Happy Thanksgiving! This morning, I give thanks to Karl Marx for giving the world socialism. What are you giving thanks for?
Look at Marx's personal life if you want to know what motivated him. He was a parasite, sexual abuser, lazy and irresponsible, terrible manager, and failure. He certainly was not the kind of person that makes for health, productive and happy communities.
Nothing like a capitalist!
No nothing like a capitalist.
Have you every done anything that is intrinsically useful or have you spent your life criticising other people
@wolfhnd Who am I criticizing? You're the one criticizing people here--I criticize systems of power.
Not really, you are criticising a social system that gives people as much agency as possible. You just as well be a Nazi minus the racism and nationalism. Collectivism has been tried and failed often enough to predict what it will do if tried again.
I guess I can say I'm "thankful" for not being a socialist (not being an idiot)!
You said it!
Happy Thanksgiving, Rick. And Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans who are celebrating with their families today.
Happy Thanksgiving, Rick. This morning and every morning I am grateful that I was not born in a socialist paradise like Stalin's Soviet Union or Mao's China or Castro's Cuba. With all its many manifest faults, the USA has given the world so much more than Karl Marx or any of his inspirations ever did or likely ever will. Now if we can just reform the banks! Happy Turkey Day!
Though I don't celebrate that where I live, I would say I'm thankful for the freedom that I have.
I am thankful that the Lord Jesus has saved me, for my family, for my church, for the fact that I get to be a citizen of the United States of America, and, finally, that God has graced me with enough discernment and common sense not to be the slightest bit thankful for the opinions of Karl Marx or the wickedness of Socialism.
Ironically Marxism started out as a Hayekian social phenomenon. Until the formation of the Soviet Union, which turned Marxism into its official state doctrine, no one had to read Marx's books, translate them into other languages, discuss his ideas, try to apply these ideas to areas beyond Marx's immediate interests and so forth. Marx's students did this through their own agency because Marx articulated a message that they found compelling and worth devoting their lives to.
marx was a worthless user of people just like the lazy ass youth of today educated morons
I am thankful that the world showed us how socialism in all it forms have consistently failed and now saves us from going down that path again.
I was hoping someone else would address this stupidity, I find myself questioning why this guy doesn’t go and live in a socialist country where he can experience his stupidity and ignorance.
Scores of countries in the early 21st Century offer their citizens some kind of universal health care, including ones that we wouldn't consider very developed or wealthy. And the evidence shows that they are generally delivering this health care competently. Hans Rosling in his book "Factfulness," for example, points out that Cuba has the healthiest population compared to similar middle-income countries, while America has the sickest population compared to similar high-income countries. So when it comes to health care, the evidence shows that socialism is working.
hows the lack of decent health care working out in america in this pandemic? most deaths of anywhere in the world? socialist countries seem to do better eh?
they've done a great job on you guys, you can die like flies and applaud the freedom to do so while you die in your droves.
Actually americans aren't the sickest not even out if developed nations. Like chile has the similar life expectancy as Canada, dispite only one having universal healthcare. Although we do have issues with our healthcare mostly insurance is scamming us. Our number one cause of health issues is due to obesity and poor diets which isn't because we aren't socialist and the rest of the world is catching up with our obesity rates
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