is why populations with high concentrations of smokers and illnesses, like Italy, have higher mortality rates than countries like Sweden. The numbers are still consistent partly because of the unusually long latency of SARS COV2. And partly because other things are still getting them.
See "Multiple Conditions Increase Risk." []

So with a case base that could be 2000 times greater than reported right now, that makes the virus 2000 times less dangerous - far less than the common flu. SARS-COV2 is less dangerous to healthy people than driving. Not a very effective biological weapon.

Doctors think no disease should be acceptable. And as medical doctors, they may be ignorant of the consequences of political decisions. Does COVID-19 kill people? Yes. The same people who doctors like Dr Fauci should expect to be taken out by the flu and pneumonia, etc, because of other infirmities, every year. 2,046,549 people died in the US last year of all causes except suicide. Around 110,000 are now listed here as dying of COVID-19 in the US, almost all of whom could have been listed as dying of their pre-existing conditions.

Are the Chinese making the most of all of this? Of course they are. They are pretty good at strategic planning, but it doesn't mean they orchestrated this, sorry.

Creating a vaccine will be futile if it mutates, and this source asserts it has already happened. Do we want to destroy our nation waiting to find a vaccine that is effective?

So how did this happen? The media in the US was about to go under for the last time as among the least trusted groups in history (below Congress) and desperately needed a sensational story. When Taiwan announced the virus, the media did their best to make it as bad as they possibly could, and the American public - particularly the dumber half of the IQ curve, was ready to play victim.

There is no threat. And China could not have done what our own media did. And the New York Times proudly reports that 87% of the media are Democrat.

Finally, the Constitution justifies draconian measures only if leadership can prove due diligence in establishing that there actually is a threat. As you can see here, that claim will fall to pieces in court, and the lawsuits against the governments are just beginning.

*cases = 5.7**(periods), Periods = days/2.5. Day zero is 17 November

First week, 131
Second week 17,096
Third week 2,235,367
Fourth week 292,279,519
Fifth week, (End of December 2019) 38,216,242,089
(The World is 7,783,000,000)

To #smallbusinessowners & those affected by #lockdown,
It wasn't #COVID19 which closed the #economy and your #business, it was #government and #Parliament by allowing the #CoronaVirus Act to pass. Fact. We see this from countries (busy or not) #Japan and #Sweden with no #lockdowns.
Yet Govt claim to help you in #furlough relief either unaware or aware it was originally them which caused you to be on it.
#smallbusinesscrisisnow #endthelockdown

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, “See, if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.” - Harry Browne.

@TimTuolomne lots of valuable information. I was expecting a quick response like, a whole lot better than us or the resto do the world that went along with the fear mongerer plan. 😉

@Daveclark5, I'm seeing lots of posts that are quoting media outlets, which are spreading tons of misinformation. Telling the whole story seems to be the best way to respond to most posts about the virus.

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