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As the pos-election US deadline approaches, winter is here, holidays are around the corner, vaccination is being pushed, cyber attacks are on the agenda, I am seeing two conflicting , or actually three conflicting storylines, based all on half truths , rumors or propaganda. Hard to work out what it going on.

  1. MSM and official governments narrative all over the world is largely bogus, we know this, to many inconstancies, double think, false reporting and down right propaganda.

  2. I'm hearing rumors of Donal Trump working with military behidn the scenes to take back the country from corrupt officials and forign interferance and go after everyone.

  3. I'm hearing even from Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates all announcing some diabolical bigger and faster and worse crisis than covid, during "Dark Winter". Cyberattacks are being mentioned as a way to advance their agenda for Great Reset.

Now, I have no idea which one of these will happen, which one is true, or what is going on behind the scenes, but something is going on, weird things are happening all in the last few days/weeks.

All kinds of leaks, like the china leaks in Canada and those 2mil communist party members being across the world governments, probably working as spies. All leaked document in just last week. Some say, that Trump is doing it to prepare people for the China cheating and therefore he can get support to take back the country from corrupt goverment and Chiense. Some other people say, that Tump is working with the Globalists and that the plan is to blame China for everything and scare them that they cybersecurity is a threat and that all grid has to be changed and therefore "smart grid" can be implemented, a two way system to control how much each person is using energy and therefore control them. Also food supply attack.

So its hard to know what is really going on, but I'm sure of one thing. Nothing is what it seems, don't take anything for face value. Something big, is coming our way, and its hard to say if its the good or bad guys.

Krunoslav 9 Dec 14
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Good commentary! It is getting intriguing!

dmatic Level 8 Dec 14, 2020

Yuh, if you were writing a novel about the take over of the USA, wouldn’t you be thinking along these lines?
Voting machines are the new revolution and nobody would even know. Just announce a winner and the sheep follow the piper!
It’s too easy, it’s being done in front of us!

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 14, 2020

All three options can happen at once.

Last night, while working, I kept having a bible verse fragment come to mind. I don't know my bible, though I'm trying. I usually read when I have an experience like last night, when a verse fragment enters my mind. Well, I always have to Google them because I never know where they are found. Last night I had to search for it too. The verse fragment was "a third of people will die". After searching the internet, I discovered it's from Ezekiel 5:12. The full text is as follows:

English Standard Version:
A third part of you shall die of pestilence and be consumed with famine in your midst; a third part shall fall by the sword all around you; and a third part I will scatter to all the winds and will unsheathe the sword after them.

So 1/3 die of pestilence and famine, another third are directly killed, and a third will be chased after with the threat of being directly killed. I had to go read about the context of the verse. It is when Israel was captured by Babylon and had become worse than the pagans. The Israelites were punished and they lost their temple. I have a strong feeling your answer is in this verse, otherwise I wouldn't bring it up. After all, who am I to spout scripture when I've never read the entire bible. Anyway, it's just something to ponder.

Yeah, I think Jews had to developed those ideas because they were predicated over and over again by many invaders and they lost so much, and yet trough their storytelling and faith they endure and in fact thrive. Showing both the power of their faith and ability for humans to adapt no matter what and survive.

I'm not religious myself, but I understand the power of religion and faith. I am hearing more and more people use Biblical language to describe what we are seeing. I don't know if that is good, because it unifies people and gives them a sense of Good vs Evil world view so at least something to unify people. But off course also faith offers hope , offers comfort to people, religious rituals offer cultural and family bonds, important fabric of our civilization. And it can go into end of times territory which I think almost any religion had at some point, probably from long term observance of how human nature works.

In Hinduism, Kali Yuga is the fourth and present age of the world cycle of yugas, or "ages."It's also the end of the four ages that comprise a cycle and is often referred to as the dark age. In Hindu belief, the Kali Yuga leads to destruction of the world and then the creation of a new cycle of the four yugas.

Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga. Common attributes and consequences are spiritual bankruptcy, mindless hedonism, breakdown of all social structure, greed and materialism, unrestricted egotism, afflictions and maladies of mind and body.

Hinduism often symbolically represents morality (dharma) as an Indian bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, but in each age morality is reduced by one quarter. By the age of Kali, morality is reduced to only a quarter of that of the golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg.

I feel we are either in Kali Yuga, end of times era or there will be major victory for the people and we end up having renaissance and whole new golden era. Curious times. 🙂

@Krunoslav the" golden era" reminded me of this short video that goes through the cycles looks like we may be doomed to repeat them

@KeVince yup. History may not always repeat itself, they often rhyme thought.

@KeVince Good video, by the way. off course today this is global for the first time, not just one empire of country, or civilization so that is probably new for the first time in history.


the first casualty of war is truth

KeVince Level 8 Dec 14, 2020

How true.

War is a result of the absence of truth.

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