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I have no argument for this; but I feel that mocking how they are developing themselves in a religious way is not the way to go, I think it may be overly offensive and we could break the last bridge we have to reaching out to them. Perhaps being able to understand the reasons behind it, we could find a better way to approach this. Because it's obvious they are becoming a cult, but there's an underlying issue there, that is driving them to it. I just suggest we should try to be smart about it. Which btw, acting as individuals will get us nowhere because a million individual ego-tripped intellectuals who think that know it all won't make any changes at all like the mob does. Perhaps some humility would help here.

A1fredo 8 July 18
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you have a good point. As I stated here:

"The left has completely taken over Wikipedia."

The people themselves are not your enemy. It is the idea which has wormed its way in the hearts and souls of mostly good although rather gullible people. The evil idea of Marxism cannot be changed, but individual people can be changed. deprogrammed, cured, enlightened, red-pilled, etc.

Much effort and expense is, well... expended, on blue-pilling hollywood actors, and in fact anyone of prominence. It doesn't always work though. Not only do they come to their senses sometimes. Sometimes, they actually find out how they were duped. Read the Story of how pissed off Humphrey Bogart was when he found out he was being duped by Marxists. It's a great story that you won't usually come across. But you can look around for it. It's also mentioned in "Tough without a gun." a biography of Mr. Bogart.

Yeah, I've always thought individual people is the way to go. Sigh. It's frustrating no one seems willing to really try. I wish I was there to try. Then I stop and think again. Man, I would've been burned at the stake long time ago. Sigh...


Absolutely on about individuals vs. mob rule. I wouldn't use the word THINK for a mob. Just aggression, perceived race injustice, often with little factual content.
We've moved away from reason.
Mobs will exploit humility.

Yeah, man. It's sick. I hate them so much. It's the irresponsibility of willingly staying blissfully ignorant even after asked to reconsider and given all the reasoning in silver platter. They are so selfish by letting themselves be convinced by their emotions. And their are doing it at the cost of actual victims. It pisses me off, going from being aware you must tough high school out and not shoot all the immature bullying assholes with the promise of someday living amongst matutr reasonable people, to this. What was the point of making such effort to develop the ethics, morals, and emotional maturity and control; if in the end, all it does is to enable the stupid asshole majority to enjoy their delusion at the cost of everyone around them. It's so goddamn fucking unfair--and then they come in mass and take any and all consolation pity away from you. Man, that's just evil. And if you can't hate evil, who can I hate. And having developed self-control, now it just feels like agonizing in hell until you're done burning like a match and die. RIP. He was aware. All the fuxking time. Too bad nobody else could be bothered to grow up. Sigh...

@A1fredo yes, it's like it's coming apart, don't you find?
We actually can't enter other people's reality, nor do I try.
If they want a BRIDGE to me, I'll bridge too.
Somehow we have to find our peace, contentment outside of that.
I know feminism had it's reasons, causes but then, didn't it escalate?
I won't escalate, or I wish not to.
I saw the world going bad long ago, acted accordingly.
I hope you find good coping strategies.
I'm Christian, and that's my stabilizer.

@2FollowHim I understand, however, this aren't regular times. I hope you could find the joy in seeing things from a perspective where it's not all about yourself. I'm glad you are fine, but you probably realize that won't last if in the end they cause too big of a problem for society. I hate to say this, but I would suggest that "if they want to bridge to me" would be actually pride, which is a sin. I know it's not fair to be expected to do something when it's not your problem, but don't you want to prevent what could lead to the end of the US? I mean... I personally am a Mexican-residing Mexican here. I'm struggling with food during the pandemic, I'm tired as fuck, and keep trying because I really really don't want the potential consequences about to come. I keep trying, but I can't seem to motivate people, and me being here, having no voice (nobody does in Mexico, unless you are from the 1%,) so I really wish some of you might be willing to help us all as well as to help yourselves. You and I both know they won't be building any bridges. And I am scared.

@A1fredo Actually, we're physically not fine at all. For the past 3 years, my loving husband has been on the verge of death, off and on, and there's no instant answer.
If people aren't interested in co operating, I call it building communication bridge, you can't make them.
So hard to communicate, isn't it?
We went to Mexico, exactly as you say. It's like a caste system. I was proud to see so many Mexicans stay somewhat cheerful in a slave situation. There's slaves, and worse slaves. Their's was not bad comparatively speaking.
I saw THIS situation evolving many YEARS ago.
Many years ago I was saved, and then again and again by Jesus. My rock, stabilizer.
But that's me, my life, and I tell you bcuz that's what keeps me going.
Do you know Canada? Government? On YouTube.
MSM was paid off for billions. We're totally bankrupt.
So many Canadians so careful, frugal, losing all.
The younger group often little hope.
This is huge!! This time period. China is determined for world domination. Communist, which means all for the few, we starve.

Advice is such rot. But still, this is for me, as well as you:
our thoughts, feelings can be turned upward.
Events follow this path. It's a big fight, but worth it.
I get 24/7 practice these last months, years myself.
You're better than most at hearing, understanding.
Thanks for reply.

@2FollowHim I appreciate it and whatever works for you... I feel the need to keep try, as shitty as it is. I can handle the moodiness. Can't handle the hopelessness of feeling I'm not doing anything about it... Thank you very much though

@A1fredo ok. May I suggest if you feel you need to DO something, keep notes? All your thought, work should have notes. Then you get IDEA, you note it, try it. Our own thoughts can be really crummy, go nowhere.
If you think it could work.
Bye now. Hope to here some good report, and not just you!
I really actually LOVED many Mexican people. They always forgave me my atrocious Spanish.


I agree with your sentiments but it takes two to tango. While I feel we should keep trying to reach out it gets very wearing to be not listened to and howled down by the mob. Unfortunately the cult like behavior goes right back to the beginning of Radical Feminism and marxism.

I agree. I... Just... As an outcasts thought I eventually could experience the world like they do. Sigh. Nevermind. Thanks for the reply.

@A1fredo You may feel yourself to be an outcast but you would eventually become the same in the cult You are a thinker and therefore a danger and would be watched no matter how well you understood and followed cult thinking

In some ways I have felt myself to be an outsider in my society. I to am a thinker and regularly thought about things most of the people I knew did not. I was an SF fan when SF we looked down on as futuristic drivel. I am also an avid reader and the majority of people in the UK are not.

@Thasaidon Don't get me wrong, I don't claim I couldn't be indoctrinated or that I am too special for that. Just that I apparently have decided over my life that I would rather be a shut-in with no friends in extreme poverty than to become one of them, or even deal with them at all. And that was when society was kinda "normal." Too much lies and evil in the form of voluntary ignorance and the complete aversion te self-reflection. It just... Fuck... My future's non-existant.

@A1fredo I did not think you were.It was you saying you wanted to know how they think.

Never give up hope. While not in as bad a position as you are I thought I had totally screwed up my life when I was 18. Then by chance a couple of random things happened and I was able to pull myself up a bit, only to get married to a woman who emotionally abused me for years. We eventually divorced and I was alone for 10 years. Then at the age of 51, through a couple more random things happening I met and married my current wife. and life has been good since. You never know when a random event will change your life for the better. So keep your eyes open.

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