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Here are tips on how not to get harrassed or shot by a policeman:.

  1. Don't point a weapon at the police.
  2. Stop comitting crimes in the 1st place
  3. Stop comitting crimes in the 1st place
    I said that 2nd one twice, because some people need to hear it.
DeplorableToo 7 June 14
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Possible to listen to RAP and not shoot people? But maybe YOU have a brain bigger than an atom.


I think that the cops are due for a huge realty check and it doesn’t matter how it happens. Law and order is for all, including the cops but we know they are above the law. Shooting somebody over a speeding ticket is unconscionable. There has to be a better way!

Rick-A Level 8 June 16, 2020

The vast majority of cops are good people. To equate the whole with the actions of a few is ludicrous. It's the same as saying, "all teachers are child molesters" because a few teachers have had sex with students. Shooting someone over a speeding ticket would be a crime. But, what exactly were the mitigating circumstances? There have always been mitigating circumstances, in every single case. Whether or not those external factors resulted in the death, or escalated the circumstances that eventually led to the death are usually what is in question. Did the police act in a best practices manner? Did the purported victim contribute, by their actions, to their own demise.

@DeplorableToo I agree with you, but this is now being used by the left to point at the right as if it was their problem.
Trump has done the right thing to call this up and initiate change. It’s about politics not the police and the bad apples are taunting the whole crate. Trump needed to get in front of this and prove that he doesn’t like what’s going on. He did this and I hope that it is reflected in the polls.
The cops are in a tough place because politics trumps, excuse the pun, reason. We all know that most cops are great.
Ask MSM hahaha.

@Rick-A 💯 in agreement

Millions of cops (first responers, remember) do their civic dute to protect the public everyday. They deal with criminals....get it????????????????????


Ethan Saylor was a Downs Syndrome man who lived by routines and wanted to wait in his theater seat for his mom to pick up him. Two off duty cops choked him to death.

Brian Clauch, wheelchair bound double amputee, was shot through the back of the head --BACK of the head--because the cops (alerted to his retirement facility by the owner who said he refused to go to sleep and wanted a soft drink) thought his ink pen that he used for cross words could kill them.

Charles Kinsey, a caregiver for an autistic man, was shot in the legs by a police officer who said he thought he was robbing the guy. (he was helping him off the street).

There is an entire database of police abuses where no one was a criminal but they were harmed anyway: []

I got pulled over for speeding and instead of being written a ticket the cop asked me to step into his car and spent an hour flirting with me.

Just because you believe cops are all angels and that you have to be a hardened criminal to get abused by them doesn't make everyone else a liar.

Again, the word "tips on" does not mean these are the all-inclusive ways to avoid being harrassed or shot by a policeman.

HAHAHA I think the media want us to belive that gangbangers are angles coz all of these floopes that the police had to deal with starting in Fergerson were gangbangers or wannabe's... You think some cops are bad ? You should go with them on patrol if you want to see bad.....

@DeplorableToo I don't need a tip on not committing a crime. I have morals. That is those pesky little beliefs that prevent good people from doing bad things--including choking Down's Syndrome men to death for wanting to wait for their moms. Cops --and everyone else--do many things that are legal but still immoral.

@DeplorableToo, @johnlondon Oh yes of course! They have it so much worse than Marines in combat zones! OR EMTs who also drive into those "gang banging zones" without body armor and a monopoly on force. I mean no one has ever harmed an EMT before.

For the record I lived in one of those "gang banger" zones and I didn't have a badge or body armor. I managed to not kill anyone or turn into a bully myself. There are good cops and there are bad cops. The bad cops get worse because, much like Satan, no one believes they exist.

@ThomasinaPaine everyone admits that there are bad cops, not one person has said they didn't exist. Just like there are bad athletes, teachers, preachers, military men, lawyers, doctors, etc. Humans have both good and bad representatives. But, to proclaim that there are more bad than good cops is an outright falsehood.

@DeplorableToo People admit there are bad cops as if its one in a hundred. It's not just "bad cops" it is also cops that go out angry, cops who really don't have the courage for the job and then get frightened. It's also cops who abuse people because they're bullies. There are angels and devils in all of us. The issue is that cops who do bad things, until recently, were excused and their crimes covered up.

Cops are humans and do wrong things. The badge doesn't make them a saint nor differently than a cross makes someone a Christian. Actions are the only thing that matters and cops who are good ought to be screaming the loudest with no caveat.

Everyone expected Muslims after 911 to take action within their community and the 99% of Muslims in the US who weren't terrorists lived with people being afraid they were--because they did NOT police their own community and stand strong against those who were.

