9 4

I still believe that Not All Democrats are EVIL. Some are just ignorant, but willful ignorance is not a virtue.

However, I can’t think of a single Democrat politician who is not Evil. Can anybody think of one? If you think you can, please look first at their stance on the following:

  1. Murdering the most innocent people (babies)
  2. Hatred for God and removal of God from the Democrat platform; 1st amendment religious rights
  3. Destruction of the sanctity of marriage
  4. Law and order (constitution; police officers; etc)
    ... the list of Gods priorities they stand against goes on.
Daveclark5 8 Oct 26
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Tulsi Gabbard


"However, I can’t think of a single Democrat politician who is not Evil."

It's all in the wording. A politician is still a politician regardless of a D or an R. The ones to be super cautious with are the career politicians who will literally say anything as long as it makes them look favorable to whomever they are pandering to.

  1. Murdering the most innocent people (babies)

If it's about abortion laws, I agree that there have been some truly horrific partial birth abortion as well as late term abortions, that have a large support by Democratic politicians. (I don't recall seeing any support by Republican politicians)

I have also seen pro life groups among Democrats and Republicans. I found an interesting read about the Pro Life Democrats:

  • We are Democrats against Biden standing alongside Independents and Republicans who think the pro-life movement needs to invest in and support pro-life Democrats.

  • Our ambitious advocacy agenda for 2020 includes protesting the Democratic Party's extreme abortion plank at every step of the 2020 election


There currently are less (if any) political representatives that support pro-life Democrats. More politicans are moving toward a much more extreme end, which is not an accurate representation of all people with liberal values. Republican representatives are equally dismissive of pro choice conservatives.

Personally, I am pro life, (with very extreme exceptions), so I do also tend to view Democratic politicians as "evil" when they advocate for such extreme abortions. That is not how I view all Democrats, however.

  1. Hatred for God and removal of God from the Democrat platform; 1st amendment religious rights

This is most definitely concerning. Pelosi, Biden, and other representatives have claimed they hold no such bigotry for Judeo Christian values. Actions would say otherwise. The Amy Barrett hearing alone was notably biased as well as the double standards they show when comparing other religions to ones more traditionally associated with western values.

As far as "evil", I'm unsure. Much of the Democratic modernism seems to be steeped in Oligarchic rule placing minority values and customs in a protected group. There are still a majority of Christians in the United States and I feel this unwarranted negativity to our faith has not reflected well on Democratic politicians. Personally, I find it two faced and a biased double standard, however not necessarily evil.

  1. Destruction of the sanctity of marriage

Homosexuality and gay rights for me is a separate issue from mixing church and state. I believe government has no buisness in the say whether two consenting adults wish to be married. They can be leagally married without church participation and churches should not be forced to accommodate them.

Both the Democrats and Republicans have moved to a more accepting stance on gay marriage. However, the Democrats have been pushing for churches to be forced to allow gay marriage, children be taught in schools about homosexual sex practices, and other far too extreme programs that I don't agree with.

  1. Law and order (constitution; police officers; etc)
    ... the list of Gods priorities they stand against goes on.

I think, in the end, if you judge purely by faith, you'll be hard pressed to find a politician absolved of evil, regardless if they are D or R. Which I can understand must be extremely frustrating to those who would like a shift back to the more traditional days of the value of church in a society.

Western civilization was built largely on these traditional Christian values. I often find them paramount in determining our moral compass, law and order, kindness of our fellow brothers and sisters, and an overall "center" of unity despite our political differences. It is sad to see them being replaced and demonized by extremist groups.


annnd truth be told there are many evil hearts on both sides of the political aisle.

iThink Level 9 Oct 26, 2020

Hence my comment (second from the bottom) after writing the post.


For the Faithful my response is Amen!
For the Secularists I say Hear! Hear!

iThink Level 9 Oct 26, 2020

It really depends on your definition of evil.
My wife had to go through extreme emotional and medical trauma when her baby died and she had to wait three days to get a mediCal abortion, since abortions are only done in two places in our country legally. To me that is evil.

Including only the Christian god and not allowing any of the others and forcing everyone to conform to your own god, is in my view evil.

Who gives you the right to tell others who they may or may not marry? To me that is evil.

Now I agree with the law and order and pretty much else and am not a Dem supporter... however be careful not to be evil yourself by claiming others to be evil just because they don’t believe what you do.

Hanno Level 8 Oct 26, 2020

“It really depends on your definition of evil.” You’re right and my definition is similar to that of Miriam Webster’s dictionary especially WRT moral qualities. You’ll note that the (partial) list of criteria I provided included :
Murdering the most innocent people.

The procedure you described does not fall within the confines of anything thing I said. What you described involves a medical procedure called a D&C (dilation and curettage). This process is not used when there is a live child in the womb. When the baby dies in the womb, the dead baby must be removed from the womb and the womb should be cleaned out to prevent infection. There is nothing immoral about care for the mother of a child that died in the womb (the contrary is true).

