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What does the anti slavery antifascist left say when asked to help the uighurs? Anyone tried?

A1fredo 8 July 16
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How can we help?

You can protest exactly as you did for everything else, and that will actually help because it would raise awareness globally, and China is all about keeping its shit on the down-low.

You have the power of alerting the whole globe about it. Youve been doing it over and over, and over since 2014.

@A1fredo The left cares about justice for Palestine and we haven't protested en masse, and Israel isn't nearly as powerful as China. Moreover, we are more likely to have an impact on foreign policy if we focus on influencing politics at home. It's about cost/benefit and priorities.

@WilyRickWiles Organs harvested in concentration camps. We could hear you scream about Trump's two scoopes from Mexico. You need to get a thicker wall. We can hear you all the time... How do you expect us to believe you really care if you are not even willing to do that annoying nothing of effort you do to gather and be a nuisance to get on the media and let everybody know of what's going on? Seriously? Those people having their insides extracted and sold are not a priority?

@WilyRickWiles What cost? The bottles of water for the march?

@A1fredo Maybe you should consider organizing around that issue if you care so much about it and think protest would make a difference. Organizing is mostly online right now.

@WilyRickWiles I can't. I live in the shithole known as Mexico, they wouldn't be able to do it even if they had the time to afford. But even if we did, nobody cares about our protests. We can all go out and protest, nobody would know. Nobody cares about us.

@A1fredo Organize people in the US in Zoom meetings.

@WilyRickWiles Are you kidding? I don't even know why you guys bother replying to me. Tell me where to go to get heard by other Americans, and I'll be glad to try.

@WilyRickWiles I don't know any Americans personally.

@A1fredo There are all sorts of grassroots political organizations. Pick one and start some conversations. It's better than screaming into the void.

@WilyRickWiles Can you point me to one? I'm not familiar with the concept of grassroots political organizations.

@A1fredo Here's the thing. It doesn't take a lot of research to find the answer to that question. But it's a matter of mutual trust. You want to work with an organization whose ideals you understand and whose members your trust. Likewise, I don't want to send you to an organization I trust, when I don't know yet if I can trust you. So do your homework. It will require learning more about the real left, not just the caricature that the right shows you.

@WilyRickWiles Then was the whole "How can we help" thing sarcasm from the very beginning...?

@WilyRickWiles You really know how to make a poor gay Mexican feel oppressed by your whiteness. Way to go!

@A1fredo No, I thought you had an ask for me as an individual, but it turns out you just want the left to spontaneously organize around the issue. You minimized the cost of organizing yet refuse to do any organizing or research yourself!

@A1fredo Organizing starts with political education (both for yourself and the people you are trying to persuade), then communication, meetings, and mobilization.

@WilyRickWiles Me? I am struggling to come by food to survive during the pandemic under a curfew with most businesses closed and with the Mexican government hunting us down to fine us if we don't wear masks. We don't receive government money like you do. Don't you have enough free time with all your white privilege and American wealth to do a little something you do all the time already anyway? Plus yeah, I was asking you individually to point me to where I can contact other Americans to try to organize something, and then you just left me hanging withotu any help at all. So, what help are you willing to provide at all? Since explaining what is the grassroots political organizations thing is too much to ask too? Really?

@WilyRickWiles Education? And you want me to do something? You know I don't have access to such thing.

@A1fredo There's lots of free information on the internet.

@WilyRickWiles So shamelessly you first steal our land by taking California, Texas, Arizona, etc. from us, and then when I'm poor and starving during a pandemic and under a facistic government, you expect me to be able to self-educate myself about all that is needed in order to organize the movement, because you are too comfy in your White Supremacist throne to even tell me what an English term means? Wow. You haven't changed since the times of Santa Ana.

@WilyRickWiles Never mind. Let the uighurs die. I can't do all that.


But surely a communist nation could do no evil. And they say cultural Marxism is a conspiracy theory!

wolfhnd Level 8 July 16, 2020

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