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As I watch my western culture and White history being attacked and destroyed by screaming liberals and hate I have one question; where in the hell is the republican leadership? Not one peep from my representatives in Washington. I'm pissed and feel lost, while no one seems to be fighting on my behalf.
This has caused me to begin hating people as never before. It's a raw hatred too, wishing death upon many people. There are so many decent black people in the world but I'm starting to hate blacks as a whole. There are many great celebrities amongst us but most are rotten to the core and are behind ANTIFA , BLM and others who want to destroy western culture and the 'stright white man' . I wish them harm. Never before did I wish death upon someone.
I personally think that once President Trump gets reelected and has nothing to lose he will step up to the plate and call for an end to this madness. Hopefully he will rally us to come together and stop this assault by enemies within. The only way to stop the rioters who use force and violence is to use the same strength back. If these thugs go to burn a police car, deadly force should be allowed to stop it.
Would not a world where people are not allowed to willfully destroy other peoples property be better than the present? There's a big deference between stealing items from my business and coming to destroy my business, my livelihood. If we don't stop this attack on our western culture now, then when do we? After the whole country looks like Chicago? Lets get mad my friends. White, black and brown, come together, be pissed and stop the Democratic machine, the far left liberals and socialists from ending western culture. The rule of law.

daroldbanniste 7 July 6
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Videos of blacks literally kicking and stomping whites, makes you wonder what species of wild animal exist in their DNA. The constant accusations of all whites being racist. I hear you, Iā€™m tired of it too.

FEWI Level 8 July 6, 2020

The same is happening in Canada, perhaps worse as the "Conservatives" are globalist leaning!

Thank you for posting this. I've noticed in the past few months we've heard nothing about what's going on in the rest of the world, and it makes it seem like USA is the only one in trouble... šŸ˜Ÿ

I feel for ya. America's Rebublican leaders are more worried about getting reelected than fighting for the princibles of our forefathers.


Do not invite hatred into your heart. He is an evil master that has no interest in your well being.

Do not surrender to groupthink. Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, etc... have made this country a better place. Although we on the right choose to see the individual over the group, the left targets them because they are an affront to the left's narrative. They need our support.

The Hollywood system is destroying itself. Now is the time to promote a change to the movie and arts culture. Support a conservative movie.

Andrew Breitbart had his conservative epiphany when the Democrats, who pretend to promote the blacks, tried to perform a "high tech lynching" against Clarence Thomas. I believe the current unrest is minting many future Breitbarts.

Great comments!

You are right on target my friend. All the blacks you named are great human beings. They get no recognition from the left. In fact they are attacked and made out to be uncle Toms, fools of the right.


Republican leadership does seem to be AWOL. Could it be election year cowering?

I personally think they are more interested in getting reelected than standing for the values they pretend to hold.

@daroldbanniste This is where the title "RINO" came from!!!!!!!!!!!
There are only a handful of true REpublicans out there, and they are getting harder to find!!!!!!!!!!!

@M1959 True, and doesn't that say something about how sad the democratic party is! They've set the bar so low that Republicans apparently feel like they don't have to do much of anything to continue getting votes. Of course, that's a losing strategy when it comes to independent voters.

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