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Yet "black communities" have been doing this since the 60s. The Watts riots, Chicago riots, and so many more more through the years. Makes me think in these cities there are some old black dudes sitting around having coffee as they they talk about all these riots saying things like, "Hey you guys remember when we were so stupid we burned down our old neighborhood to protest against the man?"

"Yeah, sure do miss the old neighborhood. I remember setting fire to old man Johnson's candy store. All the kids really hated me after that, it got so bad I had to move."

"I wonder why we have never learned that burning down you own neighborhood, or any neighborhood, just to protest never does anybody any good?"


KCSantiago 8 June 2
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It's almost like doing the same thing over and over does NOT give you a different result... Maybe we should try a few more times just to make sure.


The riots show the quarantine has been over, social distancing and mask are optional. We were overdue for a riot, its been about 30 years since the last one and that seems to be a trend in the 20th century.
The media did push buttons on purpose to incite a black riot. Yet these riots do not seem to about BLM. A lot of people are not black who are in them. There is something else going on here for sure.

Do NOT compare American riots to the Hong Kong protests, the riots in America are NOTHING like Hong Kong.


The teen "rebel" phenomena is an American and Western invention of the left. In many countries of the world it does not exist and the kids respect the elders. The communist left has been working on this for years and we see the exponent now.


You wonder why? Look at #OKBoomer , this is the embodiment of disregarding older and experienced people all to point blame at them for their own problems.

That was a NZ girl who said that first... she was glorified here... she is still in parliament for the green party and now is no 3 on their list.
When I said, that is the embodiment of the ignorant and arrogant youth, people frowned at me.

Well, I don't know. Isn't it a rather common, repetitive occurrence that young ones don't show much respect to grown-ups and grown-ups always groan about it? I don't take much notice of this OK Boomer business, to be honest.

I always remember a job advertisement displayed at my local shop, saying "An experienced mechanic wanted, age 19 and under, while they think they know everything." (Satire) 😂

Excellent point! It explains a lot about my own kids. Had a situation with my oldest where I knew exactly what she was dealing with in an abusive relationship, and where things were going having been through the same experience on many levels myself. She flat out refused to listen to me, but when she finally kicked the bastard to the curb she had enough sense tom come back to me and apologize. It also explains so much on a national level with actions our federal government takes, things I remember happening when I was a kid, but then when the feds do the exact same thing today nobody seems to remember, especially younger folks. These anftifa kids really have no clue they are acting just like the brown shorts from the nazi days, that they are doing something totally unique. But then Psalms (I think) talks about there being nothing new under the sun.

@Naomi I think previous generations feared their parents more. To this day, I don't curse in front of my mother and I'm 35. I think there was a healthy amount of respect with generations before mine. Now, kids curse their parents out and the parents excuse it because "he's having a bad day". Parents want to be friends now instead of parents. I have a 14 year old and we joke around but he knows not to cross me. I tell him to do something and he does it. I don't cross that line of parent and friend which is very defined for me. I've told him once "Don't talk to me like one of your little friends" and he's been good at that. I've said to him point blank that I'm not his friend, I'm his father. There is a difference.

@KCSantiago We are all a bit hardheaded when we are younger but some of us like to learn the hard way. I sometimes do. I have a hard time when someone tells me what I should do when I don't ask for their input. I think this is a reflex of doing what I'm always told to do but not liking it when I was younger.

"Don't talk to me like one of your little friends" Ah, I wouldn't say that. I would let my child to figure out the family dynamics by himself/herself.
Anyway, I respect your way of bringing up your child.

@Naomi Don't worry, I don't even raise my voice with him, I'm stern. He respects me so I don't need to go insane with him. Serious face, serious tone.

And thank you.

@KCSantiago not Psalms, but Proverbs.

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