6 2

Did you ever notice that Republicans sound like nagging parents these days? "Well, I don't want to hear it when you have to pay more taxes.", "Just wait until they get into office, and you'll see"...
Nagging did work for mom; don't waste your breath. Kids gotta learn on their own. Just sip your wine and hope the children learn from their mistakes without serious injury.

ktpinto 7 Nov 21
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Nope. I will not stand by while the globalists reduce my quality of life and I will not abdicate my parental responsibilities.

I didn't say don't do anything about it [parents who are sipping wine don't stop parenting]. I said that telling democrats over and over what's wrong with the B/H regime is just going to frustrate you and serve no purpose.
Don't bother talking to dems about what should be done, just do it and enjoy their reaction when reality hits them.


$10 says JB and KH start a bloody regime change war in Syria before the 4th of July.

RobD1 Level 7 Nov 21, 2020

I assumed by March. -shrug-


And let them destroy the county in the process?

I didn't say don't do anything about it [parents who are sipping wine don't stop parenting].I said that telling democrats over and over what's wrong with the B/H regime is just going to frustrate you and serve no purpose.
Don't bother talking to dems about what should be done, just do it and enjoy their reaction when reality hits them.


The loss of life and blood will be a very expensive lesson. Freedom is not free and without freedom there is no hope.

FEWI Level 8 Nov 21, 2020

So then be a good "parent" and do something about it.
Just because a parent is sipping their wine doesn't mean they aren't still parenting.

I'm just saying stop telling the Dems what's wrong with their choice of leaders, because they aren't listening.

@ktpinto Actually there are many democrats listening. Democrats own restaurants, bars, boutiques etc. too. They do not want to live in a communist/ socialist country anymore than I do, hence why the dominion system shut down when the Trump votes hit 80mil. The only ones that want this new socialist regime are the elites, the people who think they are elite( but actually aren’t)... they will get a rude awakening and the ones who have nothing. There are only 2 classes in a socialist regime; the elites and the nothings. My guess, you’ll be one of the nothings.

@FEWI I like the nasty jab at the end. Not sure why you thought nastiness was necessary... but okay.

Let's see if I can make this simple: I have seen Republicans on my social media say stuff like I've mentioned above. It's NOT going to change the mind of the people who voted B/H.

You are talking about Dems who voted T/P. I'm not talking about them, like I explained in my last response. But thank you for assuming I was, and thank you for talking to me like I've lived under a rock my whole life. Without you, I'd have NO idea that democrats are business owners too! That changes my whole perspective on what I said. Oh, wait... no it doesn't.

@ktpinto It was no jab. The elite is only 5% worldwide. You took it personal when I was being general, I and probably everyone on this site will be considered nothings once they initiate the reset. I wasn’t trying to be nasty, I guess it bottles down to perspective.

@ktpinto You’re laughing now but you won’t be laughing if they initiate the reset because I’m afraid a lot of people will die.


Was that just a typo or am I losing it?

Rick-A Level 8 Nov 21, 2020

A typo would be one mistake because of a slip of a finger.

I don't know if you're losing it or not. It does seem like you're assuming what I am saying instead of asking for clarification. But it could be that you're losing it as well.

I can't help you with that. Sorry.

Republicans sound like nagging parents???

@Rick-A Hahahahahaha! Okay, sure they don't. Hahahahahahaha!
Not like I gave examples of what I've seen them saying.I just made the whole thing up in my imagination! eye roll

@ktpinto You have lost it, I knew you had. Go back to your troll cage and try again!

@Rick-A Um... you responded to MY post, making YOU the troll.
But it's cute that when you run out of things to say, you get insulting... that's the weapon of someone who's lost from the start.

@ktpinto Look in the mirror, that’s an idiot and that’s what the rest of us see. You really are below average IQ!

@Rick-A Aw how cute. Elementary school insults.
That's right up there with "I'm rubber, you're glue..."


People who voted for the Democrats will of course get what they deserve. The problem is, they’re inflicting it on me when I deserve better.

I didn't say don't do anything about it. I said that telling democrats over and over what's wrong with the B/H regime is just going to frustrate you and serve no purpose.
Don't bother talking to dems about what should be done, just do it and enjoy their reaction when reality hits them.

@ktpinto Peace offering. You may be right.

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