I wish, I WISH I had more than one good run in with police so that I could live in the world where bad things don't happen to good people and the government was on my side. I just don't live there. I volunteered at a battery women's shelter and met more police wives than other occupations. People who will beat their loved ones will beat strangers. I even knew a lady whose first cop husband beat her and then she marries another one.

There are good cops.

@ThomasinaPaine I know "angry scientists, IT workers, and postal workers" I know many, Lord knows MANY teachers unqualified for babysitting jobs, let alone educating our kids. There are MANY unqualified, unchecked, untalented, and underpaid professions. I think the issues are larger than bad vs good cops. We have entire communities who are never EVER responsible for themselves, their actions, their lack of respect for anything other than drugs, theft and crime. Change the Root problems first.

@DeplorableToo Angry scientists, IT workers, musicians, and balloon artists don't carry guns or have a monopoly on force. They don't have a "code" that keeps others from ratting out the bad ones. That's the difference.

You seem to be under the impression that most of the people police have killed this past decade are gangsters versus fathers picking out a birthday present and buying dog food, veterans feeling suicidal for lack of mental health care, autistic men, disabled people, and even wrong houses during a no-knock raid.

That one man was watching TV in his own living room when that female police officer entered his home and shot him.

Sure gangsters are bad people but cops who do not themselves to submit to the rule of law are also bad people--worse because they ask you to follow laws they won't follow themselves.

@ThomasinaPaine 🤣😂 you've never worked with angry scientists.

@DeplorableToo I've worked with angry engineers, two of whom got into a fistfight in a conference room once. That was pretty fun to watch, actually. Neither of them were any good at it....much like their coding.


If no one is going to talk about 25 years of the influence of Gangster Rap you will get NOWHERE....

I own both NWA albums and 2 post graduate degrees. It's possible to listen to rap and not shoot people just like its possible to watch Halloween and not stalk teenage girls with a butcher knife.

It is logically possible for both criminals and some cops to be awful humans. Humans are rather complicated like that. It is also possible for some people to be corrupted by power over others just as others are corrupted by feeling powerless.

No one is drafted into the police force. They choose it. They choose it knowing the risks just as firefighters do and our military. What you don't see after incidents like that at Haditha is the military trying to excuse it because "their jobs are hard."


This is so on point it’s hilarious. Why is this not obvious to some?

I don't know...really, hardly anyone on here will mention it but me...are they afraid of being called racist???? I think many of them just don't know?????

I honestly am amazed at the "list" of two-three people they want to fling out as "unarmed" and totally "innocent" victims of a police shooting as if every single episode involving a cop ends up in tragedy. It's as if they ignore the tens of thousands (probably closer to millions) of police interactions per day. I wonder just how often these same people have screwed up at work, made a mistake, or had a bad judgement call. Policemen aren't saints. They are people. People make mistakes.


Here is the formula for NOT getting shot by police

  1. don't commit crime
    2)when confronted by police do NOT flee and do NOT resist
    3)do NOT threaten or abuse police verbally and absolutely do NOT brandish weapons at police
    4)comply immediately and without resistance to all police commands
    5)remember all 4 listed above and act accordingly.
iThink Level 9 June 15, 2020

Throwing the RAP albums away would do much more than the above....

How about, instead, we censor all the rap we find to be anti-white, and all the rap we find to be culturally offensive? I mean, if the lunatics that cry out in the streets and protest graffiti as "art" are also the same crazies banning statues, cartoons and Gone With The Wind as being culturally offensive, isn't that a little hypocratic?


I understand what you want to say... however no 1 is not true. Neither the latest two black deaths had guns on them.
A stolen taser is not a gun (or a lethal weapon).

I fully support the police and appreciate the tough jobs they do, however in both cases the deaths were wrongful.

Hanno Level 8 June 15, 2020

Please read #1 again. Don't add verbiage that isn't present in my statement. (I never mentioned black deaths, tasers or guns). I stand by my statement of "Don't point a weapon at the police" as being an excellent way to not be "harrassed" or "shot" by the police.

Ok, 19 deaths in 2018 was due to police shooting people who did not at any point, aimed any weapon of any kind at them.
Lookup Julia Damond for example if you dislike my references to race. I just used the latest two well published examples.


Obviously your chances of getting shot by a police officer goes up astronomically if you threaten a police officer with a weapon.

@Hanno ONCE again do not remove verbiage from my statement. The statement is, and I quote directly for you to READ once again: Here are tips on how not to get harrassed or shot by a policeman.


Maybe that all make you feel better.

  1. Respect for authority (the position, not the person) goes a long way.
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