5 1

I got the greatest idea ever. It's for this site right here. Here's my idea, lets make all the groups that we can possibly make about everything that we can possibly imagine being a group, lets have a group for gingers, Left handers, INTJs, gay people one for men and one for women, right handers, leftists, rightists, angels, demons, everything, even stuff for just the things that we all like, like I don't know Oprah Winfrey, no actually that's a bad example, I meant like people such as Britney Spears or something like that. We can have a bunch of these groups, and then we can actually talk about this stuff like real people, all that I see on this site so far is just a bunch of people talking crap about each other and things that they don't like, like, I get that's the point of this site, it's just, it was meant to preserve open conversation, not meant for just only people that their only goal here is talking crap, talking crap, it's just talking crap, like there isn't anything anyone is ever saying, I mean about anything, even when they are saying something about something it's they're always talking crap in it anyways, so, if that was the purpose of this site, we could be going about this in much of a better way to talk crap than this though, we can't just have a bunch of people in scattered groups talking crap about other groups, if that's the case, it's not even if that's the point that we are able to talk that crap like we are to supposed to even, it keeps people who actually have things to say from saying them, not that it is keeping them from that is the first problem, the other problem with that is that it keeps people from hearing it when they do speak, no one cares, everyone is just going to keep going back to the same groups over there and just talking crap about other groups, and then people want to wonder why there are so many idiots here and that everyone is, is, talking crap about everyone no matter what they say, it's because of this, this reason right here. This is not open conversation, this is just not even one group talking about other groups it's just talking crap about those other groups, this is doing nothing really fast. We need, we need to have a bunch of groups, that just makes talking crap about what we all don't like having to talk crap, so much easier too, or if that's not the point, then at least then we can actually have a bunch of groups talking about things like what we should be doing. And then, we can all just get into these groups and just keep going back and forth then talking crap about each other, doesn't that sound like that's what we should be doing, instead of only coming here to talk crap about things we don't like and to see who else is talking crap and about what?

Lets do it, I already got these ideas for names, lefties fight club, INTJ fight club, we can also make one group for leftists and one for rightists, and then we use these to keep going back and forth just, to, talk, crap, about each other, get it?

caseyxsharp 7 Sep 14
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Lots of those sites already and many defunct ones...Lets just stick to politics instead! Who cares what your silly dogs name is and how you think it is like a human.

Why is that a good idea, lol? No one is saying anything about politics or whether anyone would care about what a dog's name would be, they're all just talking crap about the politics they don't like, that doesn't look like the best use of time to me. If you just want to talk crap about something, you can do that about anything, this site was meant for saying things, not ever was it talking crap about everything and just as it happens any one who wouldn't.

@caseyxsharp That's an excellent idea Casy. it would help stop becoming just another site where the right come to stroke each others egos, like Bitchute for example.


Uh, nah!
I mean who talks pure unadulterated crap to waste space and time?
Thanks, but no thanks.

Rick-A Level 8 Sep 14, 2020

Well don't let me stop you, but I will try to change your mind. I don't think that you get the kind of trash talking that I mean. Talking back and forth because there is disagreement, is how problems get solved, without confrontation nothing happens, that's basically what all of the universe is about, there has to be conflict, especially conflict to have a good story which might have just been meaningless anyways. Right now, this is what people here on the site have been doing is what you're thinking of. I don't like it either, that's why this is much better, if the point was to talk crap at least about other groups that are different then that's there and you can do that, but in the confines that it supports the group that you're in, right now people are just scattered around and jumping from group to group just to talk about mainly things they don't like and more than that too just to talk crap about those things, I'm trying to show people, if that was the point, when we're not doing it right, you can totally talk trash without actually talking any trash, and then there is these people out there that just talk nonsense, calling it trash talk and then acting it's right or somehow true like it's not just trash, that's toxic trash talking, get it? Purely trash talking, it serves a greater purpose than to tear things down just to tear things down, if you trash talk then you should at least have a reason to, that's the point of trash talking isn't it, if you did have something to say, then trash talking anything you trash talk is meant to be trash talked about or what was the the point, that is problem, there isn't any point to it, you either trash talk and have a point or you are trash talking without a point and what you are trash talking is meaningless, at least trash talking can prove a point of the point is being to trash talk you must trash talk, there is no other way to do it.

You do realise that the space wasted is virtual, right?


Members make groups - and you have enough points to do so now. So, make all the groups you want. Your groups will then have to attract others to join with the posts created within the groups. If there is interest, then the group will grow. If not....


America is still out there.
You are part of it.
Satan controls our Media, which is trying to convince us that the devils and his Minions have won. Those of us with faith know that, Satan has no power, beyond what we give him.
It’s time for a great revival !
America is still the very best country on earth.
Turn off the nay sayers, get off the couch, and stand up for what is right !

My wife and I grew up in the turbulent 70’s and because we had heart, we were liberals when we graduated from college.
Then we raised three children. We watched them go though the human stages of mental and emotional development.
We are designed to rebel, to break away from our parents.
Young adults want change, we don’t know why, because we don’t know how the world got in The condition it’s in.
We just want to change it—- NOW !
We watched and we learned from them, as they built our character.
Now we are old and conservative because we have a mind.
And the circle of life
Goes on
And on

David42 Level 7 Sep 14, 2020

I sure do miss back when the morning coffee would hit me like that and my scalp would tingle as if I could feel my hair actually growing in real time. Nowadays it just makes me have to go poop.

Ohoh, thank you for that I guess. I don't know be appreciative or grateful that you decided to share such a, uhh, you know I don't know, a personal life story like that, but thank you, yeah.

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