Your second point is arguable, but I don’t force others to force anybody to conform to God. However, looking back at the definition of evil, it does refer to that which is not moral. Morality is only meaningful with the perspective of a higher being (God) having authority to determine what is right or wrong. My post is from my understanding of this and based upon what God teaches us through His love-letter to us which we call the Bible. Clearly, if you are not I retested in what the Bible teaches us about how to live our best life and how to be pleasing to our creator, you’re free to believe what you like. The USA is still a Christian country with laws and a constitution that were based upon the Bible (even though many people are working feverishly to change history).

So, my post is targeted toward those Americans (USA) who are constantly bombarded with attempts to change is and co fuse who we are and for what we stand.

I’m not sure where you came up with the idea that I want to tell others who they can and can’t marry, so I’ll skip answering that since it doesn’t apply to me or my post.

As for your last para: you may want to reread my post. I think you’ll see the first thing I said was I still believe that not all Democrats are evil. When I said I couldn’t think of a Democrat politician that I could say the same about, you may want to look up “Evil”. I am not claiming to be good myself. The Bible tels us that there is nobody that is truly good; not one. My post was about the dilemma of how Christians can decide for whom to vote in an era when all the candidates are covered in mud (Not admirable or attractive to emulate).

I hope this clarifies fir you if you actually wanted clarification. I also added more information in the first comment after the post.

In my wife’s case, she had a catastrophic failure of the placenta wall at week 14. The doctors knew the baby would die. They were not allowed to stop the pregnancy because the baby was still alive. She was told to “wait” for the baby to die... it took three terrible and painful days. Eventually she had the D&C with complications.
This was simply because of the Christian argument against “murdering innocents”.
She was told it is “Gods” will and she should toughen up... by people who will never have to go through it. She almost died because of someone else’s religious prejudice.
It may not be what you stand for, however it is an outcome of that you stand for.

Now we can go into Moses killing Egyptian first born babies because the Pharaoh was evil, or Elija killing children with a bear or the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian children and babies during the Israeli conquest of Palestine etc, but I know such arguments are ignored by believers.
And since I personally do not support non-medical abortions, I will not argue with you over it further. I only want to show hypocrisy and the potential evil outcome of your religion.

To say that morality is only meaningful in a religious context, and specifically in YOUR religion, you need to visit the Middle Ages when the RC church forced that idea... you just have to replace the word Bible with Koran and suddenly you yourself are “evil”. Exactly who are to to decide whether your Bible is right and the Koran wrong? (You can replace Bible and Koran with any other religious text).
Your outcomes form such ideas have always been evil. Unless you feel war is a righteous endeavour.

I obviously did not understand what you meant with “sanctity” of marriage. I support marriage myself, however as I understood it, you meant only between man and wife. My argument to stop other people from marrying just because they are not man and wife.. as evil. Rather that is my opinion.
If you meant sanctity of marriage in another way, then I apologise for making the wrong assumption.

I do understand now that you meant that this is a Christian dilemma, and I should have seen your post as such... with the bias that is anyone not believing like you is evil. This does imply that you see me as evil which is highly offensive, however, that is your opinion.


On a national level, I see people like Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchin as being a bit less than evil. I don't agree with their positions on the issues, particularly hers. I think that they are wrong to stay with a thoroughly corrupt party like the modern Democrat party. At a local level, I have occasionally run into Democrats who were not evil. Many of them have stayed with the Democrat party for years out of a family loyalty to the party. Some are in the Democrat party because they trust the organized Republican party less than they trust the organized Democrat party. Several Democrat politicians have recently endorsed Trump. I think that they are all city council members or state legislators, but they are elected Democrat politicians.

Thanks for the honest reply. I’ll have to research Tulsi Gabbard and Joe Manchun. I have a hard time understanding how they could choose to represent a party that has adopted such an evil platform though.


Power corrupts.

I don't judge people because I know if I was rich and powerful I would have trouble with temptations.

I think a better question is can you think of a Democrat who has a peaceful happy soul? I think the painted on smile of Nancy Pelosi for example hides a bitter soul. That bitterness has infected all our institutions. It's worth keeping in mind that the generation of peace and love turned into narcissism and nihilism. The first sin of the Democrats was a lack of gratitude for the culture they inherited.

Empathy is a peculiar instinct. It doesn't understand it reacts. Like all instincts it is a reflection of the selfish gene. Only the abstract can transcend instinct. Civilization requires that we transcend instinct or emotion and have faith in each other. The abstraction of one nation under God with liberty and justice for all does not stem from emotion but the rational realization that the perfect is the enemy of the good. The acceptance that we are limited beings and despite our best intentions there will be unintended consequences. Humility and gratitude keep bitterness at bay.

wolfhnd Level 8 Oct 26, 2020

Great post!


Given that Democrat politicians are evil and many Republican politicians are evil as well and all of them do evil things, how should Christians vote?

The answer is clear, we must vote for the principles (and those that represent them) that are more in tune with God’s priorities as explained in the Bible. If we will have to “answer for every idle word”, doesn’t this principle also apply to how we vote (not voting is akin to remaining silent when they are about to kill an innocent man)?

Christians must educate themselves on the issues, pray, read the Bible for answers on those issues and act according to what honors God.


Nope. Can't think of a SINGLE one! I'll keep trying, though.

dmatic Level 8 Oct 26, 2020
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